Types of personality psychopathies
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A single classification of psychopathies does not exist yet. Soviet psychiatrist P.B. Gannushkin proposed his systematization of the types of this personality disorder with a description of their statics (characteristics) and dynamics (development).
Also, attempts were made to systematize psychopathies in terms of disorders of higher nervous activity and the compliance of pathocharacteric manifestations with them.
By genesis, genetically determined psychopathy - nuclear (constitutional) and acquired - organic and marginal is now isolated .
Nuclear psychopathy manifests itself at an early age, often without the influence of external factors, to this group almost all cases of paranoid and schizoid psychopathy.
Organic psychopathy is most often manifested in forms with a predominance of emotional (excitable and hysterical) and volitional (unstable) disorders.
Marginal psychopathies arise as a result of external influences, they are more plastic, more easily compensated. With hyperope and neglect, usually excitable psychopaths are formed, sometimes children who are overly cared for remain irresponsible and irresponsible - inhibited psychopaths. With marginal psychopathy, there is sometimes a late (after 50 years) depsychotization. This phenomenon occurs against the background of age-related changes in the vessels of the brain.
Various authors group psychopaths for violations in a certain area of mental activity. To the group with a predominance of disorders, the spheres of thinking include schizoids, paranoids, astenics and psychasthenics.
Paranoid (paranoid or paranoid) psychopathy
This kind of personality disorder is close to schizoid. Decompensation in this case develops according to the paranoid scenario. Psychopathic personalities are distinguished by a high vitality, hypertrophied self-esteem and the presence of an all-absorbing supervalued idea, for the sake of which they show great perseverance and energy. A distinctive feature of a paranoid personality is a very good memory.
Paranoids do not differ in their frankness, they are characterized by self-will and irritability, while the affects are one-sided, not subject to logical arguments. They are distinguished by accuracy, conscientiousness, intolerance of lack of justice. The horizon of paranoid is usually limited to issues of interest to them, judgments are straightforward and lack of consistency. Everything that lies behind the edge of their interests is paranoid to the indifference. The main characteristic of the character of an individual of this type is self-centeredness, driven to the extreme, based on overestimated self-esteem and inadequate arrogance.
The thinking of paranoid psychopaths is not maturity, but is characterized by inclinations to children's fantasies. The psyche is absolutely not flexible, constantly stuck on the same affects, which paranoid advocates as an incentive to a continuous and stubborn struggle with imaginary ill-wishers. Random statements or actions of others, which run counter to the ideas of a psychopath, are assessed as hostile. These people are distrustful and suspicious, they see in everything a special meaning.
In contrast to the delusions, the overvalued ideas of paranoia are, as a rule, realistic, sufficiently substantiated and concrete in content, but differ in subjectivity and one-sidedness, which often leads to erroneous conclusions. But the lack of universal recognition of the outstanding merits of the psychopathic personality becomes the basis for conflict with them. It is impossible to convince a paranoid in any way, he does not believe any logical calculations, and threats or requests can only aggravate the conflict. Such a person can not stop and reconsider their actions, and failures for him are an incentive for further struggle.
A frequent manifestation of the disorder of this species is psychopathy with a penchant for seduction. The source of supervalued ideas in this case are quite real conflict situations arising in everyday life or in the service. The paranoid personality interprets the developing events from his own subjective point of view, filling up the relevant instances with letters and statements, defending the trampled justice in the courts.
Super-valuable ideas can be any: reforming, inventing, assumptions about the unfaithfulness of the wife (husband), other suspicions, for example, the feeling of persecution or having a serious incurable disease (hypochondria). Fanaticism (the dedication of all to the incarnation of some one idea) is also referred to as manifestations of paranoid psychopathy. Fanatics usually differ in altruism and devote themselves to the struggle for universal values, than they differ from paranoid-egoists. Nevertheless, both one and the other do not differ in empathy and warmth, but when it comes to the overvalued idea, high affective tension is noticeable.
