Treatment of diseases with key cells in the smear
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Key cells in the smear - this is in most cases the index of gardnerellez. But there is no such disease in the classification of diseases at all. Gardnerellez can be considered as one of the indicators of bacterial vaginosis. In this case, almost always found and another microflora, in addition to lactobacilli, in different ratios.
If in the microflora of the vagina there will be not only activated opportunistic pathogens (gardnerelles, streptococci, staphylococcus, etc.), but also pathogenic bacteria that are the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases, the diagnosis will sound differently regardless of whether there are key cells in the smear or not. Depending on the identified causative agent of STDs, a diagnosis will be made and appropriate treatment will be prescribed, during which time it will be necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse.
There are quite a lot of such diseases and the approaches to their treatment can differ significantly, so we will not dwell on them, but we will talk about how to treat diseases, accompanied only by the appearance of key cells and a certain number of other representatives of the opportunistic microflora in the smear, indicating dysbiosis vagina in women or balanoposthitis in men.
The presence of key cells in the smear in women and men does not indicate a disease, but speaks of a possible infection. If the analysis reveals an increased number of leukocytes, indicating the development of the inflammatory process, treatment should be started immediately after the detection of pathogens.
Antibiotics come to the fore here. Drugs the doctor selects, taking into account the harmful microflora found during the analyzes. In most cases, preference is given to such drugs as "Clindomycin" (lincosamides) and "Metronidazole" (an imidazole derivative). On the basis of clindomycin and metronidazole, several other preparations have been developed (Trichopol, Flagil, Dalacin, Clindacin, Ornidazole, Tinidazole, etc.) that can be used to treat bacterial vaginosis, as well as some chlamydia, trichomonas vaginitis and some other infectious pathologies.
An easy degree of the disease does not require a systemic intake of antibacterial agents, in severe cases, systemic antibiotic therapy is prescribed along with the local application of antimicrobial ointments, creams, vaginal tablets and suppositories. But as we know, any treatment with antibiotics is a blow not only for the harmful, but also for the beneficial microflora (lactobacilli) in the vagina. If you take systemic antibiotic therapy, then the microflora of the intestine (lacto- and bifidobacteria) also suffers. All this can lead not only to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the form of discomfort in the vagina and constipation, but also to the development of various diseases.
After a course of antibiotic therapy aimed at the destruction of harmful microbes, it is necessary to restore the beneficial microflora. It is carried out with the help of special preparations - probiotics. These can be preparations for systemic use that improve the microflora of the intestine and the body as a whole (Lactobacterin, Acipol, Trilact, Bifidum, etc.) or local remedies for normalizing the vaginal microflora in the form of vaginal tablets, creams, suppositories (Acilact, Vagilak, Lactonorm, Vagisan, etc.).
To improve the defenses of the body, weakened by the disease, a woman can additionally be prescribed vitamins and immunostimulants of plant origin.
With regard to the treatment of gardnerelleza in men and bacterial inflammatory process (balanoposthitis), then its treatment also uses antibacterial agents (usually in the form of tablets or creams for topical use, less often injections), vitamins and immunostimulants. In addition, hormonal ("Prednisolone", "Lokoid", "Advantan", "Elidel", etc.) and non-hormonal ("Levomekol", "Xeroform Ointment", etc.) anti-inflammatory ointments, treatment of the penis with antiseptics (manganese, furacilin) and fizprotsedury, helping to stop inflammation.
The appointment of probiotics in the case of male gardnerelleza is not particularly practiced. They are appointed basically in the event that antibacterial therapy does not give results, which indicates a violation of the microflora of the body. Although the conduct of systemic antibiotic therapy in itself speaks for the use of drugs that restore the destroyed useful intestinal microflora (lacto- and bifidobacteria).
The selection of antibiotics in both female and male gardnerellez ( when detecting key cells in a smear ) should be approached with special care. The fact is that gardnerelles are rarely found in proud solitude. Often their loneliness is brightened not only by conditionally pathogenic bacteria, but also by trichomonads, chlamydia and some other representatives of pathogenic microflora. Infringement of a microflora can involve also viruses and fungi which were hidden in an organism long time.
