Dry skin
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Than shows dryness of a skin? This feeling of tightness, sometimes peeling, thinning, dullness of color, a tendency to irritation. Dry skin on the face can lead to early appearance of wrinkles and flabbiness. Theoretically, this is characterized by a disorder of electrolyte and fat metabolism, the work of the glandular system, a change in the skin pH-environment.
Can this situation be remedied? How to help tissues and restore the water and fat balance? Perhaps the following information will be useful for many.
Causes of dry skin
It is known that the human body is 90% water, so the normal course of all vital processes without moisture is simply impossible. If, due to any circumstances, moisture leaves the body, it can lead to metabolic disorders, which will automatically affect the condition of the epidermis and health in general. In almost all cases, the tissues of the body react sharply to dehydration by wilting, thinning, and peeling.
The main causes can be divided into external and internal.
External causes:
- environment - the effect of low temperatures, wind, solar radiation, including ultraviolet burns, etc .;
- exposure to chemicals - bad habits (nicotine, spirits), excess chlorine in water, aggressive detergents, alkalis, etc .;
- presence of infections - fungal, microbial and even viral - skin diseases, systemic pathologies.
Internal causes:
- lack of minerals and vitamins (especially retinol, tocopherol, vitamin D, zinc, calcium, etc.);
- imbalance of hormones - a decrease in the amount of estrogens in women, or testosterone - in the male sex. Reorganizations of the hormonal background during pregnancy, in the menopausal period, as well as diseases associated with hormonal disorders: thyroid pathologies, etc .;
- some diseases of the nervous system, neuritis;
- hereditary diseases - congenital metabolic disorders, ichthyosis, etc.
Dry skin can be either a reflection of physiological changes in the body (eg, aging, menopausal changes due to a significant decrease in the content of estrogen in the blood), and painful conditions. Among them the most important are the following.
- Dehydrated states: acute intestinal infections with loss of fluid during vomiting and diarrhea, prolonged use of diuretics or laxatives, burns with loss of plasma from the burn surface, dehydration due to insufficient water intake, with diabetic coma caused by high blood glucose ( ketoacidotic and nonketoacidotic coma).
- Hypothyroidism (insufficient content of thyroid hormones in the blood), often in women older than 40 years.
- Feverish conditions, accompanied by dry skin during the rise in body temperature.
- Dry skin is possible with various dermatitis.
- Poisoning with atropine containing agents, for example, bellies.
The aforementioned short list includes the main causes of withers of the integumentary tissues, however, a more detailed examination of the organism is required for an accurate diagnosis.
Dryness of the skin of the body can be indicative of age-related changes - banal aging of the body. Most people notice that after 40-45 years the surface of the body becomes less elastic and moisturized. The reason for this is a decreased activity of the sebaceous glands, a change in the amount of hormones in the blood. It is possible to resist such changes by defining the features of caring for the body, making some adjustments to nutrition and lifestyle.
Dryness of facial skin can be explained by improper care for it. Often women overdo with hygienic procedures, or do it illiterately, gradually reducing the degree of natural tissue protection. Over time, the surface layer begins to dehydrate. Inadequate or excessive care, the use of unsuitable cosmetics - all this sooner or later leads to the drying of the epidermis. If you are not sure whether the correct means for a person use - ask for help from a cosmetologist or dermatologist.
The dryness of the skin of the hands, as well as of other parts of the body, may be a consequence of insufficient intake of liquid. Lack of moisture is a common problem, because many people consider it compulsory to eat food, and water for some reason goes into the background. With a lack of moisture, the pads of the fingers can wrinkle, the condition of the nails worsens. It's not for nothing that cosmetologists and nutritionists recommend drinking at least one and a half or two liters of liquid per day, and it is preferable to drink water, it can be mineral, but still non-carbonated. A sufficient amount of water allows you to saturate the body with moisture and in a timely manner to remove toxic substances from tissues.
Dryness of the skin of the legs can be explained by a violation of the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Some people experience increased sweating or fungus on the soles of the feet, while others show excessive tautness and drying of the superficial epithelium. Sometimes the cause is different dermatoses, to fight with which without consulting a doctor is practically pointless and useless.
