Red spots on the legs: brief information
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Hyperemia of the skin occurs for many reasons. Consider the main factors causing red spots on the legs, symptoms, methods of their diagnosis and treatment.
Skin is a special organ that performs many functions, the main one is the protection of the body. The epidermis acts as a kind of indicator, a change in its color indicates an undesirable internal or external effect. Especially alarming is the appearance of red spots on the legs, hands and other parts of the body, their itching, burning and peeling. In this case, the rash may differ in the intensity of the color, shape, degree of convexity.
The cause of the appearance of this defect on the limbs can be both used cosmetics, and allergic reactions or manifestations of pathologies of internal organs. That's why doctors do not recommend ignoring even minor skin disorders. To determine what caused the changes and how to fix it, you should consult a dermatologist and go through a comprehensive diagnosis.
Causes of the red spots on the legs
Details about the reasons for the appearance of various types of spots on the legs can be found in this article.
Risk factors
From such a dermatological reaction, as red spots on the legs, no one is immune. The risk factors for their occurrence are conventionally divided into three groups:
- Physiological - the natural processes in the body, for example, aging. Allergic reactions due to wearing poor-quality (synthetic, tight) clothing or shoes, rashes due to intolerance to certain foods.
- Medical - various disorders and pathologies.
- Environmental - water hardness, solar radiation, indoor air, climate.
In most cases, rashes are associated with factors such as:
- Allergies - on the legs, and more often on other parts of the body, appear marks that can itch and flake off. In some cases, they turn into watery vesicles. Such a reaction may be associated with intolerance to certain cosmetics or household chemicals, fabrics from which pants are made, material of pantyhose or socks. In some cases, uncomfortable symptoms can be felt when using any food or drink.
- Hormonal disruptions and disruption of the internal organs - in this case, the rash is the first sign of the problem. If you leave it without treatment, then more serious problems come.
- Unbalanced nutrition - in some cases, in order to eliminate the problem, it is enough to adjust the diet. Exclude from the menu acute, spices, fried, smoked, fatty and alcohol.
Provoke the disorder may deficiency of vitamins, insect bites, various violations. If the changes in the epidermis are congenital, then you should consult a vascular surgeon and phlebologist.
Such a symptom as red spots on the legs arises from the action of various factors. Statistics indicate that most often rashes are associated with such causes:
- Allergic reactions.
- Infectious diseases.
- Incorrect food.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Defeat of the cardiovascular system.
- Dermatological diseases.
- Frequent stress and nerve strain.
- Pathologies of an autoimmune nature.
- Parasitic and bacterial diseases.
Proceeding from this, it can be concluded that the action of various allergens is the main factor provoking pathological skin reactions.
The appearance of spots on the legs can be accompanied by an additional clinical picture. Symptoms completely depend on the cause of the rash and the characteristics of the patient's body. If the rash is associated with an allergic reaction or nervous overexertion, then there are symptoms:
- Local increase in temperature.
- Itching, dryness and peeling of the skin.
- The spots turn into bubbles with liquid.
- On the spot of the red, crusts are formed.
- The rash acquires a brown hue.
Red spots on the legs, caused by impaired liver function, are accompanied by such symptoms:
- Yellow shade of the skin.
- Frequent attacks of nausea and vomiting.
- Increased sweating.
- Pain in the liver.
- Violations of the stool.
- Changes in appetite.
- Bitter taste in the mouth.
- Increased body temperature.
- The brown color of the tongue and the appearance of cracks.
If the disorder is associated with an infectious process in the body, the clinical picture is manifested by such symptoms:
- Increased body temperature.
- Headaches and dizziness.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Febrile state and chills.
- Increased drowsiness, weakness and fatigue.
- Itching is all over the body.
In addition to the above symptoms, skin reactions in infectious pathologies can appear not only on the legs, but also on other sites, gradually affecting the entire body. For example, with rubella, the rash begins with the upper and lower extremities, then goes over to the face, back, chest.
Details about the types of spots on the legs read in this article.
First signs
The clinical picture of dermatological disorders is based on the extent of the factors that provoked it. The first signs in most cases are manifested by a deterioration in overall well-being. There are headaches, possibly, a rise in temperature, including in the area of rashes, itching and burning.
The appearance of such a symptom is already an occasion for an adult or child to seek medical help. Timely diagnosis and treatment will prevent further progression of symptoms and eliminate the root cause of the disease state.
Diagnostics of the red spots on the legs
To determine exactly what caused the rash, you should consult a dermatologist. Diagnosis of red spots on the legs consists of such methods:
- Anamnesis and patient interview. The doctor determines the subjective feelings and complaints of the patient in the order of their importance. Find out when the first signs of the disorder appeared, whether this preceded any disease, the use of new cosmetics, medicines or food. Also the conditions of life, stay in endemic foci, the age of the patient and the characteristics of his organism are taken into account. Postponed and concomitant diseases, and other factors.
- Examination and palpation. The doctor evaluates the appearance of the spots, color, localization, structure, the presence of concomitant symptoms.
- Laboratory research. The patient is assigned a blood test with a leukocyte formula to determine the allergic nature of the diseases. Bacteriological culture is also shown to confirm the microbial nature of the rashes.
- Instrumental diagnostics. Dermatoscopy is performed, that is, a visual examination of the skin condition. Another common informative method is scraping. It is used to detect parasitic and fungal diseases.
The above described algorithm for the diagnosis of red spots allows us to determine the most probable causes of the disease state.
In addition to a basic examination with a dermatologist, the patient may need additional consultations with related specialists. So, the venereologist will help to identify sexually transmitted diseases, for example, AIDS. The gastroenterologist associates dermatological changes with diseases of the digestive system. If there is a suspicion of disturbances in the endocrine system, endocrinologist consultation is necessary. If the violations indicate an oncological process, then the oncologist is engaged in diagnostics.
