Pain in the shoulder
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of shoulder pain
The shoulder joint has a unique structure and, unlike other joint articulations of the human body, has a large functional load. A high level of physical activity, violations of posture and working conditions often lead to inflammation of the joint bag, which leads to disruption of the joint function. Pathology is complicated by local edema, effusion to the joint bag, damage to the muscles and tendon joints and is accompanied by pain of a different nature.
Pain in the shoulder can:
- spread throughout the entire length of the hand and cause numbness of the hand or a violation of sensitivity (with intervertebral hernia in the cervical region);
- accompanied by limited movements (capsulitis);
- be at movement and lifting of a hand (damage of a rotating cuff);
- be sharp and strong in the joint, with violation or restriction of motor activity (with dislocations and fractures), etc.
In any case, the pain is a pathological sign and indicates damage to the shoulder joint. If you do not diagnose the cause of the pain syndrome in time, the mobility of the shoulder joint will be very difficult to restore.
The causes of shoulder pain may have different etiologies. But there are the main reasons explaining the mechanism of the onset of pain syndrome. Pain in the shoulder has different characteristics of intensity and frequency.
- Pain in the shoulder can be triggered by heavy physical exertion and is characterized by inflammation and irritation of the muscle tendons (tendonitis).
- The cause of pain in the shoulder can be physical trauma - bruise, sprain, ligament rupture. Also occurs after excessive physical exertion, negligence.
- Intercostal neuralgia is a serious disease, accompanied by stabbing frequent pain, movement of the hand is limited, breathing may become difficult. The reason - posttraumatic pinching of nerves, intervertebral hernia, etc.
- Subcooling, leading to myositis (inflammation of the muscle).
- The cause of sudden, sudden, pain can be infection, tumor diseases, trauma, leading to neuritis (inflammation of the nerves).
To identify the causes of pain in the shoulder and figure out the pathology of which direction led to this, you need:
- clearly identify symptoms, health status;
- be sure to see a doctor to diagnose;
- if the pain syndrome is weakly expressed and has a non-permanent character, it is possible to manage symptomatic medication and do without visiting a polyclinic.
How does the pain in the shoulder manifest?
The symptoms of pain in the shoulder, or rather the intensity and frequency, the nature of the pain will help establish an approximate specificity of the disease.
Painful sensations in the shoulder joint may indicate a number of diseases. This can be observed when:
- Tendinitis - an inflammatory process of the periarticular tendons. The pain is sharp, increases during movement and during palpation;
- Bursitis - inflammation of the joint bag. Pain is chronic, of medium intensity, but with the arm extended to the side it becomes stronger;
- Periarthritis - severe inflammation of the shoulder joint. Pain gives in the arm, neck, strengthens during movement, in character - burning, aching, intensified at night. Violated the sensitivity of the shoulder and develops atrophy of the adjacent muscles;
- Arthrosis and arthritis - pain is sharp, sometimes aching, limited movements, stiffness;
- Myocardial infarction and angina pectoris, pneumonia, liver pathology, thoracic tumors, cervical radiculitis. With such diseases, the pain is of a regular nature and of varying intensity, and reflects in the shoulder;
- With the deposition of calcium salts. Crystalline compounds penetrate into the joint bag and cause painful sensations similar to exacerbation of gout. Salt deposits can notify ligaments and tendon ligaments under the scapula and clavicle. The pain arises suddenly, more often in people from 30 to 50 years old, it is painful to withdraw the shoulder from the body;
- With injuries. In such cases, there is a very strong and sharp pain, for example, when the joint falls out of the joint capsule and ruptures the ligaments.
Aching in the shoulder
Aching pain in the shoulder is familiar to many - unpleasant painful sensations make it difficult to normal life and bring a lot of discomfort.
Pain in the shoulder can indicate many diseases. Only after contacting a neurologist or traumatologist can you establish a final diagnosis and find out the cause. Very often the cause of pain can be: arthrosis of the shoulder joint, osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, inflammation of the nerve roots innervating the arm, trauma, physical overload of the muscles. It is not uncommon for cases when aching pain in the shoulder can be caused by somatic diseases. It can be myocardial infarction, esophagitis.
In case of pain, it is better to immediately consult a neurologist or an osteopath. These specialists easily distinguish the nervous pathology from the articular and will prescribe an effective treatment.
Also, aching pain in the shoulder can manifest itself in the pathology of the jaw and chewing muscles. These muscle groups are innervated by the same muscle groups in the temporomandibular joint area. Violation of the load on this group causes a reflex change in the tone of the muscles, as a result, the tonus of the muscles of the shoulder girdle also changes. After all, the nerve pathways innervating both muscle groups are located very close to each other. Only a doctor can determine the true cause.
Severe pain in the shoulder
The severe pain in the shoulder indicates many pathologies, the true cause of which can not always be established independently. A strong pain syndrome can be observed with the following pathologies:
- Injury of the shoulder - fracture, sprain, dislocation. The reason may be carelessness when carrying or lifting weights, uncomfortable posture during sleep, as a result of a stroke. The pain is usually acute and aggravated when the affected arm moves.
- Severe pain in the shoulder can be observed with inflammatory processes in the joint bag - bursitis, or tendon inflammation - tendinitis. Also, pain in the shoulder is accompanied by problems with the spine - infringement of the nerve. With arthritis, intervertebral hernia, too, pain can be given to the shoulder, neck and face.
