Tendonitis of foot
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Tendonitis of the foot is an inflammatory process in the tendon when the plantar muscles and the tibialis muscle that connects the tibia and fibula and the arch of the foot are involved in the process.
As a rule, accompanied by painful sensations during active sports, walking, jumping and lifting heavy loads.
Causes of tendinitis of the foot
Often, tendonitis occurs due to trauma or increased motor activity with a constant load on the foot and leg muscles. With regular and considerable load, the tendinous fibers and cartilage on the sites of muscle attachment are degenerative-dystrophic lesions.
As a result of the acquired ischemia of tissues, zones of necrotic lesion are formed, the tendon and cartilaginous tissue is structurally regenerated, and their partial mineralization occurs. Microtrauma of tendinous fibers is accompanied by the deposition of mineral salts at the site of injury: a fairly dense calcineous formation develops, which can enhance traumatization of nearby tissues.
Degeneration and calcification of cartilaginous tissue contribute to the formation of osteophytes and bone growths.
Pathological processes in the tendons signal increased stress on them. This often happens in athletes, physically active people.
Rheumatoid diseases, inflammation of the joints can also provoke the development of tendonitis of the foot.
Tendonitis can occur as a consequence of a long-term flat foot.
Symptoms of tendonitis of the foot
Symptoms of tendinitis of the foot can be practically invisible or strongly pronounced:
- painful sensations of varying intensity when loaded on a certain tendon, while other foot movements do not cause pain;
- visible reddening of the skin, it is possible to increase the local temperature on the affected tissue area;
- crunching in the tendon, which can be heard both externally and through a phonendoscope;
- palpation can be felt pain in the lower leg;
- often tendonitis develops against the background of the inflammatory process of nerve trunks;
- small swelling of the tissues of the foot and lower leg;
- unpleasant sensations during pressure on the heel and flexion of the foot.
Walking in uncomfortable shoes and the presence of high heels significantly exacerbate the unpleasant sensations in the back of the shin. The pain is especially pronounced during walking and trying to stand on your toes. Discomfort is exacerbated in the morning when getting out of bed, after a prolonged immobile state of the lower extremities, may be accompanied by swelling of the skin in the Achilles tendon zone.
In chronic course of tendonitis, clinical manifestations can be permanent.
Where does it hurt?
Diagnosis of tendinitis of the foot
Diagnosis of tendinitis of the foot is based on anamnesis and visual examination of the patient.
The examination involves feeling the shin, especially in the area of the Achilles tendon. A slight soreness can be traced, but it is most important to exclude damage to the tendon and measure the flexural amplitude of the foot.
With a direct rupture of the tendon fibers, the swelling of the lower leg and foot should be noticeable, and a marked hemorrhage into the soft tissues can be observed. If a void formation is detected along the tendon - this may be a rupture site. With a significant edema it is rather difficult to find it.
X-ray examination in tendonitis of the foot is not informative, it can only indicate the presence of calcification. An alternative method is ultrasound diagnostics, which provides visual access to the soft tissues of the lower limbs and tendon. This is a more inexpensive method compared to MRI.
Carrying out magnetic resonance and computed tomography allows the doctor to see the complete picture of the damage more clearly, visualizing each section of tissues layer by layer.
What do need to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of tendinitis of the foot
Treatment of tendinitis of the foot depending on the severity of the process may include:
- immobilization of the foot or ankle by means of bandaging, bandage bandages, longet. Absolute rest should be provided to the limbs;
- the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs, greatly facilitating the general condition of the patient. Orally taking drugs, injectable, as well as external use of a variety of ointments and compresses. This therapy is usually prescribed for a period of no more than 14 days, longer reception of non-steroidal drugs is undesirable due to adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract;
- the appointment of antimicrobial agents in the infectious nature of tendinitis;
- Use of physiotherapy at the final stage of treatment of tendonitis (high-frequency, microwave therapy);
- application of massage procedures, elements of therapeutic gymnastics (yoga, sparing exercises, stretching and warming muscles);
- with the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, surgical intervention, consisting in surgical excision of aponeuroses and affected tissues, is possible.
Conservative treatment of the inflammatory process in the tendon is quite long, up to two months, and with surgery - up to six months.
Alternative therapies for inflammation of the tendons of the foot include mainly anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects:
- compresses from strong saline solution;
- lotions from the decoction of the bird cherry fruit;
- massage the affected area of the foot with ice cubes, especially effective immediately after injury;
- internal intake of ginger infusion, as well as turmeric as an effective anti-inflammatory drug;
- use tincture from the walnut partitions (a glass of raw material for 0.5 liters of 40% vodka, insist two weeks in a dark place, take inside).
Prevention of tendonitis of the foot
Prevention of tendonitis of the foot in healthy individuals is not particularly difficult. When choosing shoes, you must pay attention to its convenience and the lack of discomfort when walking and movements. During active sports, the use of ordinary casual shoes is unacceptable - for this purpose there are special sports models with reliable fixation of the ankle joint, with an adequate shoe.
Women need to treat shoes with unstable heels with great care.
With prolonged exertion of the foot, contrasting baths and massage procedures usually help.
In the presence of signs of flatfoot, it is recommended to wear shoes with special inserts - arch supports, which support the arch of the foot and absorb shock.
Immediately before training, one should not allow sharp movements of joints without pre-heating the muscles by warm-up.
Swimming exercises well strengthen the calf muscles, gently affecting the joints and tendons.
Forecast of tendinitis of foot
The prognosis of the tendinitis of the foot, which was diagnosed on time and adequately treated, is more often favorable. Drug treatment is usually quite effective. The rehabilitation period after the conservative method of therapy is about one month. If the recommendations of the doctor are observed and the main cause of the pathological condition is eliminated, relapses of tendonitis are unlikely.
After surgical intervention, the immobilization of a damaged limb is usually applied for a period of up to two months. After full recovery, the patient returns to his previous full life, trying to reduce the possible burden on the ankle joint.
Athletes adhere to a specially designed for them rehabilitation program with a gradual increase in the load, which is controlled by a specialist. Approximately in half a year the sportsman can return to standard training employment.
Inflammation of tendons, complicated by the addition of a purulent infection, may leave behind some limitations of the motor functions of the foot.
Forced wearing of tough uncomfortable shoes and high heels, trauma to ligaments and joints contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the tendon. In order to prevent tendonitis of the foot, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the lower leg and prevent possible traumatization of the ankle joint area.