What can and can not be done with gout?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Gout, which arises from the accumulation of urate crystals in joints and other tissues, is the result of systemic catabolism of nitrogen-containing purine bases of nucleic acids. Those who are diagnosed with this disease, you should know what you can, and what can not be done with gout.
First of all, it concerns food products, the use of which either contributes or counteracts hyperuricemia - an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood that is formed during the cleavage of purines.
Read also: Diet for gout
Determining whether it is possible to eat certain foods with gout, and which is not possible with gout (for example, red meat, meat offal and fatty fish), it should be borne in mind that the precipitation of uric acid crystals is facilitated by a shift in the acid-base state organism in the acid side.
In the fight against a decrease in the pH of the blood and all physiological fluids, alkaline products containing organic acids help. According to the experts of the American National Institutes of Health (NIH), a more alkaline internal environment is an important biochemical condition for leveling the properties of a sufficiently weak but poorly soluble in most uric acid liquids (C 5 H 4 N 4 O 3 ), which in the blood is in the form of monosodium salt. In addition, organic acids contribute to a decrease in the synthesis of uric acid by the kidneys.
Another important point is the presence in the urine of sodium salts of uric or calcium salts of oxalic acid, that is, urates or oxalates. This pathology is a frequent companion of metabolic problems, and this imposes additional restrictions on certain products.
So, what can and can not be done with gout from food?
Can I eat chicken with gout?
Chicken meat has a reputation for a dietary product, but it concerns only fats, but the content of purines in it exceeds 122 mg per 100 g of product; of this amount, as a result of digestion, the body will receive up to 170 mg of uric acid. But, when answering the question whether it is possible to eat chicken with gout, one can not ignore the fact that when cooking meat, nitrogenous substances remain more than half in the broth. And the use of 150 g of boiled chicken once in two or three days (outside the exacerbation of the disease), most nutritionists consider quite acceptable.
By the way, chicken can be replaced with turkey fillet or rabbit meat, in which the purine content level is lower.
And as for the level of purines in food, it should be noted that WHO considers purines to be low from 50 to 100 mg per 100 g of product, medium - from 100 to 150 mg, and all that is higher than 150 mg per 100 g - high (that is unacceptable gout).
Can I eat eggs with gout?
The protein content in one raw egg averages 5-6 g, and in the same amount of boiled egg - by 0.3 grams more. And although uric acid is certainly formed in the process of egg protein metabolism, and eggs belong to strongly oxidizing food, but, in the opinion of nutritionists, one boiled egg a day 2-3 times a week is a "harmless dose" outside the period of gout exacerbation.
That is, eggs should be restricted in the diet, and they should be consumed only in boiled form (no fried eggs!), Then your body will get vitamins of group B, as well as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron and manganese.
Is it possible to eat fat with gout?
To the delight of lovers of fat, this natural product of proteins does not contain: its main constituents are fats, which chemists call triglycerides.
A piece weighing 50 g gives 450 kcal; contains about 48 mg of cholesterol; almost 20 g of saturated fatty acids; more than 22 g of monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic and palmitoleic); 5 g of polyunsaturated linoleic acid, as well as selenium and zinc.
Since saturated fats increase the proportion of bad cholesterol and reduce the proportion of good, dieticians exclude fat from the diet for any diseases. And they act absolutely justifiably. When digested, triglycerides split into ketones, and this prevents the kidneys from excreting uric acid because it has to, first and foremost, remove ketones from the body.
Can I eat squid with gout?
In addition to most fish species, seafood such as mussels, scallops and shrimps are food contraindications for disturbing the metabolism of purine bases.
As for squid, in 100 g of their meat contains 16-18 g of protein, 62 mg of purine bases and 224 mg of phosphorus (which has oxidizing properties). But in the fillet of this cephalopod mollusc there is alkalizing macroelement potassium and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The complex of substances promotes an increased diuresis, as a result of which the organism is more easily released from metabolic products, but this is not always possible with gout. However, Western nutritionists say that sometimes with gout, you can eat a squid portion, since a moderate amount of purines in their meat can not increase the risk of exacerbation of the disease.
