Why bleeding gums and what to do?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With the development of diseases of the mouth, the patient is often disturbed by symptoms such as swelling and bleeding gums. If the gingiva is swelling or bleeding, this may be a sign of the onset of diseases such as periodontitis, gingivitis or periodontitis.
Among gum diseases, periodontal diseases are less common, most common are gingivitis and periodontitis. If bleeding gums, this is a significant reason to seek help from the dentist, since the treatment should begin already in the early stages of the disease, which will prevent its progression.
Why bleeding gums?
To find out why bleeding gums bleed, it is possible only with complex diagnostics, considering all the accompanying symptoms of the disease. These may include swelling and itching in the gums, the formation of periodontal pockets, the appearance of bad breath, dental deposits, painful sensations in the gums when biting hard food. The reasons for bleeding gums may include various systemic diseases of the body, infectious pathologies, congestion of microorganisms in the oral cavity due to improper care, poor-quality dental filling, bite defects.
Why bleeding gums?
In violation of the norms of oral hygiene, the formation of calculus or the influence of other unfavorable factors, gum diseases such as periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontitis may develop. With these diseases, a number of similar symptoms may arise - soreness of the gums, swelling, redness, bleeding, smell from the mouth, dental plaque. Why bleeding gums bleeding, you can figure out just visiting the dentist and after a complete examination. If pores are formed pathological pockets, pus is secreted from them, most likely, there is a development of periodontitis. With parodontosis, dental pockets are not formed, there are no obvious signs of inflammation, gums acquire a pale shade, the plaque accumulates on the teeth. With gingivitis, the gums become inflamed without disturbing their integrity. However, if the disease is not treated, it can go into periodontitis.
What diseases bleed gums?
When there are traces of blood on the toothbrush, you should immediately pay attention to the condition of the gums and oral cavity and seek advice from a dental clinic. Undoubtedly, the first question that arises in this situation is: "What diseases bleed gums?" There are several gum diseases in which they can bleed. This is primarily gingivitis, periodontitis or periodontitis. Inflammatory process, which develops with gingivitis under the influence of bacteria accumulated in the oral cavity, can lead not only to bleeding gums, but also to their soreness, swelling, and the appearance of unpleasant odor from the mouth. When parodontitis, depending on the stage of the disease, dentition pockets are formed from small to very large sizes, pus is secreted from the gums, with the form started, the teeth begin to loosen, which subsequently leads to their loss. Therefore it is extremely important to begin treatment of gums with the appearance of the slightest signs of the development of the disease: bleeding, changing the color and form of the gums, the formation of plaque.
When does the gingiva bleed heavily?
If your gums bleed profusely, greatly hampering the process of cleaning your teeth or chewing food, you should immediately seek help from the dentist, until the inflammatory process has taken a more massive turn and did not lead to loosening and loss of teeth.
Strong bleeding gums is characteristic for such diseases such gingivitis or periodontitis. With catarrhal gingivitis, the patient is disturbed by taste sensations, itch and inflamed gums, marked by bleeding. With the exacerbation of the disease, pain becomes more intense when cleaning teeth or other external factors. With catarrhal gingivitis, overall health is usually not disturbed, however, in the acute phase of the disease, weakness may occur, and a temperature reaction is observed. Typically, this form of gingivitis occurs when the teeth begin to erupt or change to permanent. With chronic catarrhal gingivitis, the symptoms of the disease become dull, the inflammatory process decreases. Ulcerative gingivitis can develop as a complication of acute catarrhal gingivitis. The first symptoms of this form of the disease include hyperemia, pruritus and puffiness of the gums, the presence of ulcers on the gums and their bleeding, which occurs even with very careful cleaning of teeth or bite of solid food. In any case, strong bleeding gums requires an immediate visit to the doctor and urgent treatment.
When is the gingiva swollen and bleeding?
The situation, when the gingiva is swollen and bleeding, indicates the development of the inflammatory process and the occurrence of such gum diseases as gingivitis or periodontitis.
To prevent the development of gum disease, you must strictly observe the norms of oral hygiene, regularly brush your teeth with a therapeutic and preventive paste (the duration of application is indicated on the package). The procedure for cleaning teeth should take at least two minutes at least twice a day - in the morning and at bedtime. After each meal, the oral cavity is recommended to be treated with a rinse aid or, if not possible, with salty warm water. Rinse the oral cavity should be for one to two minutes. To remove food left between the teeth, you can use dental floss.
When does the gum bleed between the teeth?
