


Weber Syndrome

Weber's syndrome is a rather complicated and rare disease, and represents one of the variants of neurological pathology from the category of peduncular alternating syndromes.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This disease is considered a threshold and requires compulsory treatment. Otherwise, irreversible changes in the affected nerve may occur, which in time will lead to a complete loss of palm sensitivity and some degenerative disorders.

Autonomic dysfunction syndrome

Vegetosovascular dystonia is a fairly common condition. About 80% of the adult population have a confirmed diagnosis of VSD, while the number of women with this diagnosis is significantly higher than the number of men with the same problem.

The syndrome of a rigid person

For the disease is characterized by a gradually increasing stiffness of the muscles, equally spreading through the system of muscles of the hands, legs, trunk. This condition is worsened over time, which sooner or later leads to systemic muscle rigidity.

Ledda Syndrome

Intestinal obstruction is a pathology faced by both adults and children. Consider its main causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, methods of treatment and prevention.

Kandinsky-Konovalov syndrome

This disorder is considered one of the types of paranoid-hallucinatory diseases. Its essence consists in the development of a special state, in which some external or otherworldly influence is exerted on the patient.

Nephritic syndrome

This state of the body progresses due to infectious diseases, so it often occurs under the name of postinfection glomerulonephritis.

The Savant Syndrome

People with the Savant syndrome are characterized by an unquestionable mental inferiority, combined with unique abilities.

Cruson Syndrome

A special genetic disease - Cruson's syndrome - is called craniofacial dysostosis in another way. This pathology consists in abnormal penetration of the sutures between the cranial and facial bones.

Jerusalem Syndrome

Jerusalem syndrome is a rare mental illness and is characterized by pathological symptoms based on religious themes, accompanied by psychosis or delirium.


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