Sunflower oil burn
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the types of thermal damage to the skin is a sunflower oil burn. Consider its main causes, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment.
Unlike injuries caused by hot liquids, sunflower oil causes more serious damage. This represents a number of dangers and consequences for the victim. According to the International Classification of Diseases 10 revision (ICD-10), thermal and chemical burns fall into the category T20-T32:
- T20-T25 Thermal and chemical burns of external surfaces of the body, specified by their location. Included are: thermal and chemical burns: first degree (erythema), second degree (blisters, loss of epidermis), third degree (deep necrosis of underlying tissues, loss of all layers of skin).
- T26-T28 Thermal and chemical burns of the eye and internal organs.
- T29-T32 Thermal and chemical burns of multiple and unspecified locations.
The danger of hot oil is that the temperature of its heating is five times higher than the boiling point of water. The oil liquid has an increased heat emission, so when it gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it concentrates at the injury site, forming a dense film. It is very difficult to remove from the skin, so the timeliness and correctness of first aid depends not only on health, but also on the appearance of the victim.
According to the World Health Organization, burns occupy a leading place among other injuries. Epidemiology of burn injuries with sunflower oil is 20-15 cases per 10,000 population. At the same time, about 28% of the victims undergo long-term treatment in the hospital.
Every year in the US, about 2 million people are treated with thermal wounds, in Ukraine this figure is close to 500 victims per year. By its prevalence and the level of death, burns are second only to traffic injuries.
Causes of the sunflower oil burn
There are a number of factors that can lead to thermal damage to the skin. The main causes of burns with sunflower oil are associated with careless handling of hot liquids:
- Professional injuries due to non-compliance with safety regulations.
- Household accidents.
That is, cooks and other kitchen workers often face this. Careless handling of hot oil at home, this is another common cause of burns, it accounts for about a third of all cases. Particularly dangerous pathological condition is for the elderly and children. Such victims receive extremely heavy wounds, sometimes incompatible with life.
Symptoms of the sunflower oil burn
The manifestations of thermal damage depend on its area and the depth of tissue damage. Symptoms of sunflower oil burn have three stages, which are based on pathoanatomical changes. Consider these:
- Redness and swelling appear on the wound area. This degree is considered to be easy, so after initial medical treatment the tissues are gradually restored.
- To the above described symptoms, severe pain is added, the formation of blisters with fluid inside. Requires medical attention, but only after first aid.
- Hot oil causes necrosis of the skin and the formation of a dry / wet scab of brown or serous color. To treat such wounds, medical attention is needed. The larger the area of damage, the higher the risk of infection and the development of other complications.
In addition to the stage, the symptomatology of the burn differs according to the peculiarities of its treatment:
- Superficial burns, which kill the upper layers of the skin. For their healing, conservative therapy and epithelization from surviving tissues are used.
- Deep damage - require surgical intervention to restore skin.
Burns with other fluids distinguish the fourth stage. It is characterized by complete charring of tissues. If damaged by sunflower oil, it is used very rarely.
First signs
There are a number of symptoms that indicate the thermal damage to tissues. The first signs are manifested by damage to the epidermis of different degrees. Gradually develops aseptic inflammation with paresis of capillaries, hyperemia and edema of the burn zone. If the injury is serious, then there are blisters with fluid contents or necrosis.
The main pathophysiological factors of sunflower oil burn:
- Intense painful sensations from the lesion focus.
- Violation of the microcirculation system in combination with a pronounced sympatoadrenal reaction.
- Hypovolemia and erythremia because of the increased loss of the liquid part of the blood from the vessels because of their permeability through the wound sites.
Changes occur both in the orderly tissues, and in the whole body as a whole. The duration of the recovery period depends entirely on the severity of the wounds.
Complications and consequences
Depending on the degree of severity of burn injuries, possible consequences and complications depend. Let us consider in more detail what can be encountered with a vegetable oil burn:
- Burn disease
It occurs when deep wounds, tissue damage more than 10%, in patients of childhood and senile age. Because of a burn injury, there are violations in the central nervous system, which cause pathological reactions and a number of changes in the cardiovascular, immune, endocrine, hematopoietic and other body systems.
Against this background, metabolic disorders occur, and a burn disease develops with numerous clinical manifestations. At the heart of the pathology are neural degenerative processes.
Represents the response of the body to a pain stimulus. The resulting wound causes violations of central and peripheral hemodynamics, disturbances of microcirculation and metabolic processes. Painful irritation disrupts the functions of the central nervous system, endocrine system and the work of the whole organism.