Dryness of the scalp may also result from improper care. Frequent washing of hair, improper shampoo, ignoring the headdress in the cold season, excess of ultraviolet - all these factors negatively affect the hair and skin. Its contribution to the deterioration of the state is made by chlorinated and excessively hard water, sea water, lack of vitamins and other nuances. Help in this situation can doctor - cosmetologist, trichologist, dermatologist.
Itching and dryness of the skin - a frequent companion of women in the winter, and this can not be a simple coincidence. Winter is a heavy test for organs and tissues, and the presence of other harmful factors only stimulate and aggravate the situation. What are the problem factors that lie in wait for our body in the winter:
- sharp fluctuations in temperature (frost, warm room);
- a lowered level of humidity in the room (heating, heaters);
- weathering of the skin, especially cold winds;
- vitamin deficiency;
- lack of nutrients;
- malnutrition - the abundance of winter holidays leads to excessive consumption of fatty and spicy food, alcohol.
Dryness and peeling of the skin is often the result of the abuse of alcohol and, of course, smoking. Skin covers are the most extensive tissue in our body, which can suffer from unacceptable human habits no less than, for example, the lungs or the body purification system - the liver. People of non-smokers and non-abusers of alcoholic beverages are much less likely to irritate the surface of the body, moreover, it is less susceptible to the effect of aging.
Severe dryness of the skin can also be manifested as a result of professional activity: hot air in the shops, chemical evaporation, an abundance of dust in the air, air conditioners - all this can also provoke the drying of the surface of the skin. Work in such conditions requires additional protection and enhanced methods of moisturizing tissues. Maintaining the water balance in this situation is extremely important and necessary.
Dry skin with diabetes
Diabetes appears due to metabolic disorders, which can not but affect the state of the epidermal layer. Most people with diabetes sooner or later notice that some areas of the skin surface become dry, lose elasticity, itching appears. Often the condition is aggravated by the attachment of a fungal or bacterial infection, there are abscesses and abscesses.
All this is due to a disruption in the supply of tissues, which significantly increases the risk of infection. At once it should be noted that it is quite difficult to restore the degree of hydration and cure skin lesions in diabetes. Therefore, diabetics need to make every effort to prevent overdrying and infection of tissues. During washing, do not use soap, but with a special moisturizing gel. The washcloth should be soft, not causing irritation and reddening of the body.
Because of the danger of joining thrush, it is important to maintain the natural level of microflora in the intestines, in the genital area, on the skin. If you have unpleasant symptoms, you should always consult a doctor, because without treatment of the underlying disease - diabetes mellitus - it is impossible to restore balance and trophic tissue.
Dry skin for allergies
Allergy is often accompanied by a rash - this is the most common manifestation of it. However, often at the same time as the rash or after it there is dehydration of the outer layers. To treat such a condition is necessary from the inside.
What is an allergy? This is a unique reaction of the body to a certain type of allergen - food, medicine, household items, etc. This condition is also called increased sensitivity of the body. Symptoms of allergies can occur immediately, or for 2 days after contact with the allergen. The most common signs are itching, swelling of the tissues, redness, rashes. If you notice, then all manifestations in one way or another touch the skin, so the further dehydration of the surface tissues may be a consequence of their eating disorders and the metabolic processes in them.
At any allergic displays it is necessary to address without delay to the allergist or the dermatologist. It is important to determine what exactly causes allergy and eliminate this factor. Further restoration of the function of the skin should also be under the control of the doctor, who will appoint not only external agents, but also preparations for the overall restoration of metabolism.
Dry skin with menopause
Changes in the state of the superficial epithelium are a characteristic symptom of menopause. These changes may be different: in some women this increase in greasiness, increased sweating, and in others - wilting and dehydration of tissues. All these signs most often mean one thing - that in the body, age processes begin to occur.
The climacteric period is the time of regular reorganization of the hormonal background, when the production of estrogens is reduced. As a result, the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides in tissues is disrupted, which in turn negatively affects the production of collagen, the main component of youthful skin.
In the initial few years of this period, tissues can lose up to 30% of collagen. Between the fibers of collagen is hyaluronic acid, designed to retain moisture. When the number of such fibers decreases, the amount of hyaluronic acid also decreases, resulting in the tissues becoming less elastic, lethargy and flabbiness appear.
