Treatment of adnexitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of adnexitis is directed primarily to the destruction of the infection, which triggered the inflammatory process in the appendages.
Also during therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and various physiotherapy procedures are used. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the timely established cause of the disease, with genital infections (mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, etc.), the emphasis will be on eliminating the underlying disease. Quite often adnexitis provokes staphylococci, bacteroids, etc., in this case antibacterial therapy is used.
Treatment of chronic adnexitis
Treatment of adnexitis in a chronic form is rather difficult, primarily because chronic inflammation is lethargic. During the periods of remission to continue therapy with antibacterial drugs is not justified.
If chronic adnexitis is the cause of infertility, then surgical intervention is used.
Treatment of exacerbation of chronic adnexitis
Treatment of adnexitis, which has acquired a chronic form, is complicated, primarily by the fact that the cause of the disease (which can be different) is difficult to identify and does not always work.
When chronic inflammation in the appendages is used drug therapy, physiotherapy procedures, treatment in sanatorium-resort conditions, special therapeutic exercise, etc.
Easy gymnastics helps to strengthen immunity, also the walk in the fresh air, healthy food contribute to the increase of body defenses.
With an exacerbation of chronic adnexitis (the appearance of pain, poor health, etc.) it is necessary to consult a specialist and begin treatment.
At an aggravation of process antibiotics, antiinflammatory agents, soothing preparations, vitamins are used. During the period of remission, physiotherapy is indicated - acupuncture, electrophoresis, mud therapy.
Women with chronic adnexitis are recommended therapy in sanatoria, therapeutic gymnastics, psychotherapy, etc.
During exacerbations, fried, fatty, smoked foods are excluded from the diet, salt consumption is minimized.
With frequent exacerbations of chronic adnexitis, irreparable health consequences may occur, therefore it is recommended not to provoke the disease: avoid overcooling, heavy loads (physical and emotional).
Treatment of acute adnexitis
Treatment of adnexitis in acute form usually takes place in a hospital environment, otherwise, possible serious complications (pus formation, peritonitis, etc.). During therapy it is important to comply with bed rest.
First of all, with acute adnexitis, analgesic, anti-inflammatory (if necessary antibacterial, antimicrobial) drugs are prescribed.
When prescribing antibiotics, the sensitivity of the causative agent to the drug must be taken into account. Most often, with acute adnexitis, they are prescribed apoptosis, tetracycline, ofloxacin, erythromycin, gentamicin, metronidazole, clindamycin.
In acute inflammation, doctors prefer antibacterial drugs with a long half-life. In case of a severe process or suspected purulent complication, antibacterial preparations of different groups are appointed, for example, aminoglycosides and penicillins (oxacilin and kanamycin). Drugs can be administered both intravenously and orally, as a rule, at the beginning of treatment, intravenous antibiotics are used, followed by replacement with tablets.
Acute adnexitis often leads to intoxication of the body. In this case, intravenous glucose, protein preparations, rheopolyglucin and the like are added to therapy.
When the purulent process begins, laparoscopy is mandatory, during which pus from the appendages is removed and an antibacterial agent is injected into the affected area. This method is not very traumatic and quite effective.
If you do not treat acute adnexitis, it gradually changes into a chronic form with periodic exacerbations.
Treatment of subacute adnexitis
The treatment of adnexitis in a subacute form, after the removal of acute symptoms, consists in physiotherapeutic procedures (ultrasound, mud therapy, etc.).
It is worth noting that early detection of the cause of inflammation, allows the doctor to prescribe effective therapy. The earlier treatment of adnexitis is started, the less likely the scarring in the appendages of the uterus. As a rule, subacute adnexitis occurs as a result of mycosis or tuberculosis infection (it is extremely rare). The main principle of treatment of the subacute form of adnexitis is the elimination of the underlying disease and symptomatic treatment.
Treatment of bilateral adnexitis
Treatment for adnexitis is usually performed in a hospital setting. Bilateral inflammation requires an integrated approach. In the acute course of the disease, antibacterial drugs (ampicillin, amoxycycline) or a combination of several groups of antibiotics (usually in particularly severe cases) are prescribed. If the causative agent of inflammation are chlamydia, then tetracycline antibiotics are prescribed, anaerobic bacteria - metronidazole. The course of treatment and dosage is prescribed by the attending physician, usually the course of therapy lasts up to 10 days.
