
Female genital plasty becomes a new fashion trend

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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23 November 2012, 09:00

Scientists from University College London, led by Dr. Sarah Crichton, quote figures showing that vaginal surgery is becoming a true trend among young girls under the age of 14 years. According to experts, for the past six years, 343 operations have been performed most of them, perhaps for cosmetic reasons.

The procedures include changing the shape of the female genitalia.

Researchers argue that carrying out operations to correct the forms of the vagina at this age is a violation, and that there is no minimum age for surgical intervention of this kind.

Experts emphasize that such operations at such a young age can lead to psychological problems. The information provided by private clinics, where such operations are often conducted, do not give a full idea of the procedure itself, nor about its possible consequences. The patient can be told about this form of surgical intervention in confusing form and using medical terminology that is incomprehensible to an ignorant person, missing or not fully revealing all the risks of this procedure. This confirms the review of ten medical sites of clinics providing similar services. But instead of full information, describes the physical, psychological and sexual benefits after the procedure, often not justified.

"The most disturbing is the absence of a lower age limit for any kind of plasty of female genital organs," says Dr. Crichton.

Often, such types of plastic surgery of women are pushed by dissatisfaction with their appearance. They go to surgery to change the shape of the labia and the inner lips of the vagina. These operations are not so rare.

"As for the indications for such types of operations for children, they are unknown, but their necessity is very rare. The shape of the labia changes with age, and this is part of the pubertal period. From 10-14 years, the growth and enlargement of the labia minora occurs, nature prepares the girl for the role of woman, mother. For some, this process is slower, and some are faster. And changing the shape at such a young age is fraught with numerous risks to the health of the girl, "says Dr. Crichton.

Experts say that despite the fact that the number of such operations has been fixed, the reasons why patients turned to specialists for help remain a mystery.

Dr. Crichton says that it is impossible to prohibit plastic surgery on the vagina for girls under 14, because there may be medical reasons and testimony, but these procedures are extremely dangerous, especially for girls under the age of 18.

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