Treatment after removal of the endometrial polyp: recovery, recommendations
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Endometrium is the inner layer of the uterus, and includes its walls, mucous membranes, cavity. Like any tissue, it can undergo various inflammatory processes, damage, cells can degenerate. Frequent pathology, which is encountered in gynecology, is the formation of polyps, and other neoplasms. As practice shows, removal of the endometrial polyp is the most rational way of its treatment.
Confirms the fact that polyps need to be removed, and statistics that show that polyps tend to multiply, and also transform into a malignant tumor. The danger consists in the fact that polyps can grow quite large in size, up to the exit from the uterus and filling the overgrown tissue with the entire vagina.
In general, it is a very independent formation, represented by a compacted area of the endometrium, which eventually acquires its own circulatory and innervation system, relatively weakens and begins to grow, or exist and develop independently.
Some doctors try to treat polyps with medicines, but often this is ineffective. Therefore, in the end, resort to all the same to operational methods. Other doctors are inclined to the opinion that surgical treatment should be applied immediately, once the polyp is detected. Removal in the early stages prevents the further development of the polyp, prevents the formation of multiple polyps, and also significantly reduces the risk of malignant cell degeneration.
Ultrasound after removal of the endometrial polyp
Used to control how well the polyp is removed. It is important that there is not the slightest piece of tissue left, otherwise the polyp will start to develop again. The endometrial polyp can be diagnosed with abdominal ultrasound, but a more transvaginal method will be more informative, which will make it possible to visualize the polyp more accurately, bypassing the peritoneal resistance. Also, when a polyp is found, one can find the degree of its development, the rate of growth.
Recommendations after removal of the endometrial polyp
After the polyp is removed, you need to follow some recommendations. It is necessary to abstain from sexual activity within three to four weeks. Basically, the recovery period is determined by how long the recovery of the cervix continues. If it does not heal for a long time, this period can be extended. Therefore, it is important to visit planned inspections in time after the operation.
It is important to adhere to the regime of the day and proper nutrition. Food should be dietary: boiled, steam. You need a specially designed diet that you need to discuss with your doctor, or specifically visit a nutritionist. Alcohol is completely excluded. The food should contain the necessary amount of vitamin, nutrients. The main task is to maintain normal metabolism, restore the body, regenerate tissues, restore the normal state of the mucosa and microflora. Physical exercises and the optimal level of motor activity should increase the endurance of the organism, its resistance to various diseases, promote immunity, prevent the development of inflammatory and infectious processes. Seasoning, spices, marinades, fatty dishes, you need to exclude completely.
You need to observe personal hygiene and hygiene of the genitals, do not lead a promiscuous sexual life. It is also important to treat chronic diseases in a timely manner, you can not supercool and sit on a cold surface.
In the recovery period, physiotherapy may be required, which will enhance the regenerative capacity of soft tissues and mucous membranes. The main methods used in the recovery period are magnetotherapy, ultrasound. Also with the help of electrophoresis, various medications are injected, which quickly penetrate directly into the inflamed tissues and have a therapeutic effect there.
Often additional hormone therapy is required, which will be aimed at normalizing the activity of the ovaries, endometrium. Hormones should eliminate excess estrogen and add missing progesterone, which is the only reliable method of preventing polyps.
Recovery after removal of the endometrial polyp
The duration of the recovery period depends on the amount of surgery performed, as well as on the severity of the pathological process, the procedure of the operation and the general current condition of the patient, the presence of concomitant and chronic diseases.
Usually recovery lasts up to 5 days with hysteroscopy, from several weeks to several months with scraping and cavitary operations. In the recovery period in the first days, there may be an allocation of an inflammatory nature, small leakage of blood. Blood clots may appear. During this period, post-operative treatment aimed at restoring the mucosa, endometrium is performed.
Also shown is therapy aimed at preventing the re-formation of polyps. It is necessary to adhere to the doctor's recommendations, limit oneself in some actions, for example, do not take a hot bath, do not visit saunas and baths. Within a few days sports, hard physical work, sex life are excluded. It is necessary to adhere to a diet.
