Symptoms of flatulence
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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An uncomfortable bloating in the belly in the modern world persecutes people often enough and the blame for that is bad ecology, unbalanced nutrition, food raid, stressful condition in which the most part of the world's population lives. Symptoms of meteorism are different, but he himself can directly become an indicator of one of the many diseases that affect the human body, in particular, the organs of the digestive tract.
Symptoms of bowel flatulence
If a person begins to feel an increased secretion of gases in the intestine, immediately raise panic is not worth it, because it can only be the body's response to a dense, hearty and fatty meal. It is worth a while and it will all pass. But if such discomfort pierces painfully often, it is not worthwhile to postpone the trip to the doctor. Symptoms of bowel flatulence are recognizable enough, they are difficult to confuse. Such a normative deviation shows several representative features and accompanying symptoms.
- Rumbling in the intestines.
- Pain in the abdomen, often given in the hypochondrium. They can be aching, cramping or stitching.
- Liquid, sometimes watery, stool.
- Or, conversely, long constipation.
- Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
- Increased gas separation.
- Nausea, hiccough.
- Feeling that the stomach is bursting from the inside.
- An inflated intestine begins to press on neighboring organs, including the stomach. Such pressure can provoke a reverse casting of stomach products into the esophagus, which is felt as a belching, heartburn and the appearance of sour taste in the mouth. This applies to patients with a history of ulcer, accompanied by high acidity of gastric secretions. In this situation, an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity may appear.
- Increasing in volume, the intestine is able to press and on the diaphragm. This factor encourages the appearance of shortness of breath and tachycardia.
- It is worth noting that when the intestine is swollen, there is an increase in pressure in the middle of the digestive tract. Such a deviation leads to tension of some parts of the intestine and spasms of others. A sign of the appearance of this phenomenon may be colic.
- The escape of gases brings little physical relief, but is psychologically not comfortable. Symptoms of bowel flatulence, often, put in an embarrassing situation, when a person in a public place begins to make unpleasant sounds and smells associated with increased concentrations of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the exhaust gases.
- Frequent manifestations of flatulence can reduce appetite, lead to a general weakness of the body.
- Since the nerve endings are connected to one common system that covers the entire body of a person, pain symptoms in the abdomen can trigger a response from other systems and organs. For example, abdominal pain can cause retching pain in the region of the heart, disruptions in its rhythm, pulsating pain symptoms in the head. This can be associated with a significant pathology in the circulatory system, as well as with the disruption of the functioning of metabolic processes.
- There may be a state of anxiety, a deterioration in mood, a fear of food.
- There are problems with sleep.
- Decreased motor activity, which only leads to worsening of symptoms.
- As a consequence of poor appetite, fear of constantly passing flatus (gas emissions), anorexia may develop.
- Against the background of psychological discomfort, you can observe the manifestations of a permanent neurotic excitement.
If such a symptomatology has appeared, it is necessary to trace which factor precedes the appearance of flatulence. Sometimes it is enough to adjust your daily diet and the problem will disappear. If this did not happen, it would not be superfluous to consult a doctor and complete a complete examination.
Symptoms of flatulence in children
Bloating is a fairly common symptom in newborn babies. This pathology can be manifested due to some deviations in the structure of the digestive tract of a small man. The appearance of gases causes the baby to worry, the symptoms of flatulence in children can be seen even visually or feel palpation.
- The kid's tummy becomes hard and resembles a drum.
- It bursts, and it increases in volume.
- This symptomatology causes a disturbance in the baby, which is manifested by crying and increased nervousness of the baby.
- A child may refuse to eat or eat poorly.
- He knits, periodically shuddering.
- It may be bad, restless to sleep.
If the attacks of meteorism are observed mainly in the evening (the duration of seizures up to 20 minutes), then the kid is the fastest, and this is due to his not yet stable physiology (for example, swallowing the baby with food during meals, improper selection of the mixture or deviation from the instructions with her preparation - in case of artificial feeding). However, do not forget that swelling of the intestines in infants can be due to the presence in his body of the disease (for example, dysbiosis, inflammatory processes in the intestine). Therefore, the appearance of this symptom is to inform the pediatrician. The doctor will examine the baby and, if necessary, conduct a study to determine the causes of the symptoms of flatulence, will give recommendations on how to get out of the situation.
In children of the older age group, the symptoms of flatulence are more approximate to manifestations of flatulence in the adult category of patients. Oddly enough, it sounds, but flatulence in children, the symptoms of its manifestation, are most common in boys than in girls. The cause of swelling in the abdomen in preschool and school age children, in most cases, violations of the balanced diet regime, disruptions in the digestive process. Children are very fond of fizzy drinks and fast food products, which does not make their food more healthy. Constant monitoring of what the child eats, in most cases, allows you to adjust the diet and remove the symptoms of flatulence. But if discomfort appears obsessively, it is necessary to establish the cause of the manifestation so as not to miss a more serious disease.
