Treatment of hematoma on the leg
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The result of closed leg injury (with bruise, fall, squeezing, injury, etc.) with rupture of blood vessels and the accumulation of blood (liquid or coagulated) in the surrounding tissues is hematoma.
The time of appearance of the bruise directly depends on the depth of its location. For example, trauma to the skin and fat tissue manifests itself instantaneously. Deeper lesions are found the next or the day after the injury. By the color of the hematoma can be judged on its prescription. The fresh trail has a reddish hue, which gradually changes to purple, and after three days it turns blue. Weekly hematoma becomes green, then yellow and gradually resolves.
The prescribed treatment of the hematoma on the leg will depend on the severity of the lesion:
- degree - only the skin covers are affected, the pain disappears for 2-3 days;
- degree - there is a rupture of muscle structures, edema. Trauma occurs with a strong pain syndrome and a general deterioration of well-being;
- degree - the process involves tendons, muscles, joint dislocation is possible;
- degree - limb mobility is limited or completely absent.
The presence of a reaction on the part of the body in the form of temperature is normal on the second-third day after the injury, indicating a massive absorption of the products of the bruise.
Treatment of hematoma on the foot in most situations is passive. On the affected area, apply an ice compress for 20 minutes and fix with a tight bandage. The procedure is repeated twice, providing complete rest to the injured limb. To remove the pain syndrome, take "analgin", "ibuprom". If necessary, ointments ("heparin", "troxevasin" gel) are shown for resorption and toning properties. The proximity of the hematoma to the extensive tumor can be the reason for the puncture (removal of blood that has been spilled out). Opening of the hematoma is also recommended in case of severe pain and a large size of the bruise.
Methods of treatment of hematoma on the leg
The localization of a large hematoma in the region of the lower limb can be accompanied by severe soreness, sometimes it is more expedient to open it in the surgeon's office in order to prevent the formation of pus and attach to the pathological focus of connective tissue.
Surgical methods for treating hematoma on the leg are indicated with an increase in the volume of the hematoma and the presence of pulsating pain in the area of the bruise. Especially when it's been a long time since getting a bruise.
If there is a minor injury to the leg, and you take painkillers for analgesics, then there is no need to worry. The use of drugs such as "aspirin", "aspecard", "warfarin" and "cardiomagnum", the need for injections - kleksana, heparin, and fractiparin - will be an occasion to consult a therapist and donate blood for analysis (total plus clotting) . Often such a patient is referred for taking liver tests. The therapeutic effect is prescribed by the doctor on the basis of laboratory tests, visual examination and patient complaints.
Most of the methods for treating hematomas on the leg are:
- forced rest;
- Apply ice twice or thrice a day for 20 minutes;
- applying a pressure bandage.
The first days after injury do not take a hot shower / bath, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages so as not to increase swelling. On the third day you can warm up the place of injury with a warm warmer, and also massage the damaged area to restore blood circulation and accelerate resorption.
Starting from the third day, the treatment of hematoma on the leg is performed with the help of physiotherapeutic methods (paraffin applications, electrophoresis, UHF, infrared / blue lamp warming, solux).
It is mandatory to contact a specialist if:
- the location of the hematoma next to the joint, which significantly increased in size, became inflamed and loss of its mobility was observed;
- pulsation is expressed;
- hematoma continues to grow two hours after injury;
- the victim complains of fever, weakness, nausea, pain in the place of injury is increased.
Treatment of shin hematoma
Treatment of shin hematoma with small sizes of education is carried out using conservative methods. Treatment of the shin hematoma requires surgical intervention in the formation of pus in the affected area, increased pain, increased hematoma in the volume, the body's temperature reaction. To eliminate hematomas, physiotherapeutic procedures, gels and ointments are prescribed.
Lyoton-gel is rubbed into the affected area from one to three times a day in the amount of three to ten centimeters of gel.
Troxevasin-gel is used twice a day, rubbing the required amount of material into the place of formation of the hematoma by massaging movements until it is completely absorbed. In the formation of a clamped shank hematoma, when blood is not absorbed into the tissue, but forms clots, an operation is required. When surgical treatment of the shin hematoma the patient is given local anesthesia, a small incision is made on the skin through which the blood clots are removed by extrusion, after which the affected area is treated with hydrogen peroxide and drainage is done. Before the treatment of hematoma, an ultrasound can be prescribed to the patient.
Treatment of hip hematoma
Treatment of hematoma of the hip can be carried out independently only with small amounts of damage, not accompanied by a general deterioration of health, a temperature reaction, severe pain.
After the bruise of the thigh and the appearance of the hematoma, ice can be applied to the affected area, then fix the sore spot with a dense bandage.