The question arises whether it is possible to eat crayfish for gout. And the correct answer to it will tell you the indicator of the content of purines (25 mg per 100 g of boiled crab meat) and the resulting uric acid (60 mg). In addition, all crustaceans are very strong food oxidants.
Can I eat mushrooms for gout?
From the use of fungi in this pathology, doctors are strongly recommended to refuse. Firstly, because 100 g of fresh mushrooms contain more than 46% of proteins. Secondly, they contain oxalate oxalate and a significant amount of glutamic acid (42 mg per 100 g). Glutamic acid or glutamate (C 5 H 9 NO 4 ) is an amino acid in the protein that is an additional source of nitrogen.
Also in the fungi there is nitrogen containing urea, which increases the number of nitrogenous bases in mushrooms to almost 15%.
And, finally, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which is broken down in the body before the urinary, is contained in fungi in the amount of 3.7-4.5 mg per 100 g. Is there still any evidence to convince you that Do not use mushrooms for gout?
Is cheese for gout?
In the process of making hard cheeses, as a result of fermentation, a lot of glutamate is formed. Therefore, hard cheeses are included in the list of unwanted products with gout.
Some nutritionists recommend tofu cheese as an alternative to animal protein. But this cheese is made from soybeans - a legume that is extremely rich in plant proteins. In 100 g of soy cheese (curd) contains about 30 mg of purines, as well as acidifying elements: phosphorus (up to 97 mg) and calcium (almost 350 mg).
In this case, urologists note that in the case of reduced glomerular filtration of the kidneys and with a high urea content in the blood, tofu with its large amount of protein will only increase the burden on the kidneys.
Is it possible for cottage cheese for gout?
Virtually none of the therapeutic diet is not without cottage cheese. In 100 grams of cottage cheese, not more than 8 mg of purines (according to some sources, it is generally absent), but a lot of calcium (and we remember that it contributes to acidification).
When milk is curdled, its main protein casein is released and therefore better absorbed by the body, although due to the lack of necessary enzymes in humans, this protein is digested much more slowly than other proteins of animal origin. Biochemists have found out that it is due to this property that amino acids of casein enter the bloodstream gradually, without overloading the kidneys.
In a study of the UK Gout Society, it was found that proteins of low-fat dairy products enhance the body's ability to remove uric acid.
Is ice cream available for gout? Fatty grades of this dessert are harmful, as fats delay the excretion of uric acid. But against the reasonable use of fruit ice cream in this disease, doctors have no objections.
Can peas be eaten with gout?
It is known that in 100 g of any beans, including peas, at least 20% protein and, accordingly, high content of purine bases. So, in 100 g of peas their amount is 64 mg, which gives 150 mg of uric acid. In addition, all legumes are rich in cobalt, which activates the synthesis of nucleic acids. So fresh and canned peas with gout is better not to eat.
Can peas be eaten with gout in the form of a popular pea soup? Our dieticians are categorically against, while Western physicians to beans in the diet of patients with gout began to be more tolerant. For example, researchers at the American College of Rheumatology argue that moderate consumption of legumes, some purine-containing vegetables (spinach, cauliflower, asparagus) and nuts does not increase the risk of gout, since they contain vegetable protein. And the main source of uric acid in the body is proteins of animal origin.
Can I eat tomatoes with gout?
In small quantities, you can consume tomatoes with gout. They contain a lot of organic acids, and tomatoes - like most vegetable crops - are considered to be an alkaline product. Also in the composition of fresh tomatoes are phenyl-containing acids, which help reduce inflammation of the joints with gout.
On the other hand, there are a lot of glutamic acid in tomatoes (in 100 g more than 240 mg), and this acid is the most important participant in purine metabolism, which stimulates the formation of monosodium urate salt. For this reason, there is no consensus as to whether tomatoes can be eaten with gout. Read more about this article - Tomatoes for gout.