In addition to antibacterial therapy, sedative, anti-inflammatory, anesthetics are prescribed. A woman during this period is attributed to bed rest, dietary meals.
In chronic bilateral inflammation, the methods of physiotherapy are used, in some cases without surgery it is impossible to avoid, in particular, removal of the fallopian tubes or ovaries may be required.
Treatment of right adnexitis
Right-sided adnexitis in its symptoms resembles appendicitis and it is impossible to do without a professional's advice in this case. The doctor may check the diagnosis after examination, interrogation and ultrasound data, but in some cases all data can indicate both adnexitis and appendicitis.
If the obtained data is not enough to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to determine the localization of pain sensations - appendicitis hurts the iliac region, with adnexitis - the pain is concentrated in the lower abdomen and gives back. Also, do not completely exclude the possibility of exacerbation of these two diseases, in this case, the exact cause can be established only after surgery.
Treatment of left adnexitis
Left-sided adnexitis usually occurs for the same reasons as other inflammation in the appendages, so the principle of treatment in this case is not fundamentally changed.
Often, adnexitis leads to infertility, so treatment for adnexitis can not be done on their own. In addition, it is impossible to diagnose only on the basis of sensations, it is necessary to conduct a number of additional studies to determine the causative agent of inflammation and to prescribe effective therapy. With adnexitis, it is contraindicated to warm up the stomach so as not to provoke an even more inflammatory process and severe soreness (in some cases, an ice compress is recommended).
With left-sided inflammation, anesthetics, antibacterial and other drugs are prescribed. After the reduction of acute symptoms, the treatment begins with the help of physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis, ultrasound, paraffin applications.
Treatment of adnexitis in pregnancy
Inflammation of the appendages in pregnant women is treated only in a hospital. First of all, the treatment of adnexitis during pregnancy is aimed not only at suppressing the infection and inflammatory process in the body, it is very important to prevent the spread of infection through the placental barrier, and this is the most difficult in the treatment of pregnant women. However, if the treatment of adnexitis is started in a timely manner, then the woman has a chance to normally bear and give birth to a healthy child.
For the treatment of adnexitis, antibacterial drugs are prescribed that can be used during pregnancy (it is important to test the sensitivity of microorganisms before using the drug). Also effective therapy includes restorative, anti-inflammatory drugs.
Methods of treatment of adnexitis
The treatment of adnexitis involves several basic principles:
- Treatment of adnexitis with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, etc. Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Endoscopy, through which the soldered fallopian tubes dissect
- Treatment in sanatorium and resort conditions
Also, along with general treatment is widely used local: ointments, tampons with anti-inflammatory solutions, baths.
Depending on the pathogen of inflammation, antibiotic therapy can be prescribed to the sexual partner.
Inflammation of the appendages can be associated with accompanying gynecological diseases (uterine myoma, endometritis, etc.).
In parallel with antibiotic therapy, immunostimulating, analgesic and anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. To reduce the inflammatory process in the appendages, as a rule, suppositories rectal are prescribed, which include diclofenac.
After removal of acute symptoms of the disease and transition to the stage of remission, physiotherapy is prescribed: mud therapy, electrophoresis on the lower abdomen, waist, tampons with medicinal herbs, ultrasound treatment, etc. Recently hirudotherapy has been gaining popularity, which shows quite good results.
Injections with adnexitis
Treatment of adnexitis is based on antibacterial therapy. At the beginning of the disease the doctor can prescribe a course of antibiotics in the form of injections 3 times a day, then tablets with antibiotics are prescribed. In addition, a woman is prescribed a course of vitamins, glucose, anti-inflammatory drugs.
When inflammation of the appendages, injections are not prescribed in each case. For example, if the course of the disease is erased, then it is possible to use antibiotics in the form of tablets.
Douching with adnexitis
Treatment of adnexitis, as already mentioned, should be complex. As an auxiliary therapy for drug treatment, you can use douches with decoctions of some herbs that have anti-inflammatory, decongestant, healing, and the like. Action. For syringing it is recommended to use infusions of chamomile, oak bark, linden, yarrow, eucalyptus.