- If there are no injuries, and when the movement pain in the shoulder increases, but in parallel there is a strong cough, a sharp pain in the chest on inspiration and pain in the abdomen, this indicates a pathology of the liver, lungs, gallbladder. Pain in the shoulder to the left indicates damage to the lung or spleen.
If severe pain in the shoulder is accompanied by a restriction of joint mobility, a high fever, swelling, redness, joint is deformed, injuries, bleeding and pain can not be tolerated, then immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.
A sharp pain in the shoulder
A sharp pain in the shoulder is an alarming sign and can be observed with neuralgic amyotropy (idiopathic shoulder plexopathy). Such a condition does not have a clear pathogenesis, it sometimes occurs after the introduction of vaccines, is occasionally transmitted by inheritance. It is expressed as acute, one-sided defeat of the shoulder nerves, in which short branches are affected.
It develops at the age of 20-40 years. The pain appears suddenly, in the shoulder and forelegs. After a short period of time, the pain subsides, but weakness begins to develop and muscles are atrophied - anterior dentate, deltoid, supraspinous, subacute, rhomboid, sternocleamus-mastoid, double-headed, triceps, brachial, extensor carpus. Sometimes several muscles are affected. Confirmed diagnosis of the clinical course of pathology. A similar picture of pain is observed with cholelithiasis, diseases of the shoulder joint, intervertebral hernia in the cervical section, etc.
A sharp severe pain in the shoulder can cause a doctor to call if it causes injury, is accompanied by a rash, swelling, high fever, lasts for a long time and does not weaken after taking an anesthetic.
Sharp pain in the shoulder
Acute pain in the shoulder occurs with an incorrect distribution of loads, fatigue after high physical exertion. This leads to inflammation of the joint and ottenchnosti, which entails a partial or complete violation of the function.
Also, the probable cause of acute pain is the intervertebral hernia of the cervical and thoracic spine. When the ligaments break, a spherical tumor forms at the site of the injury. Also, the cause of acute pain can be inflammation of the shoulder joint - bursitis or inflammation of the ligaments - tendonitis.
If an attack of acute pain in the shoulder begins when trying to raise the hand, then the cause may be the deposition of salts, which complicates the work of the ligaments and leads to arthrosis, and this disease requires long-term treatment.
In addition to these diseases, pain in the shoulder is observed with osteochondrosis, angina pectoris, adjacent zone tumors, liver diseases and myocardial infarction.
Sharp pain in the shoulder, accompanied by fever, a prolonged pain syndrome that does not subside after taking pain medication, is the reason for immediate treatment to a neurologist or an osteopath. These specialists will be able to identify the nature of the pathology and prescribe an effective profile treatment.
Drawing pain in the shoulder
Drawing pain in the shoulder is very often manifested in the complication of osteochondrosis - periarthritis (periarthritis).
Painful sensations arise without special reasons, at rest. More often the pain makes itself felt at night, the pain has an unexpressed intensity, but depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. The disease develops within a few weeks or months. The pain intensifies, the intensity increases with the movement of the affected hand, with the hands laid behind the head, the lead, the upward movement. If you limit the movement of the affected hand or fix it motionless, then the pain attacks subside and appear much less often.
If the pulling pain in the shoulder, accompanying this pathology, does not cause the patient to desire to go to the doctors and not receive proper treatment and care, over time the likelihood of the development of stiff shoulder joint is high. In this case, a person simply can not raise his hand above the horizontal position, and this causes discomfort not only in everyday life, but also makes the patient incapacitated. The period of recovery and treatment in a neglected case can take from several months to a year, as a preventive treatment, physical therapy and massage are shown.
Constant shoulder pain
Constant shoulder pain has a number of common causes:
- Inflammation of a tendon bag around the joint. This pathology is called tendonitis and is exacerbated after excessive physical exertion, as a result of which the friction of the tendons about bone causes pain in the shoulder.
- If the pain is permanent and accompanied by a shoulder injury, then this may indicate a rupture, sprain, or fracture.
- If the pain is constantly manifested when working by hand - raising, lead, establishment behind the head, this is the first sign of arthrosis of the shoulder joint.
- Pain in the shoulder can be observed with tumor pathology. Rarely with hereditary diseases characterized by anatomical abnormalities or malformations. Also, this condition can be observed as a result of an old shoulder injury that did not yield to correct treatment.
- Often the cause of permanent pain in the shoulder can be diseases of the internal organs that give to the shoulder - diseases of the liver, gall bladder, lungs, heart (myocardial infarction).
- The main reason for the constant pain in the shoulder is the humeroparous periarthrosis. At first the pain grows gradually, then has a persistent character, worsens at night. During this period, the movements of the affected hand are limited - each attempt to change the position is accompanied by burning pain that spreads to the entire hand. The disease can pass without treatment, and can lead to muscle exhaustion and restriction of movement in the shoulder joint.
Dull pain in the shoulder
Dull pain in the shoulder can be caused by a number of pathologies and diseases. If the pain is not expressed, it is strengthened only after the load on the affected shoulder (after normal movements, work), this indicates a tendonitis - inflammation of the tendons that envelop the head of the shoulder joint. This is due to the fact that during the load the tendons rub against the bone continuously.
