

Teeth alignment: basic types

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The alignment of the teeth is not the most pleasant procedure, but the effect of it is stunning. If you are planning to make yourself aligning your teeth, then you will probably be interested to know about all the subtleties and nuances of this procedure, the types of alignment, prices and reviews of people who have made the alignment. So, about everything and in order.

Unfortunately, even and beautiful teeth are not all people. Curved teeth can be transmitted by heredity or be the result of trauma and even disease. But, in spite of this, crooked teeth give a lot of inconvenience to their owner and can cause various diseases of gums and teeth.

To date, medicine has found a solution for curves, uneven teeth - this is the procedure for aligning the teeth. There are many techniques and techniques, thanks to which the teeth become even. This and complete removal of teeth with subsequent implantation of dentures and more conservative techniques, such as bracket systems.

Having decided on the leveling procedure, it is very important not to save, because good work will never be a gift. Before going for it, choose a suitable clinic, find out about what methods their specialists use to align teeth, and with what equipment the procedure is carried out.

Pay attention, these works are handled by the orthodontist. Therefore, before going to the clinic, visit dentistry and consult a doctor. The doctor should carefully examine your teeth and gums and only after that, recommend the most effective alignment techniques. As for the procedure itself, you will not see the results of its work in a day, a week or a month. Alignment is a long process that is directly related to physiological changes in the oral cavity.

Types of teeth alignment

The most common types of teeth aligning are also complex treatment of problems that are associated with gums and teeth. There are several types of alignment, some of them are associated with removable and non-removable orthodontic devices, while others suggest using special gymnastics. Solving the problem of crooked teeth is much easier in childhood. But for adult patients the process of teeth alignment will be long and for this purpose use bracket-systems for bite correction, removable kapy or facing plates, which must be glued on tooth enamel.

If the teeth align the children, then braces can be used for this. They are very effective at an early age, when the teeth and bone tissue are plastic. To determine the necessary direction of growth for the teeth or to solve the problem of incorrect bite, trainers are used. The trainer is a special plate made of silicone, which must be worn on the teeth for the night, but in the daytime, wear no more than one hour. No less effective result gives this kind of leveling teeth as removable devices made of plastic or metal. This design should be worn throughout the day.

For the treatment of adult patients, the same types of equalization are used as in working with children. As a rule, these are braces, pasted locks with grooves, through which a corrective arc is launched. Especially popular is the kind of alignment of teeth as veneers. Of course, with very complex defects of teeth they can not cope, but easy problems are solved by cheers. The smile of the patient changes instantly. To learn more about the types of teeth aligning and choose the most suitable, you need to consult your orthodontist.

Rapid alignment of teeth

Rapid alignment of teeth is simply impossible, because in order for the teeth to take the necessary shape, and the direction of growth takes time. There are a couple of alignment techniques that allow you to maximally effectively and relatively quickly align your teeth.

  • Stretching plate - the design narrows or widens the upper jaw, thus changing and correcting the position of the teeth. It works most effectively on children from two to five years.
  • The plate with the Bertoni screw is a construction that is similar to the one described above. It gradually expands the upper jaw and can be used both for aligning one single tooth, and the whole dentition. The design has many drawbacks, but despite this guarantees a 100% alignment result. When wearing such a design, the patient always feels pain and discomfort. The device is selected individually for each patient, depending on the structure of the jaw.
  • Quick alignment of teeth is possible with monoblock machines. These are special constructions that prevent the appearance of asymmetry of the face due to incorrect development of the upper or lower jaw.
  • An alternative and quick method of equalizing the teeth are kapy and bracket systems. They are special lining for the teeth, which are made of a transparent material. But due to the wearing of such systems, microdamages of the teeth can occur. During the meal, the kaps are removed, and the period for their equalization varies from six months to a year and a half.

How to quickly align your teeth and not cause them harm will help you solve the orthodontist. When choosing a method and the kind of alignment, the financial capabilities of the patient and, of course, the preferences are of great importance. But do not forget that the main thing is not fast, but qualitatively.

Apparatus for leveling teeth

The device for equalizing teeth is used in the event that braces or kapy do not cope with the problem of curved teeth. Then come to the aid of special orthodontic devices for aligning the teeth, which help to expand or significantly reduce the lower or upper jaw, move the dentition a couple of millimeters in any direction.