Is it possible to eat eggplant for gout?
Eggplants are recognized as triggers (i.e., activating factors) of gout ostensibly, due to the high content of purines. But nitrogenous substances in 100 grams of these vegetables are only 8 mg, which causes the formation of 20 mg of uric acid. In the case of eggplants, purines are not to blame, it's just that all nightshade vegetables have protective substances (glycoalkaloids) that provoke articular pains in any problems with joints.
Among the advantages of eggplant, one should note the high content of potassium (in 100 g of 238 mg), that is, this product is alkaline. In addition to a positive effect on the acid-base balance of the body, this vegetable helps to remove uric acid salts from the body.
Include aubergines in your diet should be cautious and not addicted: in this vegetable is also a sufficient amount of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which in the process of metabolism turns into the same urinary.
Is it possible to use sorrel for gout?
Sorrel in all versions of anti-gout (as well as antioxoalate and anti-tar) diets is classified as strictly prohibited products, because it contains oxalic acid.
In addition to sorrel, this organic acid is included in considerable quantities in the chemical composition of spinach, rhubarb, parsley (greens), celery, asparagus, parsnip, leek. And despite the fact that all these leafy vegetables contain significant amounts of vitamin K, oxalic acid reduces the absorption of calcium, forming insoluble salts - oxalates.
Against the background of problems with acidity of urine, this aggravates the condition of patients with gout. Read also - Oxalates in the urine
Can cabbage with gout?
First of all, it should be noted that among vegetable crops, restrictions on the amount of consumption apply only to asparagus, spinach, green peas and cauliflower. And the fact that cabbage can and should be used for gout, no one has any doubts. Moreover, this all-seasonally available vegetable is an excellent source of vitamin K, necessary for blood clotting, normal intestinal work, protein synthesis and normalization of energy metabolism.
Is it possible to pickled cabbage for gout? It all depends on the number and frequency of use. In sour cabbage, just a record vitamin C content, which can reduce the level of uric acid. However, again, there is too much NaCl ...
Decide for yourself whether broccoli can be eaten with gout, if in 100 g of this cabbage type only 21 mg of nitrogenous substances, which give 50 mg of uric acid when they are consumed, are detected. Broccoli is rich in vitamin C and B9, potassium (316 mg per 100 g) and fiber. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) defines broccoli as a functional food product (that is, providing additional health benefits) because it contains a biologically active substance such as sulforaphane, which has not only antibacterial properties, but also antitumor agents.
So the answer to the question, whether it is possible to broccoli with gout, suggests itself.
Can I eat cauliflower with gout?
We singled out this kind of cabbage separately not casually: it from the "black" list of products at a gout. Although in 100 grams of cauliflower, only 19 mg of purine compounds (which give 45 mg of uric acid), which is almost 3.3 times less than in legumes. By the way, in the same amount of oatmeal (!) Nitrogenous substances are twice as large (42 mg).
Talking about peas, we already cited the opinion of Western nutritionists regarding the use of "purine" vegetables and beans. So, as the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition writes, if you love cauliflower, there's no reason to completely stop using it; just need to know the measure and do not eat this product more than twice a week.
This kind of cabbage is a rich source of vitamins C, K and beta-carotene; beta-cryptoxanthin; coffee, cinnamic and ferulic acids; köpferol, quercetin and rutin.
Flavonoid rutin (rutozide) refers to antioxidants and can reduce the intensity of inflammation, protecting cells from damage by free radicals. But at the same time it is believed that rutin, with its significant content in the product, can promote the formation of uric acid in the kidneys. For more than a decade, researchers at the Institute of Functional Biomolecule in Nanjing, China have been studying the effects of quercetin flavonoids and rutin and serum levels of uric acid.
Nevertheless, given the presence in 100 grams of cauliflower 300 mg of potassium (increasing diuresis), listen to your doctor's advice, whether it is possible to eat cauliflower with gout for you, and treat this product with great caution.