The cause may be somatic diseases - pathologies of the liver, spleen, lungs, pinching of the intervertebral hernia in the thoracic or cervical region.
It is very important to pay attention to what other symptoms are accompanied by dull pain in the shoulder - temperature, rash, shortness of breath, stomach pain, heart. Often with myocardial infarction, the pain radiates to the left shoulder. The nature of pain in the shoulder is constant, aching.
Also, dull pain in the shoulder can be a consequence of developing neurogenic pathology, sensitivity disorder, insufficient trophism of muscle tissue. Often the pain with periarthritis makes itself felt at night, the character of the pain is blunt, not expressed, but depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. The disease develops within a few weeks or months. Over time, the pain intensifies, the intensity increases with the movement of the affected arm, with the hands laid behind the head, the lead, the upward movement.
Stitching in the shoulder
Stitching in the shoulder signals a developing pathology, so this condition requires medical advice and further correct treatment and specialists.
There can be several reasons for the pain. Most often, the pain syndrome manifests itself when:
- Low physical activity.
- Untreated injuries and sprains.
- Wrong posture.
- Great load on the shoulder joint.
Stitching pain in the shoulder in people aged around 50 years indicates the processes of deformation of the shoulder joint - arthrosis. The cartilage layer of the joint loses its elasticity, becomes coarse and pain appears when it moves.
Also, the cause can be not only diseases of the bone and muscle system, but also inflammation of an infectious nature - chlamydia, streptococcal infection, tuberculosis, candidiasis, etc.
Those whose profession is associated with a prolonged load on the shoulder (when standing with arms raised, bench press), there are frequent pains in the shoulder joint. In some cases, arthritis, bursitis may develop.
In each case listed, do not forget that the appearance of pain in the shoulder joint is preceded by the cause. Treatment should be started only after diagnosis, and refusal of self-treatment will help prevent severe complications.
Burning pain in the shoulder
Burning pain in the shoulder is one of the symptoms of the cervico-brachial syndrome. Pain occurs without a reason and can give in the arm, at night the pain sensations increase. Pain can grow with the raising of the arm, the establishment behind the head, but with a certain fixation of the sick arm gradually weakens.
Gradually disrupted trofika adjacent to the joint muscles, articulation joint becomes stiff. Sensitivity disorders can also be observed - along with piercing burning pain, the sensitivity of the skin is impaired. The skin is cyanotic, moist, the joint of the hand can be swollen. Palpation of paravertebral points in the cervical region is painful.
If the main cause of the pathology is the appearance of an extra rib, the burning pain in the shoulder can change the character - the pain can be blunt, shooting, burning, build up in the evening. There is paresthesia, hyperesthesia of the upper limb. When the head tilts to the sore side and the elbow rises, the pain wanes. The strength of the hand noticeably decreases, the process of muscle atrophy progresses due to vegetative disorder. At this stage it is worth immediately contacting the doctor to restore the motor and nervous activity of the hand.
Shooting pain in the shoulder
Shooting pain in the shoulder most often indicates a violation in the field of neurology. They can arise because of compression of the humeral nerve. This pathology can be represented by radiculalgia, neuralgia, dysesthesia and / or myalgia. Each of these disorders has its own symptomatology.
With radiculgia of the shoulder joint, acute attacks of pain are disturbed, which can acquire the character of a shooter, muscle weakness appears, and sensitivity is impaired.
With neuralgia, the pain becomes aching, prolonged. Painful sensations increase with movement, but at rest they stop. With dysesthesia, the pain has a stitching or burning surface character, the soreness increases during the movement of the affected arm. With myalgia, the pain is constant, deep, growing when pressure is applied to the affected muscle or when it is stretched. In each of these cases, the sensitivity of the skin is disturbed.
Neurological disorders with improper treatment or at a neglected stage lead to atrophy of the shoulder muscles and loss of the person's ability to act. When these pain symptoms appear, consult a doctor without hesitation.
Pain in the shoulders and neck
Pain in the shoulders and neck can occur with such diseases:
- Arthritis.
- Shoulder-scapular periarthritis.
- Cervical osteochondrosis.
- Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.
- Myalgia.
- Plexitis.
Arthritis of the shoulder joint is the main cause of pain in the shoulder and neck. With this pathology, the joint becomes inflamed, and it can have two forms. In the case of primary arthritis, the joint is affected primarily, with the secondary - as a result of trauma or fracture, lupus, rheumatism, scleroderma. The pain is sharp, the joint is swollen, the skin is red, with movement crunching and clicking.
Shoulder-flap periarthritis - inflammation of ligaments in the capsule of the joint. Develops after trauma, removal of the breast, after a heart attack. Movement in the joint becomes constrained, the pain increases with motion, at night. If the disease is started at an early stage, then it acquires a chronic course. As a result, muscular dystrophy develops, and the articulation articulates.
Cervical osteochondrosis is a kind of arthrosis, in which the cervical vertebrae are affected. Among the causes of injury, scoliosis, sedentary work, metabolic disorders. In addition to pain in the shoulder and neck, dizziness and headaches are observed. The pain is burning, pulsating, intensified when the head moves.
Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint - degenerative changes in the cartilage of the shoulder joint and bones. The course is almost asymptomatic, with an unexpressed pain syndrome. It leads to irreversible deformation of the joints and disability.