Such a rich composition of pathogens requires a special approach in which antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral therapy must be combined. The complex drugs such as Terzhinan and Klion-D, which provide antiprotozoal (active against protozoa: trichomonads, amoebas and others), antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects, facilitate this task in the therapy of women. If we are talking only about gardnerella, cocci and trichomonads, joint therapy with metronidazole and clindamycin is usually carried out.
During treatment of diseases associated with the violation of the microflora of the body due to the activation of opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, patients of both sexes are recommended to abstain from sexual contacts, taking alcoholic beverages, including "low alcohol" and beer, eating sharp and heavy food, visiting the bath. Also it is necessary to limit physical activities, to avoid too emotional and stressful situations, to reduce the number of smoked cigarettes as much as possible.
Effective drugs for gardnerellez
This part of the text does not need to be taken as a guide to action, allowing you to prescribe drugs yourself. We are happy to provide the reader with information on some commonly prescribed medications from the category of antibiotics and probiotics, but this does not mean that these drugs will help cure the disease. The doctor, prescribing medicines, takes into account not only the results of the tests (which types of bacteria were detected and in what quantity), but also the features of the patient's body, the presence of accompanying pathologies and contraindications, the state of the beneficial microflora of the organism.
Information on effective drugs we give for purely informational purposes. In the end, the treatment regimen and the dosage of drugs should be prescribed by the doctor leading the patient.
"Metronidazole" is an antibacterial drug that is active both against gardnerellas and against trichomonads, who like to join the already existing infection. For the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, the drug can be administered both in the form of candles and in the form of tablets.
Method of administration and dose. The drug in suppositories is injected into the vagina once a day (1 suppository per procedure, preferably before bedtime).
Most often, local treatment with trichomonads is supplemented with oral metronidazole tablets. Usually the drug is prescribed in a dosage of 250 mg twice a day. Women combine taking pills with candles.
If anaerobic bacteria are also found, the dose of "Metronidazole" is increased to 1000-1500 mg per day.
The course of treatment with any form of the drug should not exceed 10 days, but it can be repeated up to 3 times a year.
Contraindications. The main limitation in the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Suppositories "Metronidazole" are intended for the treatment of adult patients, while tablets can be taken by children from the age of 6 years.
Doctors can prescribe the drug even to future mothers, since it does not adversely affect the fetus or course of pregnancy. But this does not mean that a pregnant woman can prescribe this antibiotic at her own discretion.
During treatment, "Metronidazole" should be from breastfeeding, because the medicine enters the breast milk, and with it into the body of the child, which can lead to a dysbiosis in the baby.
During antibiotic therapy, you should stop taking alcohol and medications that contain alcohol. "Metronidazole" comes into contact with other drugs, some of them are considered undesirable, which must also be taken into account when taking other medications.
Side effects. Reception of the drug may be accompanied by unpleasant reactions from various organs and body systems. The digestive system can respond with epigastric pain, nausea, stool disorder, development of reversible pancreatitis, impaired taste, etc. On the skin can be observed allergic rashes, redness, itching, less often anaphylactic reactions are noted.
There are also possible symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, convulsions, confusion, hallucinations, mood deterioration. There are also reversible visual impairments, fever.
"Dalacin" is a drug based on the antibiotic lincosamide called clindamycin, which is often prescribed when the key cells appear in the smear. Effective against gardnerell, bakteriodov, some strains of mycoplasma, chlamydia and some other pathogens of bacterial vaginosis in women. It is used in the form of capsules for oral administration, vaginal suppositories and cream.
Method of administration and dose. Capsules "Dalatsin C" doctors appoint in a dosage of 150 to 450 g for one dose, depending on the severity of the pathology. Multiplicity of medication is usually 4 times a day.
If chlamydia were found in the vagina, then the drug in the maximum single dose is prescribed at intervals of 6 hours for 14 days.
The duration of treatment of dysbacteriosis is usually determined by the composition of the pathogenic microflora and is established by the attending physician.
Suppositories "Dalatsin" apply for 3 days at night. 2 suppositories per procedure. The candle is carefully removed from the package (foil) before use and injected deeply into the vagina with or without an applicator.
Vaginal cream "Dalatsin" is supplied with three or seven applicators with a piston (for each day of treatment). First, you need to put the cream in the applicator, screwing it on a tube of cream and gradually squeezing out its contents, so that the applicator piston comes to a stop. The applicator is unscrewed, we close the tube with a cap.