Expansive paranoiac psychopathy is more common. Her manifestations include pathological jealousy, drastic conflicts, truth-seeking, religious fanaticism. These individuals passionately and persistently achieve any goal. They are active and energetic, always satisfied with their behavior, failures give them strength in the struggle for their idea. Expansive psychopaths are characterized by an elevated mood background, arrogance and self-confidence.
Much less common are sensitive paranoid psychopathy, in the stage of compensation in sensitive paranoids, a similarity is found with similar schizoids. Sensitive reactions are manifested in connection with conflicts associated with the ethics of relationships, in hypochondriacs.
The paranoid properties of the personality are stable and persist throughout their life, any sign can be exacerbated and expanded, and the supercaluations acquire an increasingly global character and pass through the behavioral characteristics of the individual by the "red line".
The stage of decompensation usually develops after a provocative situation in the form of interpersonal conflict, the mentality of the psychopath is characterized by thoroughness and inertia.
Emotional psychopathy
Emotional disorders were divided in the International Classifier of the ninth revision into excitable, affective and hysterical types of violations. Many authors do not consider affective psychopathies in their classifications, they were excluded from the tenth revision of the ICD.
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Excitable psychopathy
As the main feature of these individuals highlight an explosion of emotions at the level of an attack of strong uncontrolled aggression, rage, unrestrained anger fraught with criminal activities. They are considered aggressive, but resourceful, because after an emotional explosion, a period of repentance and regret, sometimes to tears, comes quickly enough. Nevertheless, the next time the outburst of rage is repeated again. The strength of an aggressive reaction is not adequate to the force of the cause that caused it.
This kind of different authors call epileptoid, explosive or aggressive psychopathy.
Epileptoids belong to the eternally dissatisfied to all and all individuals, constantly arguing, finding fault with any trifles with excessive expansiveness, while trying to prove their rightness mainly by the power of voice, not arguments. They have absolutely no diplomatic flexibility, they are stubborn, do not doubt their rightness and constantly defend their point of view, their interests and rights. Both in the family and in the workplace, aggressive psychopaths often find themselves in the center of the conflict they provoked. They are vindictive and vindictive, self-centered, at the same time - flattering and sugary. They are characterized by such features as imperiousness, pedantry, high demands on others, their love and hatred are able to bring the objects of these feelings a lot of suffering.
In some individuals, an explosion of emotions occurs against the background of the limitation of the sphere of clear consciousness followed by the loss of a number of episodes that have occurred.
It is in this group of psychopaths that most of the criminal elements are, often not the aggressiveness, but the uncontrollable force of drives, to the fore. Drug addicts, dipsomaniacs and drunken alcoholics, players who can not stop, sex perverts, serial killers, tramps suffer from explosive psychopathy.
Some authors distinguish excitable (explosive) psychopaths from epileptoids, which along with explosiveness exhibit a certain viscosity, inertness of thinking. Their irritation accumulates slowly, but when a certain level is reached, it can result in an uncontrolled dangerous explosion of emotions.
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Cyclidic psychopathy
These patients are also called affective psychopaths. The clinical signs of this species are based on the presence of two polar types of mood - upbeat, which corresponds to the prevalence of hypertensive emotions, and a decreased (with a predominance of hypotensive). P.B. Gannushkin called these groups constitutionally-excited and constitutively-depressive psychopaths, except for them here are people with very frequent polar mood changes-reactive labile.
The common feature of all cycloid is the so-called syntonism - the individual's emotions always correspond to the general background of his surroundings. Unlike other types of psychopathic personalities already described, the affective psychopath easily "tunes" to the general emotional wave and finds contact with the people around him. They are open, freely expressing their emotions and feelings people, very mundane and building real plans. Something ephemeral and abstract is alien to them. They have practical marks, work capacity, good intellect, they like to have fun and relax. Nevertheless, they are considered to be psychopaths.