What can not be done after removal of the endometrial polyp?
You can not show a sauna, a bath, take a hot bath. It is necessary to exclude sex life, heavy physical work, sports, heavy loads. Go to the pool and solarium, sunbathing, swimming in open water also should not be. Also you should not take alcohol, eat fatty, fried, spicy dishes, non-diet food. On average, these restrictions must be observed for a month (sometimes longer, until the body is fully restored).
Treatment after removal of the endometrial polyp
After removal, special treatment is carried out, aimed at restoring the mucous membrane and preventing further development of polyps, relapses. For this, hormonotherapy, anti-inflammatory treatment is used. If necessary, prescribe physiotherapy procedures. Symptomatic therapy is aimed at eliminating the symptoms that bother the person. Often, integrated postoperative therapy includes alternative and homeopathic remedies, as well as phytotherapy.
The tactics of treatment depend on the results of the analyzes, histological and instrumental studies and is determined by the attending physician and other highly qualified specialists. Self-medication in any case to deal with, since most such cases result in death or serious metabolic and hormonal disorders.
Often used drugs that enhance the immunity and resistance of the body. There is also a special therapy aimed at suppressing the activity of the polyp, preventing its growth and reproduction. This prevents the re-growth of the endometrium, the formation of new polyps.
Sometimes there is a need for the appointment of probiotics and prebiotics, which normalize the colonization resistance of the mucous membranes. This contributes to the normalization of microflora, prevents infection with pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the probability of developing infectious-inflammatory, purulent-septic processes, and other complications decreases.
Treatment in almost all cases includes hormone therapy. This is due to the fact that the main cause of the development of the polyp is a high level of estrogen and an imbalance of other hormones. Therefore, drugs are taken that normalize the overall hormonal background, reducing the level of estrogens. This helps to increase the level of progesterone, resulting in healing of the damaged mucosa.
The need for anti-inflammatory drugs occurs in the event that the inflammatory process has developed. If the cause of inflammation is an infection, prescribe antibacterial drugs. Usually, antibiotic therapy is prescribed after preliminary bacteriological examination with determination of sensitivity to the isolated pathogen. Also, the optimal dosage of this drug is selected.
Hormones after removal of the endometrial polyp
Hormone therapy is in demand in almost all cases. Especially if the original reason for the development of polyps was an imbalance of hormones, a lack of progesterone and an overabundance of estrogens.
Progesterone preparations are prescribed mainly: progesterone, oxyprogesterone. They are taken 1-2 times during the menstrual cycle at 125-250 mg according to a specially selected scheme. The treatment scheme for each patient is chosen individually by the attending physician. Bring any general recommendations and treatment regimens is impossible, because everything depends on the results of the study and examination.
Of anti-estrogenic complexes, such drugs as clomiphene are used. Take 50 mg per day for 5 days. For self-medication, this drug is also not suitable, because it is used under strict control with the help of ultrasound. This makes it possible to monitor the effectiveness of treatment, to control the likelihood of side effects.
For recovery in the period after the operation, doufaston is often used. This hormone is aimed at correcting hormonal conditions. The active substance is a synthetic analog of the female hormone progesterone. Promotes normalization of the hormonal background, restores the hormonal background. During pregnancy prevents interruption, helps maintain. It is an excellent preventive agent that prevents the development of polyps and tumors.
Before you start to drink this remedy, you need to consult a doctor. He is not appointed without an anamnesis. Can be prescribed in case of shortage of progesterone in the body. In this case, if there is an overabundance of progesterone in the blood, side effects can develop. In the case of polyps of small size, duphaston therapy is an alternative to surgical intervention, since it helps to maintain polyps at the same level, or their gradual resorption.
It is necessary to treat the drug for a long time. The course is calculated on average for 3-4 months. There are practically no side effects. In rare cases, headache, migraine, skin reactions, allergies can develop. The main dosage form are tablets. Appointed by a doctor.