In the supine position with the legs spread apart, we insert the applicator deeper into the vagina and squeeze the cream by pressing the plunger. The extracted applicator without cream should be discarded.
The course of treatment lasts 3 or 7 days.
Contraindications. The main contraindications to the use of a drug of any form of release is considered to be sensitivity to lincomycin, clindamycin or any of the components of the drug, as well as the presence of a history of colitis (inflammation of the intestine) caused by the intake of antibiotics. The oral administration of the drug is not recommended for children under 1 month, as well as for patients with liver and kidney failure.
In pregnancy, the use of "Dalacin" is possible only in the 2nd and 3rd trimester and only according to the doctor's prescription. Vaginal suppository should be used with caution and without an applicator.
The vaginal cream is approved for use from 18 years of age. It, as well as suppositories do not apply during menstruation.
During the treatment with the drug it is desirable to transfer the child to artificial feeding.
As for sex life, it is better to limit it. It should be taken into account that the composition of the preparation can reduce the strength of latex products used for the purpose of contraception.
Side effects. The main disadvantage of clindamycin, which is the main active substance of the drug "Dalatsin", is the destruction of beneficial microflora in the vagina, which leads to the development of fungal infections, in particular vaginal candidiasis.
Of the often unpleasant symptoms associated with the use of the drug, we can distinguish: headaches and dizziness, respiratory infections and infection of the urinary tract, nausea, abdominal pain and stool disorders, rashes and itching on the skin. There are also violations of the menstrual cycle, weak pain in the lower abdomen, abundant discharge from the vagina, development of pseudomembraneous colitis. Application during pregnancy can provoke pathological birth.
"Terzhinan" - vaginal tablets that have a complex effect on the microflora of the vagina, which allows you to simultaneously deal with anaerobic bacteria, including gardnerella, representatives of the opportunistic coccal microflora, trichomonads, fungi of the genus Candida. It is a complex preparation for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, fungal or mixed vaginitis, as well as for the prevention of the above pathologies and bacterial complications ..
Method of administration and dose. Tablets of oblong form should be inserted deep into the vagina before going to bed. Previously, it should be dipped into the water for half a minute, which will ensure ease of administration and rapid dissolution of the dosage form into the vagina. For one procedure use 1 tablet.
Enter vaginal tablets in the supine position and do not rise for a quarter of an hour, so that the undissolved portion of the tablet does not slip out.
Treatment of bacterial vaginitis is carried out for 10 days. When a fungus is found, the course of treatment is doubled. To prevent infections, it is enough to apply the drug for 6 days.
Absolute contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its components and children's age. Future mothers can use the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, although at the insistence of the doctor the drug is used even in the first trimester and with lactation.
Side effects of the drug are reduced to allergic reactions in the form of edema and hyperemia of mucous membranes, pain, burning and itching in the vagina, skin rash, etc.
"Vagilak" is a drug that normalizes the microflora of the vagina due to the introduction into it of several species of live lactobacilli and thermophilic streptococcus (lactic acid coccus, a useful inhabitant of the female organism's internal environment that promotes reproduction of lactobacilli). Produced in the form of vaginal capsules. Assign it to both bacterial vaginosis, and fungal or trichomonadal pathologies.
Method of administration and dose. Prescribe the drug usually 5 days after the start of antibiotic use and for some time after the end of antibiotic therapy. The general course of treatment is 10 days.
Enter the capsules into the vagina, pushing them deep inside, once a day before bedtime (1 capsule per day).
The drug can be used concomitantly with antibiotics.
Contraindications. The drug is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to its components and the presence of inflamed erosions and acute purulent processes in the vagina. Do not use in pediatrics. The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is allowed.
Side effects are limited to hypersensitivity reactions to the composition of the drug, which manifest themselves as burning and reddening of the mucous genitalia.
Detection of key cells in a smear in a woman implies a survey also of her sexual partner. And even if the results of men's tests are negative, it is advisable to pass a preventive treatment with antibacterial drugs, to drink immune stimulants and vitamins to strengthen immunity. The fact is that in the incubation period of the disease, the analyzes can show nothing suspicious and do not show, but this does not mean that later the man is not threatened with inflammation of the glans penis due to the multiplication of bacteria.