Can I eat cucumbers with gout?
Everyone who suffers from gout should be aware that any diuretic (diuretic) drugs for this disease are banned: forced removal of fluid from the body leads to an increase in the concentration of uric acid.
Cucumber, 95% water, refers to vegetables with a strong diuretic effect (like leaf parsley, dill, arugula, coriander, chervil, artichokes, pumpkin, watermelon, etc.).
It is for this reason that its use with gout should be strictly "dosed". The same answer can be given to the question - is it possible to eat lightly salted cucumbers with gout. In addition, lightly salted cucumbers contain a lot of salt, which worsens the kidneys.
Can I eat zucchini with gout?
With practically zero caloric content of zucchini and a sufficiently rich vitamin-mineral composition, this vegetable is simply an ideal dietary product. In dietetics, appreciate zucchini and for its assistance in the assimilation of protein foods, and for a good effect on the work of the intestine, and for the ability to remove from the body the metabolic products. Therefore, there are zucchini with gout.
But it is not recommended to take a great interest in zucchini with gouty arthritis, as they contain potassium (260 mg per 100 g of product), that is, they promote increased formation and excretion of urine.
Can I have celery with gout?
Some nutritionists are advised in gout to limit the use of celery (root and petioles). Their argument is based on the fact that in celery too much oxalic acid, as well as potassium (262 mg per 100 grams).
Another part of the domestic specialists in therapeutic nutrition considers celery to be useful for those who suffer from kidney diseases, arthritis and gout, as it helps to remove "excess" liquid from the body ...
But none of them for some reason does not call moderately alkaline properties of celery, and the presence in this vegetable culture of a sufficient high content of folic acid. But folic acid (if not combined with an obvious diuretic effect of the product) helps to reduce the risk of exacerbation of gout - gouty attacks.
Is it possible to eat beets with gout?
There are no restrictions on the use of beets by patients with gout. Although in the composition of this root, along with a large set of organic acids, a lot of potassium and enough oxalic acid.
On the other hand, the beet contains a considerable content of an amino acid such as valine. Its main positive quality for gout is the ability to maintain a normal exchange of nitrogenous substances.
And the betaine contained in the beet helps to protect liver cells from fatty degeneration, and the joints from inflammation and edema.
Can I eat potatoes with gout?
Cooked in peel potatoes, dieticians recommend to use for blood alkalinization: 100 grams of tubers contain more than 400 mg of potassium. However, potassium, as you understand, determines the diuretic effect of potatoes.
Doctors do not see in this product threats and the question of whether it is possible to eat potatoes with gout give a positive answer.
Is it possible to eat corn for gout?
Corn is so difficult to digest a product that its use in diets is almost always limited.
With gout, this cereal may not be very useful, as in corn there is a lot of acidifying phosphorus, diuretic potassium and nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). It is unlikely that their action is neutralized by vitamins C and B9.
In addition, corn grains contain a significant amount of glutamic acid (information about it was higher - in the description of the consumption of fungi in gout).
Is it possible to eat onions with gout?
And is it possible to eat onions with gout?
Both onions and green onions contribute to increasing the pH of blood and urine, and some recommendations on the amount of their use, obviously, can give nutritionists.
However, among the indisputable benefits of onions, there may be one "but". It's all about salicylates (acetylsalicylic acid compounds) that contain onions in moderate amounts, as well as asparagus, lettuce, cauliflower and fresh mushrooms - within 0.5-1.5 mg per 100 g.
In the human body, salicylic acid transforms, forming, among other substances, aminoacetic acid (glycine), from which purine compounds are synthesized.
Salicylates obtained with food inhibit the secretion of uric acid in the kidneys, which leads to its retention in the body. According to the research, when ingestion of 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid within 24 hours in humans after 60 years, the level of uric acid in the blood can increase by almost 6%.
Can I eat garlic for gout?
