Types of intestinal infections
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Intestinal infections are bacterial and viral.
Viral intestinal infection
Viral infections are caused by rotoviruses and enteroviruses, which spread not only through dirty hands, objects and products, but also by airborne droplets, as viral intestinal infections affect not only the intestines, but also the upper respiratory tract.
Among viral intestinal infections there are dozens of groups of viruses that provoke the disease. The most common groups of viruses are rotavirus and enteroviral infections.
Rotavirus intestinal infections (or intestinal influenza) are detected in half of all cases of viral intestinal lesions. The disease always begins in an acute form, most often all of a sudden, the main symptoms are fever, frequent loose stools and vomiting.
With the development of enterovirus infection, an acute course of the disease with a high temperature is also observed. It is worth noting that the diagnosis of such infections is difficult, since the disease has a variety of symptoms (muscle pains, lacrimation, fever, seizures, drowsiness, fear of light, heart rate, weakness, heart pain, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea).
To this group of intestinal infections carry a lot of viruses, which can provoke various diseases. Enterovirus infections can affect the muscles, the central nervous system, the skin, the heart.
Adenovirus infection is less common and for the disease, the predominantly mucous nasal and eye lesion is typical, but with the defeat of the small intestine, the appearance of diarrhea, loss of appetite, rarely vomiting. Usually the symptoms go away in a couple of days.
Intestinal rotovirus infection
Rotavirus intestinal infections, also known as gastric (intestinal) influenza, rotavirus gastroenteritis, provoke viruses from the Rotavirus group.
When infected, a person remains dangerous to others from the time the first symptoms manifest (the first signs of the disease may appear 1-5 days after infection) and until the symptoms of the disease end.
Rotaviruses affect both children and adults, but children bear the disease heavier.
Most often the disease occurs in an acute form - there are pains in the abdomen, light diarrhea (possibly with bloody impurities), frequent vomiting, the temperature rises to 39 o C. Also, when a rotavirus infection is affected, a runny nose and sore throat often appear.
Infection with rotaviruses occurs in various ways, but most often rotaviruses are transmitted because of insufficient hygiene (dirty hands, products, especially dairy production). It is worth noting that chlorination of water does not eliminate this type of virus.
Viruses of this group affect the gastrointestinal mucosa and are excreted by the patient. The disease causes a violation of the digestive function, frequent and severe diarrhea, which leads to dehydration of the body.
For the first time infection with this type of virus occurs in preschool or school institutions, where epidemic outbreaks of rotavirus infection are not ruled out.
The majority of children by the age of five already carry the infection, and as observations show, with each subsequent infection the disease is more easily transferred, since the body develops protection against this type of virus.
The disease usually has a seasonal character and, as a rule, falls in the cold season.
A distinctive feature of rotaviruses is that microorganisms do not die at low temperatures and can remain active in an unfavorable environment for a long time. In addition, rotaviruses affect the respiratory system and can be transmitted by airborne droplets.
A sick person in 3-5 days can infect a fairly large number of people (those with whom they are quite close to contact).
There are no medicinal preparations against rotaviruses and the treatment is symptomatic (adsorbing, astringent, lactose-containing drugs, antipyretic, etc.).
Diet of the patient should contain jelly, rice porridge, chicken broth. Portions should not be large, so as not to provoke vomiting and the food is absorbed by the weakened organism more easily.
With repeated vomiting and diarrhea, it is recommended to fill the lack of salts and fluids in the body. It should be given to the patient to drink frequently and gradually (approximately 50 ml).
Symptoms of the disease with symptomatic treatment disappear for 5-7 days, the body is gradually restored.
The temperature in the disease is heavily knocked down by antipyretics and can last for several days.
The peculiarity of such infection is the susceptibility of rotavirus to a temperature increase, at 38 o C the viruses begin to die, therefore it is not recommended to bring down the temperature below this level.
Rotavirus infection does not cause complications if treatment is started on time, and the disease does not lead to negative consequences and has in most cases a favorable prognosis.
