Why does the child have festering eyes?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today in medical practice one has to face various diseases and syndromes. More and more parents come to the ophthalmologist with complaints that the child's eyes are festering. In most cases this is not an independent disease, but one of the symptoms of another, more severe disease. The symptom manifests itself in different ways: beginning from a simple discharge of purulent exudate from the eye, ending with complex cases with pain and fever.
According to statistics, purulent discharge from the eye is quite common in childhood, in the period from 1 to 3-4 years. This is due to the fact that this is one of the most difficult periods of the child's development. For this period, the intensive development of the child. Immunity is also significantly weakened, as a result of which the child is most susceptible to various infectious and inflammatory diseases.
In addition, at this time, children play a lot, spend time with other peers. They do not follow the rules of hygiene, they can put an infection in the eye. All this contributes to the accumulation of pus, various secretions. Approximately 35% of all cases of purulent discharge occur during this period.
Approximately 12% of cases of purulent discharge are observed in elderly and elderly people. It is caused mainly by dystrophic processes in the retina of the eye, conjunctiva of the eye. Sometimes the cause is a common inflammatory process, senile atrophic processes.
The cause of purulent discharge in 78% of cases is a bacterial infection. The main causative agent is staphylococcus (45% of cases, streptococcus - 32% of cases). Also often etiological factor are klebsiella, enterococcus, intestinal rods, mushroom-like microorganisms.
In 8% of cases, allergic reactions, hypersensitization of the body, are the cause of the development of purulent discharge. In 5% of cases, purulent discharge is due to other causes, for example: parasitic infection, eye strain, intoxication, irritation of the mucosa by various chemicals, radiological origin.
Why do children's eyes fester?
The main reason for the appearance of pus in the eyes of the child is an infection. It enters the eye from the internal environment, or from the environment. Inflammation develops, which is often accompanied by an abundant release of pus. In this case, pus is a conglomeration of mucus that bathes the eye and contains a secret, tear fluid. Gradually, leukocytes are attracted to the site of inflammation, which cause turbidity.
The child has snot and festering eyes
Runny nose, especially purulent, is often accompanied by abundant secretions, intense inflammation and infection. The main infection and pus accumulates in the nasal cavity. Through the nasolacrimal canal purulent contents of the nasal cavity can enter the eyeball, resulting in purulent discharge from the eye.
Quite often, microorganisms get into the nasolacrimal canal, which are the causative agents of purulent diseases. They begin to grow, multiply in the nasolacrimal canal and the nasal cavity, resulting in inflammation and pus in the eyes. In this case, the mucous membrane of the eye is most often affected. Pus is a collection of leukocytes, dead cells and microorganisms.
To treat first of all you need the main reason for the appearance of purulent exudate - the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity. Eliminating it, inflammation in the eye will gradually decrease, until complete disappearance. But in some cases, for example, with a strong inflammation, a high degree of bacterial contamination, it is necessary to resort to local eye therapy. To do this, apply various eye drops, ointments. Antibacterial therapy has proved to be very good, because pus is directly related to the infectious process.
The baby has a tear and an eyesore.
If a child has a tear and a festering of one eye, this indicates that an infection has entered the eye. She became the cause of the inflammatory process, which led to the formation of a purulent exudate. It is necessary to treat both eyes, because the infection spreads very quickly over the mucous membrane, tear and nasolacrimal canals. The most effective method of treatment is antibacterial therapy and anti-inflammatory treatment. It is necessary to consult with a doctor in advance, self-medication can be dangerous. Many doctors give preference to broad-spectrum antibiotics. The choice of form of therapy is local, or the total depends on the degree of severity of the infectious process, neglect of the purulent-inflammatory process.
The child has festering eyes and a cold
A severe runny nose is very often accompanied by an inflammatory process, the migration of infection from one department to another. On the nasolacrimal canal, the liquid penetrates the eye and causes infection, the appearance of purulent discharge. To treat you need the main reason - a common cold. Treatment of the eye and purulent discharge from the eye is an auxiliary method of therapy. For treatment not only traditional medicines, but also folk, homeopathic remedies are used. Let's consider some of them.
- Recipe number 1. Ointment for lubricating the nasal septum, maxillary sinuses.