If the gum bleeds between the teeth, it can be associated with both mechanical damage caused by careless movements during the cleaning process, and with the onset of the inflammatory process in the gums. In the first case, you should use a toothbrush with soft bristles, some time to avoid eating solid foods, such as apples, carrots, etc. If the cause of bleeding is an inflammatory process, you should resort to a dentist. The most common cause of bleeding gums is gingivitis, which develops as a result of accumulation of plaque and reproduction in the oral cavity of microorganisms. Parodontitis may also be the reason why the gum bleeds between teeth. In this case, traces of blood appear not only during the cleaning of teeth, but also spontaneously, accompanied by swelling and painfulness of the gums. To promote the reproduction of bacteria in the oral cavity may violate the norms of hygiene, the use of a large amount of sweet, the abuse of nicotine.
When do the gums bleed at night?
If the development of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity bleeds gums at night, this may indicate the occurrence of periodontitis. This disease has several stages. At the initial stages, in addition to bleeding gums, there is a weakening of the dental ligament, the appearance of a plaque on the teeth, the release of viscous saliva. When the disease progresses or worsens, the symptoms intensify, accompanied by the formation of pathological dentition pockets, the discharge of pus, the loosening of the teeth. Gums may appear on the gingiva, painful swelling, and pain can also occur in the submaxillary lymph nodes.
When the gums bleed when brushing your teeth?
In cases where bleeding gums when brushing teeth, there may be a mechanical injury to them with a toothbrush. The reason for this may be too stiff bristles or reckless sudden movements and, as a result, trauma to the gums.
When choosing a toothbrush, it should be borne in mind that bristles made from natural materials are more conducive to the multiplication of microorganisms than artificial bristles, which in turn can also have a negative effect on the condition of the gums, especially with the appearance of signs of inflammation. When bleeding gums when brushing teeth, you should also pay attention to the rigidity of the toothbrush. If you use a brush with a stiff bristle, it makes sense to change it to a softer one. Brushes of an average degree of rigidity are considered as an optimum variant. They sufficiently clean the gaps between the teeth and the gingival furrow from the plaque and the remaining pieces of food. In gingival diseases, brushes with soft bristles are recommended for use. The period of use of the toothbrush is approximately three months, after which it must be changed to a new one.
Bleeding gums after quitting smoking
Undoubtedly, in the presence of such a harmful habit as smoking, teeth and gums also undergo its negative influence. Their color changes, a plaque appears, the freshness of breathing is lost. However, it also happens that a person quit smoking and only after that there were problems with the gums. This can be caused by changes in the circulatory system, as for smokers and for people who do not have tobacco dependence this system can function with certain differences. The original cause, predisposing to the development of the inflammatory process in the gums, can be directly nicotine dependence. So, if you smoke cigarettes and your gums bleed, you need to take the necessary measures first. These include the use of vegetable decoctions for rinsing the mouth (from chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark, etc.), medicines for rinsing (stomatidin, givalex), therapeutic-profilactic toothpaste (lakalut, sensodin), exclusion from the diet hot or very cold food and water. If the signs of inflammation do not decrease, a qualified specialist will solve the problem.
Why does the gum bleed after tooth extraction?
If the gum bleeds after tooth extraction, this can be caused by natural causes associated with the process of surgical intervention. Gums after tooth extraction can bleed for several hours. In the first few hours after the tooth extraction procedure, the patient is recommended to refrain from eating food, and do not rinse the damaged area. Otherwise, the inflammation of the dental hole may develop.
If the bleeding from the gum arises not immediately, but after a certain time after tooth extraction, this may indicate a reduced coagulability of the blood or can be triggered by taking medications. To neutralize the moderate bleeding, a sterile gauze swab is placed on the gum area for twenty to thirty minutes.
The development of intensive bleeding, which does not occur within a few hours, can be caused by damage to the vessel during tooth extraction and requires an examination by the doctor. To remove swelling and stop bleeding on the face area from the affected side, you can attach ice.
High blood pressure can also lead to the discovery of severe gingival bleeding. To prevent this situation, patients who are prone to increased blood pressure, before the procedure for removal of the tooth can be introduced sedatives.
Why do bleeding gums bleed?
There are often situations when gums bleed during pregnancy. This may be due, first of all, to the hormonal restructuring in the body of a woman that occurs during this period. In such cases, bleeding, as a rule, disappears after the onset of labor. However, not always such symptoms are associated only with hormonal changes in the body. Often the cause of bleeding gums during pregnancy is a disease like gingivitis. Its main symptoms include swelling and redness of the gums, their soreness and hypersensitivity. The teeth accumulate plaque, an unpleasant smell appears from the mouth, difficulties arise when chewing food.