Features of the machine for aligning the teeth:

  • This is a non-removable design that can cause discomfort to the patient.
  • The device is a design in the center of which is a screw made of metal. The device is made only of metal, but plastic is used to make the design softer and comfortable to wear.
  • The patient, who chose the device for aligning the teeth, put on the teeth hook rings, which are attached to the plate. Due to the fact that the plate has a significant load on the teeth, they are aligned, while the sky is stretched.
  • The screw, which is in the center of the plate, gradually unwinds and increases the load on the teeth and increases the surface of the apparatus. This allows you to evenly stretch the jaw and align your teeth.
  • In addition, the apparatus for leveling the teeth may have screws or springs that allow the gaps between the teeth to be removed. Sometimes screws and springs are attached to the device during use, so that the dental arch can increase in size or to adjust the position of the teeth.

Terms of wearing the device depend on the decision of the attending physician. Treatment can last from a few weeks to 2-5 months. In this case, the patient receives from the orthodontist the necessary recommendations and learns to correct the work of the device. It is necessary from time to time to tighten the screw, which is in the center of the structure. As a rule, this procedure must be done every day.

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Teeth for teeth alignment

Kapy for teeth alignment is the optimal treatment option for patients who wish to make dental defects during treatment less noticeable to others. Many patients hesitate to contact the orthodontist with such a request, believing that iron braces are the only way to solve the problem of crooked teeth. But modern medicine has ensured that the alignment of the teeth becomes available, effective and sparing from an aesthetic point of view, a procedure that can be used at any age.

Clear teeth for teeth alignment

Transparent kapy for alignment of teeth - very similar to the device that is used for teeth whitening or for the treatment of bruxism. Transparent capillaries are made individually for each patient at dental plants or in laboratories. Due to the fact that the kapes are transparent and fit tightly to the teeth, they make the process of aligning the teeth invisible to others and maximally comfortable for the patient.

But transparent kapy for alignment of teeth will not be suitable for all patients. Cap producers made sure that the kapes were used as efficiently as possible, and that dishonest orthodontists could not use them to treat any problem related to the alignment of the teeth. So, if the patient needs to turn his teeth around his axis, then the kapy can not cope with this, you need to use braces here. Also, they can not solve the bite problem or serious twisting of the teeth. Let's take a look at the problems that can be solved by the transparent kapes for aligning the teeth.

  • Kaps are used to align teeth, as in adolescents, children, and in adult patients.
  • Kapy effectively solve the problem of gaps between the teeth, and it is better than braces.
  • Help to correct small twists and slight bite disorders.
  • Correct the direction of the growth of the teeth, right-left, up and down, as well as the problem of the extended lower jaw, a small bite.
  • Kapy can also be used to shift teeth, fix the course of the main alignment after wearing a bracket system.

Straightening of teeth without braces

To date, aligning teeth without braces is a reality. Now patients do not need to suffer with metal plates in their mouths and hide their smile from others. Kapy, elainer and other methods of aligning teeth without braces allow effectively and, most importantly, quickly solve the problem of crooked teeth.

Plates for leveling teeth

Plates for leveling teeth can be removable and not removable. Each design is a device made of high-quality plastic, which does not contain chemicals, therefore it is absolutely safe. Plates for the alignment of teeth are attached with the help of metal hooks. So, depending on how seriously you need to align your teeth, the plate can have additional springs and screws, the installation of which affects the total cost of the plate for aligning the teeth.

The main advantage of using a plate for aligning the teeth is that the plate can be removed at any time. Removable plates are used for minor alignment of teeth and the main customers of this apparatus are children and adolescents. So, if necessary, you can install plates that are removed on the upper or lower jaw. The period of wearing plates for the alignment of teeth from 1.5 to 2 years, but the exact duration of treatment can say only the orthodontist.

Fixed plates for leveling teeth are attached to the outer surface of the tooth, while the plate has a lock system. The lock includes a metal bow, which is tightened from time to time. This technique allows you to align teeth at any age, correct the deformities of the dentition, straighten the teeth and adjust the cheeks between the teeth.

Between the removable and non-removable plates for aligning the teeth, there are a number of differences, let's consider them.