Hypertensive psychopathy is characterized by the fact that the constant presence of an individual in an excited state is abnormal. Constitutionally-excited patients are constantly active, optimistic and see the world in pink. They are very sociable, constantly unnecessarily animated and talkative. In the workplace, they are generators of ideas and initiators of their implementation, they do not see the weaknesses of their projects, which are often very adventurous. Hyperthymics sin inconsistently, however, their failures do not upset. They are tireless, but they tire the surrounding people. Hyperthymics are prone to waste, swindles, illegible in dating and sexual intercourse. Excessive self-confidence, reassessment of their capabilities, balancing on the brink of the law, adventurism, fantasy, lies, and non-compulsiveness often complicate their lives, although they usually do not commit serious antisocial misconduct.
Hypotymics or constitutional-depressive individuals behave diametrically opposite. Almost always they have a grim mood, they are always unhappy and taciturn. In the workplace, their conscientiousness and accuracy are captivating, but the prognostic assessments of the result of work are always pessimistic. Hypotymics always expect defeat and failure. Heavy troubles, but do not show their feelings openly, do not share their opinions, assess their abilities extremely low, engage in self-abuse and self-incrimination.
Emotionally (reactively) labile psychopaths constitutionally belong to the type of people with an unstable mood, which changes to the opposite suddenly and very quickly, sometimes for several hours. The condition of cyclothymics and their activity corresponds to the mood.
Cycloid psychopaths, as psychiatrists say, basically never enter the stage of decompensation, sub-depressive phases are short-lived, although they periodically arise.
In the latest version of the International Classification of Diseases, cyclotimics are generally excluded from the ranks of psychopaths.
Isteric psychopathy
The main feature of psychopaths, subject to hysterical reactions, is the demonstration of the depth of their experiences and feelings. They work for the viewer, in fact, these people are selfish, soulless and infantile. Their desire to have in the eyes of others a significant, extraordinary does not meet potential opportunities. The hysterical personality strives to attract attention by appearance, original and extravagant behavior, in every possible way demonstrating its superiority. Their statements often contradict public opinion, they like to flaunt their feelings, hyperbolizing them. Hysteroid psychopathy is the theater of one actor, prone to overacting, calculated for the external effect. Individuals express their emotions very roughly, taking their theatrical postures, wringing their hands, noisily admiring or loudly sobbing, inviting surrounding empathize. In fact, emotions are shallow, and hysterias are quickly forgotten about them, switching to another object.
The thirst for recognition is manifested in different ways, many are trying to achieve it, telling fantastic stories about themselves and their participation in any events where they are given the main role of the hero or sufferer. To impress the listeners, they are ready to blame themselves for crimes that are not perfect for them, to demonstrate the symptoms of a mental disorder, a serious unusual illness, and the like.
The behavior of hysterias is diverse, they are mainly influenced by impressions received through the senses - seen or heard, and not logically meaningful. They constantly play a role, trying to seem more significant than they are, even with a minus sign. Such traits are noted in hysterical personalities from early childhood - these are falling to the floor in cramps, with weeping, choking with hysterics and stammering, loss of ability to speak. Older children and teenagers make different frivolous, sometimes dangerous escapades, try to shock the environment with fantastic speculation.
The asteroids are not capable of systematic studies, requiring knowledge, training, perseverance and thoroughness, pursuing long-term goals. They are not attracted by interesting and serious work, their knowledge is usually superficial. If possible, this type of person prefers to lead an idle way of life, emphasizing his originality, superiority, boasting a close acquaintance with famous people, in short, the hysterics use all available ways to attract attention to their person, to make themselves talk about themselves. They cease to feel the difference between their fantasies and reality.
In their classifications of hysterias, various authors call liars, visionaries and creative individuals seeking recognition.
Hysterical psychopathy is very poorly compensable, however, with a certain persistence it is possible to achieve it and socialize the individual.
