

Types and symptoms of back pain

Severe back pain in a man

Men - this is the category of the population, which is called the strong sex, for good reason because it is their share of the lion’s share of occupations that involve hard physical labor, i.e. Application of brute force male.

Severe back pain in women

Despite the fact that hard physical labor, which does not best affect the state of hard and soft tissue structures of the spine, is considered the prerogative of the male half of humanity, women have much more reason to complain about spinal pain. On this subject, you can write a whole thesis on the unenviable female fate.

Severe pain in the upper, middle and lower back

Back pain is an unpleasant situation that has a negative effect on human well-being. And if we are talking about severe pains, then performance also suffers.

Severe pain in the back and abdomen

Different types of severe back pain can talk about different pathologies, and the spine itself is not always the source. Combined pains, or they are also called shingles, may slightly lift the veil, but even in this case, additional research will be required to make an accurate diagnosis.

Age morning and night back pain

Minor discomfort in the back caused by active sports, heavy physical labor, uncomfortable position during a night's rest, is unlikely to be a serious cause for concern, especially if this symptom occurs from time to time and is not accompanied by other health problems.

Osteochondropathy of the spine

This form of the disease is more common in adolescents 11-18 years of age. Pathology of bone and cartilage tissue occurs due to increased physical exertion and nutritional deficiencies. 

Back pains in the left leg, hand and heart

Discomfort soreness never appears just like that. Having listened to the signals of our own organism, we often can not only correct our health in time, but also, perhaps, save our life.

Pain in the back in the lower left, above and when moving

Strong and sudden, or quite tolerable, constant or pain arising after the load, in any case, is a warning signal that makes you wonder about your health.

Pain in the back above the waist on the right, left, between the shoulder blades

Pain can radiate from other parts and organs. The main task of a person who has developed such an unpleasant symptom is to respond promptly and quickly and consult a doctor.

Pain in the back and joints

According to statistics, for medical help for these pains no less people are drawn than with angina and colds.


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