What if my back hurts?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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All life does not become happy, if the back hurts. Given that the problem of the patient back, in recent years, has become quite common, it can be assumed, without reliance on the data of statistical centers, that almost every third person can not fully enjoy all the delights of life.
Active movements, sharp turns and inclines, lifting of heavy objects, fast walking, all this is impossible to perform with the patient back. Restrictions in life activity follow in all areas, from movement, to the adoption of the body by a horizontal position. If the back hurts, sit, lie, also have to be in certain poses and, preferably, on a completely flat, dense surface.
What causes back pain?
Speaking about the back and problems associated with it, you need to know that the pain appears due to irregularities in the structure or integrity of the musculoskeletal system of the back itself. We call such pains actually dorsal. Pain, can be triggered by problems in the internal organs, the leading symptom of which will be back pain. Consider those reasons that can actually cause dorsal pain.
The back is a solid muscle, located in several layers, having a different direction of the muscle fibers. Some muscles promote the extension of the body, others provide slopes at different angles. There are muscles that lead and lead. On the form in the back, two large muscles are distinguished, having a pair of disposition on two sides, one called the latissimus muscle of the back, the other - a trapezoidal one. The vertebral column, consisting of many bones and joints, is also a back. In addition, do not exclude vessels and nerves. Throughout the back, there are major vessels - veins and arteries, as well as nerves with all their branches. And if the back hurts, you should check the integrity and normal functionality of all the listed "structural elements" of the back.
To provoke back pain can both serious pathological changes, such as, a herniated disc, and an ordinary cold of the muscles. Myositis occurs from prolonged exposure to a muscle region, or a group of muscles, cold temperatures. Although sometimes, for the appearance of signs of muscle inflammation, a couple of minutes of staying in a draft are enough. Pain in myositis occurs at the time of stress or movement in the affected area of the muscle. The muscle is tense and painful to the touch. There may be a slight increase in body temperature.
Typically, a person immediately establishes the cause of the pain, comparing the recent events, for example, heated and sweaty went to the wind without outer clothing or, for a long time, sat by the window and this "frozen" loin. You can often hear the expression "back blown". The mechanism of the onset of this disease is well known since ancient times, and even without knowing the medical term describing the common cold, at home it is easy to cope with such ailments. The main thing is to be sure of the correctness of the diagnosis, for which it is better to have a checkup with a doctor.
Modern society, usually directed, instead of going to the doctor, at the pharmacy to solve any problems. In the pharmacist queues, you can hear the phrases "Give me something from the back." If the back hurts, then "some ointment" or "something from the back", purchased at the nearest pharmacy, can have a detrimental effect, instead of solving the problem once and for all. Treatment in this way is fraught with many consequences.
If you have a backache, you need to be scared about a disease that goes on slowly and for a long time - osteochondrosis of various parts of the back. Initially, it can manifest itself in minor pain, muscle tension and painfulness during palpation. In some patients, seizures occur abruptly, with pronounced soreness, while others may not manifest themselves for a long time, up to a certain point.
Herniated discs
The threatening name of this disease reflects its essence, the duration of the course and treatment. Intervertebral discs, with constant pressure on them, tend to wear out. They, in fact, play the role of a gasket and shock absorber between the bones, providing them with a free, smooth and even motion. One can give an illustrative example of a faucet. In its composition there is a rubber gasket, which ensures normal operation of the mechanism, water enters the tap. If the integrity of the crane breaks, the water flows in different directions or does not flow at all. Wear of the gasket in the faucet can be eliminated by replacing it, which can not be used in the case of the intervertebral disc. If the back hurts and the reason is that the intervertebral cartilage has gone beyond its normal location, it can be detected only by specially directed instrumental diagnostic methods.
Sciatica and posture disorder
Subcooling the body is dangerous by the occurrence of a number of serious diseases, among which honorary place is occupied by sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve), it gives the strongest pains in the region of the waist.
Fatigue of the back as a result of improper planting, violation of posture, can also cause back pain, which appear at the end of the day.
How is it treated if the back hurts?
To treat whether back pains by alternative means or to trust professionals is a private matter for everyone. Here are just started inflammatory processes leading to a number of complications and a long, protracted painful process. In time, the established cause and the right course of treatment is the key to a quick and qualitative recovery from back pain.
If the back hurts, then you should seek help from an osteopath or a surgeon, or visit a neurologist to exclude problems with impaired nervous patency.
Appeal to the therapist is justified by the fact that it is necessary to confirm his absence of pathology from the internal organs, which will also complement the correct diagnosis.
After setting the cause, a treatment course is prescribed, which will include, depending on the situation and the cause, anesthetic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, warming ointments and compresses, physiotherapy exercises and massage on the affected area.
Back muscles training, like the prevention of pain
Even the most complicated mechanism requires constant maintenance. People are fond of expensive equipment, personal transport, forgetting that their own organism also needs constant care. Exploiting our body, we do not think about the processes that are taking place inside of us, about the mechanisms that give us freedom of movement and who are rarely forgiven for merciless burdens and errors in the way of life. If the back hurts, it's too late to start an active lifestyle, you need to think about ways to get rid of the causes of pain and to select special exercises that will be used to train the back muscles in a sparing mode. So the back is arranged that her muscles are not capable of daily passive training. The muscles of the arms and legs, during the whole day perform a lot of contractions and relaxations, this leads to their natural training. What can not be said about the muscles of the back. Most of the time they are only in a stressed state.
What we take for a state of rest, putting our body in a horizontal position, does not relax the muscles of the back to the full. Especially the muscles of the back will not relax, even at night, if you sleep on soft, uneven mattresses or sofas. To allow the muscles to completely relax, you need to lie on the floor, hands to arrange along the back, and legs bend at the knees. Lying, in this way, you can feel how the spine is straightened, and the muscles relax. Full relaxation in this position does not come, but still it will be greater than with a simple horizontal position. If the back hurts, especially in the lumbar region, and by the evening there is a strong muscle tension, lie on the floor with knees bent legs for ten minutes and feel how the tension leaves your muscles.