This ointment is effective, since a large amount of infection often accumulates in the nasopharynx, maxillary sinuses. Eliminating it, the inflammatory process is significantly reduced, respectively, and reduces inflammation, and the number of secretions.
The ointment is made from burdock leaves. They must first be dried in the sun, or simply in a warm dry place. Then it is necessary to arrange them on a flat dish, set on fire. After the sheet is completely burnt, there must be ash and sticky liquid. All this is mixed until a resinous substance is formed. Then this substance is applied a thin layer on the affected area.
The action of the ointment can be enhanced if it is in a warm state. For this, it is recommended that the ointment be heated on a water bath just before application.
- Recipe number 2. Ointment to eliminate colds
This ointment can quickly and effectively eliminate the common cold. As a result of the disappearance of the common cold, purulent discharge from the eyes will disappear, as a consequence of the infectious and inflammatory process. Ointment is applied a thin layer on the nasal septum, the area of the cheeks, around the eyes, without touching the eyelids.
To prepare the ointment, you will need the glue of young trees collected in the spring. The glue of apricot tree works best. It is melted with the addition of a small amount of boiled, or distilled water. After that add about a tablespoon of honey and stir until completely dissolved and form a homogeneous mass. Apply a thin layer on the affected area. You can smear up to three times a day. Duration of treatment - until the disappearance of purulent discharge.
- Recipe number 3. Ointment for external use
Honey with soda quickly eliminates inflammation and reduces the appearance of any stains. To do this, honey pre-melt in a water bath, then remove from heat and add soda (at the tip of the knife). Stir thoroughly and apply on the skin 3-4 times a day until the discharge completely disappears. If the child's eyes fester, this remedy is one of the most effective. It is applied to the nose area, nasal septum.
The child has a fever and festering eyes
Temperature is one of the signs of development in the body of the inflammatory and infectious process. Inflammatory process can occur in any part of the human body. Most often, pus in the eyes appears with purulent-inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, as well as bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. This is due to the fact that the nasopharynx and pharynx in the body are closely interrelated. The nasopharynx has a direct connection to the eye through the nasolacrimal canal, which connects the nasal cavity and eye. Through this channel purulent exudate and infection can penetrate from the nasopharynx into the eye, which leads to the development of the inflammatory process.
In some cases, the eyes can fester as a result of inflammatory diseases of the brain, in particular, with meningitis. In this case, the infection and the inflammatory process spread through the retina of the eye, fall directly into the eyeball. As a result, the temperature rises as a response to inflammation.
Purulent processes arise as a response to the introduction of pathogenic microflora into the body. In the place of the accumulation of pathogens attract microorganisms. In the process of their vital activity, endo- and exotoxins are released, which only increase inflammation and cause intoxication. Gradually, the immune system is turned on. It begins to produce a complex of protective proteins, which also penetrate into the site of inflammation. To combat infection, the body synthesizes various protein complexes. There are circulating immune cells, leukocytes, which also enter the site of the inflammatory process. On the one hand, bacteria, products of their vital functions, toxins increase inflammation. On the other hand, blood cells, immune factors of the body, proteins synthesized by the body, are aimed at fighting infection and reducing the infectious and inflammatory process. In any case, this process is accompanied by the death of cells, the accumulation of by-products of metabolism. All this accumulates at the site of inflammation in the form of exudate purulent genesis.
In order for reactions to recover and fight infection to proceed more quickly, body temperature rises. In some cases, the temperature may increase as a result of intoxication by-products of the metabolism of bacterial cells. Sometimes there are autoimmune processes, which can also cause a rise in temperature. This means excessive activation of the immune system, which leads to the fact that the body synthesizes too much of the anti-inflammatory factors that destroy not only the bacterial cells, but also the body's own cells.
In some cases, the cause may be penetration of the infection directly into the eye. As a result, conjunctivitis develops, which is accompanied by the release of pus.