  • The price of non-removable plates for aligning the teeth is much higher, but it fully corresponds to the result that can be achieved with a plate.
  • Removable plates can be removed and no one will know that you are engaged in leveling teeth.
  • If complex treatment of strong curvature of the whole dentition is necessary, then removable plates in this will not help.

Removable denture plates

Removable plates for alignment of teeth are set for a certain time, as a rule, it is from 12 to 24 hours. If they are set for 24 hours, then the plates should be removed during meals and during oral hygiene procedures. Removable plates are used to change the shape of the jaw, and helps prevent tooth dislocation. Plates for equalization are very effective in correction in adolescents and children, up to 12 years, since during this period the dentogamy system is still growing.

The main advantage of removable plates for leveling teeth is their low cost and excellent result after their use. Each plate is selected individually and can be double-jawed or single-jawed, that is, only one jaw or two at a time.

Patients who wear removable plates should carefully monitor oral hygiene. So, after eating food, the structure should be thoroughly washed to avoid the development of caries and the formation of plaque. The main disadvantage of removable plates for alignment of teeth is their inability to move their teeth. Plates are able to hold the visible part of the teeth in the required position, so with an incorrect bite they can not and it is necessary to use braces.

Eleneers for teeth alignment

The aligners for teeth alignment are an invisible detachable design that consists of transparent kappas that gradually move the teeth to the desired position. Elainers - this is the safest system of teeth alignment. To install them do not need acid etching of tooth enamel. Elainers repeat the relief of the teeth and do not cause injuries to the oral mucosa.

In order to deliver the eliners, the dentist removes the impression of the patient, which is used to produce the aligners for aligning the teeth. Elainers have a smooth surface, absolutely streamlined and are made of transparent material, which makes them invisible to others.

The rate of alignment of teeth with the help of eliners can last from six to eight months. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's teeth. Let's look at how to properly wear eliners.

  • Wearing eliners is necessary for 20 hours every day and removed only during meals or mouth hygiene.
  • Elaine should be changed every two weeks.
  • They can be prescribed to patients with 12 years of age and those who have stopped the process of active growth of the jaw.
  • Each Elaine puts pressure on the teeth and moves them a short distance.
  • The course of treatment can be from a couple of months to one year. The duration depends on the complexity of the alignment of the teeth.


Teeth alignment with veneers

The alignment of teeth with veneers is the use of thin ceramic plates that securely attach to the front of the teeth and conceal defects and deficiencies. Veneers are used for alignment and reconstruction of teeth in such cases as:

  • Hidden cracks between the teeth.
  • Restoration of teeth with chips.
  • Elongation of short teeth.
  • Teeth whitening, when other methods did not give the desired effect.
  • Correction of irregularities and curvatures of teeth.

The alignment of teeth with veneers is an excellent alternative to braces alignment. Since veneers easily solve the problem of teeth growth, which are deviated from the norm. For example, the front teeth are crooked and they need to be put in a direct position, in this case veneers will be used instead of brackets. Veneers are glued on the front, the surface of the teeth and this makes it possible to hide flaws. It's more efficient, cheaper and faster than using braces.

Lining alignment of teeth

Lining aligned teeth is a modern technique of tooth restoration, which has durability and high quality. Lumineers are a new technology that allows you to achieve an effective result in a short time and at that it has an acceptable cost.

The technique of teeth alignment with veneers is the installation on the front, part of the teeth of thin, visible cosmetic inserts, which are made of high-strength porcelain. The feature of lumineers is that they are very thin, their thickness is not more than 0.3 mm. And this in comparison does not come with traditional composite or ceramic veneers.

Often, the procedure for leveling teeth with luminaries is called Hollywood veneers. The procedure for installing lumineers does not require turning teeth as if using veneers. Due to this, the enamel of the teeth remains, and if the lumineers' coating needs to be replaced, the teeth remain in their original state. Lumineers are durable, their service life is about 20 years. The main advantage of lumineers is that with their help to achieve a stunning effect that surpasses other methods of aligning teeth.

