

Symptoms and types of psoriasis

Psoriasis on the genitals of men and women

Psoriatic rashes in the intimate zone can appear in any person suffering from psoriasis.

Palmar-plantar psoriasis

With this localization of the disease, parts of the skin of the distal parts of the upper limbs (palms) and lower limbs (soles of the feet) are affected.

Common psoriasis: stages and how to treat

Psoriasis is a chronic disease in which the skin is affected, joints and - sometimes - internal organs. Common psoriasis is the generalized form of the disease, which is more severe and prolonged.

Skin itching with psoriasis: remedies and treatment

Psoriasis is a fairly common disease in which reddish scaly patches and plaques appear on the surface of the skin.

Teardrop psoriasis

Psoriasis or scaly lichen is a chronic, chronic non-infectious disease. It has the appearance of inflamed parts of the body, which consist of individual spots of the skin (papules), merging they form plaques.

Psoriasis of the joints

This disease has an autoimmune mechanism of development: disorders of immune defense lead to self-destruction of cellular structures, to stratification of excess tissues and to the development of inflammatory reactions in the joints.

Pustular psoriasis

One of the rare forms of endocrine diseases is pustular psoriasis. Consider its features, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

The first symptoms of psoriasis: in women, men and children

Although psoriasis belongs to a group of infectious diseases that do not pose a danger to others, for a person who has discovered some manifestations of this disease, this is already an occasion to sound an alarm.

Psoriasis on legs

Psoriasis refers to diseases in which the psychological discomfort of the unaesthetic manifestation of the disease is reinforced by unpleasant sensations. Appearing on the legs, hands and other parts of the body, psoriasis tortures a person all his life because an effective medicine that allows you to forget about the problem once and for all is still not found.

Psoriasis on the face

Psoriasis can affect any part of the body. Especially often the disease is found on the elbows, under the knees, in the groin and underarms, on the head. Psoriasis on the face is relatively rare, but it gives the patient a lot of discomfort - first of all, psychological.


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