Than to treat, if children's eyes fester?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many young parents have to face a problem: the child's eyes are festering. Most often, this problem occurs in newborns and children of the first year of life. This is due, first of all, to the insufficiently formed microflora. Nevertheless, such a problem can worry the child in the future. For example, children of preschool and primary school age often have inflammation of the eye, which is accompanied by the release of purulent exudate. At the first signs of pus in the eyes, you should immediately seek advice from an ophthalmologist.
With purulent inflammation of the eyes, in no case should one engage in self-medication. It is important to contact the doctor in time and choose the optimal treatment that will help to quickly cope with the symptoms of the disease.
Antibiotic therapy may be required. In this case, local therapy is often prescribed. General therapy may be required only if the disease progresses very quickly, and local effects are ineffective. If necessary, the physician can prescribe physiotherapy procedures. Positive effects also have treatment with homeopathic remedies, folk methods, herbs.
Complex treatment is usually required. It will be necessary to be treated not only in the conditions of a polyclinic or a hospital, but also at home. It is recommended to wash eyes in the morning, use antibacterial agents. Wash your eyes with special solutions, medicinal drops. Apply physiological solution, distilled water, vegetable decoctions.
If the eyes suppurate, most often apply various eye drops. In most cases, they contain antibiotics. It is important to choose exactly antiseptic drops, because they have an antimicrobial effect, quickly remove the inflammatory process, normalize the state of the mucous membrane of the eye.
Nevertheless, taking any medications, especially eye drops, should be extremely cautious. This is due to the fact that improper application can cause serious complications, up to a burn of the mucous membrane of the eye and loss of vision (full or partial). Precautions should be observed - consult a doctor before using any eye drops. Store drops in a dark place in the refrigerator (unless otherwise specified in the instructions). Drops must be sterile. Be sure to use an individual dispenser or pipette, close the bottle immediately after use. Do not use drops after their shelf life has expired. Also, do not use drops in combination with other medicines without first consulting with your doctor.
It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, do not stop it spontaneously, even if the condition of the eye has already normalized, and purulent discharge no longer disturbs. Self-discontinuation of drugs can cause serious complications, lead to ineffectiveness of the drug in the future, and may lead to a relapse (return of the disease after a short period of time in a more severe form).
The following drops are recommended for treatment:
- Albucidum - 1-2 drops in each eye, 2-3 times a day during the week
- Vial - 2-3 drops in each eye, the duration of therapy is 5-7 days. In case of ineffectiveness, the course of treatment should be repeated.
- Levomycetin droplets - 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day, for 7-10 days.
In some cases, ophthalmic ointments are used. Well-established various ointments of pharmacy production, which are made individually for the patient, strictly according to the individual prescription. The scheme of treatment is selected by the doctor. Manufacture of medicines is carried out on the basis of an established and confirmed diagnosis. Often, such drugs are prescribed after preliminary laboratory tests and functional eye studies.
In a regular pharmacy you can buy a variety of ointments. In particular, the hydrocortisone ointment for the eyes, which is placed in small amounts behind the eyelid, has proved to be well established. A sterile spatula is used for this. The ointment should dissolve in the eye.
It is a medicinal product of antibacterial action, which is used for lotions, washing the eyes. In order to wash the eye, you need to make a light solution: a glass of warm boiled water use 1 tablet of fucacilin. It is dissolved, allowed to stand for 20-30 minutes in a clean, sterile place.
In order to make a lotion by eye, it will take about a third of a glass of furacilin solution. It is cast into a separate bowl (so as not to contaminate the entire solution). After that, wet in the resulting solution of cotton wool or bandage, put on the eye. Withstand for 15-20 minutes.
A sterile pipette is required for the washes. It is necessary to collect approximately 25-30 ml of a solution of warm medicinal product, slightly open the eye, drip. The medicine will pour out, this should not cause concern. The solution should flow out, washing the festering eye and removing pus from the eye, medicine. Also during such procedures the amount of bacterial microflora is reduced, the condition of mucous membranes is normalized.