Among other things, deficiency of estrogen leads to a decrease in the function of the sebaceous glands, which only worsens the situation.
Changes occurring during menopause, reduce the protective properties of the skin surface, in connection with which the risk of dermatitis and various infectious lesions of the skin increases.
Help to improve the body in menopausal age can help only a medical specialist, appointing hormone replacement therapy. Most often, the treatment consists in the admission and external use of estrogen-containing drugs.
Dry skin with hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a decrease in thyroid hormone production by the thyroid gland. With such a disease, often such symptoms as weakness, drowsiness, memory impairment. Body surface more often pale, dry, scaly; hair dull, brittle, prone to loss. There may be peripheral edema. There are no specific signs of hypothyroidism, therefore patients usually do not come to the doctor immediately. Many long period of time do not understand why they have problems with hair, nails, skin and well-being.
To struggle with such problems, not having started treatment of hypothyroidism shchitovidki, practically it is senseless. Therefore, it is important to start treatment of hypothyroidism in time, with the appointment of special medicines that correct the level of hormones in the body. With severe gland dysfunction, hormone replacement drugs should be taken - this therapy can sometimes continue throughout the life of the patient.
Particular attention in hypothyroidism should be given to the diet. About the rules of such a diet, restoring the balance of skin, we'll talk a little later.
Dry skin after childbirth
Dry hands, feet and face in the postpartum period are usually observed due to changes in the hormonal background, which is associated with the termination of pregnancy and the birth of a child. In many, the hormonal balance is restored quickly, some are slow, so skin problems can be troubling for several months after childbirth. If the situation is critical, then you can take a blood test for hormones and consult a doctor. It is possible that the doctor will prescribe any corrective drugs.
Another cause of the problem may be a lack of vitamins. And this is a very common phenomenon: first a pregnant woman gave all the useful substances from her body to a future child, then the same substances passed to the baby with the mother's milk. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the diet of the nursing mother does not differ in special variety. You must carefully choose products that can or can not be used by a nursing woman.
And the third possible reason is the insufficient use of liquid. During pregnancy, a lot of moisture accumulated in the tissues, and now the body got rid of it. Moreover, the fluid is lost and with breast milk. This means that the use of clean water should be increased.
Dry skin after a shower
The feeling of tightness after the shower, peeling or even reddening of the body surface can be explained by many reasons:
- chlorinated water;
- too hard water;
- too aggressive for your body cleanser, soap, shower gel;
- hypofunction of the sebaceous glands;
- disturbances in metabolic processes;
- lack of vitamins;
- improper care of the body;
- excessive infatuation with sunburn;
- other factors.
To provoke the drying of external tissues can be too hot water and prolonged exposure to the shower with the use of soap or special gels. When washing, we wash away not only dirt, sweat, fat and exfoliated epithelium. Simultaneously, the protective film covering the dermal surface is washed off. The chlorinated water in the water supply or swimming pools is especially harmful.
It is not recommended to overdo it in a sauna or a sauna. Hot air, thermal procedures contribute to the evaporation of a large amount of moisture from the surface of the body, which means that the tissues become drier.
Considering all this, it is possible to resist the dehydration of the body surface after the adoption of water procedures.
Dryness of the skin of the elbows
The outer surface of the elbows is quite dense, besides, it is often subjected to stretching, which can affect the structure of tissues and contribute to peeling of the epidermis. The coarse embossed cover of elbows is often covered with cracks and scales. Of course, elbows require special special care.
The reasons for this can be a lot:
- malnutrition, lack of vitamins (especially retinol and tocopherol);
- lack of care for elbows, as such;
- disorders of the endocrine system.
If it's all about lack of care, then it's fixable: properly selected moisturizers, scrubs, and applications will quickly get rid of the problem. However, if cosmetics do not work, then the problem must be looked for deeper.
Unfortunately, only on the condition of the elbows and by their appearance can not be 100% true, what is the cause of the problem. This can only be done by a qualified doctor. If, with due care of the positive dynamics is not observed, it is necessary to undergo examination for the disorders of the endocrine system.