Garlic, like onions, helps to cope with a decrease in the pH of physiological fluids in the body. Garlic contains a significant percentage of sulfur, which takes part in regulating the level of uric acid. By the way, besides sulfur, mineral cofactors in the biosynthesis of uric acid are, iron, copper and molybdenum.
Garlic is also one of the most powerful products for lowering cholesterol in the blood, which is very useful for excess weight and problems of the cardiovascular system.
Is it possible to nuts with gout?
All nuts contain a sufficient number of purines: for example, in 100 g of the kernel of the walnut contains 15 g of protein, 10 mg of purine bases (processed in 25 mg of uric acid). But at the same time in the same 100 g there are such alkalinizing elements as magnesium (average 234 mg) and potassium (375 mg).
In addition to ω-3 fatty acids, the walnut has in its biochemical arsenal phenolic acids, tannins, flavonoids and quinones (yuglon), which are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant phytonutrients.
For gouty, the most harmful nuts are peanuts. But if you remember that peanuts are beans, then everything falls into place. So, if you have gout, high levels of oxalate in your urine or kidney stones, you need to limit the intake of nuts to a minimum. The optimal amount is 30 g per day, that is, the intake of purines does not exceed 3.3 mg.
Is it possible to eat sunflower seeds with gout?
With sunflower seeds sunflower seeds should not be consumed: 100 g of seeds contain 65 mg of purines (or 157 mg of uric acid), according to other data - 143 mg.
If a patient has gout obesity, then sunflower seeds are contraindicated to him: a serving of 100 g gives 584 calories. And with oxalate stones in the kidneys, the seeds are categorically contraindicated because of the high content of oxalic and acetylsalicylic acid salts.
Whether it is possible to eat honey at a gout - read in a separate article Honey at a gout.
Can I eat oatmeal with gout?
Since we switched to cereals, we will briefly dwell not only on oatmeal, but we will also clarify the question of whether it is possible to eat buckwheat for gout, and whether rice can be eaten with gout.
Cereal cereals are recommended in almost all medical diets for systemic diseases (which include gout).
It is estimated that 100 grams of oatmeal (already cooked porridge) contains no more than 2.6-3 g of protein (in the porridge of their oat flakes - more than 12 g); buckwheat - 3-4,5 g; rice (ordinary white) - less than 2.5 g. That is, with such a small amount of protein, these products have a negative effect on the level of uric acid in the blood can not.
What should be considered? That rice helps constipation, and buckwheat porridge gastroenterologists are not recommended to use in patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers.
Can Doshirak be administered with gout?
Food fast food, including noodles Doshirak or Mivina, for gout (and not only) is not recommended. Look at what is included in this dish, and you will understand why doctors give such advice.
For example, the Doshirak premium dish consists (in addition to noodles) of: palm oil, starch, dry broth with synthetic flavors, taste enhancer (sodium glutamate), vegetable protein (i.e., granulated soybean flour), etc.
What fruits and berries are there with gout?
Fruits and berries are a healthy source of vitamins, flavonoids, antioxidants and trace elements. So, vitamin C promotes the restoration of gout-damaged cells, and flavanoids have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Fiber of berries and fruits helps digestion, leaving less uric acid as a byproduct of protein metabolism.
But berries and fruits also contain fructose. Why does fruit sugar have a bad reputation? Because it is a monosaccharide with a ketone group, the metabolites of which disrupt the nitrogen metabolism in the body, slowing the renal excretion of uric acid, causing its level in the blood and urine to rise. According to some reports, fruit sugar increases the risk of exacerbation of gout by 74%. And the higher the uric acid content in the blood, the more a person with gout is sensitive to the effects of fructose.
Is it possible to eat cherries with gout?
In cherry a large assortment of organic acids, antioxidant polyphenols and bioflavonoids, reducing inflammation in gouty attacks.
And due to the high content of vitamin C, which inhibits the activity of the enzyme xanthine oxidase (catalyst for oxidation of nitrogenous bases of purine in uric acid), cherry counteracts hyperuricemia.