Than to drip, if the child's eyes fester?
If a child's eyes fester, it is impossible to use medicinal drops on their own, because they can only aggravate the situation and cause numerous complications. It is necessary to see a doctor, undergo a preliminary examination. If a bacterial infection is suspected, a bacteriological study may be required to help determine the exact cause of the disease and to select the appropriate treatment.
Usually, purulent diseases use antibacterial drops, as pus is a congestion of microorganisms, leukocytes and other inflammation factors. Having reduced the infectious and inflammatory process, it is possible to eliminate the pathological process itself.
The safest antibacterial agent is levomycetin droplets. They contain a minimal amount of antibiotic - levomycetin, and are the safest. Cases of overdose are rare
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapy for eye diseases is rarely used. Individual cases of the use of general physiotherapy in the complex therapy are known, or after the basic treatment is completed.
As the main methods of physiotherapy treatment is considered the treatment by ultrasound, microcurrents, waves of various lengths. Electrophoresis is used, with which drugs are injected directly into the damaged tissue. The depth of their penetration is regulated by a microcurrent. Cryoprocedures, thermal procedures are shown. Laser procedures, phototherapy proved to be very good.
In some cases, if pus from the eyes appears against a background of decreased vision, atropinization may be required. Under atropinization means a technique that helps to effectively restore the vision to normal values, especially if the cause was a violation of the accommodation of the eye. It makes it possible to diagnose peculiarities of hyperopia under accommodation tension. This is an important diagnostic criterion. The essence of the procedure is to instill a solution of atropine sulfate into the conjunctival sac. Drip the solution one drop twice a day, about 2 weeks.
Folk treatment
In order to overcome the constant secretion of pus from the eyes, it is advisable to increase the immunity and normalize the microflora. It is important to restore the local immunity to the eye. It is necessary to normalize the level of local immunoglobulin A, which is contained in the mucous membranes and prevents the development of inflammation and the spread of infection. It is necessary to work on the body in a complex way.
- Recipe number 1. Infusion for the normalization of vitamin metabolism
In case of violations of the state of the eyes, their rapid fatigue, most often there is a lack of vitamins A, E. They can be filled with funds that include blueberries, ginger, honey, and other components. They can be taken separately, or as part of a mixture.
- Recipe number 2. Mixture for improving local immunity
Often used a mixture that increases immunity and prevents the development of infections. Accordingly, local immunity of the mucous membranes of the eye also increases, as a result of which the bacterial load decreases and the amount of purulent exudate decreases.
Take 50 grams of chokeberry, 50 grams of egg shells, previously ground on a coffee grinder, mix. Then add 5-6 drops of essential oil of sage (anti-inflammatory effect). It is recommended to mix thoroughly and insist 2-3 more hours.
- Recipe number 3. Restorative tincture
Fruits of sea-buckthorn are carefully kneaded with a fork until the formation of oil and puree mass. It shows regenerative properties.
Homeopathic remedies have proved quite effective as an effective remedy, which helps restore the body, increase its resistance, and normalize metabolic processes. An important role in the treatment of eye diseases is the normalization of the state of the immune system, local immunity, microflora. So, the main precaution can be a consultation with a doctor. It will help to choose the most effective means, choose its optimal dosage, choose the optimal treatment regimen, which will increase the positive effect of the drug and reduce side effects.
- Recipe number 1. Reducing mixture
A repair mixture proved to be successful, which allows to restore elements of the damaged mucous membrane in a relatively short time. This leads to the elimination of inflammatory processes, a decrease in contamination by pathogenic forms of microorganisms. The mixture helps normalize the natural microflora and restore colonization resistance of the mucosa.