Unstable psychopathy
The very name of this species indicates that people have a marked disorder of the willed sphere. K. Schneider in their classification called them directly: weak-willed. These are pathological characters, showing absolute dependence on the external environment, going on about someone who will be around. Unstable psychopaths do not have the ability to withstand someone else's influence, that is, they are weak-willed and flexible, they can easily inspire any ideas. Such people often fall under the influence of an antisocial environment and become alcoholics, drug addicts, and take part in illegal actions. Their way of life is determined not by their own self-developed attitudes, but by the behavior of the casual environment. Unstable people are not self-sufficient individuals, they do not tolerate loneliness, they are looking for other people's societies and, in accordance with other people's attitudes, easily change their plans, habits and behavioral skills, and also - occupation.
In the workplace, they are often violators of labor discipline, take part in fraud, embezzlement, theft. Their psyche is plastic like plasticine and the environment can sculpt out of it, anything.
Getting into a favorable environment, the unstable acquire positive attitudes and skills. However, these people constantly need vigilant control, leadership, authoritarian mentor, encouragement and behavior correction. The unstable psyche of such individuals contributes to a rapid change in working capacity laziness, pedantry and accuracy - disorganization and negligence.
Sexual psychopathy
Pathologies in the development of the sexual sphere have recently been attributed to psychopathy. These pathologies are most often found among excitable psychopaths, however, can be observed in almost all. From the sexual perversions even asthenics are not insured, which are considered to be the most highly moral psychopathic personalities. The kind of psychopathy in this case can be ignored, in the presence of a psychopathic personality of a pronounced antisocial orientation under the influence of external factors, he may have abnormal sexual drives. However, in such individuals, a tendency to sexual perversion often causes an insoluble spiritual conflict.
Specialists also consider in the pathogenesis of sexual psychopathy congenital anomalies in the development of genital organs, endocrine glands, inherited deviations in the development of the central nervous system with degenerative symptoms, psychosexual infantilism. The development of such psychopathies is dangerous by the commission of unlawful acts or acts against morality.
Sexual psychopathy does not include such physiological phenomena as an increase or decrease in sexual arousal, masturbation in adolescence, in places of deprivation of liberty, and the like.
Pathological manifestations are homosexuality, bisexualism, pedophilia, zoophilia, exhibitionism, fetishism, some forms of masturbation, narcissism. Psychopathy in the relationship between man and woman is manifested as sadomasochism, violent sexual intercourse, erotic murder.
Perverse psychopathy implies a penchant for sexual perversions (perversions). Sexual satisfaction is achieved by the individual in an unnatural way or with the help of additional stimuli. Previously, such disorders were attributed only to psychopathies, since it was assumed that they were a constitutional feature of the individual. Indeed, sexual perversions occur in psychopaths very often, especially narcissistic psychopathy - narcissism, narcissism and sexual attraction to one's own body.
Other types of perversions - pedophilia, fetishism, voyeurism, sexual identity disorders and other abnormalities are also found among psychopaths. However, such violations in the sexual sphere can also occur in other psychopathic individuals in schizophrenia, organic lesions of the central nervous system, after brain injuries, with impotence, and the diagnosis in this case depends on the cause that caused the anomaly.
Antisocial psychopathy
The main feature of this type of personality disorder experts call a complete lack of motivation, restraining a person from committing acts that run counter to the norms of universal morality. They sincerely can not understand why one can not force another human being to suffer. Cognitive security is combined with emotional dullness, cruelty, and lack of shame for committed misconduct. Sociopaths, as they are also called (from social psychopathy), can not be encouraged by praise and correct their actions by censures, they are absolutely indifferent to moral stimuli. Awareness of duty to relatives, society they lack, a feeling of sympathy and empathy are unknown, they have no attachments. They are deceitful, lazy, are able to adapt well and lead a parasitic way of life. They are sociable, tend to make acquaintances, can make a favorable impression at the beginning. Sociopaths are prone to pathological actions in the sphere of sexual relations.
Various authors called such a disorder of the psyche differently, but they meant the same personal defects, for example, dissocial psychopathy.
At the end of the XIX century K. Kollbaum called this phenomenon heboidofrenia, describing the antisocial stage of the development of an excitable psychopathy. Since then, there has been a name for heboid psychopathy, which is synonymous with behavior based on primitive reflexes, lack of brakes, egocentricity, heartlessness, unwillingness to obey the norms of public morality, without stopping at antisocial activities, and complete lack of interest in productive pursuits.