Dryness of skin and hair
The state of health of our body is the state and health of the epidermis, the superficial epithelial tissue. This tissue is of great importance for the body, because thanks to it, a delicate balance of moisture content of the skin surface is observed.
The epidermis has a unique structure that helps to maintain optimal moisture and protect the underlying tissues. Flat flakes, which form the stratum corneum of the outer layers, resemble miniature bricks, interconnected by an intercellular lipid layer. Lipids in the epidermis are represented by fatty acids, cholesterol, phospholipids, glycosylceramides and other compounds.
The above compounds are produced inside the cells of the granular interlayer of the epidermal tissue. In this layer, the main processes that prevent water from leaving the tissues are formed.
Unfortunately, often, when faced with dehydration of the body surface, hair and nails, few people turn to specialists. And this is completely in vain, because it is extremely important to determine the cause, then the surface tissues lose and do not restore the percentage of moisture. Peeling, cracks, constriction, sensation of itching - this is already a sufficient number of reasons for contacting a doctor. Dermatologists, cosmetologists, trichologists - all these specialists have a narrow medical focus specifically to help patients with deterioration of the skin and hair.
Dryness of the skin on the buttocks
Dry areas in the buttock area are an unpleasant and delicate matter. Special inconveniences, if there is an itch, a feeling of tightness and even pain. So what is this, the norm or pathology?
First of all, it is necessary to know why in the gluteal region this is possible.
In early childhood, external tissues are subjected to a large number of tests: irritation and dry skin cause diapering, untimely hygiene, etc. It should be noted that the epidermal layer of the "fifth point" is prone to dryness, since this area contains an insignificant amount of sebaceous glands, and for this reason, sebum secretion is very, very small.
Moreover, a person spends a lot of time in the sitting position, so the tissues on the buttocks experience a prolonged oxygen deficiency, which is aggravated by wearing synthetic or uncomfortable clothing. Deficiency of moisture, oxygen, nutrients, trophic disorders can lead to deterioration of the skin.
To correct the situation, you should often arrange air baths, avoid hypodynamia. When taking a shower or bath, do not apply alkaline detergents in this area, and after washing, dry the areas with a moisturizer or special oil.
Dry skin on the penis
Unpleasant sensations, a feeling of tightness and burning in the area of the penis can be signs of an inflammatory reaction of the foreskin or head of the organ.
Balanitis is the reaction of the inflammation of the mucous tissues of the head.
Balanoposthitis - inflammation of the head in combination with the foreskin.
Unpleasant sensations in sexual contact, the presence of secretions, foreign smell, dry peeling and itching - all these symptoms can accompany the above diseases.
In addition, dryness can be a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases or diabetes. Of course, it is unlikely to be able to recognize the primary disease by yourself - for this you should consult a doctor. To delay with a visit to the doctor is not necessary, as dehydration of skin and mucous surfaces, as a rule, is one of the first symptoms of diseases. Further, if you do not take measures, the condition may worsen: erosions, sores, redness, cracks, puffiness of the foreskin, etc. Will occur. Over time, sexual intercourse can become impossible, because of the increased sensation of discomfort, pain, loss of head sensitivity, leading to premature ejaculation.
What to do? Contact a doctor, perform a bacteriological analysis and determine the cause and type of the inflammatory process.
Dryness of the skin in a child
Dry skin in a child is an unconditional deviation from the norm, and there is always a reason for this. The tender body of the child responds much more strongly to unfavorable factors than the adult organism, and it should be helped immediately. Consider the main reasons for this problem:
- Low humidity and high temperature indoors.
Dry skin in winter is especially important in the heating season. Careful mothers tend to wrap children warmer regardless of the surrounding temperature, and forget to air a child's room, monitor the humidity. The optimum temperature in the house should be about 20 ° C, and humidity - at least 40%. Of course, it is advisable to use a special humidifier. If it does not exist, you can simply put on a heating battery a plate with water, a wet towel, etc.
- Wrong detergents, including children's cosmetic products.
