Protein in the urine of a child
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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In a small amount of protein in the urine of a child can be, which is not considered pathology.
Depending on the method of investigation, the level of protein from 30 to 60 milligrams is considered the norm in the daily amount of urine. Certain types of protein are quite large, so they can not penetrate through the kidney filters. Therefore, the presence of protein in the urine is a sign that the kidney filtration function is impaired.
Kidneys play a very important role in the work of the body. They are designed to capture blood decay products from the blood, which are then excreted in the urine, as well as to re-capture the substances necessary for the body.
Some substances, such as red or white blood cells, proteins, because of a fairly large size, are difficult to penetrate through the glomerular renal filter.
As a rule, the protein in the urine of a child indicates a disease, which allows to identify the disease at the initial stage, so urine analysis is very important for young children.
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Causes of protein in the urine of a child
The protein can penetrate into the kidneys for various reasons, including diseases, infections that affect both renal filters and the entire organ. However, it also happens that the proteins in the kidneys are diagnosed and under normal health conditions. In this case, the protein appears only during periods of activity of the child, usually in the daytime, and at night during sleep, in the horizontal position, it disappears (orthostatic protein increase). Usually, the protein in the urine does not cause certain symptoms, but if the level of protein in the urine is too high, its levels in the blood can drop significantly, which leads to swelling, high pressure.
Protein in the urine of the child usually appears due to infection in the urinary organs, which leads to the development of diseases such as hypertension, gouty nephropathy, thrombosis of the kidneys, etc. All these diseases disrupt the function of the kidneys. In itself, the appearance of protein in the urine does not cause serious complications, but the doctor can recommend observing a diet for some time without salt or prescribe a course of treatment with special medications.
An insignificant level of protein in the urine does not always indicate a pathology. In newborns, the presence of a small amount of protein is considered normal. In a baby, the protein in the urine can indicate overfeeding, and in young children the excessive consumption of fruit purees and juices can cause the appearance of protein in the urine. Temporary causes of protein in the urine may be stress, allergic reactions, high fever, hypothermia, the transferred disease, physical activity, burns.
Symptoms of protein in the urine of a child
Usually there are no signs that the protein appeared in the urine. Sometimes pointing out the presence of protein can urine property - it begins to foam. The analysis of urine is the only way to determine the protein in the urine of a child.
Treatment of protein in the urine of a child
Functional appearance of protein in the urine of a child, as a result of a disease or nervous disorder, special treatment does not require and after some time the level of protein in the urine disappears on its own. In some cases, the doctor may recommend drinking special decoctions that promote the removal of fluid from the body (dog rose, cranberry leaf, etc.), limit or completely eliminate salt intake, and prescribe a course of special preparations.
If the protein in the urine of a child exceeds the maximum allowable values, then the doctor can send for a re-examination, since the increase in protein may be temporary, and unreliable dishes may also be the cause of unreliable analysis. Together with urine analysis, the doctor can prescribe a number of additional studies that will help diagnose the underlying disease, which led to an increase in the protein in the urine - a general and biochemical blood test, a urine test for Nechiporenko, a kidney ultrasound, etc.
Protein in the urine of the child is not an independent disease, it is only a symptom and, above all, it is necessary to determine the reason why the protein level has increased and only then to prescribe the treatment. With effective treatment of the underlying disease, the level of protein in the urine will gradually decrease and with time the indicators will return to normal.
Prevention of protein in the urine of a child
Children can have many kidney diseases. The organism of toddlers copes with impaired renal function quite hard, therefore it is better not to allow such conditions in children.
Particular attention to the health of children should be addressed to those parents who have problems with the kidneys. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the child's condition (transparency, urine color, frequency of urination, etc.), regularly conduct medical examinations, if necessary, take tests to monitor the protein in the urine of the child.
It is also necessary to strengthen the immunity of the baby, monitor food (give more fruit, reduce salt intake). Usually, kidney diseases in children develop as a result of improper treatment of acute respiratory viral infections or influenza, so it is important to bring the treatment to an end to prevent serious complications of the common cold. After recovery, it is important to observe the rehabilitation period: if necessary, give a course of vitamins, avoid hypothermia, limit the child's stay in public places.
Kidneys of children react sharply to high temperature, therefore during illness, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature, it is necessary to give the child more fluid for normal kidney function and toxin removal from the body. In this period it is better to give the baby special broths (dog rose, parsley root, etc.).
Incorrect or untimely treatment of the inflammatory process in the bladder can cause kidney disease. Cystitis is extremely important in time to cure, so as not to provoke complications in other internal organs. If a child has a complaint about soreness in the lower abdomen, or in the genitals, it is necessary to consult a specialist and take the necessary tests.
For the prevention of kidney disease, you need to monitor the baby's nutrition: do not overeat meals, do not use a lot of spices. Also, do not give your child a lot of fatty foods. Failures in the work of the kidneys can occur due to the regular use of instant food. It is important to give the baby enough fluids (compote, plain water). Carbonated drinks adversely affect the work of not only the kidneys, but also other organs of the digestive system.
Quite often, young children, carried away by the game, do not go to the toilet for a long time. Stagnation of urine badly affects the work of the kidneys, so you need to regularly remind the child that he goes to the toilet. On a walk, baby feet should always be dry and warm.
Prognosis of a protein in the urine of a child
The organism of young children does not possess high adaptive capabilities, especially in some age periods (up to three years, in adolescence), when the risk of kidney disease increases, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition.
If the protein in the urine of a child is a functional disorder, then the prognosis is favorable. After the cause is eliminated (infection, physical stress, nervous breakdown), the protein in the urine disappears. With orthostatic increase in protein (with activity in the daytime, in the vertical position), which is most often affected by adolescents and which does not require special treatment, the prognosis is also good. In other cases, the prognosis depends on the underlying disease and the severity of the course of the disease.
Anti-inflammatory therapy allows in 95% of cases to completely get rid of the disease within 1 - 1.5 months. The work of the kidneys is fully restored within a year of recovery.
Protein in the urine of a child indicates certain abnormalities in the work of the kidneys, so it is important to establish the cause of the increase in protein in time and start treatment. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the baby's nutrition, to exclude salty, fatty foods, and also fast food from the diet.