Thrombosis of the central vein of the retina
Last reviewed: 18.10.2021
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With thrombosis of the central trunk of the central vein, as well as with thrombosis and embolism of the central artery, vision suddenly falls in the affected eye. However, complete blindness usually does not occur, vision (albeit low) persists. Ophthalmoscopic picture with thrombosis of the central vein of the retina is very characteristic. A thrombus in the trunk of the central vein prevents the outflow from the entire system of the reticular vessels. Throughout the retina, numerous hemorrhages of various sizes are seen, round and in the form of strokes. Against the backdrop of hemorrhages, white spots are distinguished - plasmorrhagia. The border of the optic nerve disk is fading. In thrombosis of an individual, smaller branch of the central vein of the retina, a similar ophthalmoscopic picture is noted: veins and hemorrhages, limited only by one quadrant. Retinal vein thrombosis occurs in the elderly. Its causes are general atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis.
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Treatment of central venous vein thrombosis
Previously, propgosis was unfavorable, but at present, due to the use of anticoagulants (under the systematic control of the prothrombin index), there are much more frequent cases of improvement in vision and disappearance of hemorrhages in the retina. Under the influence of aptycoagulants, the thrombus is channeled. Are applied:
- fibrinolysin (20-40 thousand ED intravenously), uroknnas (jet), heparin;
- angioprotectarians (prodectin, dicinone, complimin, cavinton, trental), venoratal, troxevasin, antisclerotic drugs, B vitamins, corticosteroids.
Laserocoagulation has the goal of turning off ischemic zones (burn), so that there is no stimulation for neovascularization (prevention of secondary uveitis, hemophthalmitis).