Treatment depends on what caused the inflammation. Basically, the etiological treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease development is applied. So, if the cause is a bacterium, antibiotic therapy is performed, antiviral agents are prescribed for diseases of the viral nature. With the development of a purulent-inflammatory process of autoimmune origin, an immune correction is required. Thus, all this indicates that diagnostics is of great importance. It is important to promptly identify the cause of the disease and take the necessary measures. Therefore, at the first signs of fever and with the appearance of purulent exudate, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
The child has swollen eyes and suppurates
The eye can swell up if an infection gets into it. Usually in this case, an inflammatory process or an autoimmune reaction develops. In any case, there is an exudate of purulent character. The eye usually turns red and becomes filled with pus. Often all this is accompanied by severe itching, burning and itching. Also, the eye swelling may result from swelling, which can be a consequence of an allergic reaction or impaired renal function. When the first signs of an edema in the eye area appear, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. Self-medication usually does not bring positive results, but only aggravates the process.
Sore eyes in a child with ARVI
ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection, which can penetrate the body in various ways and cause an inflammatory and infectious process. Most often the virus enters the body by airborne droplets through the nasal passages. Then the infection penetrates into the mucous membrane, spreads throughout the nasopharynx, pharynx. According to nasolacrimal feces, the infection can penetrate the eye, where inflammation develops
Treatment - etiological. It is necessary as soon as possible to consult a doctor who will help diagnose and find the right treatment. Usually for eyes appoint special drops, or ointment. But mostly prescribe antiviral therapy. Eliminating a viral infection, the symptoms usually go away on their own.
Sore eyes in a child with a cold
With a cold, the eyes fester often, especially in children. This is due to the fact that the infection penetrates through the nasolacrimal canal into the eye, where it causes inflammation and the spread of infection. First of all, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate catarrhal phenomena. Then the eyes will stop festering without any additional measures, as a consequence of the common cold. Unconventional means can help, including phytotherapy, non-traditional medicines, homeopathy.
Consider some folk recipes.
- Recipe number 1.
Oil from the herb celandine helps to eliminate catarrhal phenomena in a short period. Take 2 tablespoons of herbs and pour a glass of boiled hot sunflower oil. Cover tightly with a lid, allow to stand for 2-3 hours. After that, the agent is used as a massage oil. Particular attention should be rubbed rubbing the area of the sternum, back, the area of the scapula. Especially good it helps with a strong cough.
Also used as an oil for foot baths. About 1 - 3 tablespoons of oil is used per liter of hot water. After the steamed feet, you need to wipe them dry, put on a warm spout and as soon as possible to lie in bed, hiding in a warm blanket.
It is also used for inhalation. A liter of hot water is used a tablespoon of celandine oil. Add to the pelvis, bend over it and cover with a towel. Breathing over the steam should be 5-10 minutes, after which you need to go to bed as quickly as possible and warmly take cover.
Do not take the celandine inside, because it contains toxins that can cause severe intoxication, as well as cause allergic reactions.
- Recipe number 2.
Compresses are used to eliminate cold symptoms. For example, use fresh leaves of plantain. They are soaked in boiling water, they shake the water and put on the back, the area of the scapula, the sternum to eliminate the symptoms of the common cold. You can also use plantain leaves as a means for lotions on the eyes. Thus, the leaves are crushed, laid in gauze or bandage. Dip in boiling water, squeeze, give the opportunity to cool to a warm, comfortable state. Then they put the eyelids on the area, closing their eyes. It is necessary to lie down for at least 10 minutes.
- Recipe number 3.
Well-proven decoction of chamomile pharmacy, lavender, sage medicinal. This broth is suitable for both oral and external application. Prepare the mixture (the herbs are taken in equal parts). To prepare the broth for a glass of boiling water add one tablespoon of herbs. Brew, give the opportunity to brew in the thermos for an hour. The drug can be taken orally (drink three times a day for a third cup), apply in the form of lotions, compresses, for rubbing during a massage.
- Recipe number 4.
If the child has a severe cold, which is accompanied by a cough, sneezing, pain in the sternum, scapula, helps rubbing from turpentine. As soon as the symptoms of a cold disappear, the eyes will stop festering on their own. Razirka helps quickly to remove the pain, inflammation, eliminates burning, itching. Take 5 ml of turpentine and rub into spots before the heat. To rub it is recommended in the area of the scapula or chest. Preliminary it is necessary to try on a small part of the body, for example, on the inner surface of the hand. If there is no negative reaction, you can use it as a grinder.
To mitigate, you can put a thin layer of honey on top, pour on top with warm water. This will help relieve burning if it accompanies the grinding process. Keep the compress for 30 minutes. Remove and lubricate with petroleum jelly, as irritation may occur. Do not apply to the eyes, even if it is heavily diluted.