Alternative treatment
Usually, to alternative treatment, women are treated as an opportunity to fight the disease without visiting a gynecologist and his appointments. This is fundamentally an incorrect attitude towards one's health, which can have unpredictable consequences, up to the violation of reproductive function, i.e. Infertility.
What is the vaginal dysbiosis? This is a violation of his normal microflora, which provided women's health. Laboratory tests show modified epithelial cells surrounded by bacteria. But alone we can diagnose the disease only by its external manifestations - abundant secretions with an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the "fragrance" of a rotten fish, burning and itching in the genital area. But the same symptoms can be observed in other diseases, including venereal diseases. So without special laboratory tests to say that we are dealing with a more or less harmless gardnerellezom impossible. Key and pseudo-key cells in the smear - that's what will help to disclose the true cause of the symptoms and start effective treatment of the detected bacterial, viral or fungal pathology.
And when the doctor diagnoses (and before that you still have to pass so unloved by women examination on the gynecological chair), then you can already discuss with him the possibilities of drug and alternative treatment. There is no desire to be treated with antibiotics, but your gynecologist insists on this? But there are doctors who adhere to a different theory and other methods of treating such a poorly studied and controversial disease as bacterial vaginosis. You can refer to them. Perhaps they will support the idea of alternative treatment in the ways described below or offer something in return for antibiotic therapy (of course, if it is not a neglected disease with a rich breeding ground for various bacterial microflora and practically killed immunity).
What does alternative medicine offer us for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis? This is a local treatment with the help of trays, syringes and tampons, plus internal reception of products that restore the body's microflora, and agents that strengthen weakened immunity.
As you can see, there is no talk of antibiotics. But alternative medicine actively uses the antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties of individual plants and products. Here the treatment with herbs comes to the fore. The above properties are characteristic for oak bark, celandine, cherry and juniper fruit, calendula, St. John's wort and some other medicinal herbs and plants. To remove inflammation and alleviate unpleasant symptoms, chamomile, gooseweed, sage, aloe, sea-buckthorn oil and other herbal remedies are great.
Among products with pronounced antimicrobial properties is famous for natural honey. It also helps to increase immunity, both general and local. The main thing is that a person does not have allergies to beekeeping products.
Now let's move on to specific recipes. What formulations can I advise for syringing the vagina for women in the smear of which the key cells were identified:
- Decoction of the bark of oak: 1 tbsp. Boiling water we take 1 tbsp. Crushed dry raw materials, we stand on a water bath for 10 minutes, after which we leave in the warmth for another 3-4 hours, filter, cool to a barely warm state and use it for the intended purpose.
- Infusion of calendula flowers: the components of wood in the same proportions, we insist the composition in the heat for about 4 hours, after which we filter and cool to the desired temperature.
- Decoction of cherry fruit: 1 tbsp. Dry fruits pour 2 tablespoons water, boil for about 25 minutes, cool and filter.
- Warm water with the addition of fresh milk whey or kefir, as sources of lactobacilli. The same make up you can wash every day.
In compositions for douching, you can combine several herbs with anti-inflammatory, soothing and antimicrobial effects. You can recommend such fees:
- Chamomile + Calendula (we make infusion from 1 tablespoon of collection and 1 item of boiling water, keeping the composition in the heat for about 30-40 minutes),
- Chamomile + goose goatee (we make infusion of 1-2 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs and 1 liter of boiling water, we insist 30-35 minutes in the heat)
- Chamomile + plantain (the method of preparation is similar to the previous recipe).
You can apply and multicomponent fees:
- Chamomile and walnut leaves (5 tablespoons), mallow forest and oak bark (2 tablespoons), sage (3 tablespoons). For 1 liter of boiling water we take an incomplete tablespoon of a mixture of herbs and boil on low heat for 30 minutes.
- In the previous recipe, mallow is replaced with St. John's wort and prepare the broth in the manner described above.
- Grass of mother-and-stepmother and juniper fruit (3 tablespoons each), yarrow, horsetail field, sweet potato, pear, eucalyptus leaves (2 tablespoons). At 2 tbsp. Boiling water take 2 tsp. Collection and insist in the thermos for about 2 hours.
- Buckthorn berry, clover flowers, celandine grass, flax seeds. At 1 tbsp. Boiling water we take 1 tbsp. Plant mixture and insist half an hour.