Myalgia - occurs as a result of prolonged muscle spasm, after injuries, high physical exertion, with an incorrect load distribution on the shoulders, after the flu, ARVI, leptospirosis. Pain bothers with pressure, movement.
Plexitis of the brachial nerve is a pathology that develops during compression, damage or rupture of the humeral nerve. It is accompanied by pain in the neck and shoulder, a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin along the outside of the shoulder, and the paresis of certain muscle groups.
In what cases does the pain give to the shoulder?
Pain gives in the shoulder most often with concomitant pathologies of the heart. It can be an attack of angina or myocardial infarction. In this case, it is worth paying attention to all the symptoms and the intensity of their manifestation.
Causes of pain giving to the shoulder can be the result of:
- Impingement of the syndrome (constriction syndrome).
- Tendon rupture - rupture of the rotator cuff.
- Calcification of the forearm.
- Inflammatory process of the shoulder joint.
- Neurogenic pathology, manifested in the form of paresis, muscle wasting, sensitivity disorders. It is observed in cervical radiculopathy, cervico-shoulder plexopathies, neuropathies, complex regional pain syndromes, neuralgic amyotrophies, myelopathy.
- Protrusion or herniated intervertebral discs of cervical, thoracic parts.
- Pain can be given to the shoulder when a muscle is injured. Myofascial syndrome is characterized by the entanglement of the tendon in the capsule of the joint.
- Arthrosis, arthritis of the shoulder.
When does pain give to the left shoulder?
The pain gives to the left shoulder mainly with heart diseases - attacks of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction. With stenocardia, pressing pains behind the sternum are observed, giving to the shoulder joint area, under the left scapula, neck, and lower jaw. With myocardial infarction, chest pain, behind the breastbone, in the pericardial bag strong sharp, and after a heart attack, often the pain radiates to the left arm or shoulder - due to spasm of blood vessels.
Also, the cause of the pain giving to the left shoulder can be ligament rupture or their stretching, injury to the muscles of the upper limb. The cause of pain can be a violation of innervation, manifested by muscle hypotrophy and violation of tactile sensitivity. This condition is observed with cervical radiculopathy, cervico-shoulder plexopathy, neuropathy, myelopathy.
It is always worth paying attention to the accompanying symptoms, because any pain has a reason. Therefore, if pain is given to the left shoulder, it can be a symptom in pathological changes in the liver, spleen, lungs. Even if the pain does not cause any special discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor to establish a diagnosis, exclude possible complications (peritonitis, pneumothorax, etc.) and prescribe treatment.
When does pain give in the right shoulder?
Pain gives to the right shoulder with some pathologies of the internal organs, for example, destructive changes in the liver, spleen, pneumonia, cervical radiculitis, tumor diseases of organs in the thorax.
With humeroscapular periarthrosis, pain can not only concentrate in the region of the shoulder joint, but also around it, as if giving it to the shoulder. In addition, the pain can be given not only in the shoulder, but also the forearm and hand and be of a permanent nature. If you do not seek medical help on time, your locomotor activity in the shoulder joint may be impaired.
The cause of irradiating the shoulder pain can be inflammation or damage to certain tendons or ligaments.
If the pain occurs when you move your arm to the side and move forward, this is a sign of defeat of the supraspinal tendon.
If the pain occurs when the external cranking is pressed to the elbow in the elbow area, it means that the infraspinal tendon is damaged.
If the pain occurs when the forearm is turned inwards, this indicates a lesion or injury to the long bicep.
Also, there may be other causes of pain giving to the right shoulder - a fracture of the bones of the forearm damage to nerve fibers or their compression in tumors, dislocations, injuries.
Pain in the shoulder and arm
The causes of pain in the right shoulder and arm may be different, but in any case it is an occasion to consult a specialist to prevent the development of more serious complications.
If the shoulder hurts in the upper part, but there is still a numbness in the entire arm, this indicates an intervertebral hernia. Because of the squeezing of the nerve roots and painful sensations.
One of the possible causes of severe pain in the shoulder and arm may be inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder joint. The reason for this - intense excessive loads on the shoulder girdle. With inflammation of the tendons of the biceps, chronic pains of the shoulder joint develop, intensifying with pressure and motor activity.
If to painful sensations was added also a puffiness of a humeral joint is a bursitis. It can hurt not only the shoulder, but also the neck, the foreleg. The cause of pain in the right arm and shoulder, especially pronounced when raising the hand, can be the deposition of salts.
A common cause of pain in the shoulder and arm is a humeroscapular periarthrosis. The disease gradually progresses, the pain is more pronounced at night. With paresis and muscle hypotrophy, the pain is neurogenic in nature.
The correct diagnosis and effective treatment of pain in the shoulder and arm will help to establish a doctor-osteopath. The doctor will identify and eliminate the cause, whether it is muscle tension, jammed nerve endings, which caused joint diseases.
Pain in the joints of the shoulder
Pain in the joints of the shoulder is one of the most common complaints. Often the pain precedes the further limited movements of the arm in the shoulder, the muscular dystrophy of the arm.
Often, such changes in the work of the hand occur with age. The reason for this - the regular high load on the arm, or rather on the tendon-ligament and tendon-bag shoulder apparatus. As a result, there are degenerative and dystrophic changes in the articular articulation of the shoulder.