- Recipe number 5.
To eliminate the symptoms of cold use ointment. It is necessary to take 1 table spoon of berries of black chokeberry, cowberry and viburnum, stevia leaves and marigold seeds (marigold). Mix with 50 grams of glycerin, bring to a homogeneous mass. After this, apply a thin layer on the area of the scapula, sternum with a strong cough.
- Recipe number 6.
It is recommended to use castor oil for the cold, in which add oak bark, a few drops of jojoba oil and 2-3 drops of essential oil of cloves. All this is thoroughly mixed, brought to a boil in a water bath. Then cover with a lid and allow to stand for an hour. To eliminate the symptoms of cold, apply a thin layer on the skin, up to 5 times a day.
The child has reddened his eyes and is festering.
First of all, it is necessary to make sure that the foreign body has not penetrated into the eye. If the foreign body is, it must be removed as soon as possible from the eye. Then instill antiseptic, or anti-inflammatory drops. If there is no foreign body, complex therapy is used. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will choose the appropriate treatment and eliminate the cause of the disease.
The baby's eyes fester in the morning
If pus appears in the morning, as soon as the child wakes up, it can talk about the accumulation of infection in the body. Most often it is a bacterial microflora, which multiplies intensely overnight and colonizes various biotopes. Also, the cause may be an allergic reaction.
In order to eliminate pus, it is necessary to normalize the microflora, as well as to bring the human immune system into a balanced state. Therefore, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, who will examine the eye for various pathologies and prescribe the necessary treatment.
The child coughs and festering eyes
Cough is almost always accompanied by the development of the inflammatory process and infection. According to nasolacrimal feces, the infection penetrates into the eye, where the inflammatory process develops, which is accompanied by the formation of purulent exudate.
Symptomatic treatment aimed at eliminating pus from the eyes is in most cases ineffective. It is necessary to apply etiological treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of pathology. Thus, you must first cure cough, and only then pus from your eyes will disappear, as a direct consequence.
The child's ear hurts and the eyes fester
In the human body, all organs and systems are interconnected. Thus, the ear connects with the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube. The nasopharynx, in turn, connects with the eye through the nasolacrimal canal. Thus, infection from the ear can penetrate directly into the eye. Also, in severe ear pathologies, in which purulent exudate accumulates in the ear, it can penetrate the brain. After this, the infection can penetrate the eye, through the internal septum, which borders on the retina of the eye.
In any case, first of all you need to determine the cause of the pathology, then pick up an adequate treatment. Only an experienced doctor can do this. Therefore, it is impossible to delay the visit to the doctor. Self-medication can not be done, because pathology can only aggravate.
The child's eyes fester and itch
This may be a sign of an allergic reaction. Therefore, you must first make sure that this is really an allergy. Only then you can start treatment. It is better to consult a doctor, do not take self-medication. But nevertheless the basic means allowing quickly and effectively to get rid of an itch and pus in eyes, it is necessary to know everyone.
First of all prescribe antiallergic drugs. For example, suprastin has proven itself well. It is taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease and the severity of the symptoms. Before starting the use of the drug, you should carefully read the instructions. In particular, it is worth paying attention to the fact that suprastin can cause drowsiness and delayed reaction. Therefore, it should be taken by people whose work requires increased concentration, for example, if the child is engaged in sports.
If suprastin is ineffective, it is recommended to take loratodine. It is taken 1 tablet a day, as it is a drug of prolonged action. It has a therapeutic effect during the day. Exceeding the dosage is not recommended, as strong intoxication can develop, which will only exacerbate the pathology and increase the secretion of purulent exudate.
The child's eyes suppurate with genyantritis
Sinusitis is a serious disease that is treated only according to the doctor's prescription. Pus in the eyes is a consequence of sinusitis, as this disease is accompanied by the accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinuses.
Most often for treatment resort to antibiotic therapy. Locally, zinc ointment can be recommended for lubricating the maxillary sinus and nasal septum. It removes inflammation, reduces the amount of purulent exudate. Ointment is applied a thin layer on the skin, thoroughly rubbing. Leave on the skin until completely absorbed. You can also use various homeopathic remedies, folk recipes.