Shock is observed in injuries, the area of which is not more than 15% of the body surface. By gravity it can be light, heavy and extremely heavy. The duration of the pathological condition is 24-72 hours. The main symptoms of an exit from a shock is stabilization of all parameters, normalization of a BP and diuresis, reduction of a tachycardia and increase in temperature.
- Toxemia
Occurs 2-3 days after injury, and lasts for 7-10 days. Because of the impact on the body of toxic products, there is intoxication and bacterial infection. Gradually anemia develops, mild hypotension, shortness of breath, appetite decreases and motor functions of the intestine are disrupted. The victim may suffer from visual hallucinations, loss of consciousness, inhibition.
The severity of this complication depends on the nature of the burn. With dry necrosis, toxemia proceeds more easily. With wet necrosis, festering and severe intoxication quickly develop. To complete the pathological condition is characterized by festering in the wound.
- Septicotoxemia
Begins on the 10-12th day after injury. Characterized by the development of infectious and putrefactive processes. In the wound, staphylococcus, intestinal or Pseudomonas aeruginosa can vegetate. The organism reacts to the wound process with anemia, leukocytosis, progressive impairment of protein metabolism, and a decrease in body weight.
It develops with deep burns, occupying more than 20% of the body surface. The main cause of sepsis is massive microbial invasion due to a significant weakening of the immune system. An early form of pathology is characterized by a severe course. The condition of the victim deteriorates sharply within 24 hours, there is a fever, jumps in body temperature and blood pressure. Rapidly increasing pulmonary edema, respiratory and cardiovascular insufficiency, in 1-3 days a fatal outcome is possible.
- Generalization of infection
It can develop in the last stages of a burn disease. There is leukocytosis, ESR, anemia, pneumonia, secondary necrosis.
- Pneumonia
There are 10% of victims with minor burns and 30% with deep burns occupying more than 30% of the body. Very often pneumonia is diagnosed during a burn disease.
- Scarring
Severe burns or improper treatment leads to scars on the skin. There are atrophic, keloid and hypertrophic scars. After-burn traces are complicated by allergic, purulent-inflammatory or necrotic processes. The appearance of a scar can be associated with uneven wound healing or damage in the moving area. Very often, traces remain in the area of the shoulders and sternum. If the victim suffers from metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, hypovitaminosis, atherosclerosis), the risk of scarring increases.
Differential diagnosis
Treatment of any burns depends on the results of the studies. Differential diagnosis is aimed at determining the stage of damage and the substance that caused it. The method of first aid and further treatment depends on the type of reagent. Symptoms of wounds from sunflower oil are similar to those of burns with other oily liquids.
It is mandatory to differentiate between the degrees of damage. When determining the depth of a burn, a doctor can judge the nature of the thermal factor and the time of its impact. As a rule, sunflower oil causes slight and moderate damage. But with its prolonged exposure, deep wounds with necrotic tissues are possible.
Also, when determining the severity of the injury and its further outcome, pay attention to the area of the lesion. To do this, measure the area of individual anatomical regions, taking into account the absolute area of damage.
Treatment of the sunflower oil burn
To eliminate the burn with sunflower oil, various methods are used. Treatment depends on the area of the lesion and the depth of wounds. During therapy use such means:
- Painkillers - eliminate pain and reduce the sensitivity of damaged tissues. They are applied as discomfort develops.
- Disinfection solutions are necessary to treat the wound to prevent microbial contamination or contamination.
- Anti-inflammatory - stop inflammation, improve trophism of tissues.
- Rannozazhivlyayuschie - in case of damage with sunflower oil, it is contraindicated to use oily ointments and other preparations with an oil base. Therefore, the doctor selects special solutions and dry preparations with disinfecting and regenerating properties.
- Moisturizing - used in the recovery phase, prevent overdrying of the skin, accelerate tissue repair.
All of the above facilities are mandatory and are applied consistently, throughout the treatment period. After completion of the main therapy, various herbal preparations can be used to improve the condition of the skin and restore its sensitivity (occurs with deep burns).
First aid for sunflower oil burn
Thermal burns cause severe pain, which can lead to serious complications. First aid for sunflower oil burn is aimed at minimizing the pathological consequences of the wounds. On the correctness of its delivery, further treatment and recovery period depends.
First Aid Rules:
- Affected tissues should be rinsed with clean water for 15-20 minutes. This will wash off the oily liquid. It is contraindicated to use ice or cold water to cool the skin.