Skin covers of the child can become dry due to the detergent used in the house. It is advisable to use children's powder for washing children's clothes and bedding. Also, the cause can be soap - it is recommended to use it only with special soiling, not every day. In addition, pay attention to the water in which the baby is bathed: frequent addition of potassium permanganate, special foam, excessively hot or hard water.
- Lack of protection of the epidermis in the child.
Do not forget that in the cold, wind, cold or the sun, you need to use special children's cosmetics to preserve moisture. It can be vitaminized moisturizing or nutritious creams or milk.
- Dermatitis.
The most unpleasant cause of dehydration of the skin is dermatitis. In this situation, you can not do without medical assistance. It is necessary to find a product that causes such a reaction of the child's organism: perhaps, in some cases, the mother who breastfeeds is to blame if she allows herself not to watch her own diet.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis of dry skin
Peeling and dehydration can be triggered by systemic diseases, which means that in most cases the doctor must conduct certain studies in order to discover specific causes. However, sometimes there may be enough and close inspection of body parts to suspect, for example, atopic dermatitis.
To what diagnostic procedures can the doctor address:
- a general blood test for the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
- analysis for hormonal status (usually take blood for a certain type of hormones - hormones of the thyroid gland, estradiol, testosterone, etc.);
- blood test for sugar (glucose test);
- study of metabolic disturbances;
- consultations of a dermatologist, genetics, cosmetologist, endocrinologist, etc.
If the patient is ill with chronic diseases, the doctor can ask for medical history, as well as the results of previous studies.
If the doctor suspects a household factor of the problem, an analysis of tap water for stiffness and chlorine content can be performed.
Dry skin treatment
Most problems with dehydration of the integumentary epithelium are solved with the help of strengthening of body care, regular use of cosmetics, correction of nutrition and drinking regimen.
As we have already said, tissues become drier in those cases when they lose moisture and natural fat, as a result of which they become thinner and flaky. Although the causes may be diseases, in most cases, factors such as age changes, dehydration, low air humidity and improper care are crucial.
If these problems are ignored, it can provoke more serious diseases: dermatitis, wilting, peeling. However, this can be avoided if you follow several rules.
How to get rid of dry skin?
- Do not forget to drink enough water, compotes, fruit drinks. Eat foods rich in liquid: cucumbers, juicy apples, oranges. All this will help maintain the level of body hydration. Auxiliaries for retaining moisture can be products enriched with fatty acids - these are sea fish, nuts, flaxseed oil.
- Try not to take a bath or shower for a long time. In doing so, use not hot, but slightly warm water. Do not take a shower too often: if the body is prone to dryness, limit yourself once a day.
- When buying detergents, pay attention to the composition: the softest effect on the skin is cream-soap and moisturizers. Do not use coarse and stiff whorls, which will only intensify irritation.
- Observe the humidity level in the room. If possible, use an air humidifier. Often ventilate the room, do wet cleaning, spray indoor flowers - this will help maintain optimum moisture.
- After any water procedures do not neglect special moisturizers: milk, lotion, cream. Choose the right one for yourself, and use it regularly. •
If you tend to irritations, use soft towels, clothes made of natural cloth, etc.
Next, we'll talk about body care products, which are the most common and effective among users.
Remedies for dry skin
Funds that restore the water balance, in a wide range are represented in cosmetic shops, pharmacies. It remains only to choose the most suitable for yourself. As a rule, many patients prefer to use natural remedies, which contain herbal natural components - extracts, extracts, oils. The content of glycerin, ammonia in this medium, components that soften the epidermis, is also welcome. Well, if the cream or lotion will be present minerals and vitamins.
Good quality products should be easily absorbed, quickly soothe irritations and redness, should not leave greasy shine and film on the skin surface. Of course, before making a choice, it is advisable to consult, for example, with a cosmetologist, dermatologist, pharmacist. If there is no such possibility, then you will have to act by trial and error.
By the way, when choosing a cream or oil for moisturizing, do not forget to revise your detergents and shampoos, which are used for bathing and showering, for washing clothes. They can also cause irritation and drying out of the skin, so often they also need to be replaced.