Any symptoms of gum disease can not be ignored, since in the advanced stage the effectiveness of treatment is much lower than when the first signs of the disease appear. Treatment of gingivitis during pregnancy is aimed at removing inflammation and neutralizing plaque. In order to minimize the negative consequences, treatment should be started immediately, even with a slight bleeding of the gums or their swelling. When planning pregnancy, it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive examination at the dentist and take the necessary preventive measures to prevent the development of the disease in the future.
Why does the child bleed gums?
If a child's gums bleed, it can be associated with a variety of causes, among which are the following:
- Teething. During this process, growing teeth can put pressure on the gums, thereby provoking their bleeding;
- Lack of vitamins in the child's body;
- Reduction of the body's defenses;
- Low-quality care for teeth and gums, congestion of plaque;
- Infectious diseases or pathologies of a different nature.
The influence of such unfavorable factors leads to the development of the inflammatory process in the gums and their bleeding. The most common disease of gums in children is gingivitis. With the development of an acute process, painfulness of the gums is noted, an unpleasant smell is felt from the mouth, the gums begin to bleed, become swollen and reddened, deposits form on the teeth. Among the various types of disease more common is catarrhal gingivitis.
In the treatment of gingivitis in children as part of complex therapy, it is recommended to stop using hot or too cold food and water. To strengthen the body, vitamin and mineral complexes and balanced nutrition are prescribed. Local treatment involves treating the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions. When visiting a dentist, professional cleaning of teeth, removal of plaque is carried out. To prevent the development of gingivitis, one should adhere to the rules for oral care, brush your teeth twice a day for at least two to three minutes. Also, you should carefully approach the choice of a toothbrush in order to exclude mechanical damaging of the gums by too stiff bristles. If bleeding occurs, the child should seek help from a pediatric dentist.
What to do if the gums bleed?
With the development of the inflammatory process in the gums, they become edematous and reddened, begin to ache and bleed. If you have such symptoms, first of all, it is worth to learn what to do if the gums bleed and how to reduce the inflammatory process. The main causes that cause the development of the inflammatory process in the gums include such gum diseases as periodontitis or gingivitis.
For successful treatment, even at the first signs of the development of the inflammatory process, you should seek help from a dentist. To remove bleeding gums, antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity, dental cleaning of teeth. Next, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, lotion on the gum area and rinsing, the use of curative-prophylactic toothpaste. Complex treatment is prescribed depending on the causes that triggered the development of inflammation.
Than to treat, if the gums bleed?
To give a competent answer to the question of what to treat if bleeding gums bleed, can only be a qualified specialist, based on the reasons that caused such a phenomenon as bleeding gums.
In most cases, bleeding gums is associated with the development of the inflammatory process and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, such as swelling and pain in the gums, smell from the mouth, the appearance of plaque or stone on the teeth. Most often provokes the appearance of such symptoms of gingivitis. With this disease, a givalex solution can be used to rinse the oral cavity. Before the rinsing procedure, a certain amount of water is added to the ten milliliters of the preparation and the mark on the measuring container is adjusted to 50 milliliters. Or, two teaspoons of the drug is dissolved in ¼ cup of water with a temperature of about thirty-five degrees. When rinsing, avoid ingestion. The number of rinses a day can be from two to four times. Children under the age of six are prescribed a different regimen for the drug. Typically, the treatment with givalex lasts five days. Do not prescribe yourself a drug yourself, with the appearance of negative reactions, use of the drug should be discontinued.
Alternative means for bleeding gums
If bleeding gums, alternative remedies can be used as an auxiliary method of treatment to relieve the inflammatory process. One of the most widely used alternative means for rinsing with bleeding gums is the bark of oak. In order to prepare a decoction, three to four teaspoons of oak bark pour 200-250 ml of water and bring to a boil. After the broth has cooled to room temperature, it can be used to rinse your gums several times a day. The positive effect, as a rule, is noted in ten to fourteen days.
Vitamins with gum bleeding
When the gums bleed, vitamins and minerals contribute significantly to improving their condition. The lack of vitamins A, B, C and E in the body with the development of the inflammatory process in the mouth can lead to the fact that the gums become friable, weak, acquire an unnatural shade. Therefore, with gum disease, vitamin therapy should be part of a comprehensive treatment.
What to rinse, if the gum bleeds?
When the first signs of inflammation in the oral cavity do not need to be delayed with a visit to the doctor, at an early stage the process and the result of the treatment will be much faster and higher than with the advanced form of the disease. First of all, you need to know when the gums bleed: what to rinse, what toothpaste to use and how to properly care for teeth and gums during this period. At the first signs of bleeding gums for rinses, you can use the oak bark. It has a powerful astringent effect and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums when they bleed. Pharmaceutical preparations used for rinsing with gum disease include givalex, stomatidin, dentofit, angilex, and others.