Saliva analysis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Saliva analysis is a modern diagnostic method that is used to identify various infections in the body. Using the analysis of saliva, you can conduct a DNA test, and learn about how to lose weight. Let's consider the features of the diagnosis of the organism with the help of this study.
Analysis of saliva is a very unusual and even unconventional method of diagnosis. But, despite this, it is gaining popularity. To date, many pharmacies can buy a test and conduct an analysis at home. But how effective is the analysis of saliva and can it replace the blood test? With the help of such an analysis, it is possible to identify the dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity, which is one of the symptoms of GI diseases. Volatile fatty acids accumulate in the saliva, which are fixed by the test system. It is the composition of acids that can determine the cause of dysbiosis, that is, the disease and prescribe effective treatment.
Very often, the analysis of saliva in their practice is used by dentists. The analysis is necessary if an imbalance in the microflora is detected, to determine the cause of the symptom. Analysis of saliva allows you to predict the possibility of developing caries, and the DNA test for saliva allows you to determine paternity. This research is carried out and the definition of drugs, such diagnostics are engaged in specialized laboratories. Before you pass the test, you can not brush your teeth, eat, rinse your mouth or chew gum, you also need to stop taking antibiotics and medications.
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DNA analysis by saliva
Analysis of DNA by saliva allows you to determine the relationship, as well as to identify the presence of various infectious agents in the body that cause disease. DNA analysis by saliva is carried out in specialized LHC laboratories. To carry out this study, for example, to determine the relationship, it is necessary to collect three samples of saliva for comparison. Thus, to determine paternity, a sample of the saliva of the mother, father and child is needed.
Scraping of the epithelium should be taken with a cotton swab from the inner surface of the cheek. After this, the smear is dried at room temperature, but in a dark place, placed in a paper envelope and transferred to the laboratory for further investigation. Compliance with the rules of delivery of the assay guarantees reliable results of the study.
Analysis of saliva for weight loss
Analysis of saliva for weight loss can determine the factors that prevent the body from losing weight. With the help of this study, hormonal failures in the body and problems in the functioning of systems and organs can be determined. As with the analysis of blood, a special diet, recommendations for weight loss, a list of permitted and prohibited products are made using the results of the analysis of saliva.
In addition to the analysis of saliva, a complete diagnosis and examination of the body is necessary for weight loss. For this, it is recommended to pass a blood test for biochemistry. This study will reveal the level of fat metabolism in the body, as well as the level of cholesterol, insulin, leptin, lipoproteins and others. In the complex, all these analyzes will give a complete picture of what is an obstacle on the way to harmony and how to deal with it.
Diet for the analysis of saliva
The diet for the analysis of saliva is made based on the results of the analysis. When compiling a diet, possible diseases and infections are taken into account, as well as all body disorders that were diagnosed during the saliva research. The diet for the analysis of saliva is similar to diets, which are based on the results of blood tests and blood group.
Thus, due to the results of the research, the nutritionist individually compiles a list of permitted and forbidden products and general recommendations on nutrition. This allows you to monitor the diet and use a balanced menu, which is aimed at reducing weight or fighting certain diseases.
Analysis of saliva on PCR
Analysis of saliva PCR is an analysis of the polymerase chain reaction, that is, DNA diagnostics. As a rule, PCR is used to diagnose sexual infections, as it gives the most accurate results. To analyze saliva on PCR, scraping is taken from the mucous membrane of the cheek. In addition to saliva, PCR takes urine, blood and other biological fluids.
Before taking the test, it is recommended not to eat or brush your teeth, as this will allow you to obtain accurate research results with a minimum of error. Results can be obtained in two to three days after delivery. If a test system is used to analyze the saliva on the PCR, the assays will be ready in a couple of hours.
[16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22]
Biochemical analysis of saliva
Biochemical analysis of saliva is directed to the study of enzymes that determine the state of internal organs (liver, kidney, gall bladder and others). This study allows you to identify the dysbacteriosis and the causes of its appearance. In the study, the indicators for the presence of various pathologies are diagnosed. Pathological processes can arise due to pathological changes in the microflora, which lead to this or that disease.
Biochemical analysis of saliva gradually displaces an identical blood test. Biochemical parameters in the analysis of saliva are the same as in the studies of blood or urine. All this suggests that the analysis of saliva is a painless and accurate study that allows you to diagnose problems in the body and possible diseases.
[23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28]
Analysis of saliva for infection
Analysis of saliva for infection can identify pathogenic microorganisms in the human body and prescribe effective treatment. Bacterioscopy is a smear on the flora. With the help of this analysis, it is possible to determine the presence of factors provoking various diseases.
So, with the help of saliva, it is possible to identify infections that lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Note that the mouth has the most bacteria, so if you are interested in the presence of a specific infection, that is, bacterial microorganisms, it is better to use a blood test for biochemistry or to do a set of studies (blood, urine, saliva) and compare the results.
Genetic analysis of saliva
Genetic analysis of saliva or DNA analysis is performed to determine the relationship. Most often, this analysis is used to determine paternity. This research is carried out only in specialized laboratories. Thus, the material taken for analysis passes through several stages of preparatory procedures for purification and extraction of a DNA sample for genotyping.
Genetic analysis of saliva is also needed to determine the genetic predisposition to certain diseases. So, the test for saliva gives a 99.7% accurate result. Such genetic diagnosis by means of the analysis of a saliva allows to save an organism from possible diseases. In addition, the genetic analysis of saliva searches for relatives. Only for the analysis, DNA markers from several donors are needed to compare the results obtained to kinship.
Analysis of saliva for tuberculosis
The analysis of saliva for tuberculosis should be carried out to people who have suspicions of pulmonary disease. In addition to the analysis of saliva, the analysis of blood ELISA and PCR is used to diagnose tuberculosis. The study of saliva is that a couple of drops of reagent are dripped onto the resulting smear, which shows the corresponding reaction. If the smear has changed color, then this indicates the presence of the disease, if there is no change in color, then there is no infection of the causative agent of tuberculosis in the body.
In addition to the analysis of saliva, sputum and mantle are used to diagnose tuberculosis. The blood test is another effective method for determining the disease. But unlike the above tests, the analysis of the saliva is easiest to pass, and the study of the sample does not require much time and special laboratory conditions. But, despite this, the analysis of saliva for tuberculosis remains the most expensive.
Saliva analysis is a unique method of research, with which you can diagnose various diseases, determine the presence of infections and parasites in the body. But most importantly, with the help of the analysis of saliva it is possible to conduct DNA diagnostics. This allows you to determine the relationship or simply diagnose the condition of the body.