Specialists recommend to observe personal hygiene to prevent disease, use boiled or filtered water for drinking.
Bacterial intestinal infections
Bacterial infections are provoked by pathogenic bacteria (salmonellosis, dysentery, E. Coli, etc.). Such infections are transmitted through dirty hands, objects, food, water.
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Salmonella intestinal infection
Salmonella infection is caused by microorganisms from the Salmonella group. The disease affects animals, birds and humans, its pathogens are widespread and can remain active for a long time even in an unfavorable environment.
Salmonella bacteria begin to die in 7-10 minutes at a temperature of 70 o C.
Disease-causing microorganisms in the thickness of a piece of meat (about 10-12 cm) do not die even when boiling, in smoked or salted meat remain active until two and a half months, in butter - up to four months, in milk - until the moment of souring the product.
In dust, bacteria remain active for up to three months, in the soil - up to four and a half months, in the frozen state, in particular in products - more than a year.
The infection spreads from infected domestic animals (horses, cats, dogs, chickens, ducks, etc.) or wild birds (gulls, pigeons). Also, the source of infection may be carriers of bacteria.
The person basically gets infected after eating the meat of an infected animal or bird, as well as eggs.
The danger of infection increases with the processing of meat in minced meat, non-compliance with the technology of cooking meat, storing meat dishes in the heat.
Also, the danger poses people infected with salmonella and carriers of infection, especially if they do not comply or personal hygiene.
Infection of a person can occur in a factory or farm during the care of animals or birds, in slaughter and meat processing areas.
Salmonellosis is quite widespread and can occur throughout the year (in the summer-autumn period there is an increase in cases of the disease).
Salmonella intestinal infections develop in extremely severe form, especially children.
The disease can have several variants of the flow, all three forms are distinguished: localized, generalized and bacterial excretion.
The most common form of the disease is localized, which is characterized by an acute course (manifested usually in the first day after infection). It starts with fever, fever, then there are pains in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea (feces of a greenish hue with a sharp unpleasant odor).
The complications of infection are very serious, the most dangerous is the infectious-toxic shock, which causes swelling of the brain, adrenal, cardiovascular and renal failure.
Staphylococcal enteric infection
In the human intestine, a large number of microorganisms live, most of which support the functioning of the immune system, and the rest are pathogenic (pathogenic). With a sharp increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria, there are dangerous diseases, usually this happens with a decrease in immunity, after taking antibiotics that disrupt the intestinal microflora, etc.
Staphylococci are considered opportunistic bacteria, i.e. Such as those that live in the human intestines, but under certain conditions, serious diseases begin to multiply and provoke.
Staphylococcal intestinal infections develop gradually, in most cases the first symptoms of the disease - a runny nose, sore throat - are confused with a cold, the temperature rarely rises above 37.5 ° C.
The disease is difficult, considering that staphylococcal infection does not have a characteristic symptomatology, the condition is similar to food poisoning.
The disease manifests itself in the first day after infection, a person is concerned about abdominal pain, vomiting, loose stools with impurities of blood and mucus, rashes on the skin, weakness.
Bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus breed very quickly, especially in products stored at a temperature of more than 20 o C (dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, cream cakes, cakes, salads are a particular danger).
Despite the fact that experts have studied staphylococci completely and in the most detailed of all known bacteria, the infection is difficult to treat. This is due to the fact that staphylococcus is highly variable and is able to quickly develop resistance to antibiotics.
Typhoid intestinal infection
Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria that enter the intestine with food or water. With the development of the disease, inflammatory processes in the intestine begin, with time there is ulceration and bleeding, sometimes there is a rupture of the intestine.
If a person does not receive the necessary treatment, he can isolate Salmonella bacteria for several years after infection, and a person can become an infection carrier.
The incubation period of the disease - from one to two weeks, the disease begins gradually, first the temperature rises, joints, throat, appetite begin to ache. Then there are pains in the abdomen, bleeding from the nose in some cases with urination there is pain. With severe forms of the disease there is delirium, numbness, coma. In 10 cases out of 100, 7 days after infection, pink spots appear on the patient's body.