Trainer for leveling teeth

Trainer for the alignment of teeth - is an orthodontic multifunctional device, which is made of elastic silicone. Trainer eliminates the causes of uneven teeth and effectively heals an incorrect bite. The main recommendations for using the trainer:

  • Correction and alignment of teeth.
  • Elimination of problems with speech.
  • The process of recovery after wearing bracket systems.
  • Treatment of nasal breathing disorders.
  • Correction of wrong position of lower jaw.
  • Treatment of twisting of the teeth on the lower jaw in the anterior part.
  • Open, abnormal and deep bite.

Trainer for teeth is not only a device for mechanical alignment of teeth, it is an apparatus for eliminating an incorrect bite and an excellent corrector of speech defects and position of the tongue. Thanks to the use of the trainer, the muscles begin to work correctly. As a result, the treatment of teeth alignment is at a high level. Due to the fact that the trainer is made of hypoallergenic material, it very carefully affects the teeth, gently eliminates the pressure on the jaw muscles and dentition.

Staples for teeth alignment

Staples for leveling teeth are ceramic, metal or plastic locks, which are attached to the surface of the teeth. After that, through these locks pass a metal arc, which is fixed on the last molar tooth. Due to the pressure exerted by the arc, the teeth take the necessary position. The set of staples for leveling teeth includes dividers and spicers, which allow you to create a distance between the teeth. And in order to fix the bite, the facial arch is used.

Staples are used to align the wrong position of the teeth. Staples can be used at any age. Many orthodontists believe that it is the braces that are the most effective way to align teeth in adult patients. Staples can be used with torsion of teeth, and also in the presence of cracks. Staples are used regardless of the number of teeth that need alignment. Staples for aligning the teeth can solve the problem of the wrong position of the teeth in the dentition, especially in the case of a cross bite.

Tooth alignment with composite material

The alignment of teeth with composite materials, as a rule, under this concept is due to the process of teeth alignment with composite veneers. Composite materials are affordable, and the manufacturing process is not as complex as in the manufacture of ceramic veneers. Composite veneers are made from a high-quality filling material, which resembles ceramics in terms of properties. The main advantage of composite materials is that when installing veneers that are made of a composite, the dentist does not need to remove a thick layer of enamel.

A professional orthodontist can independently manufacture composite veneers to align teeth during the procedure. Composite veneers can restore the most serious damage and curvature of teeth. When aligning teeth with composite materials, special attention should be paid to the fact that the composite is unstable to food colors. Therefore, such adaptations require careful care to ensure that they have served for many years.

Laser alignment of teeth

Laser alignment of teeth is the treatment of an incorrect bite and curved teeth, which are a cosmetic drawback and make the smile ugly. Due to the crooked teeth and incorrect bite there is an increased load on the teeth and gums, which can cause damage to them. In particularly difficult cases, periodontitis may occur because of the strongly erased enamel.

Laser alignment of teeth is used in dentistry not so long ago, but has already managed to prove its effectiveness and reliability. Laser treatment reduces the possibility of complications and prevents their development at an early stage. Please note that bite correction does not apply to the method of teeth alignment. For these purposes, apart from the laser, it is necessary to use the treatment with the help of the caps and the bracket systems.

Aligning the curved teeth

Aligning the curved teeth is an aesthetic problem, which is a complex of possible health problems. Because of the curved teeth, permanent headaches can occur, which subsequently develop into a chronic migraine, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract and dysfunction.

The main methods for equalizing the curved teeth include the installation of bracket systems, cap, staples and laser correction. In the most difficult cases of alignment, braces are used. They can be vestibular and lingual. Braces are recommended to be used from childhood, since it is during this period that the jaw zone is formed. Plate for leveling and kapa are used for aligning the curved teeth of adults. The main advantage of this method of correcting curved teeth is painless wearing, but after a couple of weeks they need to be changed to new ones.

Any way to equalize the curved teeth is best used at an early age. Before choosing a method for equalizing the curved teeth, you should contact your dentist. The specialist will assess the condition of the teeth and help with the choice of the alignment method, which will suit you according to the financial possibilities and the result you want.

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Tooth alignment in adults

The alignment of teeth in adults is a complex and lengthy process, since the maxillofacial part is already fully formed. Therefore, most often for alignment, braces are installed. Braces using special locks are attached to the teeth, an arc passes through them, which is responsible for aligning the teeth.

Also, to align teeth in adults use plates. Plates are made to order individually for each patient. They hold the dentition in the correct position that the dentist initially prescribes. But the plates have restrictions on use, they can not change the position of the dentition completely. Plates are very effective in aligning teeth in children, because they have a plate and a mobile bone system.