- The burned area can not be wiped with a towel, that is, try to wipe the oil.
- After washing on the wound, a clean gauze dressing with a disinfectant solution should be applied. This will not allow the skin to dry out and become infected.
For large, severe or deep burns, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Treatment of such injuries is carried out in a hospital. The doctor performs surgical treatment, removes necrotic tissue and makes a further treatment plan.
Various medications are used to treat burns. Medicines are chosen by the doctor, focusing on the degree of damage, volume, its location and depth. Consider the main drugs to eliminate sunflower oil burns:
- Fusimet
Antibiotic with antimicrobial activity against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. Stimulates the regeneration processes at the cellular level, accelerating the healing time. It is intended for external use. Penetrates into the deeper layers of affected areas of the skin, almost not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream.
- Indications for use: burns I-III-IV degree (most often used in the second phase of the wound process), purulent-inflammatory skin diseases, pyoderma, furunculosis, impetigo, sycosis, deep wounds.
- It is contraindicated to use with individual intolerance components of the ointment, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, to treat children and with leukemia.
- Dosage and duration of use depend on medical indications. With burns, the ointment is applied 1-2 times a day 2-3 times a week with a thin layer on the wound area. The average duration of therapy is 10-14 days, in particularly severe cases, longer use is possible - up to 21 days. In case of an overdose, there are local allergic reactions: itching, burning, hyperemia.
- Levosulfamethacaine
Anesthetic, antimicrobial agent with anti-inflammatory effect. Used to treat burns and suppuration in the first phase of the wound process. Ointment is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to levomycetin. The product is applied to gauze napkins and applied to the wound. Dressings are performed daily until the site of the lesion is completely cleared from inflamed or necrotic tissues.
- Dermazin
The antimicrobial agent with the active substance is the sulfadiazine derivative of silver. Slows down the growth and multiplication of pathogens.
- Indications for use: treatment of burn injuries, prevention of infection of burns, trophic ulcers, secondary infection in cases of trophic tissue disorders. The cream can be applied both under the bandage, and simply on the wound. Before use, surgical treatment of the wound site is recommended. The agent is applied a layer of 2-4 mm, 1-2 times a day until the wound is completely healed.
- It is contraindicated to use for the treatment of children younger than 2 years, during pregnancy and lactation, with intolerance of active components.
- Side effects: local allergic reactions (burning, itching, swelling), erythema multiforme, leukopenia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, various disorders of the central nervous system, hepatitis, toxic nephrosis. Similar symptoms are observed in the case of an overdose.
- Panthenol
Participates in metabolic intracellular processes, accelerates the regeneration of damaged skin and mucous membranes. Quickly absorbed, penetrates into the systemic bloodstream. It is excreted in urine and feces unchanged.
- Indications for use: treatment of thermal and sunburn, aseptic postoperative wounds, dermatitis of different etiology. For ease of application, the drug is released in the form of a spray. Before applying it to the skin, the balloon should be shaken a couple of times. The drug is used 1-2 times a day, the duration of treatment depends on the severity of pathological symptoms.
- Side effects: local allergic reactions, which most often develop with increased sensitivity to the drug. In case of an overdose, toxic side effects appear.
- Synthomycin emulsion
Homogeneous liniment with a powerful antimicrobial effect. Suppresses the multiplication of pathogens, causing their death. Indications for use: burns of any stage, purulent-inflammatory lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, infected burns, poorly healing wounds and ulcers.
It is contraindicated to use for extensive burn injuries, fungal skin diseases. It is not recommended for pregnant women and people with renal or hepatic insufficiency. The drug is applied a thin layer 1-3 times a day until the wound is completely healed.
Alternative treatment
Trauma of the skin and mucous membranes with sunflower oil is quite common in everyday life. Alternative treatment is one of the types of therapy aimed at restoring damaged tissues. If the wound is not large and not deep, then for its treatment there are such alternative recipes:
- A couple of leaves of fresh white cabbage, thoroughly rinse and grind. Mix the resulting gruel with the raw egg white. The mixture is applied to the damaged surface with a thick layer, covering with a bandage or a flap of strong tissue.
- If a blister appeared on the burn site, then ointment from a spoonful of vegetable oil, 1 egg yolk and 2 spoons of sour cream is suitable for its elimination. The agent is applied under a bandage, which is changed 2 times a day, until complete healing.