The child has a festering eye
There can be many reasons. Without conducting diagnostics, it is impossible to establish the cause precisely. Therefore, you need to see a doctor who will conduct a series of laboratory and instrumental tests and make a diagnosis. Then treatment will be appointed, which will help to eliminate the disease.
It is important to exclude the entropion, that is, the eyelid twist, in which the inflammation in the eyes also develops due to the fact that the wrapped eyelid constantly irritates the mucous membrane of the eye, causes inflammation, pus. In this case, usually performed a surgical operation, blepharoplasty.
The child's eyes are very festering
One of the most likely causes is a bacterial infection. However, this is not the only reason. Therefore, you should always consult a doctor and conduct a diagnosis, on the basis of which the appropriate treatment will be selected.
Doctors often prescribe antibiotics in this case. It is recommended to take antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action. For example, ciprofloxacin will quickly get rid of bacterial infection, as a result, the amount of pus will drop dramatically. It is recommended to take 1 tablet (500 mg) once for three days.
It is necessary to observe the precautions: to take the full course. This applies to antibiotic therapy in general and does not depend on where exactly the inflammatory process is localized. This is due to the fact that the bacteria can not be killed completely, as a result of which they will become stable, and the pathological process will only increase. The danger is that the pus can spread to the other eye, as well as to other parts of the body.
The child often has fainting eyes
The reasons can be a lot, so you need to visit a doctor. It should also be taken into account that the appearance of any infectious and inflammatory diseases is associated with a decrease in immunity. Therefore, it is important to review your diet, the regime of the day. With the appearance of any secretion, including the eye, it is necessary to take vitamins, since most of them are directly or indirectly associated with a violation of vitamin metabolism and their deficiency in the body. It is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily concentrations:
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin A - 240 mg
- Vitamin E - 45 mg
- Vitamin C - 1000 mg.
Risk factors
In a group of children children with impaired microflora, reduced immunity, are at risk. Against this background, the infection easily penetrates the eye and is sorbed on the mucous membranes. Gradually, there is an accumulation of metabolic products of bacterial cells, accumulated dead leukocytes and bacterial cells. All this and becomes the reason that the inflammation intensifies and pus appears.
The second factor that contributes to the development of purulent inflammation of the eyes are frequent colds, inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, pharynx. In this case, the infection often enters the eye through the nasolacrimal canal, or through the outer space.
With the penetration of infection in the eye, its development is promoted in the first place, reduced immunity. Under normal immunity, as a rule, the infection does not develop, or progresses very poorly. Risk factors are also inadequate nutrition, a lack of vitamin, some nutritional factors. Negativity is affected by fatigue, lack of sleep, and neuropsychic overstrain.
The pathogenesis of purulent eye diseases is based on the inflammatory process. At the same time, infection develops. Usually the infection penetrates the eye, irritates the mucous membrane. Inflammation develops, purulent exudate arrives, which is represented by particles of dead leukocytes and bacterial cells. The excretion of pus is also accompanied by a change in local immunity.
As the main symptoms of purulent discharge are considered itching, redness, burning in the eye area. It is also often observed that a substance is isolated from the eye of a substance of white-yellow color, a thick or mushy consistency. This is pus. It can have a specific, very unpleasant odor.
The harbingers of the fact that purulent discharge from the eye will soon appear are the decrease in visual acuity, itching, burning and pain in the eye area, redness. Often all this is accompanied by abundant lacrimation. The mucous membrane of the eye becomes first overdried, then redness appears, the blood vessels on the eyeball become pronounced. Gradually appear white in color. They can be flaked. With aggravation of the situation or lack of adequate treatment, the infection quickly affects the second eye, and also spreads along the nasolacrimal canal to adjacent organs: the nasopharynx, pharynx, respiratory tract. Usually the disease progresses rather quickly, so both eyes are affected.
Consequences and complications
If pus in the eyes does not heal, many complications and negative consequences will develop. Often develops tear, which gradually leads to inflammation of the mucosa and decreased vision. Often this develops against a background of severe swelling. There is a strong swelling of the eyelids, which presses on the tear duct. This contributes to increased lacrimation. If lacrimation does not stop on time, the lacrimal canal narrows. This leads to the formation of a scar, which also exerts pressure on surrounding tissues. All this leads to the fact that the metabolic processes are violated. This only aggravates the situation and helps reduce vision, violate other basic functions.