Another option for leveling teeth for adults is the kapi. Transparent plates or kapy, repeat the contours of the jaw. They are worn for 24 hours and taken off during meals. They are great for adults, since during wearing they do not attract the attention of those around them to the problem of the crooked teeth of the interlocutor. For an effective result, the cap is worn for two years, with the need to change the kapa every two weeks. At cost - this is the most expensive after laser correction method of teeth alignment.

Equalizing teeth in children

The alignment of teeth in children always passes quickly and effectively, as in childhood, the jaw system is still mobile and elastic, which allows you to adjust its position. The most common and effective method of teeth alignment in children is the use of a trainer, not a bracket system, as many mistakenly believe. The trainer is a silicone cap, which must be worn on the teeth for the night. But at night the trainer should be worn no longer than one hour. This method is particularly effective in children who have not yet reached the age of eight.

Another effective method of teeth alignment in children is the use of plates for alignment. Plates are removable devices that are made of plastic, but they have a metal frame. Plates must be worn on the teeth for 12 hours every day. The plates work best when aligning the teeth in children, between the ages of seven and twelve.

Note that it is much easier for children to level their teeth than for adults. Since at a young age, bone tissue is supple and plastic, and teeth are more pliable. To correct an occlusion and to level a teeth it is possible and without use of bracket systems, the main thing in time to address for medical aid to the stomatologist.

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Alignment of anterior teeth

The alignment of the front teeth is the most common problem with which patients turn to the dentist. It is the front teeth that are responsible for a beautiful smile, and a smile with crooked teeth is a luxury.

To align the front teeth I use several techniques and technologies. The first thing the doctor has to offer when leveling the front teeth is the kapi. Kapy are plates that are worn on the upper and lower jaw. But kaps work effectively only in cases where it is not difficult to align the teeth, they are also used to fix the result of early alignment.

Another way to align the front teeth is to use the veneers. Veneers - this is the facing plates, which are made of ceramics. They do an excellent job not only with alignment, but also in a moment solve the aesthetic problem of the curves of the front teeth. The veneers align the crooked teeth, correct the gaps between the teeth and help separate the enamel of the teeth. For veneers to work effectively, they should be delivered by a doctor. Veneers are glued to the surface of the teeth.

The most ruthless way, which, despite the discomfort, pain and discomfort gives a 100% guarantee of even teeth - it's a bracket system. Bracket system is a special staples that correct bite anomalies and eliminate gaps between the teeth, and also work on correcting the deformation of the dentition. Many patients, when aligning their front teeth, hesitate to wear metal braces. But for today this problem has a solution - it's invisible lingual brackets.

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Alignment of lower teeth

Alignment of the lower teeth is carried out with the help of bracket systems and cap. The braces of the system work most effectively, but patients prefer to use kapy, since they do not cause discomfort during the alignment process.

Before engaging in alignment of the lower teeth, it is necessary to undergo an examination with a dentist who will thoroughly examine the curvature of the teeth and will be able to select the most effective method of equalization. Very often, the alignment of the lower teeth is associated with an incorrect bite. By its technique and the duration of treatment, the alignment of the lower teeth is no different from the anterior lining. Remember, the earlier you engage in equalization and dentistry, the more effective and quick the result of the procedure will be.


Equalizing teeth at home

Equalization of teeth at home - this is the problem most often encountered by people who received minor defects after using bracket systems. Note that aligning the teeth at home can cause a lot of damage to health.

To date, there are no effective techniques that could cope with the problem of leveling teeth at home. Some patients who do not worry about their health, start using dangerous methods of treatment. For example, snorting a crooked tooth or softening with the power of aggressive chemical means of the sinus of the teeth.

But you can even align your teeth at home, only for this you need to visit the dentist and ask him to compose a complex tooth massage for you, which will allow them to align.

Tooth massage for leveling

Massage of teeth for alignment is a method of therapy, which is often used in alignment with the help of special techniques and technologies. Massage and therapeutic gymnastics will make the alignment process not so painful. With a massage of the teeth, the gum and the sky are involved.

