Vaginal fissures
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Among the many vaginal diseases, vaginal cracking is an unpleasant sensation and discomfort. Many women tend to diagnose themselves, most often attributing the symptoms to fungal infection. In fact, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo an examination to develop a proper treatment regimen aimed at restoring the integrity of the tissues of the external genitalia.
Causes of the vaginal fissures
Vaginal fissures can form for a number of reasons, namely:
- hormonal failures - lack of estrogen leads to loss of moisture of the mucous membranes of the female genital organs, vitamin E deficiency;
- infectious diseases - redness, swelling thinning the skin;
- poor hygiene - residual urine, vaginal discharge contribute to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria;
- worm infestation - parasites release metabolic products that negatively affect the skin;
- allergic reaction - provokes the use of intimate cosmetics containing parabens, wearing synthetic underwear, poor-quality sanitary pads;
- diabetes;
- candida;
- sex - the friction that accompanies intercourse, if not enough secretions are released, traumatizes;
- postpartum - pushing, large fetus often entails tissue tears.
Risk factors
To the circumstances disposing to the formation of vaginal fissures, includes age (loss of skin moisture, elasticity and firmness - manifestations of menopause), decreased immunity, intestinal dysbacteriosis, the presence of other systemic diseases of the body.
Other risk factors include the use of certain medications that affect the vaginal microflora, as well as contraception.
Symptoms of the vaginal fissures
The first signs that indicate the presence of a problem in the intimate zone are expressed by burning, itching, hyperemia, soreness during sex.
Cracks at the entrance to the vagina may heal but reappear with sexual intercourse. Itching and cracks in the vagina are frequent companions of vaginal dryness. Discomfort is manifested during hygienic procedures, in the process of urination. Intimate intimacy can be accompanied by spurting discharge. Traumatized mucous membrane of the organ is susceptible to the multiplication of pathogenic organisms, the presence of an inflammatory focus is indicated by characteristic discharge.
Complications and consequences
Untreated violations of the integrity of vaginal tissues are dangerous for the development of more complex pathologies: inflammation, neoplasms, involvement of the uterus in the inflammatory process, which can lead to infertility.
Diagnostics of the vaginal fissures
The doctor can diagnose fissures by examining them on the gynecological chair. He will take a smear for bacterioscopic examination, apply colposcopy - examination of the vaginal walls with a special device. General blood and urine tests will determine the presence of concomitant diseases. Also, if necessary, hormone levels are checked, ultrasound and tomography of the pelvic organs.
Differential diagnosis
Vaginal fissures are differentiated with lesions from fungal infections, vaginitis, and trauma.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the vaginal fissures
Treatment of vaginal fissures is primarily aimed at the root cause that caused their formation. Infectious and viral diseases are treated with antibiotics, antiseptic vaginal tablets and suppositories, fungal diseases are treated with antihistamines.
In vaginal dysbacteriosis therapy consists of controlling the inflammatory process by acting on the causative agent, the use of topical antiseptics and restoration of microflora with medications containing live cultures of bifido- and lactobacilli.
Vaginal dryness is eliminated by the use of non-hormonal lubricants and moisturizers, drugs that restore hormonal balance.
If the infectious agent is identified, a test for its sensitivity to the antibiotic is performed, otherwise the treatment will be ineffective. Antibacterial drugs are both oral and topical, made in the form of suppositories. The latter are very convenient, since the streamlined shape allows them to be easily placed in the natural cavity. They consist of an active ingredient and a fatty base, such as chlorhexidine.
- Chlorhexidine - the active ingredient chlorhexidine gluconate has a wide spectrum of action. It is inserted into the vagina 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 7-10 days. It is not contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Can cause allergic reactions at the site of application.
- Terzinan is a vaginal tablet. Used to treat vaginitis of various origins. Frequency - 1 piece 1-2 times a day for 10 days. Therapy is combined with strict observance of personal hygiene. It is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to its components.
Ointments for vaginal fissures are also effective:
- montavit is a gel that restores natural vaginal secretion. The mucosa well tolerates the application of the product to the vaginal walls, does not cause side effects;
- cicatridine is a homeopathic remedy based on hyaluronic acid, which improves the process of epithelialization and healing. It can be used 2-3 times a day. During pregnancy and lactation, it can be used only with the permission of a doctor;
- muvajel - non-hormonal gel. Restores natural moisturization, accelerates mucosal regeneration, wound healing, stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid. Packaged in disposable tubes, which is very convenient in use. The tip of the capsule is inserted into the vagina and squeezed out. Among the side effects, an allergic reaction is possible.
Since vitamin deficiency in the body is expressed by various disorders of the skin and mucous membranes, they periodically need to replenish their reserves. Responsible for this vitamin A, E, C, group B. In addition to selecting foods with their high content, it is necessary to periodically resort to vitamin and mineral complexes.
Physiotherapy treatment
To accelerate the healing of fissures will help a comprehensive approach to treatment, including along with medication physiotherapy. This can be hydrotherapy with mineral water (baths), irrigations, mud tampons and impregnated with herbal decoctions, as well as vaginal magnetotherapy.
Folk treatment
Folk recipes offer mainly treatment with herbs. Decoctions for spritzing, baths are prepared from plants that have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antioxidant properties. These include: chamomile, calendula, succession, nettle. Healing infusions taken internally will also help to strengthen the immune system (hemlock, radiola rosea, echinacea) and restore hormonal balance.
With the last task is well coped with the herb hog uterus. Prepare a decoction based on the proportions: a tablespoon of raw materials for half a liter of water. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day.
Homeopathy offers quite a few varieties of suppositories for the treatment of female diseases, in the production of which various plant oils, extracts, minerals in dilutions are used:
- female (anti-inflammatory) - with propolis, calendula, cocoa butter. The candle is placed twice a day in the morning and evening. The drug is capable of causing allergies, which is a signal to stop using them;
- Hemovita is a combined antimicrobial, antifungal, wound and fissure healing preparation. It is administered at night after a hygienic procedure;
- Thai metronidazole - suppositories, used for fungal, infectious vaginitis. Contraindicated in pregnant women, allergic to the components;
- anti-k - contains tea tree oil, sea buckthorn, fir, cocoa; essences of St. John's wort, thuja, wormwood, yarrow, etc. An effective remedy against inflammation, cracks. Improves tissue metabolism, accelerates cell regeneration, relieves itching and other unpleasant sensations.
Preventive measures that prevent the formation of vaginal fissures include adequate hygiene, healthy lifestyle, nutritious diet and sexual life with one partner, timely treatment of inflammation, infections.
Cracks have a tendency to heal (sometimes it is quite a long period), but ignoring the problem can lead to the formation of scars that complicate sexual intercourse and cause further trauma to the vagina.