Treatment of gout on legs with honey with salt and apple cider vinegar
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Among all the alternative means for relieving pain, honey is best known for gout - honey compresses, honey rubbing into the joints, a diet with honey.
Gout is a chronic disease, the main cause of which is a metabolic disorder, which increases the level of uric acid in the blood. This is due to the slowing of its withdrawal from the body or the formation of new crystals. Also, the causes may be a violation of the kidneys or a hereditary predisposition.
About one third of the population suffers from the disease, but the men "in the prime of life" are about 9 times more likely than women, due to the greater volume of muscle mass, hormonal factors and the whole way of life and the nature of nutrition. Women with such a disease suffer much less often, after 50 years.
Usually it all starts with a sudden acute pain in the joint, most often in the big toes, that is, in the farthest from the heart area, where the blood circulation is most slow. As a rule, burning pain occurs at night or early in the morning, after a plentiful feast and alcohol intake on the eve. The joint becomes red, swollen, the local temperature rises, it is unbearable to endure even an easy touch to the aching joint. The first attack lasts rather short, the symptoms go away by themselves in 3-7 days, but with time the periods between attacks are reduced, the disease spreads to other joints. Therefore, ignore this disease, since without proper treatment this leads to very serious consequences - the complete destruction of articular cartilage.
Treatment of gout with honey
The main thing in treatment is the control over the level of uric acid in the body. Treatment is appointed complex, it should include a diet, physiotherapeutic and medicamental treatment under the supervision of a rheumatologist. Prescribed drugs that reduce blood levels of uric acid (etamid, zinhoven, allopurinol), pain medication with a quick effect, prescribed a strict diet, aimed at reducing the number of crystals in the blood. Every day special exercises, massage and contrasting water procedures are required. In alternative medicine, many aids are used to treat gout, both for internal reception and external. However, it is necessary to consult the doctor in advance, who can assess the condition of the body qualitatively, select an individual treatment regimen, and also stop possible allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance of certain components.
If you rub honey into the joints with gout, a so-called intraarticular lubricant is formed, which contributes to the removal of uric acid. Before rubbing honey, it is important to warm up the joint first with the help of a warming-up warmer or steam out in hot water, and then rub honey into it with massage movements for 15 minutes. After that, put a thick paper napkin, also smeared with honey, wrap with a cellophane bag and fasten the honey wrap with a warm terry towel. You can take off after 3-4 hours, but you can make such compresses at night. Recommended use of 10 honey compresses: the first four - daily, the next six compresses - every other day. Then take a break for 2-3 weeks and repeat. It is also possible for a greater effect to prepare an ointment from honey, which will help in a short time to calm or significantly ease the pain in the joints. It is necessary to mix half a cup of juice of black radish, 0.5 glasses of vodka, 1 glass of honey and add 1 tablespoon of salt. Shake the resulting mixture, insist for 1 hour and spread on the joints.
Also, one should take into account the medicinal properties of onions with honey for gout. There are several options for compresses with honey and onions. Before applying the compress it is advisable to steam out the legs in hot water or to warm up with a warmer if other joints are sick. For a compress, take 1 tbsp. Powder mustard, 1 tbsp. Baking soda, finely chopped onions and 1 tbsp. Honey, wrap with a thick paper towel and top with woolen socks or wrap with a warm towel. Course of application - 2 weeks.
Also a very effective compress with aloe. Aloe leaf is preferably before use for 2 days in the refrigerator, wrapped in a paper napkin - so he collects juice and better displays useful qualities. For the compress it is necessary to crush 2-3 sheets of aloe, 6 cloves of garlic and 1 onion. Add 30 grams of melted butter, 50 ml of honey, 50 ml of water, mix everything thoroughly, pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil on low heat, but do not boil. Allow to cool and apply to the joint, wrap with a cellophane bag and a warm towel.
Diet for gout
Diet is the most important component of gout treatment. Since this disorder, most often, leads to a violation of protein metabolism, a prerequisite for treatment is the observance of certain nutritional restrictions. Provoking products that need to be excluded from use: meat broths, canned food, meat by-products, smoked and spicy food, chocolate, coffee, canned fish, salt, alcohol.
Be sure to eat vegetables, both fresh and steamed, fruit juices, cottage cheese, walnuts, apples, watermelons in their season and a large amount of water per day (at least 2-2.5 liters). You can also 5-7 times a month meat, but only boiled and low-fat fish.
For prevention and treatment in the early stages, birch sap, celery juice and tea made from currant leaves or rose hips are useful.
However, it is important not only prescribed by the doctor diet, but also some nuances that enhance the therapeutic effect. For those suffering from gout, hunger strikes and overeating are unacceptable, as this provokes the next attack. The food should be 5-7 times a day in small portions. It is useful to introduce unloading days (1-2 times a week), but only with the consent of the doctor.
Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to eat honey for gout?
Yes, during the remission of gout, honey will not only replace other sweets perfectly. But it is important to remember that honey should not be dissolved in hot water, it should be added later, when the tea will cool down a little.
However, with a very high level of uric acid in the blood, approximately half of this amount is produced by the body itself, from its own materials, and only the other part comes from the outside with food. Therefore, diet alone will not help cure the disease. Individual individual intake of special drugs and physical exercises are necessary. Also, since this disease is hereditary, those with someone in the family who suffer from gout should pay attention to prevention and consult the doctor in advance about the need for diet and exercise.