Also, the reason can be covered in a shoulder injury - a dislocation or fracture, a severe bruise. All this leads to traumatization of the joint and tendon-muscle bag. In addition, pain can occur and after a time after injury and especially often disturb after physical exertion. Such a violation affects athletes, weightlifters or those whose working conditions include regular high physical activity - chronic microtrauma of the shoulder.
Pain in the joints of the shoulder is also observed with shoulder-blade periarthritis, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. When the humeroscapular periarthritis affects both joints, but in one of the joints the changes are more pronounced and heavier.
In any case, painful sensations in the shoulder cause an appeal to the doctor at least in order to prevent the development of complications that lead to a violation of the functions of the shoulder girdle.
Pain from elbow to shoulder
Pain from the elbow to the shoulder raises a lot of questions. It is important to clarify what is the cause of their occurrence, and to which specialist to seek help.
If the pain occurs when the arm is raised or the arm does not rise completely, if it hurts to rotate, it hurts to lie on the affected shoulder and aching pain does not allow sleeping at night, then the reason is probably the humeropathy periarthritis. There is a pathology of inflammation of the tissues around the shoulder joint, articular ligaments, tendons. Pain spreads from the shoulder to the elbow, the muscles swell and squeeze the nerves, which causes severe pain, and in addition, the violation of innervation - the arm grows numb, the strength weakens.
The causes of periarthritis may be different - it is osteochondrosis of the spinal column, and shoulder injuries, and a high load. Plus, if there is a hidden source of infection in the body - a chronic disease (tonsillitis, bronchitis, nephritis), then the existing infectious elements and cause acute inflammation. If there are at least two specified reasons, then the probability of development of the humeroparous periarthritis is very high. If you do not go to the doctor in time, then over time the joint surface becomes immobile and this entails a partial loss of ability to work.
Pain in the shoulders at night
Pain in the shoulders at night is the first sign of a humeropathy periarthritis. Not only muscle tissue suffers, but also ligaments of the upper humeral girdle. The pain of a piercing character arises not only in the shoulder, but also in the entire arm, is enhanced by movement. Pain gets worse at night, especially if you try to lie on a sore shoulder. Gradually, the pain is forced to restrict the movement of a sick hand, which leads to muscle atrophy and articular immobility. There may be headaches, aching neck pain, depressive condition, sleep disturbance.
Another probable cause of nocturnal pain in the shoulders is bursitis. This is an inflammation of the joint capsule, which has a chronic form. A persistent edema appears around the joint, it is impossible to sleep on the affected side. The pain is sharp, piercing with the lead of the arm and setting it behind the back of the head. The causes of bursitis are diverse, often a high load on the joint, trauma, infection, penetrating into the joint bag.
Steady pain in the shoulders at night indicates that the disease acquires a chronic course. With proper treatment, bursitis can be cured in 1-2 weeks. The main rule is to exclude the traumatic factor, and the rest of the treatment is selected individually after confirmation of the diagnosis at the doctor's appointment.
Pain in the shoulder when moving
Pain in the shoulder when moving the first signal that the joint began to collapse. The reason can be different - it's hard working conditions, excessive physical exertion, inflammation, trauma. Violation of the normal function of the joint for these reasons is expressed by pain syndrome.
With capsulitis - inflammation of the periarticular bag, it is difficult to move in the joint. It is difficult to raise your hand up, pull it off and wind it behind your head, the muscle mass of the shoulder girdle decreases, but all these changes increase gradually.
With changes in the rotator cuff of the shoulder and loads on it (painting the ceiling, prolonged holding of the load above the head). A sharp, restraining pain manifests itself the next morning, it is impossible to raise your arm above your head, muscles are strained.
In tendo-bursitis, the joint bag inflames, as a result of the formation of calcifications on the tendons. The pain in the shoulder is sharp, it increases during movement, it can spread to the neck, the foreleg, and the hand.
The pain in the shoulder when moving is one of those symptoms in which it is worth immediately contacting the doctor to establish the true cause of the inflammation or degenerative change, which will exclude the development of severe complications.
Pain in the shoulders and back
Pain in the shoulders and back is the first signal that the body is not working in harmony. Pain is the reaction of the nerve cells of the human body to injury, trauma. Pain can occur in several cases:
- Damage to muscles.
- Lifestyle, doing the same type of work with a constant load, uncomfortable working posture (when driving a car, working at a computer).
- Prolonged daily load on muscle groups.
- Compression of muscles.
- Muscle tension due to emotional shock or stressful situation.
- Subcooling of muscles.
- Atypical physical activity.
- Injuries, sprains.
In each case, when palpation of the muscle, there is an increased tone and soreness. Because of the pain, the muscle is contracted and therefore, normal circulation and metabolism in the affected area is difficult. Because of this, pain only increases, and trophic disorders increase. In addition, constant tension leads to muscle spasms. You can try to massage yourself the affected muscle yourself to remove the spasm and restore blood flow, and then seek qualified help from a doctor, because the pain in the shoulders and back testifies to the violation of the function of the musculoskeletal system.
Pain in the shoulder with inspiration
In those cases when there is pain in the shoulder during inspiration, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to establish the true cause of the disease. After all, pain can make itself felt not only with shoulder injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the upper humeral girdle. The pain does not allow to lead a habitual way of life, fetters.