Salmonella bacteria can trigger symptoms of diseases of the urinary system or pneumonia, which is why the diagnosis of typhoid fever is difficult.
With timely and appropriate treatment, a person recovers completely, complications can develop if there is no (complete or partial) treatment, in particular after the 20th day of the disease, bleeding may occur. In 2% of cases in the intestine a through hole is formed, which leads to inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.
Salmonella bacteria can cause the development of pneumonia, gallbladder, liver damage. When bacteria enter the bloodstream, the brain, the reproductive system, the heart valves, the bone tissue, the urinary system, and the kidneys are affected.
Bacteria Salmonella typhi are transmitted through urine and the stool of infected people. The risk of infection increases with non-compliance with personal hygiene and contamination of food and water by bacteria. Also carriers of bacteria are insects (for example, flies).
If treatment is started on time, in most cases the person is fully recovered (10 out of 100 patients have a relapse, even with antibiotics).
Small children, elderly people, people with severe body exhaustion are extremely difficult to tolerate the disease, the death rate from infection among this category is quite high.
In severe conditions (numbness, coma, shock), forecasts are disappointing, treatment and recovery period can take several years.
Intestinal colic infection
It is caused by some kinds of Escherichia coli, the disease proceeds in an acute form and is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.
The coli infection is also known as escherichiosis or colibacillosis, it affects mainly the intestine, in rare cases intestinal rods can affect the lungs, bile ducts, urinary system, and possibly a blood infection.
The disease usually affects small children (up to a year) who are severely affected by the infection, especially during the premature infants, with artificial feeding, various diseases that weaken the body.
Infectious children contribute to the spread of infection, which secrete many pathogenic bacteria into the environment. Also, the carriers of infection and people who have undergone the disease in mild or worn out form are more dangerous.
The path of infection is fecal-oral, which is inherent in all intestinal infections. Disease-causing microorganisms can be transmitted through the hands of parents, medical personnel, as well as through various items, products to which the carrier of infection has touched. Bacteria are able to remain active for several months and the objects surrounding the patients with coli-infection can pose a threat to others.
The disease can also occur with a decrease in protective forces, E. Coli, which is present in the gastrointestinal tract and is contained by the beneficial microflora, under certain conditions may start uncontrolled reproduction.
Intestinal Klebsiella infection
The opportunistic microflora of the intestine under certain conditions can cause a number of severe intestinal diseases. Among such bacteria, klebsiela is one of the most common, which, if there is a malfunction in the immune system, can provoke both a mild infectious process and a serious illness.
There are several types of Klebsiella, among which intestinal infections are caused by the bacteria K. Pneumoniae and K. Oxytoca. The disease often occurs with weakened immunity, in young children, in old age, with immunodeficiency (diabetes, oncological processes, blood diseases, after organ transplants). Infection klabsiella often occurs in people who abuse alcohol.
Bacteria Klebsiella can remain active in the soil, food products (especially in milk and dairy products).
The spread of infection is facilitated by patients and carriers of infection. In the intestines, pathogenic bacteria can get with poor-quality products (mainly through milk, meat), through dirty hands, vegetables, fruits.
The disease begins with abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and proceeds in an acute form. There may be an increase in temperature.
Treatment depends on the severity of the patient's current, mainly probiotics and bacteriophages (viruses that destroy bacteria) are prescribed.
Yersiniosis intestinal infection
Intestinal yersiniosis causes coccobacillus, which enters the body with contaminated water, products, in contact with animals, through blood products.
The disease most often affects small children, especially up to 1 year old, young people and men.
The rodent, wild or domestic animals (horses, dogs, cats, cows, etc.) can spread the infection. Pork meat is the most frequent source of human infection, there are bottom, that iersiniosis is a professional disease of people working with raw meat.
Bacteria retain their ability to reproduce even at low temperatures.
The disease begins with diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain. Infection of the blood with this type of intestinal infection occurs very rarely, mainly in children up to three months and with immunodeficiency.