Treatment of adnexitis with homeopathy
An experienced homeopath will help cope with virtually any disease without the use of chemistry. Quite often, chronic adnexitis torments women for a long time, periodically exacerbating and delivering a lot of discomfort and disrupting the quality of life.
Homeopathic treatment of adnexitis is sometimes much more effective than traditional, as it affects the entire body and does not have side effects.
However, the appointment of homeopathic medicines should be done only by an experienced doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman's body.
Treatment scheme for adnexitis
For effective therapy, a complete diagnosis is necessary in order to identify the cause of inflammation and the degree of involvement of the organs in the inflammatory process.
Treatment of adnexitis usually includes:
- antibiotics of a wide spectrum (mainly with a long period of action)
- enemas with medications
- suppositories (rectal, vaginal)
- immunostimulating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs
After the acute process of inflammation has passed, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. In the formation of adhesions, surgical treatment is recommended.
Preparations for the treatment of adnexitis
Treatment of adnexitis is possible with different antibacterial drugs. For more effective treatment, before the drug is administered, a test is made to determine the susceptibility of microorganisms that caused inflammation in the appendages. Also, the doctor prescribes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy procedures. In acute disease, the doctor can send for compulsory hospitalization.
The most well-known antibacterial drugs for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the appendages are the following:
- erythromycin is the most effective drug that destroys chlamydia and mycoplasmosis. Duration of admission and dose is determined by the doctor, given the severity of the disease and the condition of the patient. In some cases, erythromycin is replaced with ofloxacin, azithromycin, dioxycilin.
- Metronidazole - is used for trichomoniasis (as well as for all sexually transmitted diseases). Based on the diagnostic data, the doctor sets the course duration and dosage (the drug is available in the form of tablets).
- ceftibuten - an antibiotic, which is active against a large number of microorganisms, is released in capsules. This drug can be replaced by the like: cefaclor, cefuroxime.
- azithromycin (zamax) - is prescribed for diseases of the genitourinary system, with urethritis (gonorrhea and non-gonorrhea), cervicitis, etc.
For topical treatment, vaginal suppositories with antibiotics (fluomizin, movalis, etc.) can be used. In combination with general treatment, drugs accelerate the process of recovery and reduce soreness.
The active substance of Trichopolis is mitranidazole, which has an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal effect. Treatment of adnexitis with trichopole occurs when anaerobic bacteria are detected. The drug is not used for serious disorders of renal and hepatic function, bone marrow, nervous system. The course of therapy with the drug usually lasts no longer than 10 days, if the doctor decides to continue treatment with trichopole, then the liver function and the condition of the peripheral blood should be monitored.
Dimexide belongs to anti-inflammatory drugs, it also has a local anesthetic effect.
The drug penetrates well through the mucous membranes, increases the sensitivity of bacteria to antibacterial drugs. Dimexide has a low toxicity.
Comprehensive treatment of adnexitis along with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and other means includes tampons with dimexide and novocaine (1: 4).
Biseptol - a bactericidal combination, is available in the form of tablets or intravenous injections. Treatment of adnexitis must necessarily include an antibacterial drug that suppresses and destroys the pathogenic microflora. Biseptol is indicated in anaerobic Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, chlamydia, and others.
Wobenzym has a general effect on the body: relieves inflammation, puffiness, increases immunity and improves blood circulation. All this makes the drug in demand in the therapy of many gynecological diseases. Wobenzym often is included in the complex treatment of adnexitis. One distinguishing feature of vobenzim is that the drug has the ability to inhibit the proliferation of connective tissue (prevents the formation of adhesions).
With viral infection, viferon is prescribed, which in complex therapy blocks the growth and multiplication of viruses. Treatment of adnexitis caused by the virus of herpes simplex, papilloma often occurs with viferon, which showed good efficacy. One of the advantages of the drug is that it makes healthy cells immune to viruses.