Cream for dry skin
The choice of cream depends on the characteristics of your body. In this case, with wilting and dehydration, you can advise the following creams:
- "Velvet handles" - extra-moisturizing cream, has a softening effect;
- Natura Siberica - night cream for recovery;
- Johnson's ® body lotion - 24 hours of moisturizing "Intensive care and nutrition";
- Nourishing cream for washing Johnson's ® Daily Essentials;
- Lancôme Nutrix Royal for women - intensive restoration of dry and very dry areas;
- Garnier - cream, regenerating, intensive care for problematic and dry areas;
- Day cream for dehydrated and sensitive areas L'Oreal Paris Dermo Expertise trio-asset.
Baby cream for dry skin
In a quality baby cream should be present only the most sparing and useful components. How to determine such a quality cream that not only does not harm, but also helps to restore dry areas?
It is important that the list of components of children's cream is not present mineral oils, parabens and phenoxyethanol.
Mineral oils in domestic and foreign creams are most often represented by paraffin and vaseline, which have a greenhouse effect - they block skin respiration, disrupt thermal processes and natural self-regulation. Such oils are "foreign" to the tissues.
Parabens are used as synthetic preservatives and are carcinogenic substances.
Phenoxyethanol - a substance that can cause allergies and aggravate irritation, and with continued use has a toxic effect on local skin immunity.
Well, if the baby cream contains vitamins (for example, provitamin B5, which is useful even with atopic dermatitis or eczema).
However, it should be noted that the presence of vegetable oils - olive, almond, shea, jojoba, etc. - in the cream means that the product is really useful and will saturate the tissues with valuable polyunsaturated fats.
Ointment for dry skin
- Radevit ointment - to soften and nourish the epithelial layer. Helps restore water balance in tissues, eliminates cracks, small wounds, irritation. Strengthens the local natural protective function.
- D-Panthenol (dexpanthenol) - ointment for external use 5%. Helps not only with dermatitis, wounds, cracks and diaper rash, but also eliminates skin dehydration and wilting.
- Ointment "Boro Plus" - a natural effective antiseptic, is released in pharmacies. The preparation is represented mainly by vegetable components, brought from India.
- Ointment "Boro-Keir" - for caring for the body. Reduces inflammation, eliminates itching, prevents the appearance of cracks, helps with small scratches and redness.
- Serno-salicylic ointment - eliminates dryness, itching, calms irritation, helps to soften keratinized scales and painlessly remove them. Use 2% sulfur salicylic ointment (not to be confused with zinc-salicylic or simply salicylic ointments, which, on the contrary, dry the epidermis).
Vitamins from dry skin
Deficiency of vitamins can also cause deterioration of the external epithelium, because vitamins are of great importance in maintaining our health. Thanks to them, the necessary balance of metabolic processes in organs and tissues is restored. However, there are such vitamin representatives that are most important for the health and beauty of the body.
- Vitamin A - retinol - has an antioxidant effect, helps the correct formation and renewal of cellular structures. Lack of vitamin lowers the immune defense and affects the structuring of the skin epithelium, which can trigger damage to the integrity and wilting of tissues. To maintain balance, it is necessary to take retinol every day, in the amount of 300-1300 mcg, which depends on the age, concomitant diseases and other factors. This vitamin is abundant in carrots, greens, pumpkin, yolk eggs, in milk, apricots, hard cheeses.
- B group vitamins are usually added to the best means to restore dry areas. And not in vain - these vitamins eliminate cracks, peeling, itching. And vitamin B3 is specially prescribed for acne. B vitamins are found in cereals, legumes, eggs, meat products, are components of brewer's yeast.
- Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps to renew and form tissues, stimulates the production of collagen - an important ingredient in freshness and youth. Among other things, ascorbic acid is an excellent antioxidant, which improves blood flow in the tissues. This property of the vitamin provides us with a healthy and ruddy shine of the skin and hair. With a deficiency of this vitamin, the epidermis becomes coarse, dull, and dry. Ascorbic acid can be obtained from citrus, Bulgarian pepper, pineapple, kiwi, tomatoes, berries.
- Tocopherol (vitamin E) - is designed to protect body tissues from toxic substances, free radicals, harmful environmental influences. Some representatives of the fair sex use an oily solution of this vitamin not only inside, but also outside, as a face mask. Where tocopherol is contained: in beans, nuts, seeds, herbs, sprouted wheat grains.
