Pain in the sacrum in pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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When a woman complains of pain in the sacrum during pregnancy, this means that she is concerned about pain with localization in the sacrum. To the very sacral bone pain can have nothing to do. The collecting image of "sacral pain" is a symptom of a whole complex of diseases that need to be given special attention, and in the state of pregnancy, attention should be increased many times. Pregnant women, experiencing constant increasing pressure on the pelvic bones, are forced to put up with minor discomfort, but the pain can not be tolerated in any case.
Painful manifestations in the region of the sacrum and lower back, in pregnant women, are due to many factors. Some reasons are provoked by changes that have occurred in the body due to pregnancy, others with pregnancy are not related, but are related to the initial dysfunction of any organs. That is why, there are two types of pain in the sacrum in pregnant women: pain associated and not related to pregnancy.
Pain in the sacrum associated with pregnancy
Pain in the sacrum in pregnancy, in most cases, is a sign of "fatigue" of the spine and musculoskeletal back apparatus, especially in the lumbar region. The baby in the womb develops rapidly, with a constant set of body weight, the belly becomes bigger and heavier every day with a woman. For these reasons, a woman is often forced to take a position of the body that is not characteristic of a normal, not pregnant state. Standing and walking, the trunk is, as it were, curved in the lumbar region, and the center of gravity is shifted slightly back. In this regard, the pressure on the pelvis is increased, and the muscles of the lumbar region are forced to be in constant tension.
In late pregnancy, pain in the sacral region becomes the harbingers of the approaching genera. For example, premature birth manifests itself in the following way: regular, recurring pains accompanied by increased tone of the uterus and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, which causes the stomach to tighten, becoming like a "compressed lump."
Nature has thought out every mechanism in our body in such a way that it, the organism, is capable of adapting itself to all the natural processes taking place in it. Pregnancy is no exception. It's about the so-called training fights. Pain in the sacrum during pregnancy, a woman begins to feel just with such bouts. They appear long before the birth of the child. These fights are of a short-term nature, the pain is not strong and very remotely resembles real labor before delivery. Such "training" the body as it checks its capabilities and weaknesses. No special actions are necessary to eliminate training fights, it is quite natural, we can say, the work process.
In addition to the listed reasons for the occurrence of pain, the following are likely:
- infectious diseases of the pelvic organs;
- exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
- hormonal disorders;
- lack of calcium and other trace elements in bone tissue.
This is not the whole list of possible causes of painful sensations in the sacrum and lower back related to the process of pregnancy, but the most common are already named. Now it remains to find out the causes of these same pain, also manifested during pregnancy, but not directly related to it.
Pain in the sacrum, unrelated to pregnancy
The nature of the origin of other causes, which result in pain in the sacrum during pregnancy, is associated with the presence of pathological processes in the pelvic ligament apparatus, with impaired development of the pelvic bones themselves or problems with the spine, pinching of nerve endings in the lumbar region (neuralgia of different etiologies). Before the onset of pregnancy, a woman could suffer from one of those diseases that had previously caused pain in the region of the sacrum and waist, but they were not given such importance as during pregnancy.
Planning your pregnancy in advance, and knowing that the body has "shortcomings" you need to get detailed advice from the appropriate doctors on further behavior in the case of exacerbation of chronic diseases or the appearance of concomitant diseases that can aggravate the course of the underlying disease and detrimentally affect pregnancy.
How to find out why the sacrum aches and where to go?
All questions related to their health and the health of the fetus, pregnant women, in the first place, should ask their gynecologist. In case of appearance of any suspicious symptoms, anxiety about the future of the baby, urgently contact the doctor. After a primary examination, and in detail asking about all the sensations, the gynecologist will make the necessary tests (smear, general blood and urine tests), send, if necessary, a consultation to other specialists, as well as the passage of additional diagnostic methods.
If the pain in the sacrum during pregnancy worries constantly and is not the cause of the processes associated with the pregnancy itself, it is very difficult to eliminate, because the definition of the root cause requires diagnostic methods that can have a detrimental effect on the fetus. Thus, for example, methods of radiographic examination, MRI, and even computed tomography are not completely safe for pregnant women. Therefore, before the final choice of a diagnostic option, a full range of "safe" surveys is needed and only in cases of acute need, it is necessary to resort to hardware diagnostics. Independently to find out the true reason of a pain is not always possible, and probability to be mistaken in the assumption is rather great.
Treatment of pain in the sacrum in pregnancy
From all of the above, it is probably already very clear that it is not always possible to determine the true cause of pain from the first minutes. After going through the complex of diagnostic procedures, having confirmation or refutation of the fact that the pain is associated with the processes of pregnancy, the attending physician decides on the appointment of drug therapy. If the pain was really connected with the process of pregnancy, then, depending on the cause, a complex of vitamins can be prescribed, relaxing a light massage on the lumbar region, wearing a bandage or special exercises that help relieve the tension of the lumbosacral muscles. It is very likely that medications are prescribed if the pain is clearly pronounced.
Regardless of the reasons, pain in the sacrum during pregnancy - there is reason for another meeting with a gynecologist. If there are combined causes of different diseases, then constant monitoring of the health of the mother and baby should be carried out by a whole team of specialists. Do not write off the behavior and the most pregnant woman. Taking an active part in maintaining your health, you should know in which cases the pain is the result of a natural process, and when it is worth the alarm, and without losing precious time, urgently seek medical help.