

Treatment of diabetes

Treatment of diabetic nephropathy

At the heart of effective therapy for diabetic nephropathy are early diagnosis and treatment conducted in accordance with the stage of the disease. Primary prevention of diabetic nephropathy is aimed at preventing the appearance of mycoalbuminuria, i.e. Impact on its modifiable risk factors ...

Treatment of diabetic neuropathy

The main measure of prevention and treatment of diabetic neuropathy is the achievement and maintenance of target values of glycemic values. Recommendations for the pathogenetic therapy of diabetic neuropathy (benfotiamine, aldolazoreductase inhibitors, thioctic acid, nerve growth factor, aminoguanidine, protein kinase C inhibitor) are being developed.

Treatment of diabetes in children

For patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, there is no alternative to insulin therapy. The most widely used insulin is human recombinant. Analogues of insulin were widely used in pediatric practice.


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