Treatment in the morning is hormonal therapy aimed at normalizing the hormonal background, restoring the damaged mucous membrane. Prevents the re-formation of polyps. Refers to preparations of progesterone. The course dose for one menstrual cycle is 200-300 mg. It is taken in one or two doses during the day, strictly according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor. Only a doctor can choose a treatment regimen, because this is determined by the results of the analyzes, by the state of the mucous membrane.
It is a contraceptive effect, which includes a complex of estrogen + gestagen hormones, as well as auxiliary substances. The main action is to normalize the lipid metabolism, improve the lipid profile of the blood. Promotes the normalization of the hormonal cycle, eliminates the risk of inflammatory and hyperplastic processes. Due to the improvement of lipid parameters, and other mechanisms of action, the drug prevents the risk of bleeding, is a reliable means of preventing anemia, excludes the possibility of re-formation of polyps, and their malignant degeneration.
Produced in the form of a dragée. One package contains 21 pills, which are designed for one course. Take for 21 days, then take a break for 7 days (at the time when it comes, or supposedly, menstruation should begin).
Antibiotics after removal of the endometrial polyp
You may need antibiotic therapy in the case of an infectious process. This can be observed when infection with pathogenic microorganisms from the outside, or in the development of a pathological process that has arisen as a result of autoinfection. So, autoinfection can develop with imbalance of hormones and microflora disorders, which is almost always observed during surgical interventions.
At the same time, the activity and abundance of the basic microflora (lactobacilli and bifidobacteria) decreases. This leads to the fact that the opportunistic microflora is activated, and an infectious process can develop. Most often, enterococcal, staphylococcal and streptococcal infection develops. Accordingly, prescribe either special antibiotics aimed at eliminating this type of infection. Broad-spectrum antibiotics may be prescribed that have an effect against a large number of microorganisms that can cause infection.
Antibiotics are always prescribed for the prevention of complications in the event that an open abdominal operation, or scraping, has been performed. This is due to the fact that with this type of intervention, a high area of damage is sufficient. Accordingly, the risk of infection is very high.
When prescribing antibacterial therapy, sensitivity of the microflora must be taken into account (isolate the pathogen and determine the spectrum of its sensitivity to antibiotics). Often, concurrently prescribe drugs aimed at preventing fungal infection, or probiotics, prebiotics.
Usually begin treatment with penicillin drugs. Often prescribed synthetic drugs: oxacillin - 0.5-1 grams at 4 hours per hour before meals, methicillin - 0.5-1 gram after 4-6 hours intramuscularly, fusidine - 0.5 grams 3 times a day for 6 days, dicloxacillin - 0.5 grams 3 times a day for 7-10 days, erythromycin - 0, 25 grams 4 times a day.
Antibiotics should be prescribed together with sulfanilamide drugs: sulfadimethoxin (madribon) - 1-2 grams per day for 7-10 days, sulfalom - on the first day of 1 gram, and then 0.2 grams daily for 7 days. In the absence of effect within 2-4 days after the appointment of some antibiotics. They should be replaced with other medications.
Sex after removal of the endometrial polyp
After the operation, one should abstain from sexual activity on average within a month. During this time, the mucous membrane is usually restored quickly. It is better to consult a doctor to make sure that the restoration has been fully implemented, and only after that you can begin to live sexually in the same rhythm.
Can I masturbate after removal of the endometrial polyp?
Masturbation after removal of the polyp is not recommended for a month, because at this time the mucous membrane and damaged tissues have not yet recovered. Further it is necessary to be convinced, in that that all damages were restored. We need to take care that during masturbation, do not damage the mucous membrane and cause the development of the infection process, do not infect the infection from the external environment.
In the rest, it is recommended to have a permanent sexual partner, because sex has a positive effect on the female reproductive system. There is a release of endorphins, and other hormones, which additionally stimulate the receptors, promote the healing of the mucous membrane. Sperm contains prostaglandins, and other hormones and biologically active substances, activate the immune system and increase colonization resistance.
Can I sunbathe after removal of the endometrial polyp?
If the removal of the endometrial polyp has been performed, a woman can not sunbathe for a month. Also at this time it is not recommended to take air, solar and thermal baths. Bathing is not necessary either in open water, or in swimming pools. You can not take a hot bath, visit the solarium.