If your food is full and varied, then, most likely, vitamin deficiency does not threaten you. However, in some cases, for example, in the presence of chronic diseases, it is necessary to additionally take multivitamin complex preparations. To improve the condition of the outer layer of the epithelium, a combination of AEVIT is most commonly prescribed.
AEVIT with dry skin
Complex remedy AEVIT is often used by dermatologists and cosmetologists in their practice, because its components - vitamins retinol and tocopherol - have a positive effect on skin structures.
As already known from the name, AEV is composed of vitamins A and E. These are antioxidants, which serve to prevent the intoxication of cells in the body, thereby preventing the onset of age processes.
Retinol accelerates cellular metabolism, increasing the flow of moisture to the tissues, which contributes to additional moisturizing. It stops inflammatory reactions inside tissues, strengthens local skin protection, strengthening the barrier in front of all kinds of external pathogens of infection. Also, vitamin A stimulates the production of sex hormones, which additionally affects your health, giving us freshness and youth.
Tocopherol potentiates the effect of retinol, without letting the vitamin break down in the digestive system, and also improves the function of the gonads and activates the metabolic processes at the cellular level.
Take AEV 1 capsule 1-2 times a day to prevent age-related changes, in the complex treatment of wrinkles, with acne, wilting and dehydration of the outer covers. The duration of the course of therapy is from 2 to 4 weeks. It is recommended to carry out 2 courses of treatment with the drug annually.
Treatment of skin dryness by alternative means
Herbal infusions and decoctions are often used to treat dry dehydrated plots. Infusion is best to brew, as usual brew tea: pour hot water + 90-95 ° C. You can also prepare the medicine with a water bath, which is set for 15 minutes.
In the prepared warm infusion, you can add the necessary amount of vegetable or essential oils, honey, other components. Infusions and decoctions are used for rinsing or rubbing the outer covers, for applying appliques and moist masks. You can also apply compresses or add to milk for washing.
What plants can be used in the presence of dehydrated zones? Usually, vegetable raw materials are purchased in pharmacies or collected independently, selecting herbs individually.
- Lime blossom - consists of many useful substances, including essential oils, ascorbic acid and carotene.
- Yarrow - contains a large amount of ascorbic acid and useful oils.
- Cones of hops - soothe and clean the outer covers.
- Pink petals - contain vitamin C, soften the superficial epithelium and give a healthy color.
- Jasmine flowers - lighten, soothe and moisturize the surface of the epithelium.
- Dill, fennel - restore and strengthen the protective barrier.
- Mint - soothes and refreshes.
- Chamomile color - rejuvenates, gives a healthy shade, strengthens.
- Mother-and-stepmother - makes the skin surface velvety and soft.
- Leaves of nettle - enriched with vitamins, improve tissue metabolism.
In order to prepare medicinal infusion, the herbs are allowed to be used separately, or to mix them in equal parts.
To eliminate the peeling and itching use infusion or decoction from a three-part sequence, birch leaves, field horsetail. Effective baths and medicinal baths, prepared on mixtures of medicinal plants. For baths, you can prepare a collection of 100-300 g for 4-5 liters of water. The collection may include herbaceous grass, chamomile flowers, valerian, sage, celandine and St. John's wort. A mixture of herbs should be poured with boiling water, insist half an hour, filtered and added to the bath. The temperature of the water in the bath must not exceed + 36-38 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
After elimination of dryness, it is possible to conduct preventive courses of plant therapy: washing, compresses, trays with restorative and stimulating herbal remedies.
Oil against dry skin
The variety of oils presented today on sale is truly amazing: oil of almonds, olives, coconut, pink buds, St. John's wort, coriander and many, many other species. With such a variety it can sometimes be difficult to navigate and choose exactly the oil that is suitable for solving the problem of dry integumentary tissues. However, when choosing, it should be noted that the moisturizing and restoring oil should be light, well absorbed and not heavier with its fat content, do not leave a dense greasy film. •
Olive oil is a common type of oil, perfectly suitable for flaccid and dull areas. Olives well saturate the tissues with moisture, create invisible protection for the whole day. To quickly moisturize and eliminate traces of fatigue, spoon olive oil should be mixed with a little lemon juice - this mixture is useful to wipe your face. In other parts of the body, the oil is used as follows: mix a little sea salt with it to make a kind of scrub. This scrub treats the peeling dry surfaces, thereby removing the scarred scales of the epidermis.