The most common pathologies that cause pain in the shoulder when inhaled:
- Osteochondrosis. When squeezing the roots of the nerves, there is pain, which does not allow complete movements and increases with movement and inspiration.
- Intercostal neuralgia. It is both permanent and periodic. Pain surrounding, burning, stiffening, can give in the arm, shoulder, neck. Strengthens with breathing, palpation, sudden movements. Provoke hypothermia, osteochondrosis, physical activity, improper working position.
- Myocardial infarction. The first sign is a daggerache in the chest, on inhaling and exhaling, spreading to the entire chest, back, neck, hands. Pain can cause a loss of consciousness, and if pain does not pass after taking Validol, then immediately call an ambulance.
- Stomach ulcer. The pain increases after eating, spreads under the scapula, into the thoracic area and behind the sternum. The first signs are heartburn, salivation, belching, nausea and vomiting.
- Psychological problems. Pain occurs suddenly, in different parts of the body, accompanied by a sense of anxiety, severity. Sometimes there are panic attacks and lack of air as a result of a hysterical spasm of the larynx.
- Hepatic colic. Observed with cholecystitis - gallstone disease. It provokes an exacerbation of gallbladder spasm, the cause of which is a violation of diet, stress, infection, nervous exhaustion. Pain is sharp, spreads to the right arm, hypochondrium, shoulder, under the scapula. The patient worries, changes position, the attack is accompanied by vomiting bile and fever.
Pain in the shoulder with numbness of the hand
Pain in the shoulder at the same time with numbness of the hand - the first sign of the onset of the inflammatory process in the joint or the consequence of a serious injury. The cause may be a humeropathy periarthritis, a bursitis, a dislocation of the shoulder, an intervertebral hernia or a tumor of the chest. The first thing that should alert and that speaks about a humeroscapular periarthritis is a pain giving in a hand, accompanied by a full or partial numbness. The pain is strong, it becomes more frequent at night, especially painful palpation of ligaments near the shoulder and scapula. As a result, the joint becomes inactive and stiffens, it is difficult to raise your hand, keep weight on your outstretched arm. There is a tingling on the skin of the hand, sensitivity decreases, which indicates a vegetovascular disorder.
Dislocations also show a pronounced pain syndrome and loss of sensitivity, but preceded by an injury to the shoulder girdle, resulting in a dislocation or fracture. Sometimes, fractures damage the nerves, which leads to numbness of the limb. For the same reason, in any case, you can not independently dislocate dislocations.
To the pain in the shoulder and numbness of the hands are not disturbed, first you need to identify the root cause and correctly remove it, and for this you need to consult an osteopathic doctor. Only after the diagnosis is established, treatment can be started, and self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences, which harm the entire body.
Pain in collarbone and shoulder
The clavicle is a hollow pair of bone, one side fastened to the sternum, and the other to the scape of the scapula. Pain in the collarbone and shoulder can cause a lot of trouble, and if the cause of the pain is not injury, then it's worth paying attention to the joints. There are several reasons why there is pain in the collarbone and shoulder.
Fracture. With a fracture of the clavicle, the bone is displaced toward the shoulder, accompanied by rupture of ligaments and muscle fibers, with severe pain giving to the shoulder. The forearm is visually shortened from the affected side, but with a closed fracture the picture is not so pronounced, but the person experiences pain during movement, lifting and retraction, and turning the hand.
Clamping of the cervical roots. In this case, the pain will be given to the collarbone, neck, and shoulder. It is easy to determine by the sensations: swelling of the tongue and numb the area behind the ear, hiccups, colic in the heart, complicated swallowing. If these signs are found, you should immediately seek help from a neurologist.
Displacement of joints. Occurs as a result of the injury, the changes can be easily determined by probing the joints - there is pronounced swelling and soreness in this zone.
Neuralgia of the brachial plexus and intercostal neuralgia. These diseases can give reflected pain in the area of the clavicle and shoulder joint.
Shoulder-scapular periarthritis. The inflammatory process in the joint cavity causes pain not only in the shoulder itself, but also the pain radiating to the collar bone, the scapula of the neck, especially the pain is expressed at night.
There are many significant causes of pain in the collarbone and shoulder, but to find out their cause, you need to see a doctor.
Shoulder pain after exercise
Pain in the shoulder after exercise can be troubling after an unusual load on the arms and shoulders. With a heavy load on the shoulder girdle, the articular surfaces of the bones of the shoulder are rubbed - this is the main cause of the pain.
Another possible cause, independent of the load, but manifested after them - other diseases in the body. These are problems with liver function, lungs, stomach, maybe even this and tumor diseases of the chest.
To the pain in the shoulder after training is not reminded of yourself, it is worth sticking to simple rules. A 100% guarantee will not, but the likelihood of pain can be reduced at times.
- Warm up before training. All the muscle groups need to be kneaded, the warm-up should be complex. This and running, and rotating movements of hands, feet, squats.
- Application of warming-type ointments. Do not confuse with cooling-type ointments, which are better to use after trauma, when you need to reduce the manifestation of pain syndrome. Ointments of warming type have components that improve circulation in the area of application. As an option - ointment based on bee venom.