Often complications are lacrimation, inflammation, circulatory insufficiency. These problems often lead to dry eyes. In most cases, this is due to the individual characteristics of a person, the state of his local immunity. The state of local immunity is determined by the ability to produce immunoglobulin A. Decrease in immunoglobulin A helps reduce the functional state of the mucous membranes. Its additional stimulation provides an increase in the functional characteristics of the mucous membranes, stimulating local immunity.
Lachrymation, inflammation often lead to a decrease in vision. Reducing the vision can also be a consequence of insufficient moisturizing of the eye.
Complications also include conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, impaired metabolism of the eye, severe damage to the mucous membrane of the eye. One of the complications may be the omission of the eyelid, the swelling of the eyelids.
For diagnosis, you need to see a doctor. Usually, if the child's eyes are festering, it is enough to have a visual examination from an ophthalmologist who, by external signs, quickly diagnoses purulent exudate and notices the course of the inflammatory or infectious process. If necessary, the examination of the fundus is carried out with the help of special equipment. You may also need to check your visual acuity. Laboratory tests are rarely needed. But in some cases, they can also be informative (mainly in the setting of a differential diagnosis).
If the eyes are festering, you can perform a series of tests, in particular, a blood test. Analyzes of ophthalmic fluid, tear fluid, are rarely performed, as the sampling of the material is difficult to produce, and this technique is irrational. Much more informative can be a blood test.
This is, above all, a general blood test (clinical analysis): shows the essence of the main reactions occurring in the body. It is possible to determine the general orientation of pathological phenomena occurring in the body. The presence of inflammatory processes, the infectious process can also be diagnosed by blood analysis. In particular, the decrease in the number of leukocytes may indicate the development of the inflammatory process.
If the inflammation in the eyes of allergic genesis, this may indicate an increased amount of eosinophils in the blood. Also, the number of eosinophils may increase in the event that a person develops eye dystrophy. Eosinophilia may indicate the development of parasitic and hidden infections.
A certain amount of information can be given by the number of platelets. They indicate the condition of the circulatory system, the characteristics of blood clotting, can indicate latent bleeding and the presence of an active inflammatory process.
Sometimes resort to conducting bacteriological studies. This is especially true if the child has a suspicion of conjunctivitis of bacterial origin. A swab is taken from the inside of the eyelid. Sometimes a lacrimal fluid is used as a research material. The aim is to determine the causative agent of the disease and determine the prevalent composition of the microflora. You can also identify the presence of a chronic infection.
If necessary, together with a bacteriological study, an antibiotic susceptibility assay is performed which makes it possible to select the optimal antimicrobial agent, antiseptic eye drops that will have the greatest effect on the isolated pathogen. The necessary dosage of the drug is also determined.
It may be necessary to analyze for hormones, because the state of the mucous membrane of the eye depends on the concentration of hormones in the body. Hormones also determine the state of other mucous membranes, skin. If a hormonal imbalance is detected, corrective therapy is prescribed.
Instrumental diagnostics
At carrying out of diagnostics instrumental methods are insignificant. The examination of the fundus is performed using special equipment. This method allows you to assess the state of the eyeball, its bottom, retina, blood and nerve vessels. Also, methods of checking eyesight are used.
Differential diagnostics
First of all, it is necessary to differentiate the disease that caused the appearance of pus. It is important to determine whether pus is an independent disease, or it is one of the symptoms of another disease.
It is necessary to differentiate the disease from entropion, in which the eyelid is wrapped, as well as from conjunctivitis, in which the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed.
First of all, you need to prevent getting into the eye infection. So, the infection can penetrate in an internal way, therefore it is necessary to normalize a microflora, to eliminate an internal infection. We need to ensure that the immune system is normal. Secondly, you need to follow the rules of hygiene, because the infection can penetrate the eye and the external path, from the environment.
For prevention, it is important to take vitamins, eat right, take timely action when any infectious and inflammatory diseases occur.
If the child's eyes fester, you need to take the necessary therapeutic measures as soon as possible. To do this, you need to contact your doctor in a timely manner. If treatment is observed, the prognosis will be quite favorable, the disease is completely cured. If the doctor does not follow the recommendations, a number of serious complications may develop, and the prognosis will be unfavorable.