Treatment of adnexitis caused by anaerobic microorganisms is carried out with the help of nitroimidazoles. Metronidazole is a drug of this group, and has the ability to destroy most anaerobic bacteria. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of the genitourinary system. Metronidazole is available in the form of tablets, the treatment is determined by the attending physician.
Treatment of adnexitis with suppositories
Treatment of adnexitis solely with the help of suppositories (be it vaginal or rectal) will not bring the desired effect. Suppositories are recommended to be used as part of complex therapy, to alleviate severe symptoms and accelerate the recovery process.
Genferon with adnexitis
Treatment of adnexitis with the help of anti-inflammatory suppositories of geneferon, which also stimulate immunity, are used in the complex therapy of inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.
The hexicon with adnexitis
Suppositories hexicon are often used for inflammatory diseases in the appendages. The drug has a minimal amount of adverse reactions, and the components of the drug are not absorbed into the blood. Treatment of adexitis with hexicon is usually carried out on a ten-day course, in some cases, the drug may provoke itching and severe allergies.
Longitude with adnexitis
Complex treatment of adnexitis includes vaginal suppositories (candles), in particular lengidase, which is an enzyme complex that prevents the adhesion process.
Analgesics with adnexitis
Anesthetics are prescribed with strong pain. A good effect is the local anesthetic drugs (candles, ointments). Reduce the inflammation and pain will help rectal suppository diclofenac, the absorption of which after the introduction occurs quite quickly. When ingested, diclofenac has a general effect on the body, anesthesia, relieves inflammation, reduces fever.
Diclofenac with adnexitis
Treatment of adnexitis is aimed at destroying bacteria and reducing inflammation. Diclofenac effectively removes inflammation, and also anesthetizes well. But the drug has a number of contraindications (gastritis, ulcer, pregnancy, allergy, etc.).
Indomethacin with adnexitis
Indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has proven itself in the therapy of gynecological diseases.
The drug is issued in the form of rectal suppositories.
Indomethacin well anesthetizes and relieves inflammation, has antipyretic effect. Contraindicated to use indomethacin in ulcers, violations of the liver, kidneys, during pregnancy.
Complex treatment of adnexitis includes the use of anti-inflammatory suppositories, in particular indomethacin.
Treatment of adnexitis at home
Treatment of adnexitis, more precisely the prevention of chronic forms can be carried out with the help of alternative medicine.
The juice of aloe and cabbage is considered effective in this case. The juice of plants is impregnated with a tampon and laid down for the night in the vagina, the course of therapy is two weeks. Also helps to avoid exacerbations tampons with Vishnevsky ointment (course of treatment is two weeks).
Treatment of adnexitis, provided that the disease is detected at an early stage, is not difficult. In this case, it is important to go through the diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease and not give up the treatment after the acute symptoms of the disease subsided. Otherwise, adnexitis can go into a chronic form, which threatens serious health problems.
With the development of the chronic form of adnexitis, various physiotherapy procedures (UHF, ultrasound, electrophoresis, etc.) are recommended.
With frequent exacerbations, a sanatorium treatment (mineral baths, mud cure, etc.) is recommended.
In addition to prevention it is important to eat properly and fully, to lead an active lifestyle, not to freeze.
Physiotherapy with adnexitis
Treatment of adnexitis with physiotherapeutic procedures plays a significant role in the prevention of adhesions. Procedures are appointed after the removal of acute symptoms of the disease, subacute stage, with a chronic process. In modern therapy, the leading place is occupied by electrotherapy, which is prescribed taking into account the clinical manifestations of the disease.
Electrophoresis with adnexitis
During electrophoresis, under the influence of a direct current, a specific drug substance is injected under the skin. Through a pad impregnated with a solution, up to 10% of the drug enters the body (depending on age, current density, solvent used, etc.).
Treatment of adnexitis with electrophoresis is recommended after the stifling of the acute inflammation process. The procedure has resorptive, analgesic and decongestant properties.
Magnetotherapy with adnexitis
Magnetotherapy has become widespread in the treatment of gynecological diseases. This method is based on several principles: improvement of blood circulation, restoration of normal polarity of cells.
Treatment of adnexitis with magnetotherapy will help get rid of the pain caused by spikes in the tubes, as well as normalize the menstrual cycle.