

Water in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Diabetes is characterized by a violation of all types of metabolism, including water-salt. Merbs in the assimilation of glucose due to insulin deficiency leads to its accumulation in the body. This is poured into the loss of liquid and insatiable thirst. The question arises, should you drink water without restrictions or restrain yourself?


The hormone insulin, produced by the pancreas, takes part in many metabolism processes, but its main purpose is to reduce the level of concentration of glucose in the blood. Without it, glucose cannot enter the organs and tissues of a person, which means they are losing the main source of energy. An insufficient amount of fluid inhibits the transportation of insulin, so the benefits of water are obvious - it reduces blood sugar. How much water can you drink with diabetes? Specialists answer - without restrictions. [1]


A lot of water will harm with renal failure, when there is an excess of fluid in the body, swelling. Mineral waters belong to therapeutic, so each of them has its own contraindications. So, “Borjomi”, “Donat” cannot be drunk with exacerbations of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with kidneys, internal bleeding.

What kind of water can you drink with diabetes?

Obviously, you can drink ordinary water, adhering to this rule: it must be warm. Thirst should be satisfied at any time, even during eating. Several sips will not hurt, but will help to digest food. During the day, you should drink up to 2 liters, not taking into account tea, coffee, compotes, first dishes. The morning you need to start with a glass-two, because During sleep, the body was deprived of this.

With the help of water, you can also improve the functionality of the pancreas, if you use mineral.

What mineral waters can be drunk with diabetes?

Studies have shown that drinking mineral water rich in minerals is very useful for diabetes - it activates insulin receptors, accelerating its synthesis. Metabolic reactions depend on the speed of insulin into the blood. This is the basis of the hydrotherapy of the disease. What mineral waters can be drunk with diabetes:

  • Canteen water is weakly mined, it can be drunk in unlimited quantities, does not have a therapeutic effect on the organ, but helps to cleanse toxins and toxins;
  • Donat water - contains chrome, zinc, selenium necessary to stimulate the synthesis of insulin, and bicarbonates that regulate the constancy of the blood reaction. They drink it 15-20 minutes before eating in a volume of 150-200 ml and after a few hours a decrease in a third of blood sugar levels is noted, and cholesterol and blood pressure are falling. The full course of treatment leads to a decrease in the dose of insulin and an increase by 2 times the number of its receptors on the cell membrane;
  • The water "Essentuki" is named after the city where it is mined. All sources are numbered and appear in the name. For the treatment of diabetes, Essentuki-4 water is used. This is bicarbonate-chloride sodium water with increased mineralization. Sodium in it is responsible for the normalization of metabolic processes, magnesium is involved in protein and carbohydrate, blood coagulation depends on potassium, it also opposes inflammation.

Water should be warm (25-35 0C), and you need to drink it an hour before meals in a volume of 100-200 ml. All nuances of application depend on related diseases and are determined by the doctor.

  • Alkaline water - it is treated with diabetes in some countries. It is believed that the pancreas itself is alkaline, so the increase in alkaline ions will help neutralize the aggressive effect of acids on the organ and create a favorable microclimate for its functioning;
  • “Borjomi” - is used for diabetes of any type as supporting natural therapy. Hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, chlorine ions, sodium bicarbonate, salts of sulfuric acid - all this contributes to carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes the activity of insulin;
  • Shipy water - sweet soda is harmful to everyone, not to mention diabetics. In addition to the fact that carbon dioxide in its composition irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and provokes excessive release of hydrochloric acid, it still has a lot of sugar, flavorings, preservatives, caffeine. This "explosive mixture" with frequent use is able to exhaust the pancreas and cause diabetes. Carbonated mineral water reduces the level of acetone, cholesterol, helps to lose weight, improves the production of enzymes involved in the metabolism. But it is impossible to drink it uncontrollably, but only in courses, because There are negative aspects: prevents the absorption of calcium, causes flatulence, provokes the formation of stones in the gall and kidneys;
  • Water with lemon - the entire palette of the useful properties of the citrus is so useful for patients with diabetes: strengthening immunity, thanks to vitamin C, a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, cleaning the body from life products. At the same time, a acid fruit is sour, and the acid negatively affects the pancreas. The output is water with lemon.

It can be prepared as follows: one fruit is cut into pieces and poured with a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes. After cooling, strain, drink after eating on a tablespoon. To eliminate thirst, you can simply acidify ordinary water with squeezed juice;

  • Hydrogen water is enriched with hydrogen, it shows antioxidant activity that opposes dangerous diseases, has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates energy metabolism. The hydrogen molecule is characterized by a small size, which allows it to easily penetrate the cell membranes and deliver useful substances to all organs. Numerous studies have proved that regular hydrogen consumption reduce blood glucose;
  • Honey water - honey in diabetes is allowed in very limited doses (not more than 2 tablespoons per day). There is another form of its consumption-to dilute in water (a spoon on a glass of a tagged, not exceeding 60 0From the water). Honey water is recommended to drink at night, because It soothes well and allows you to fall asleep quickly;
  • Living water - has a structured structure, has a large penetrating ability that allows the cells to cleanse toxins and toxins, and in general, get a healing effect.

It does not have harmful chemicals, dangerous microorganisms, it contains useful ions of minerals, negative redox potential, it is alkaline. All this will favorably affect the health status of the diabetics.

Living water can be done at home by freezing and thawing, magnetizing or using a special stone - shungite.

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