In a healthy intestine, there is necessarily a small amount of gases - this is the norm. Such small volumes do not cause a person discomfort, but if the amount of gas produced by the intestine increases, then we can already talk about the manifestations of flatulence.
A normal child is curious and emotional, he wants everything, and now tell others. Do not stop him and eating. Rapid swallowing of poorly chewed food, conversations in the process of nutrition contribute to the fact that the baby, along with food, swallows and portions of air, which subsequently cause flatulence in children, the symptoms of which are well known to everyone:
- Feeling of bursting from the inside in the abdomen.
- The appearance of pain symptoms, the localization of which is difficult to determine.
- Due to the fact that the children's digestive tract is not yet perfect, the baby is growing and in this process the internal organs may not keep up with the parameters of the increased bone tissue, the baby's intestines can spasmodically in places, while other areas are amenable to increased stretching. Such disharmony provokes the appearance of colic, spasmodic pain.
- The baby's organism is improving and developing, but a temporary shortage of enzyme substances necessary for the normalization of metabolism allows incomplete digestion of the food that has arrived, which leads to decay and fermentation of food. The fermentation process also occurs with the release of a quantity of gases exceeding the physiological norm for the human intestine. Gas is trying to find a way out. Hence, we get a belch, sometimes with heartburn and an unpleasant taste and smell in the mouth, as well as an increased flatus.
Flatulence, as a symptom of the disease
Minor gas separation, occurring from time to time, should not cause any fears and panic. This is the absolute norm in the work of the body. One has only to remember what a person ate on the eve - this could be the body's response to fatty foods. Increased allocation of unpleasant gas can provoke a stressful situation, but the state of affairs may have more serious roots, since it is realistic to consider meteorism as a symptom of a disease of a deeper and more severe pathology. The list of diseases, whose symptom is flatulence, is quite extensive, and it will not be possible to diagnose the disease with only one symptom. Therefore, in order to get a complete picture of the disease, the doctor studies the accompanying symptoms and the results of the examination, only after that you can talk about the correct diagnosis.
You can see flatulence, as a symptom of the disease with this pathology:
- Dysbacteriosis - a quantitative violation of bacterial equilibrium in the intestine between the erogenous and anaerobic microorganisms.
- Inflammatory processes in the digestive tract:
- Colitis (inflammatory process in the large intestine) and enterocolitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of both the small and large intestine).
- Depending on the acidity index, chronic or acute gastritis (gastric pathology).
- Ulcerative lesion of the digestive tract.
- Pancreatitis is an inflammation located in the pancreas.
- Infectious lesions of the mucosa and related pathologies.
- Physiological impossibility of passing stool to the anus (intestinal obstruction).
- Helminthiasis is a parasitic disease caused by parasitic worms.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a stable set of functional disorders of relatively long duration of manifestation.
- Defect in the structure of teeth, palate and nose.
- Intolerance of the body to some foods, lack of enzymes in the body for their splitting.
- This symptomatology can give and cirrhosis of the liver. Concomitant manifestations, mainly, are: heaviness in the stomach, dull or spasmodic pain in the right hypochondrium. The tongue receptors can feel bitter, especially in the morning. There is a gradual intoxication of the whole organism.
- The increased release of gases can be the result of surgical intervention on one or several organs of the digestive tract.
- The cause of flatulence can become various neuroses caused by stress.
- Prolonged intestinal cramping.
- Physiological changes taking place in the body of a pregnant woman are also capable of provoking the symptoms of flatulence. This especially applies to the third trimester of pregnancy: the uterus with the fetus grows and begins to press on nearby bodies, which limits the unhindered removal from the body of the future mother of gases and there is swelling of the hemorrhoids, tight stools.
- Protozoal infections are the defeat of the human body by parasitic protozoan microorganisms.
- Crohn's disease is a pathology of a chronic nature, manifested in a flowing inflammatory process that affects the entire gastrointestinal tract: from the oral cavity to the anus.
Proceeding from the foregoing, it is necessary to understand that if the corrected nutrition is not allowed to get rid of the symptom of flatulence, without going to the doctor can not do. After all, only he is able to prescribe the necessary studies for symptomatology, having analyzed everything, to determine the diagnosis and to prescribe effective treatment.
Feeling that you swallowed with food and the balloon is familiar, perhaps, to every person. Our technogenic world assumes a sufficiently active life rhythm, in which a normal, quiet food does not always work. But the symptoms of flatulence are not only the patient's physiological problem. The appearance of his symptoms also depresses psychologically. Therefore, in order not to feel uncomfortable and not blush in the circle of other people, it is necessary to carefully monitor what a person eats and how he does it. If the normalization of the diet was not able to remove the unpleasant symptoms, you need to immediately seek advice from the therapist, who, if necessary, will redirect the patient to a narrower specialist, for example, a gastroenterologist. Do not engage in self-medication, so as not to lose valuable time and not exacerbate the situation. Only a specialist can put a correct diagnosis, and prescribe adequate therapy.
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