Dental massage should begin during oral hygiene. Dentists recommend that gently with the help of a hard toothbrush to massage the gum. This will increase the level of blood circulation in the gums and will promote effective alignment. In addition to the massage, special exercises are used that increase the effectiveness of the chosen alignment technique. Long and regular massage of the teeth can prevent the loss and loosening of the teeth.

Exercises for leveling teeth

Exercises for the alignment of teeth or myoterapia - a set of repetitive and systematic exercises. Exercises help to correct bite and contribute to the process of teeth alignment. All exercises are not complex and can be performed at home on their own. But before you start doing exercises, you need to find out about what they are. There are exercises that, in addition to aligning the teeth, allow the mimic and chewing muscles to tone up. Each set of exercises selects individually, there are no exercises that would be equally effective for everyone.

Exercises for aligning the teeth must be done every day, since without a systematic approach and regular execution, there will be no sense from such treatment. And then align the teeth will have proven hardware techniques.

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Surgical alignment of teeth

Surgical alignment of teeth is the most extreme and last method of treatment, it is used only if other technologies do not give the proper result or their use is impossible. The following deformations of maxillofacial bones are referred to cases of surgical equalization of teeth:

  • Underdevelopment of the jaw.
  • Lateral or anterior open bite.
  • Asymmetry of the face.
  • Lack of dentition.
  • Chin dysplasia.

Surgical intervention and operations on the maxillofacial zone is not only the removal of teeth, but also in a complete change in the volume of bone tissue and the position of the jaw. In this case, surgical alignment of the teeth involves a preparatory period, the operation itself and the rehabilitation stage.

Dentists try to avoid surgical equalization of teeth, since the slightest mistake can lead to a number of serious diseases that affect not only the oral cavity, but also other vital organs.

The price of teeth alignment

The price of leveling teeth completely depends on the complexity of the work and starts from 1000 hryvnia. To find out the final cost, for the whole complex of procedures, leveling, it is necessary to take into account the number of procedures, and the period leveling. Also of great importance is the alignment technique.

If you plan to put bracket system, then it will cost from 2000 hryvnia, the same rates apply to the drops. Just remember that for the entire course of treatment you will have to change from 16 to 24 pairs of cap, that is, the final price of equalizing the teeth will be quite impressive.

Reviews about the alignment of teeth

Feedback about alignment of the teeth allows future patients to learn about the effectiveness of this or that technique and decide for themselves which alignment method is most effective. Let's look at a few reviews about aligning the teeth, the alignment techniques and the results of this procedure.

Irina, 42 years old

My younger son has problems with teeth. They have curves, plus an incorrect bite. In dentistry, an orthodontic kappa was placed. My little 10 years, and the kapa effectively aligns teeth to children under 12 years old. The results were noticed immediately. The child stopped breathing with his mouth during sleep, the teeth were leveled, of course, not perfectly even, but progress is visible. We use the kappa 3 months, I hope that by the end of the treatment the son will have the most beautiful and happy smile.

Julia, 28 years

From childhood I suffered because of my crooked teeth. After I got married, I still decided to go for leveling. For a long time I was looking for a clinic and wanted to install a bracket system, since it gives a 100% result. But my husband dissuaded me from braces, and my work is connected with negotiations, so it was not the best option to sparkle with metal brackets.

The dentist recommended lining alignment. I'm very pretty that I did not put braces, as lumineers are not noticeable and perfectly cope with the task. And my husband noted that his teeth became smoother. I wear them for six months already, I hope that soon the problem of crooked teeth will be solved.

Katerina, 16 years old

Parents led to the dentist and put the bracket system. Stuck terribly uncomfortable, and sometimes painful. The first months were uncomfortable, but now I'm used to it. In a couple of months I'll be shooting, I think that the result was worth it. Wore braces for 2 years.

Inga, 24 years old

I have a beautiful smile, but I always stick my fang in the front row of teeth. It was because of him that he decided to use the trainer for leveling. Cool thing, you need to wear only at night, when I go to bed and the hour in the afternoon. The truth was not cheap, but I already see positive results. Although the dentist did not reassure, saying that the jaw bones are inactive and the result will have to wait a long time.

Teeth alignment is the most popular and most necessary procedure. Since a beautiful smile with even white teeth always has an interlocutor with him and shows that a person cares for himself.

Beautiful smile to you!

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