Dissocial psychopathy from the standpoint of clinicians is a rather conventional concept. P.B. Gannushkin, suggested that such personality disorder is the same type of development of various hereditary types of psychopathies, in particular, expansive psychopaths of the schizoid type and individuals with emotional disorders, especially those suffering from narcissism, are subject to it.
American psychiatrists view sociopaths as individuals unable to follow the norms of generally accepted behavior, which leads to a series of antisocial and illegal actions. In general, such a disorder affects the male population, people from the poor. A social psychopathy is formed at about the age of fifteen, usually similar personal pathologies are observed in close relatives of the psychopath.
There is a breakdown without periods of remission, the peak of antisocial behavior occurs in late adolescence and adolescence. Later, affective and somatic disorders join the course, almost always accompanied by alcohol and / or drug abuse, which contributes to aggravation of maladaptation in society.
Some authors distinguish between antisocial and social psychopaths on the principle that the former have already committed unlawful acts and will not stop from committing them in the future; the latter, on the whole, do not differ in character from the first in characterological characteristics, have not yet committed any criminal acts, or at least no one knows anything about their actions, and they are considered quite respectable members of society. Any of them in their entire life can never transgress the law line, but antisocial features (inclination to lie, unwillingness to answer even for their lives and parasitic way of life) will necessarily affect professional activity and family life.
Another author's opinion refers to psychopaths of persons with a constitutionally conditioned type of nervous system, and considers sociopaths as the result of the influence of the destructive environment in which this person grew and developed. In this case, sociopaths are considered more eccentric and easier to commit antisocial actions, and psychopaths, especially social ones, often successfully create the appearance of normal behavior. But, as the authors note, both are dangerous to society and prone to antisocial behavior.
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Mosaic psychopathy
Mixed personality disorder, when a particular individual has symptoms of different types of psychopathy, is called mosaic. None of the signs is stable, they manifest and disappear, giving way to others. P.B. Gannushkin called this kind of individuals constitutionally stupid.
Psychopathy of a mosaic type personality leads to the fact that it is very difficult for the patient and his environment to develop a certain line of behavior and adapt to each other. Adapt to the society of such individuals is also very difficult.
The explosive temperament of a person in combination with hysteria and emotional instability usually leads to the emergence of various dependencies - narcotic, alcoholic, pathological predilection for gambling (ludomania), sexual perversions.
The personality disorder with features of a schizoid and a psychoasthenic is most often expressed in the harboring of supervalued ideas, their realization becomes a matter of all life, which greatly hinders the social adaptation of such a person.
Paranoid, prone to emotional outbursts, become truth-seekers and defend their imaginary complaints in all sorts of instances, constantly appealing against judicial decisions. It is impossible to satisfy such pretenders.
The presence of directly opposite symptoms (emotional instability in combination with asthenia) in one patient may indicate the development of schizophrenia.
Sometimes acquired hereditary psychopathy of the mosaic type is acquired organic pathology as a consequence of exposure to toxic substances, injuries or infectious diseases of the brain. In this case, the position of the patient is aggravated, and the personality structure undergoes significant changes.
Mosaic psychopathy can manifest itself in active, passive and mixed forms. Active psychopaths are often realized as leaders, and on a very significant scale. Such a diagnosis was made by V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin, and from the now living leaders - A.G. Lukashenka.
Alcoholic psychopathy
It is known that psychopaths, for which violations of the emotional and / or volitional sphere are characteristic, are more likely to abuse alcohol and drink more quickly. This opinion is based on the impossibility of individuals with psychopathological personality anomalies to resist drives, their attraction to the achievement of pleasure without the application of effort by the shortest path, as well as violation of volitional inhibition. Personality psychopathy is really an excellent springboard for the formation of addiction to alcohol. In psychopaths, intoxication occurs in heavier atypical forms, disadaptation in society is more obvious and manifests itself in a drinking individual with a personality disorder much earlier than in people without psychic abnormalities.