After five to six days, the affected area can be warmed up using a blue or IR lamp. When treating hematoma of the thigh, it is advisable to limit the load on the aching leg.
Treatment of femoral hematoma includes the local application of ointments and gels that help to relieve inflammation, reduce pain syndrome and swelling. These include troxevasin-gel, lyoton gel, Dolobene-gel and others. Dolobene-gel is applied to the damaged area from the calculation of approximately 3 cm of gel per ten centimeters of skin (the size of the knee cup), and then rubbed lightly until completely absorbed. The procedure is carried out two to four times a day.
Referring to a doctor is necessary for large hematoma sizes, swelling, for bone or joint injuries, for suppuration in the affected area, for fever.
In difficult cases, the treatment of femoral bruises can be surgical. To determine the feasibility of conducting a surgical procedure, magnetic resonance imaging is performed, ultrasound. When carrying out the operation, a small incision is made at the site of the lesion, when they are formed, blood clots are removed by extrusion.
Alternative treatment of hematoma on the leg
Among natural recipes, the use of hematoma on the foot with a compress on the basis of body-water (1 tablespoon of a dry mixture purchased at a pharmacy, diluted with 2 liters of water), which is applied to the bruise at least three times a day, is popular among natural recipes.
Herbalists recommend the first days to apply to the place of hemorrhage leaves of aloe with honey, and when the condition is stabilized on the third day, begin to warm up the bruise.
An alternative treatment for hematoma on the leg was not without healing clay. And its color and the place of gathering the role does not play. Clay is brought to the consistency of sour cream, rolled cake, which is applied to the injured skin area, cotton cloth is placed on top and the bandage is warmed with an oilcloth. Withstand clay for two hours. Reuse of clay is not recommended.
Pharmacy balm "bischofite" works wonders with the most huge hematomas, dissolving them in a week. Gadgets are made from a solution of "bischofite" and water in proportions of 1: 2.
A mixture of honey, castor oil and herb wormwood is prepared with something similar to ointment, which is applied twice a day for 15 minutes. Unfortunately, this composition does not have an analgesic effect.
Crushed fresh plantain leaves have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and ordinary salt helps to quickly get rid of bruises. Treatment of hematoma on the foot with a salt compress (10g of salt per half a cup of water) disinfects the wound surface, anesthetizes and removes dead cells. The bandage is fixed with a bandage or scarf.
The bruises are treated with infusion from the flowers of the rosemary or broth, for the preparation of which you need 2 tbsp. Dry raw materials and 200ml. Water. Within 15 minutes, the mixture is boiled over a small fire, after which it is filtered.
Alternative treatment of hematoma on the leg is indicated with a mild form of bruise, and also after consultation with a specialist.
Internal hematoma on the foot
The location of the internal hematoma is muscle, subcutaneous tissue. Hemorrhage to the injured area on the leg is accompanied by pain, pronounced swelling, skin discoloration, dysfunction of muscle structures, often temperature.
Treatment of internal hematoma on the leg is to remove blood by puncture. In the presence of a bleeding vessel, the hematoma is opened, the blood is evacuated, and then the integrity of the damaged blood channel is restored. In some cases, drainage of the hematoma is required.
Hematomas with pain and ripple, a large area of the subcutaneous bruise, as well as located near the joint require medical help.
Treatment with ointments hematoma on the leg
A good regeneration and at the same time anesthesia is provided by emulsion "riciniol", provided that the damaged skin area is treated immediately after the injury. The use of this tool can minimize or completely eliminate the appearance of a hematoma.
Treatment with ointment bruises on the leg is shown on the second day after injury. The most commonly used resorbants - "lyoton" gel, ointment on the basis of heparin and "troxevasin." Medicinal substances are applied - 3 times a day with a thin layer, without rubbing into the skin. Therapeutic effect is achieved in 3-7 days. From homeopathy the best results are shown by Arnica due to wound healing, anti-inflammatory actions. Apply the substance twice or thrice a day in a thin layer to 14 days.
In the case of a local increase in temperature, that is, the skin of the damaged area, and the enhancement of the pain syndrome, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments-fastum-gel, nimesil, diclac, and ketonal-bring relief. It is advisable to lubricate them with hematoma up to 4 times a day for 7-10 days. Treatment of hematoma on the leg with these drugs increases capillary stability, reduces the permeability of blood vessels, has a toning effect on the musculature of the venous walls.
Rapid healing is also provided by the "comfrey" ointment, which includes antiseptic tea tree oil. The balsam "rescuer" has a high regenerative activity, which is explained by the constituent components - esters, beeswax, sea buckthorn oil and vitamin complex.
Treatment of hematoma on the leg should be made on the basis of symptoms, so if there is severe pain, acute pulsation and swelling, it is better not to self-medicate, but immediately seek qualified help.