Very useful are cherry pectins, anthocyanins and ellagic acid. Read more - Cherry for gout
Is it possible to eat sweet cherries with gout?
In very small quantities, so there is too much fructose: 5.4 g per 100 g of berries.
Can I eat grapes for gout?
To date, nutrition has partly recognized grapes as an unsuitable product for patients with gout. First of all, because of the high caloric content of these berries and a large amount of easily absorbed glucose, after all, as clinical practice shows, out of ten patients with gout in every eight obesity.
On the side of opponents of grapes for gout and the fact that it has the highest fructose content among all berries: more than 8 g in 100 g. Moreover, in the mature grapes fructose is more than glucose, and when it is stored, the content of fructose increases significantly.
Can I get blueberries for gout?
Blueberries, like all berries with a high antioxidant content, help fight inflammation of the joints. In addition, these berries have vitamins C and K, anthocyanins, hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonols, as well as phenol phytonutrients resveratrol, which is capable of slowing down the nitric oxide-induced death of cartilage cells (chondrocytes).
But in the presence of oxalates in urine (crystals of oxalic acid salts), blueberries are contraindicated.
Is it possible to eat raspberries with gout?
Domestic nutritionists believe that people suffering from gout and kidney diseases, the use of raspberries can do harm because of the large number of salicylates. (How salicylates affect gout was described above when it came to onions).
With regard to antioxidants, raspberries contain all the important anthocyanins, ellagic and gallic acids, quercetin and kaempferol. Therefore, in the West, patients with gout are recommended to eat raspberries and even drink tea from her leaves.
Can I eat strawberries with gout?
This berry is a rich source of vitamin C (more than 50 mg%), potassium (more than 450 mg%) and magnesium (almost 30 mg%).
Magnesium can help reduce gout symptoms, including pain. But we should also remember about strawberry salicylates (over 1.5 mg per 100 g), which can worsen the condition of some patients with gout.
Can I eat gooseberries for gout?
Vitamin C, which contains about 42 mg% in gooseberry, can not compensate for the diuretic effect of potassium, which in these berries is more than 200 mg%, and also the presence of a high level of salicylates.
And now we'll figure it out, can a watermelon with gout, because it has strong diuretic properties, which is not entirely suitable for patients with gout. However, much more importantly, the pulp of watermelon contains alkaline substances, including organic acids, which help to normalize the alkaline-acid balance in the body.
Moreover, this largest berry is rich in citrulline, which, after consuming watermelon, is converted to arginine, the alpha-amino acid involved in the urea cycle and removal from the body of ammonia. So eat watermelon on health!
Is it possible to eat apricots with gout?
Many doctors advise patients with gout to eat foods rich in potassium, which alkalizes urine and blood. In 100 g of fresh apricots the amount of this element is almost 260 mg, almost at the level with melon.
Therefore, 5 fruits of apricot per day will be enough. But the dried apricots are not worth it, since dried fruits have higher concentrations of salicylates due to water loss.
Can I eat bananas with gout?
Bananas contain a large amount of potassium: more than 350 mg per 100 g of product.
But potassium is balanced with sodium, so nutritionists recommend eating bananas for gout.
Is it possible to eat lemon with gout?
All citrus fruits, including lemon, can and should be consumed in this disease, as these fruits increase the pH of blood and all fluids in the body. Lemon juice prevents gout attacks by stimulating the formation of calcium carbonate, which can neutralize uric acid.
A good way to apply lemon in gout is to squeeze juice out of the lemon into the water and drink it after eating. But if the acidity of the gastric juice is increased, the lemon is contraindicated in gout.
What can and can not drink with gout?
When gout is necessary to drink more water, since only a sufficient amount of consumed liquid helps the body to get rid of excess uric acid.
Is it possible to vinegar with gout?
When gout is recommended the use of apple cider vinegar, rich in potassium, calcium, iron and, of course, organic acids (apple, wine, lemon).
