Fractures of toes and lower legs
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Fractures of the toes often go without special attention on the part of the victims because these miniature bones can themselves heal. There are almost no pains after such fractures. Only after the obvious deformation of the joints, people understand that it is necessary to consult a traumatologist, the main thing is that it is not too late.
Fractures of toes. General concepts
The toes on the legs break down very easily, with a fracture, you can hear a click characteristic for a fracture and feel a sharp pain. After fracture, the finger swells, you can not walk calmly, without pain. In case of a ligament injury or a tendon, an ice pack should be applied to the affected area. Thus, the puffiness is removed. Then you need to put a bandage on a sick finger, wait a day, knead joints, even if the pain is severe.
Fractures of finger phalanx
Fracture of the finger phalanx is quite simple. About this fracture says color - dark-cyanotic. Because of the rupture of the numerous vessels in the fracture region, your trauma becomes precisely this color. With such fractures, you can not immediately feel pain, perhaps you will not notice the fracture itself, or until you remove your shoes.
Painful sensations disappear when you are somewhere in a hurry, you have a lot to do, an exciting football match and the body that releases substances - analgesics contribute to the secrecy of your injury. Nerve endings are stunned after an injury, a signal of pain can simply not reach your brain. If you do not determine the nature of the injury in time and can not cure it, the finger can become motionless and deformed (curved).
Fractures of the metatarsal
In everyday life, there are also fractures of the metatarsus, which at home can hardly be defined as a fracture. To treat a fracture of the metatarsus is not difficult, just as in the case of a fracture of the phalanx of the fingers. Provide for your foot a high position and start with a bandage tight bandage, a day or two start moving, exercise.
The bones of the metatarsal are most relevant to fatigue fractures. Fracture is formed precisely at the site of attachment of muscle tissue, and not as in the usual fractures - connective. When you have a fracture "fatigue", the pain worsens while walking, and when you go to rest - the pain stops. You should rest as much as possible. Only two weeks later, begin physical exercises.
Injuries of lower leg
When falls or car accidents, shin injuries can be incurable. Qualitative cure can not guarantee every doctor, but only an expert, and then not in all cases.
The most common fractures of the lower leg
Unscientized people may not attach much importance to the fracture of the shin, which happened as a result of enormous physical exertion. At the initial stage there is no displacement of bones and the person experiences minimal pain, if we talk about fractures.
There are situations when with such a fracture you continue to actively walk, move, work around the house, ignoring the pain. Fatigue fracture of the tibia has already known signs: increased pain during movement and the cessation of pain impulses in rest.
Fractures in old age
The leader of the most insidious minuses of old age is osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease when a person has fragile bones, such bones break very easily. After a fall in a person, the elderly can break with an increased probability, and they will grow three to four times longer than a young person.
The first reason for the appearance of osteoporosis is the disturbed metabolism that appears in old age. During such metabolism, a person with a huge probability of failure of calcium intake in the body. With the usual metabolism, the daily intake of calcium is 0.4 grams per day, this amount is washed daily.
The body controls calcium metabolism independently, but in old age calcium is very hard to digest and meals containing it should be large. Even through the food of calcium, retirees are difficult to absorb. Proceeding from everything, it is quite clear that the older we become, the more difficult it is for us to maintain our body in a tone, which nature has made us.
Causes of metabolic disorders
Not only in the elderly can cardinally disrupt the metabolism in the body. The main temporary barrier for metabolic disorders is 60 years old. But other factors can affect the earlier violation of it: malnutrition, early menopause, frequent and prolonged use of cortecosteroids or smoking. Even with frequent use of alcoholic beverages, high activity of parathyroid glands, with excessive loads (large or small), you can break your metabolism. Sitting work will not improve it.
Causes of calcium metabolism disorders
Researches of scientists have proved, that infringement of a calcium exchange can be because of insufficient quantity of vitamin D3, namely this vitamin regulates the correct quantity of calcium in a blood plasma. Vitamin D3 is produced with the use of seafood, dairy foods, meat and sun rays.
If you do not adhere to the use of such food, vitamin D3 will not come in sufficient quantities in your body. Retired people have slow metabolic processes, this is the reason for low production of vitamins.
Women 40-50 years old can suffer from a special type of osteoporosis - postmenopausal. In women of this age, it is also called "transitional", because of the worsening of the ovaries and the lack of development of hormone-estrogen important for the wife, salts are washed out of the body and the bones become brittle.
Treatment of osteoporosis
Curing osteoporosis is not always possible, and it takes a very long time. We recommend that you contact your doctor for advice, so that he ascribes you a set of necessary vitamins. Try to stick to diets and walk on fresh air to prevent fragility of bones - osteoporosis. Do not self-medicate, so as not to disturb the work of the kidneys.
Are treated on time
One young and promising football player, playing football, was very carried away and, by carelessness or accident, broke two fingers on his leg. This guy did not attach the necessary importance to his injury and went to the doctor already when he limped and could hardly move. He looked plaintively at the doctor and asked him to break both his fingers so that they would re-grow, right. The doctor felt sorry for the football player, but the help was unlikely, since the joints on his leg were already deformed. Do not repeat the mistakes of a guy, get treated on time and do not neglect your health.
How to be treated for fatigue fracture?
It is not difficult to get rid of a fatigue fracture: regularly apply packets of ice, apply a tight bandage and after a couple of weeks, start moving. Remember that you need to try, as often as possible to keep your feet in a raised position to relieve swelling.
It happens that the fracture of the lower leg is accompanied by a muscle tumor, while you are squeezing the vessels and nerves. In this case, you are diagnosed with a split shin syndrome. In this case, you simply need to contact a qualified doctor and be treated, since the case is considered serious.
The injured leg requires care, treatment, constant stretching, exercises on the flexibility of your joints. After qualified treatment you will be able to walk fully. In two percent of cases requires surgical intervention.
Features of treatment of fractures in old age
The less a person walks, runs and in general, is engaged in physical activity, the more often he has broken bones. The elderly are concerned most of all.