With normal immunity, iersiniosis occurs within a few days with symptomatic treatment, the effect of antibiotic use is not proven in this case. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed for children up to three months and with immunodeficiency states, when the risk of developing blood infection increases.
Bacteria are sensitive to fluoroquinolones, third generation cephalosporins, biseptol, aminoglycosides.
Intestinal Infection Proteus
Proteus intestinal infection is caused by bacteria of the Proteus family. The disease affects mainly the gastrointestinal tract, but do not exclude the possibility of the development of the pathological process in other organs (ears, eyes, etc.).
Proteus bacteria live in rotting products of animal origin (manure, meat, etc.), in addition, microorganisms are resistant to external conditions.
The spread of the infection can be both humans and animals, transmission routes, as in other cases of intestinal diseases - fecal-oral.
In most cases, the infection is transmitted through food, Proteus bacteria are often detected in meat products, fish, milk. Very rarely there is transmission of infection through water (when drinking or bathing in contaminated water bodies), with non-observance of personal hygiene.
It is difficult for the infection to be borne by newborns and small children.
The disease develops most often quickly, there is weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, the temperature rises to 38-39 o C.
For treatment, antibiotics, bacteriophages, enterosorbents are usually prescribed. The choice of an antibacterial drug depends on the sensitivity of the bacteria.
Forecasts in most cases are favorable, but in case of severe illness and among children up to one year a lethal outcome is possible.
Intestinal protozoal infections
Protozoal infections provoke the simplest pathogenic microorganisms, which can lead to the development of serious diseases. In total, there are about 50 protozoa that can provoke a person's disease, while the infection rate is quite high among the population.
The simplest microorganisms can affect various organs and tissues (CNS, blood, intestines, lungs, etc.).
The spread of infection is promoted by insects, which not only transfer the infection from feces to food, but also bite a person, also some microorganisms can be transmitted sexually.
Intestinal infections caused by the simplest microorganisms: American trypanosomiasis, pyroplasmosis, isospore, malaria, amebiasis (ulcerative bowel disease), coccidosis, giardiasis, infusor dysentery, cryptosporidiosis, leishmaniasis, sarcosporidiosis, African trypanosomiasis, toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis (urogenital infection, sexually transmitted) .
Fungal intestinal infections
More recently, fungal infections are worried by an increasing number of people, in particular, the number of patients with fungal intestinal lesions has increased.
In the intestines , Candida fungi multiply , which provoke candidiasis. Excessive increase in the number of fungi occurs with reduced immunity, the intake of certain medications (especially antibiotics, hormones, corticosteroids, laxatives).
In a healthy organism, fungi do not multiply, since the immune system and beneficial intestinal microflora restrain their reproduction. Violate the intestinal microflora can be strong nervous tension, bad ecology, unbalanced nutrition.
The development of candidiasis in the intestine first of all indicates a violation in the work of the immune system and can signal the development of a serious pathology.
Fungal intestinal infections are treated with local means that are not absorbed into the intestinal walls, with preparations that repair the microflora.
In the treatment of fungus should carefully follow the recommendations of the doctor, do not reduce the duration of treatment, continue taking pills, even if the symptoms have disappeared, adhere to the recommended diet, etc., otherwise the infection can occur repeatedly and treatment will be longer.
When fungal infections should reduce the amount of sweet in the diet (including drinks, baking), fatty, roast, eat more fruits and vegetables, unsweetened cereals, fermented milk products, exclude alcohol.
In women, fungal infections in the intestines often occur simultaneously with thrush (candidiasis of the vagina).
Intestinal infection at sea
Intestinal infections at sea are widespread, especially young children. The main reason for the spread of infection at sea is storage of products outside the refrigerator, non-compliance with the technology of cooking meat products, insects that can transfer bacteria from feces to food, inadequate personal hygiene, the use of un-washed vegetables and fruits.
Another reason for the intestinal infection may be swimming in the sea, because during swimming a person can accidentally swallow water. Particularly endangered are children who can drink seawater, nibble their nails or eat with dirty hands.