As the Journal of Nutrition writes, the use of apple cider vinegar (two tablespoons twice a day) "breaks" monosodium urate crystals and prevents their formation in the joints, helping to purify the blood from excess uric acid.
To take vinegar was more pleasant, you can stir it in a glass of water and add a teaspoon of honey (a diabetes mellitus is contraindicated).
Is it possible to soy sauce for gout?
First, soy sauce is prepared by their soy beans containing purines. In addition, in soy sauce, a lot of glutamate - monosodium glutamic acid (almost 780 mg per 100 g of product).
Given this, as well as the large amount of salt in this product, gout should be discarded from soy sauce.
Is it possible to drink vodka with gout?
With gout, you can not drink vodka and other alcohol, since ethanol is one of the strongest triggers of this disease, and excessive alcohol consumption is one of the main causes of hyperuricemia.
During the oxidation of ethyl alcohol, ketone bodies are formed, which accelerate the decay of purine nucleotides. This leads to an increase in the formation of adenosine monophosphate, a precursor of uric acid. As a result, the process of excretion of uric acid by the kidneys slows down, which causes an increase in its concentration in the blood. Alcohol also increases the blood levels of lactic acid, which inhibits the release of uric acid.
Is it possible to drink beer with gout?
Beer with gout - enemy number 2 after vodka. The beer contains brewer's yeast, which are half composed of proteins, very similar to proteins of animal origin. That is, there are plenty of nitrogenous bases in beer, since the protein in it is almost 18% more than in beef, and three times more than in soy.
During the fermentation in the composition of this drink appears a large amount of guanosine - one of the precursors of uric acid. Also, everyone knows the diuretic effect of beer, leading to forced loss of fluid.
Is it possible to drink wine with gout?
Often drinking wine with gout is not recommended, as it promotes hyperuricemia.
Is it possible to milk with gout and can kefir be given for gout?
Some specialists in therapeutic nutrition are categorically against the use of whole milk for gout; others allow patients with gout only milk in the cooked on it porridge or as an additive in tea or coffee.
But with milk, the amino acid cystine, which has antioxidant properties and reduces the intensity of pain with gouty joint changes, enters the body.
So milk and kefir with a low percentage of fat content is useful.
Can I drink tea with gout?
Tea contains caffeine, which is xanthine and refers to purine bases. The main bitter alkaloid of tea - theobromine - also contains nitrogen and is an alkaloid of the purine series.
Studies have shown that polyphenols in green tea (epigallocatechin, epicatechin and gallocatechin) can reduce the risk of developing certain types of arthritis, particularly gouty.
Green tea increases the pH of the blood, and Western rheumatologists advise their patients to drink up to four cups of such tea daily.
Can I drink coffee with gout?
According to the latest scientific data, 1,3,7-trimethyl-xanthine contained in coffee, that is, caffeine, is a competitive inhibitor of the xanthine oxidase enzyme, which ensures the oxidation of nitrogenous bases to uric acid.
Also, researchers suggest that the development of gout can contribute to excess iron in the body, and chlorogenic (3-coffee-quinine) acid in the coffee reduces iron absorption.
Is it possible to have chicory for gout?
Since 100 g of chicory contains only 6 mg of purines, it is possible to brew and drink chicory with a sick gout. But not more than one cup per day is allowed, since even in chicory hammer a high content of fructose is sufficient.
Can I have kvass for gout?
Kvass with gout to drink is not recommended: when it is made, yeast is used, and during the fermentation ethanol and lactic acid are formed. For the same reason, the answer to the question is whether the okroshka can be negative for gout.
Is it possible to drink tea mushroom for gout?
The drink obtained from the fermentation of the tea fungus (a colony of microscopic fungi and bacteria) also contains a small amount of ethanol, so it should be used with caution.
It is established that the tea mushroom (infusion) contains ascorbic, nicotinic, acetic, lactic, oxalic, gluconic and other acids; protein cleavage protease and nitrogen compounds. In alternative medicine there are no contraindications to the use of a tea mushroom infusion with inflammation of the joints and gout.
