


Rupture of ligaments of the distal intercellular joint: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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ICD-10 code

S86.8. Injury of other muscles and tendons at the level of the shin.

What causes a rupture of the ligaments of the distal intercellular junction?

The rupture of ligaments connecting the tibial and fibular bones in the distal part usually accompanies the fractures of the ankles, but can also be isolated. The mechanism of injury is indirect. The main component of violence is excessive deviation of the foot with its simultaneous rotation, or rotation of the lower leg with a bent and supine foot. The anterior and posterior ligaments of the tibia bones are torn, the ankle of the ankle is divergent, incongruence appears between the tibia bones that have disappeared. Support on the foot becomes impossible.

Symptoms of rupture of the ligaments of the distal intercellular junction


In the history - indication of a trauma with the appropriate mechanism.

Examination and physical examination

Ankle joint is enlarged in volume and deformed due to edema, traumatic synovitis and subluxation of the foot outside. Movement in the joint is limited, and the axial load is impossible due to pain. Palpation can reveal the mobility of the tibia in the distal region, squeezing the shin in the ankle. The convergence and divergence of the "fork" are felt at the time of application and termination of effort.

Diagnosis of rupture of ligaments of the distal intercellular junction

On the x-ray of the ankle joint, the tibia bones are discerned - the fibula shade does not overlap the outline of the tibia, the articular cleft becomes wedge-shaped, and the subluxation of the foot is seen outside.

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Treatment of rupture of ligaments of the distal intercellular junction

Indications for hospitalization

Treatment of rupture of ligaments of the distal intercellular junction is performed in a hospital setting.

Conservative treatment of rupture of ligaments of the distal intercellular junction

In the conservative treatment of rupture of the ligaments of the distal intercellular joint, the ratios of the tibia bones are restored by manual or instrumental methods. Apply a longo-circular bandage (U-shaped longet, which after hardening is transferred into a circular bandage) from the ends of the fingers to the upper third of the shin.

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Surgical treatment of rupture of ligaments of the distal intercellular junction

If the correction is not successful, resort to surgical treatment - fixation of the "fork" of the distal part of the tibia with a metallic bolt or other acceptable method. Then use a gypsum "boot".

Estimated period of incapacity for work

Term immobilization, regardless of the method of treatment is 3 months. Workability is restored in 4-6 months.

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