Filtered through 2-3 layers gauze compositions are used in a warm (not hot) form. Douching is usually done twice a day, using 50-200 ml of the drug composition per procedure. Nevertheless, it is better to discuss these issues with the attending physician.
After each procedure, the syringe must be sterilized (boil and treat with antiseptic means), otherwise it is not necessary to expect a good effect from such treatment.
Another method of treating bacterial vaginosis is the use of tampons impregnated with medicinal compounds. As such formulations, sea buckthorn oil or aloe juice is used. But the latter will need to be premixed in equal proportions with olive oil.
Tampons can be used pharmacies or cook them yourself from cotton wool and gauze. Impregnated with a medicinal composition tampon is better to enter the vagina daily at night. Such treatment significantly reduces the intensity of inflammatory symptoms, itching and burning in the vagina.
Baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs do not have such a pronounced therapeutic effect, because during the sedentary baths the composition does not penetrate deeply to the site of the localization of bacteria. And yet, as an auxiliary method that helps to alleviate the condition of patients, it can also be included in the treatment regimen.
What formulations can be used for baths:
- Broth of oak bark. Raw materials are first soaked in water for 4 hours, then boiled in the same water for about 10 minutes. The resulting broth is poured into a bath with warm water.
- Infusion of chamomile (the bath will need 150 g of grass).
- Decoction of walnut leaves (250 g of raw material).
- Herbal collection: walnut leaves, juniper berries, oak bark, chamomile herb. In addition, you can add a little oat straw to it. Collection of water is poured (3 tablespoons collection take 2 tablespoons water), boil 45-50 minutes, filter and pour into the bath.
- As an option for those who do not have allergies to beekeeping products, you can make honey baths (2 tablespoons honey per 0.5 liters of warm water, dissolve and pour into the tub).
Baths can be done before the introduction of tampons with plant compounds or as a preparation for traditional treatment (suppositories, vaginal tablets, ointments). On 1 tray usually requires about 4 liters of water, in which the dissolved formulation is dissolved. The temperature of the water in the bath should be in the range of 36-37 degrees. The course of treatment accounts for 7 to 10 procedures lasting at least 15 minutes.
But since the main predisposing factor for the reproduction of bacteria and the emergence of key cells in the smear is still a reduced immunity, to obtain stable results, it will be necessary to take in the compositions of herbs and plants immunostimulants. Such plants include Echinacea, Eleutherococcus, Ginseng, Schizandra and others. It is also useful to eat fruit of currant, rowan, lemons, persimmon.
To cleanse the body of various parasites, the onions and garlic are best suited, which must necessarily be included in your diet, if there are no contraindications.
To improve the microflora of the body it is useful to drink more dairy and fermented milk products, including store compounds enriched with lactobacilli.
As for men who developed bacterial balanopostitis against the background of gardnerellez, they can also be advised to strengthen their immunity and use more burning plant antibiotics (onions and garlic). The urethra can be treated with the same formulations that women use for syringing. Infusion of chamomile is usually used to reduce inflammatory symptoms.
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Bacterial vaginosis, characterized by the appearance of key cells in the smear, which indicate a violation of the microflora of the vagina, is considered an unusual disease in homeopathy. In alternative medicine, the approach to diagnosis and treatment of female diseases is somewhat different, because here the focus is not so much on the nature of the infection detected, but rather on the cause that caused the illness.
But that's not all. Any of the causes causing a violation of the microflora of the vagina, will not lead to the disease, if a woman has strong immunity. And here the search for the cause begins, but not the dysbiosis of the vagina, but the decrease in immunity. If the cause of this situation is stress, treatment will be one if the ecology is to blame for others, and if immunity is reduced due to chronic diseases, a third treatment regimen will be prescribed.
Moreover, an experienced homeopath physician relies not only on the diagnosis and the root cause of the disease, but also on the patient's particular features: constitution, temperament, predisposition to various diseases, age, etc.
Proceeding from the above, it can be concluded that it is meaningful to talk about specific preparations only after the patient receives the homeopath. The treatment regimen in each case can be very different. And this is not surprising, because in homeopathy there are no separate drugs from dysbacteriosis, sore throat, rheumatism, hypertension, etc. Homeopathic medicines are multifunctional and help from various diseases, the main thing is to choose them correctly, and this can only be done by a qualified homeopathic doctor.