- And, the simplest thing is to monitor the technicality of the power systems being performed.
Shoulder pain in pregnancy
Throughout the period of pregnancy a woman may experience pain of a different nature. Often, painful sensations do not carry danger and are quite natural with physiological changes in the body. But pain in the joints refers to those changes that are not completely typical and which bring some discomfort.
Often shoulder pain during pregnancy indicates a lack of calcium. To establish this, it is enough simply to make a biochemical blood test. This will give information on the chemical composition of the blood. Thus, the doctor selects the necessary vitamin supplements, makes a diet. It is not only sour-milk products, but also fish of various varieties, egg yolk, liver.
Also, pain in the joints during pregnancy can occur due to the action on the ligament hormone relaxin. Relaxin makes the ligaments more elastic, so that in the process of delivery the hip joints, moving apart, make the birth canals wider and do not interfere with the passage of the fetus. Accordingly, relaxin acts on all large joints of the skeleton.
Also, pain in the shoulder during pregnancy can be an inflammatory process, and a transferred disease (cold, any other infection). At the first signs it is necessary to address at once to the doctor and at all to not be engaged in a selftreatment.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis of shoulder pain
Diagnosis of shoulder pain will help to make an effective treatment plan in a timely manner. When there is pain, in order to establish a diagnosis, you need the help of a neurologist or therapist. If the examination reveals that the cause of pain lies in the disease of internal organs, you should contact a narrowly specialized doctor to eliminate the primary source of pain, and not to fight with symptoms.
Diagnosis and treatment should take place in several stages. Medical measures should be aimed at eliminating the cause of pain, eliminating the pathogenic flora that caused inflammation, eliminating the symptomatic manifestation of the disease and restoring the normal function of the affected joint. If the medical measures are taken correctly, the pain in the joints of the shoulder can be without complication and in the shortest term can be canceled.
It is impossible to diagnose the serious diseases of the shoulder joints independently, therefore, it is better to refuse self-diagnosis and self-treatment in order not to deal with serious systemic complications. It is necessary to consult a doctor at least because the body of each person is individual, and it is impossible to treat it by template, and the doctor will always find a professional approach and diagnosis of pain in the shoulder, as well as correct treatment of it will not make the doctor any trouble.
With arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors are used. When for some reason the disease was started, and these drugs no longer produce results, you have to resort to the use of hormones and narcotic analgesics in order to reduce the suffering of the patient. Such drugs are used in the progression of malignant tumors. Preparations are administered either orally, intravenously and even as intraarticular injections. But quite often conservative treatment of deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint is not effective. Therefore, surgical treatment is suggested, and the most effective method for today is joint replacement.
With bruises, ruptures of ligaments, ice is applied to the lesion site. Then you can resort to alternative means: to make an acetic compress at night. Wash the affected shoulder with the prepared infusion: 3 tbsp. Flowers of lilac, 1 tbsp. Crushed burdock root and 3 pods of hot pepper mixed with 1 liter of alcohol, infused for three days. Or ointment: 100 g of unsalted fat melt, add 1 pod of red pepper, 3 tsp. Crushed sabelnik and the same number of St. John's wort.
Periarthritis is treated with analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, which are injected into the intra-articular capsule, do novocaine blockades, acupuncture. If the disease has a very pronounced inflammatory character, glucocorticosteroid preparations are used in the form of ointments and injections.
Good results with pain in the shoulder gives yoga. It relaxes the muscular mechanism of our body, which is very useful for the body and, especially for the neck and shoulders. Electrophoresis and magnetotherapy, anti-inflammatory ointments and compresses from bischofite are used.
Treatment of shoulder pain
Treatment of shoulder pain is multilevel and complex. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of pain in the shoulder. Only by identifying the root cause and eliminating it can you achieve a progressive result and restore the full volume of joint functions, without possible relapses of the disease.
While the diagnosis is not yet established, it is possible to engage in symptomatic treatment to ease the pain a little. To do this, the affected hand should be fixed in the joint, and you can anesthetize with medications or cooling compresses.
In order to relieve pain, two types of analgesics are used: narcotic and non-narcotic, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. In the inflammatory process of the shoulder joint, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used - ibuprofen, indomethacin, ketoprofen, nimesulide, meloxicam. In more severe cases, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone. Drugs can be administered in the form of tablets, ointments, and intra-articular injections may be administered, when the required dose of the drug is injected with a syringe directly into the joint bag.
Treatment of pain in the shoulder is a serious process, so the treatment plan should be prescribed only by a doctor and only after the necessary tests and a final diagnosis.
Alternatives for pain in the shoulder
Alternative means for shoulder pain are used only strictly after the approval of the attending physician. The causes of pain in the shoulder can be varied, so there is no single scheme for treating the underlying cause, and it is not only harmful but dangerous that it is not only harmful to delve into the advice of acquaintances and relatives. There are several rules, observing which you can alleviate the pain and strengthen the shoulder girdle, as well as ease the condition.
- Do exercises for the shoulder girdle daily. This will make the ligaments more elastic, and the muscles will always be toned.
- Keep proper posture. Failure to comply with this rule may affect the condition of the shoulder joint and not only. It is enough to just do exercises for the muscles of the back and abdominals.