- Wet gauze in fresh yogurt, and attach to a burn. After the fabric has dried, repeat the procedure.
- Raw potatoes peel and grind. The resulting gruel is spread on a bandage and attach to the wound. Instead of potatoes, you can use carrots, a compress of which is prepared on the same principle.
- Make strong tea leaves of black tea and soak gauze in it. The compress is applied to the calcined surface for 2-3 hours a day.
- At the stage of healing for a better recovery of tissues, you can use a special vegetable ointment. Mix in equal proportions sea buckthorn and fir oil, apply to the skin 1-3 times a day.
All the above recipes are used if the integrity of the skin is not compromised at the injury site. When there are bubbles with fluid, it is better to consult a doctor.
Herbal Treatment
When treating burns with oily liquids, various methods are used. Herbal treatment is an alternative medicine, which is best used at the healing stage, provided that the skin is not broken.
Consider the popular herbal recipes:
- 100 g of flowers of meadow glue, scald with boiling water and cool. Vegetable gruel apply on the wound, close the bandage. The liquid in which the clover was scorched can be used for lotions.
- Take the leaves of aloe, rinse them, chop and squeeze the juice. In the resulting gruel, moisten the gauze and apply to the burn, fixing with a bandage. The compress should be changed every 2-3 hours.
- With strong pain, you can use a calendula ointment. For its preparation, mix in equal proportions Vaseline and tincture of Calendula. The medicine should be applied to burns 2-3 times a day.
- Another remedy for painful sensations with thermal damage is the ointment from St. John's Wort. 100 grams of dry herb St. John's wort pour 250 ml of purified vegetable oil. The product should be infused in a dark cool place for two weeks. During the infusion, the mixture should be stirred. Apply 1-2 times a day to eliminate discomfort and accelerate healing.
- Mix 100 g of butter with 20 g of flax oil and 40 g of beeswax. All the ingredients must be boiled on low heat for 5 minutes to completely dissolve them. The ointment is applied to the bandage and applied to the wound.
Before using the above-described recipes, you should consult your doctor. This will avoid infection of the burn surface.
Another option for alternative treatment of burns is homeopathy. It has a controversial reputation, as not all doctors agree with its medicinal properties. Therefore, for its use, you need to turn to a homeopathic doctor who will choose a medicine, focusing on the amount of damage and their nature.
Consider the main homeopathic preparations used for thermal burns with sunflower oil:
The first stage (redness, swelling):
- Arnica - the skin reddened, there were painful sensations and a burning sensation.
- Apis - the pain has acquired a burning nature, the skin is light red, there is swelling.
- Cantharis - intense painful sensations, burns of any localization.
- Belladonna - the wound is bright red, the pain is pulsating.
The second stage (bubbles with liquid):
- Cantharis - wounds with burning pain, blisters on the skin of the face and other sensitive parts of the body.
- Urtica urens - pain accompanied by itching and burning, there was swelling and blisters.
- Apis - the skin is light red color, edematous, there is burning and bubbles with liquid.
- Rhus tox - blisters tend to swell, severe pain.
The third stage (necrosis of affected tissues):
- Arsenicum album - burning pains, the skin is blackened, there are blisters and swelling.
- Aconitum - elimination of shock and panic conditions, which very often accompany edema.
Dosage and duration of treatment are individual for each patient. If the area of the injury is more than 2-3 centimeters, then before going to a homeopath, it is worth to visit a surgeon. The doctor will prescribe a number of medications to accelerate the recovery process.
Prevention of burns of any origin is aimed at compliance with safety regulations. Prevention requires careful handling of oily liquids and other flammable substances that can cause tissue damage.
- Do not leave containers with hot oil unattended, especially if the house has children.
- Do not pour water into hot sunflower oil.
- When working in the kitchen, wear special clothes (apron, hood) that will protect vital parts of the body.
If the burn does occur, place the damaged surface under running water for 20 minutes. If necessary, seek medical help, this will reduce the risk of possible complications of thermal trauma.
With burn injuries of a small area and an easy stage, the forecast is favorable. If the injury is accompanied by a burn shock, then its outcome is more serious. The timing of wound healing from oil directly depends on the depth, area and localization of the lesion. The forecast is based on the timeliness and correctness of the provision of first aid and further therapeutic actions.
Burns sunflower oil of 1 degree with extensive skin damage heals within 2 weeks. More serious injuries of 2 and 3 degrees heal longer, from 2 weeks to several months. They can be complicated by infection, suppuration and later - scarring.