It is useful to add a little olive oil to the bath, and also use to remove makeup. For the latter, only a couple of drops of oil applied to the cotton pad are enough.
- Coconut oil can also help with the problem of dry skin. This oil has a pleasant aroma and many useful properties. It is applied overnight to a clean wet face or body surface, left for half an hour, after which the remnants are soaked with a paper towel. This procedure is quite enough for moisturizing, which does not require the use of additional cosmetics.
- Oil from pink petals perfectly retains moisture. It is often advised to use in the natural processes of skin aging. Pink oil nourishes and soothes dry areas. If you mix 15 drops of rose oil, ylang ylang and almond oil, you can get a useful face mask. On the pre-steamed face, apply the prepared mixture of oils, avoiding the area near the eyes. After 20 minutes, excess oil is soaked with a paper towel.
- Sandalwood oil will help restore the moisture level, which is indispensable for weathering, or excessive sensitivity of the skin. A couple of droplets of oil can simply be added to the moisturizing cream. Excessively dry areas can be wiped with a tissue moistened with oil.
- Almond oil - light, pleasant, perfectly moisturizing. Use this oil is recommended daily. Before rubbing oil, you should moisten your fingers with water. After applying, you can speed up absorption, lightly patting your fingertips over the surface. After the oil is absorbed, the top can be applied makeup.
To prepare the scrub, the almond oil is mixed with a pinch of Extra salt and a small amount of ground turmeric. With this scrub, you can massage the face for 2-3 minutes, after which you should wash the mass with warm, clean water.
Almond oil is the least fatty oil among all oil representatives. It is perfectly absorbed by tissues, positively affecting even when other moisturizers do not help. •
Briar oil - not only moisturizes, but also eliminates wrinkles, stretch marks, improves the structure and color of the skin. As you know, in the dog rose contains a lot of vitamin C, which is very beneficial effect on the epidermis. Fats derived from rose hips, in their structure is very similar to the natural fats of the human body. That is why rosehip oil is well absorbed, well absorbed and does not leave greasy luster.
Experts advise that you always try several types of oils in order to choose the most suitable for yourself.
Nutrition for dry skin
Nutrition and healthy appearance of skin are interrelated concepts, because the use of necessary products and exclusion from the diet of others greatly affects the health of the body.
It is necessary to completely refuse sweets, alcohol, fast food. Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits, fruits, nuts and seeds. Alcohol - non-alcoholic smoothies, freshly squeezed juices. Well, instead of hamburgers you can eat whole wheat bread with greens.
It is recommended to limit the use:
- sugar, digestible carbohydrates;
- refined products;
- salt and spices;
- sodas and packaged juices;
- products with preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives.
The basis of nutrition should be:
- fermented milk products;
- complex carbohydrates (cereals);
- vegetables, fruits, greens, berries, seeds, nuts;
- clean drinking water;
- protein food (fish, meat, eggs).
It is also important that enough vitamins and microelements are present in the menu. For example, it is recommended to enrich the diet with vitamins A, C and E. Such vitamins can be found in most vegetables and fruits: carrots, tomatoes, beetroot, Bulgarian pepper, citrus, apples, etc. Never miss the season of melons and melons - melons and melons will perfectly clean the body and improve the appearance.
Perfect food is served by berries: blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, etc. You can consume them not only in compotes or jellies - eat them simply in fresh form, add to oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt.
Of course, the correction of nutrition can not always replace the full treatment of skin diseases. However, thanks to a well-designed menu, you can significantly improve the skin condition.
Dry skin is a very common phenomenon, especially in people after 45-50 years. But do not assume that you can get rid of this problem only if you use expensive professional procedures. Sometimes the correction of food and drinking regimen, the right choice of cosmetics, competent facial and body care can help to completely restore the balance of moisture in the tissues. The main thing is to want and start taking care of your health.