- After getting a shoulder injury, it's best to immediately make a cold compress and massage the bruised area. In order not to injure the skin, on the affected area before applying ice, it is necessary to apply a bandage or put a towel.
Alternative means for pain in the shoulder, which will help ease the general condition:
- on the affected area of the humeral joint can be applied honey compress. The skin is smeared with a thin layer of honey, the compress paper is laid on top, the shoulder is wrapped and the compress is fixed with a bandage. Keep it for at least 12 hours, you can do the procedure at night. The course of 5-10 procedures.
- it is possible to make coniferous baths. To do this, soak in cold water pine needles and young cones for 10 minutes, then boil them and let it brew for 12 hours. After this, you can take medicinal baths, from the calculation of 1.5 infusion to a full bath. You can take a bath for at least 20 minutes.
Massage with pain in the shoulder
Massage for pain in the shoulder is especially necessary after the transferred diseases, injuries and for prevention. Therefore, massage of the shoulder joint should be given no less attention, like a back massage.
The shoulder joint is anatomically disposed so that it constantly undergoes high loads and a risk of injury. Pain in the shoulders can remind oneself of an uncomfortable working posture or after intense physical exertion without proper preparation.
Such problems with the shoulder joint, like muscle stretching, ligament rupture, cartilage damage, dislocation, fracture, arthrosis and arthritis require restoration, which is based not only on eliminating the underlying cause, but also on restoring massage and exercise therapy.
Massage with pain in the shoulder should begin with a group of muscles of the forearm, massage the hand is better bending put on a healthy shoulder or wound back - so it will be easier to massage the joint bag. Massage should be evenly, with equal force deltoid muscle and fan-shaped entire joint. Then you can begin to alternately rub the front and back of the articular bag in a circle and rectilinearly. Rubbing should be combined with stroking, so as not to create additional discomfort for the patient in the affected area. Lymph nodes can not be massaged.
Exercises for pains in the shoulders
Exercises for shoulder pain should be performed daily, especially if a case of inflammation of the shoulder joint was previously established. First of all, the physical complex of exercises is aimed at reducing the risk of stiffness and stiffness in the shoulder joint and restore its function.
Therapeutic exercises (PE) with periarthritis are necessary in order to reduce pain in the shoulder, restore the full function of the joint, increase the muscle tone of the muscles of the shoulder joint, affected by the disease.
To proceed to a therapeutic complex of exercises is necessary only after examination at the doctor, definition of the diagnosis and the beginning of treatment by medicines.
- To do in the sitting position, the rotational movements of the elbows are forward and backward, 1 minute in each direction. Hands should be placed on the shoulders.
- Sitting on a chair to put the hands on the waist and not tearing off the brushes to do the lead of the elbows as much as possible forward and maximally backward. Perform up to 10 times in each direction.
- The sick hand is wound behind the back, after which it is caught by the hand of a healthy hand and slightly stretches. At the maximum stretch point, you need to lock in for 10 seconds. Do 4-5 times.
- The hand of the sick hand is laid on the shoulder of a healthy one and with this hand the patient's elbow extends as far as possible, the elbow is pressed tightly to the chest. Do 6-8 times.
Ointment from pain in the shoulder
Ointment from pain in the shoulder is prescribed only by the attending physician, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's body. First of all, it should be an anti-inflammatory agent in the form of ointment - to be easier to apply to the affected area, plus it lasts longer. To rub a medicinal ointment it is necessary no more than 4 times a day, on the cleared undamaged skin. It can be ointment Celecoxib, Meloxicam, Ibuprofen and Diclofenac - the drug prescribes the doctor based on the survey data. It is also recommended to less injure a hand - to put a bandage on or fix a painful shoulder with a kerchief, to sit less in an uncomfortable position, not to carry weights.
The duration of treatment should be at least two weeks. Even after weakening pain in the shoulder, treatment can not be interrupted, otherwise the disease can develop repeatedly, and the drug will develop resistance.
If the cause of pain in the spasm of the muscles of the shoulder and neck, you need to use special anti-inflammatory medicinal ointments based on muscle relaxants. In rare, severe cases, drugs are injected into the joint bag. This is an extreme measure, resorted to in those cases, if the ointment from pain in the shoulder does not give results.
Prevention of shoulder pain
Prevention of pain in the shoulder will protect against serious diseases and help maintain joints in excellent condition. And this is the guarantee of a full life without limitations and pain. Here is what is important for this:
- Do not sleep on a too hard and high cushion. It is best to sleep with an elastic cushion that needs to be placed under the neck.
- If possible, do not wear a backpack or do it infrequently. Do not carry a bag on one shoulder, distribute the gravity evenly, on both sides.
- Protect your posture. Do not sit in an uncomfortable position, work at the computer in the right position.
- Do exercises. This will help keep all the muscles of the body in a tone and maintain the posture and the correct position of the body.
- To exclude the possibility of hypothermia. Dress warmly, according to the weather.
- Refuse from exorbitant physical exertion, warm up before training.
- It is correct and technically to perform physical exercises without loading the cervical section.
- Observe the diet and eat right, eat the necessary amount of vitamins.
Prevention of soreness in the hand and its compliance is always much easier than a long period of treatment and recovery. If the pain in the shoulder made itself felt, then it is better not to delay the visit to the doctor. In time, the measures taken will help to avoid serious consequences of neglected diseases.