What can I take and use with gout?
By the way, about contraindications: many are interested in whether it is possible to take aspirin for gout.
As of today, aspirin is not used to treat gout because of the peculiarities of its pharmacokinetics, that is, biotransformation in the body and the excretion of its products. All details can be found in the publication - Aspirin for gout.
Can I take Plavix with gout?
Plavix (Clopidogrel) is used to prevent the formation of blood clots in the arteries with myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke and acute coronary syndrome. Among its contraindications are lactase deficiency, malabsorption of glucose-galactose, bleeding in the acute stage and severe liver pathology. There are no gout in this list, so check with the doctor who ordered you to take Plavix.
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Can I apply Capsicum ointment for gout?
Ointment Capsicum, which contains camphor and dimexide, is designed to relieve pain and inflammation in patients with radiculitis, osteochondrosis and arthritis.
In spite of the fact that camphor is terpene ketone, it can not be used only with individual hypersensitivity, epilepsy and skin lesions and inflammations in places of application of Capsicum ointment.
What other ointments can I use for gout? See - Ointment for pain in the joints.
Can I drink Wobenzym while gout?
The composition of Wobenzym includes a whole complex of enzymes that have immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and fibrinolytic action. One of the components of Wobenzima is the pineapple fruit enzyme bromelain (bromelain), which helps to reduce the intensity of symptoms in many diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
Rheumatologists believe that if you take this medication regularly, you can avoid gout attacks.
What can and can not be done with gout?
Can I soar my legs with gout?
Why soar your feet with gout? Thermal procedures can be used only in periods between attacks of the disease and in the form of warm foot baths (before going to bed, for 20-25 minutes). Too hot water can provoke an exacerbation of gout.
In general, with gout, those joints where uric acid salts are deposited should be kept warm and avoided undercooling, since urate crystals are much more rapidly formed at a lower temperature.
Can I go to the bath for gout?
During bath procedures, a person sweats, that is, loses moisture, and this is not permissible with increased concentration of uric acid in the body. Therefore, if you have gout, you do not need to go to the bath to avoid provocation of an attack.
British doctors recommend gout baths with ginger for gout (two tablespoons of dry ground ginger per bath). The duration of this procedure should not exceed 25 minutes, after which you must thoroughly wash your body with clean water and dry yourself.
Can I sunbathe with gout?
Ultraviolet irradiation causes the body to function in a strengthened mode, that is, a little sunbathing with gout is possible. It is assumed that the excretion of uric acid can be accelerated, but no serious studies have been carried out on this score.
Can I smoke with gout?
The answer is one: in no event! And not only because smoking is generally harmful. Remember that tobacco is a nightshade plant (return to the place where the eggplant was discussed).
Can I play sports with gout?
Regular exercise, along with a healthy diet, help get rid of extra pounds and maintain optimal weight, which, in turn, will help you control gout.
Serious physical exertion in this disease is not recommended - in connection with the potential loss of fluid and an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Some sports exercises, for example, running, jumping, mobile sports games, are unsafe for the affected joints and can cause a gout attack.
The most suitable types of sports activities for gout are swimming and cycling.
Is it possible to massage with gout?
Experts note that massage with gout should be safe and do it very carefully.
The goal of any massage is to increase the rate of blood circulation to the affected area and, thus, to reduce inflammation and swelling. With gout it is easy to knead the superficial soft tissues around the joint and in no case to press deeply or touch the joint itself.
Can I take mud baths with gout?
Peloid therapy - mud treatment - is used for all articular pathologies, but only outside of their exacerbation. Patients with gout are especially useful mud baths with sapropelic and sulphide peloids.
More useful information in the article - An overview of gout treatment methods
Considering dietary approaches to controlling hyperuricemia and gout, it is worth remembering that this pathology is of a systemic nature. But, knowing what can and can not be done with gout, you can reduce the manifestation of the symptoms of this disease and improve the quality of life.