However, when it comes to alcoholic psychopathy, it usually refers to the acquisition of psychopathic personality traits under the influence of alcohol.
Alcoholic degradation of personality has much in common with psychopathic traits, in particular, accentuation occurs on the reduction of the moral and ethical characteristics of a person. And such qualities of character as reduced responsibility, emotional coarsening, lack of shame, selfish tendencies, parasitism, lying, pathological attraction to alcohol, prevailing over all other vital interests, appear in the patient almost from the very beginning of the disease.
Unlike other psychopathies, alcoholic personality degradation is characterized by a decrease in the intellectual level, which does not contradict the classical scheme of any kind of mental degradation, regardless of their nosological affiliation. Alcoholic psychopathy is an incorrect name and in modern classifiers it is no longer used, although the complex of symptoms resulting from the use of alcohol, and has much in common with psychopathies.
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Borderline psychopathy
There is no such term in classifiers. By itself, psychopathy is seen as a disorder at the border of the norm and mental illness. The borderline type of emotional disorder of an individual is seen as a subspecies and rather reflects a qualitatively different type of disease, and the degree of its severity, located on the border of neuroses and psychoses.
This condition is characterized by increased anxiety (anxious psychopathy), impulsiveness and emotional instability, a low ability to control one's emotions and adapt in society, suicidal behavior or a tendency to self-harm. Approximately a third of suicide attempts in this state have a successful completion, which indicates the seriousness of the intentions of the victims.
Borderline psychopathy is similar in symptoms to bipolar disorder, sometimes it is difficult for a specialist to distinguish between them. It is necessary to eliminate the organic causes of such symptoms. The criteria for establishing a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, which have different authorship, are slightly different. However, since the introduction of this term was initiated by American psychologists, we give the criteria of their latest classifiers for psychiatric disorders. General signs: marked instability of self-identification, as well as interpersonal relationships. The patient makes every effort to avoid a real or fictitious probability of remaining alone. He often develops relationships characterized by high tension and extremes, then idealizing his partner, then casting him down from the erected pedestal.
Emotions range from explosive to complete apathy. Characteristic impulsivity in several behavioral directions (minimum of two), suggesting negative consequences. For example, unrestrained waste, provoking sexual behavior, violation of public order, gluttony, abuse of psychoactive substances.
Typical is the demonstration of suicidal intentions, complaints of emptiness, regular displays of violent rage that do not correspond to irritation - frequent abuse, fights and so on.
There is a high probability of resolving a stressful situation by the emergence of paranoid ideas or antisocial actions (intentions to commit them). Passes when the situation is eliminated.
The synonym of the borderline personality disorder, apparently, is the psychopathy of the brodelayan type from the English borderline personality disorder.
Narcissist psychopathy
This kind does not stand out in a separate personal disorder and it is believed that narcissistic features are inherent in psychopaths in general, especially excitable. It is their egocentrism, self-love, superficial charm, and the ability to manipulate that make socialized narcissuses the universal favorites. The researchers suggest that psychopaths, possessing the qualities of narcissus, can make a good impression on the audience. Their appearance, sociability, developed intellect and ability to present themselves from the best side, as well as mistakes in perception of others (people often attribute good qualities to good looking, smiling, sociable people) allow narcissists to arouse interest and sympathy for their person.
Nevertheless, they are able to talk only about themselves, their projects and successes, as much as possible along the way, trying to humiliate and level the successes and achievements of others. Daffodils are sincerely convinced that they deserve more recognition than others. Their ambitiousness and intellect makes successful and productive selected activities, they are distinguished by diligence and are able to achieve their goals. All this has a significant drawback - while narcissuses use the achievements of their companions, without a twinge of conscience, attributing to themselves their successes, striding, figuratively speaking, by corpses, asserting themselves at the expense of others, neglecting other people's feelings and needs.
In the family, the narcissus will never become a truly close person, he will defend his independence and "personal space", but at the same time showing himself towards the spouse as the owner, completely ignoring his needs and feelings. If the spouse is successful in business, then frank envy and anger will blend in with the relationship.