The mixture is based on aloe juice, which has antiseptic, wound-healing properties. It is necessary to take about 50 ml of aloe juice. Add 2 teaspoons of ground ginger to the mixture. Then add half a teaspoon of flax seed. All this is mixed. You can add honey, because the product has a bitter taste.
- Recipe number 2. Mummy infusion
With this infusion, the condition of the mucous membrane is normalized. It is possible to restore the microflora, normalize metabolic processes in the body. Also, the infusion helps to eliminate signs of intoxication, removes the inflammatory process, removes toxins, eliminates infectious and purulent processes.
Well-established water infusion mummy with the addition of herbs and oils. It can be taken orally, and can also be used for external use in the form of compresses, lotions on the eyes. Eliminates pain, signs of inflammation. Mumiye, dissolve in a liter of warm water. Add a tablespoon of grass nettle and raspberry leaves. You can also use it as a lotion. To do this, moisten the cotton disc and place it on the closed eyes. Withstand about 10-15 minutes, remove and wipe eyelids with warm water.
- Recipe number 3. Natural sorbent
Apply inside as a decoction, as well as in lotions and compresses. To prepare the broth, it is recommended to boil the oats. Cook should be about 2-3 hours, which will allow all nutrients to enter the broth. Used for compresses, as well as for oral administration. You can mix the broth with honey, which will enhance the useful properties. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. For external use, the cotton disc is wetted in a decoction and placed on a closed eyelid.
Vitamins are a prerequisite for overcoming inflammation. They normalize the state of the mucous membrane of the eye. Most vitamins are taken orally. So they can have a complex effect on the body, normalize metabolic processes. Some are used externally, adding to compresses and trays. The formation of any damage and inflammation on the skin and mucous membranes is due primarily to the lack of vitamins A and E. In this regard, it is recommended to take vitamins inside the following daily dosages:
- Vitamin A - 2000 mg
- Vitamin E - 45 mg
- Vitamin C - 1000 mg
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin H is 150 mg.
Herbal Treatment
Calendula is used both externally and internally. It contains a large amount of vitamin C.
The value of calendula is also that it is the source of provitamin A, from which vitamin A is subsequently synthesized. Calendula is characterized by a high content of essential oils and flavonoids. It allows quickly and effectively to remove inflammation and prevent the development of infection. Most often used in the form of reed flowers and seamless flower baskets. Apply inside and in the form of external lotions. It can also be used to wash the eyes. To do this, the broth should be warm. Inside take in the form of broth and infusion. Drink 2 glasses a day. The broth requires about 2-3 tablespoons per glass of water. For washing, a sterile pipette should be used. For lotions and compresses use a wadded disk, soaked in a decoction.
The second remedy used for eye diseases in a child is aloe. It is applied in the form of leaves. The main value is that it contains a large amount of vitamin, as well as phytoncids. These substances have a powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. It is a powerful biogenic stimulant. Apply both externally and indoors. Outer aloe is used in the form of ointments, creams, lotions and compresses. It removes inflammation, itching, puffiness, prevents the development of infection and inflammation.
Purity is mainly used externally and in the event that other means do not help. This powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. It uses grass and roots. The value of celandine is that it contains a large number of vitamins A, E, C. Thanks to this, it quickly removes free radicals from the body, soothes pain, relieves itching, swelling, inflammation, prevents dryness of the mucous membranes.
Burdock is used externally in the form of lotions. For lotions used decoction. When ingestion can be used as a decoction or infusion.
Apply mainly roots and leaves. Ingestion can increase the body's resistance and normalize metabolic processes. This normalizes the microflora, eliminates the dryness of the mucous membranes.
Purulent discharge from the eye is treated with antibacterial therapy, eye drops, drugs. Surgical methods of treatment are extremely rare. However, depending on the situation, surgical treatment may be required. For example, in the case of a combined pathology in which the release of pus is due to a number of other pathologies and entails serious complications, affects the inner, deep layers of the eye, entailing serious lesions of underlying tissues.