Freud called the presence of two streams of sensual (sexual) and tender the obligatory conditions of love - the surrounding of the partner by caring, the manifestation of interest in his dreams and aspirations, the ability to listen to a partner and find compromise solutions, after all - the ability to experience gratitude for being affectionate towards oneself. It is noticeable that this is not about daffodils. They do not want to sacrifice anything for the sake of another, are vindictive and rancorous, which at best is expressed in sarcasm towards the partner, the desire to humiliate him and look in his own eyes again as a unique unique.
Narcissistic psychopaths assert themselves through doubt, which they themselves diligently cultivate in their sexual partners and colleagues. This is their main feature - to try to constantly emphasize, first of all - to yourself, your exclusivity and significance, and - at any cost.
A. Adler singled out the narcissistic personality of the species spirit - grandiose (pretentious) and vulnerable. The first - do not doubt their superiority, the latter - they try to hide their insecurity in themselves, convincing others about all their means in their exclusivity.
It is believed that the soil for nurturing narcissistic personality traits is education in such extremes as the "idol of the family" or, on the contrary, the almost complete absence of the parents' love.
Western psychologists are concerned about the growing prevalence of narcissistic features in developed Western countries. This is facilitated by the fact that modern parents, taking care of the self-esteem of children, allow too much and give them, without demanding anything in return, as a result, nurturing egocentrism. The media promotes success, fame, wealth, prestigious appearance. And even life on credit contributes to the development of narcissism. Thanks to the availability of loans, you can quickly acquire an external gloss and enhance your image.
Reactive psychopathy
This condition is not a kind of psychopathy, but represents a person's reaction to a psychotraumatic event. In psychopathic personalities, a trauma that causes psychopathy decompensates.
The strength of the reaction depends on many components - the depth of the shock, the duration of the impact, the individual characteristics of the individual.
Naturally, the unstable psyche of a person with a personality disorder reacts more sharply to psycho-traumatic circumstances. Usually psychopaths exacerbate his morbid qualities-agitation, aggression, hysterical manifestations in excitable psychopaths, depressive state and self-doubt in the brakes are aggravated.
Severe mental trauma can cause reactions of decompensation, atypical for this individual - outbursts of anger in asthenic, depression in expansive paranoid. Usually such states are reversible. However, the severity of psychopathy increases after psychological trauma.
Brachy psychopathy
This group of personality disorders unites asthenics, psychasthenic and schizoid. They were identified in this group, since the reactions to traumatic events in these individuals are of a retarded passive nature.
Since childhood they have been characterized by shyness and shyness, hypersensitivity and vulnerability, intolerance of both physical and mental loads. When an impossible task seems to them, an affective outburst can arise, caused by rejection and reluctance to strain. Feeling of weakness, lack of self-confidence accompanies them all life.
Psychopaths of the inhibited circle always think about their actions, pre-program them, however, while not always adequately assess their own capabilities.
The background of mood in such personalities is almost always depressed, they are easily disturbed, anxious, especially in an unfamiliar environment, where they feel very uncomfortable.
They have insufficient wills, a characteristic feature is weakness of drives: in childhood - poor appetite, in adults - sexual weakness. Among such personalities there are pedophiles, homosexuals, they are often incapable of full-fledged heterosexual relationships.
Such depressive psychopathy is accompanied by somatic disorders. They often complain of headache, insomnia, pain and heaviness in the heart area.
The pathological characteristics of inhibited psychopaths often prevent them from adapting to the team, they are a provocative factor in conflict situations, as a result of which a psychopathic reaction arises: the individual feels more insecure, his self-confidence grows. He refuses further action, developing his suspiciousness and anxiety, fixing himself on hypochondriacal experiences. Such a "psychopathic cycle" for persons of a retarded type is considered typical. With the constant action of any psychotraumatic factor there is a possibility of complicating the structure of psychopathy with the development of secondary traits (hysterical, epileptoid, paranoid).