All the necessary laboratory tests to determine the cause of skin changes are prescribed by the doctor. Analyzes are performed both at the first diagnosis and during the therapy, to determine its effectiveness.
Complex of tests for rashes on the skin:
- A general blood test - reveals inflammatory processes and allergic reactions in the body. Allows you to exclude dehydration, determine the level of hemoglobin and the general state of the immune system.
- Biochemical blood test - is performed to determine various indicators that affect the health status. For example, the level of sugar in the blood, the amount of protein and more. With its help, it is possible to establish the psoriatic nature of the rash or the effect of rheumatoid factor.
- Urinalysis - reveals diseases of the kidneys and other internal organs, the state of the water-salt balance and the functioning of the genitourinary system.
- Kaprogram - analysis of feces is foreseen for the detection of helminths, which have a toxic effect on the body, reduce immunity, negatively affect the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and cause skin disorders.
- Biopsy - from the place of defeat, a piece of tissue is taken, which is examined for various harmful microorganisms, fungi.
The above tests can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe a treatment or carry out a number of additional studies.
Instrumental diagnostics
For more detailed examination and precise determination of the causes of red spots on the legs, instrumental diagnostics is performed. It consists of the following methods:
- Dermatoscopy - examination of the affected tissue with a dermatoscope or magnifying glass. It allows to reveal the presence of itch moves in scabies and other features of the skin.
- Transillumination - the procedure is carried out in a dark room under oblique light. It is prescribed to determine the skin relief and its appendages.
- Luminescence is a study using a Wood lamp. Allows to reveal fungal lesions.
- Graftat - scraping to reveal hidden peeling, serous wells or edema. Detects psoriasis, eczema, mastocytosis.
- Diascopy - with the help of a special glass the doctor presses on the skin. This is necessary to determine the true shade of the epidermis and eliminate hyperemia. Defines vascular, pigmented, hemorrhagic changes.
All of the above studies are assigned to clarify the diagnosis and are conducted in the laboratory.
Differential diagnosis
In most cases, with skin rashes for the final diagnosis is differential diagnosis.
Consider a comparison of the most common types of skin changes and their symptoms:
Disease |
Features of rashes |
Symptoms (itching, peeling) |
Allergic reactions |
On the legs, and sometimes on other parts of the body, several spots appear. They can rise above the surface of the skin and merge. |
Patients complain of severe itching, a runny nose, dry cough, increased lachrymation. |
Eczema |
One or more red spots appear on the foot. Gradually, they form bubbles with liquid contents. After they are opened, a wet surface is formed on the body, which turns into small red crusts. |
There is a slight itch and painful sensations when wet wounds. |
Mycosis (fungal infection) |
Changes with a clear outline are most often located on the foot. |
There is severe itching and flaking. |
Hemangioma |
It reminiscent of a small red mole, but with the stretching of the skin it increases in size. |
There is no subjective symptomatology. |
Diabetes |
Defect on the leg often occurs on the site of abrasions or wounds that do not heal for a long time. |
There is itching and flaking. The patient complains of a strong thirst and penchant for pustular diseases. |
Psoriasis |
Appear on the extensor surfaces of the limbs. |
The rash is itchy and very flaky. |
Photodermatosis |
On the legs and on other parts of the body several different spots are formed, which rise above the level of healthy tissues. The rash can turn into a bubble with a turbid liquid. |
Occurs in the warm season, accompanied by a slight itch. |
Hemosiderosis |
On the skin there are red-brown formations, which gradually move to the trunk. |
Symptoms are absent. |
Burn |
A rash with blurred borders, there may be a blister on top. |
Itching and flaking are absent, but there is severe pain, which decreases with contact with cold water or ice compress. |
Red flat lichen |
Above the skin level are hyperemic defects with a characteristic indentation in the center. The rash is most often localized on the legs and feet, has a purple hue and can merge into large foci. |
Itching and flaking are present. Eruptions are formed not only on the legs, but also on the mucous membranes, abdomen, ulnar folds. |
Syphilis |
Pale red changes with blurred boundaries. Formed on the feet, feet, palms and other parts of the body. On the day there are about 10 new rashes, which gradually acquire a bright red color. |
The patient does not bother. |
Treatment of the red spots on the legs
The way and how to treat red spots on the legs depends entirely on the results of the diagnosis.
Complications and consequences
Any dermatological reactions left without medical care and treatment can lead to serious problems. The consequences and complications of red spots on the legs completely depend on the cause that caused them.
- If the rash is associated with allergic reactions, then without eliminating the irritant and using antihistamines, unpleasant symptoms will begin to build up. There will be shortness of breath, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.
- I demand special attention infectious diseases (scarlet fever, measles, chicken pox and others). Without timely treatment of the underlying disease, pathological symptoms will progress, adversely affecting the work of the whole organism.
- With various metabolic disorders, for example, diabetes, there is a risk of developing a diabetic foot and a number of other life-threatening problems.
Also do not forget that in some cases, skin disorders are a symptom of HIV or cancer. In this case, the lack of therapy can lead to death.
Red spot on the leg grows
Many diseases and allergic reactions are characterized by the appearance of a rash, which with prolonged action of the stimulus and without appropriate treatment begins to spread throughout the body and expand.
Faced with such a problem, when the red spot on the leg grows, you should immediately visit a dermatologist. A similar pathological process can indicate a neglected chronic disease or a persistent allergic eczematic process. To determine the cause of a painful condition, it is necessary to pass a number of laboratory tests and undergo instrumental diagnostics. If the change on the body is one, then a biopsy is possible to determine its onco-status.
Red spot on the leg does not last long
If the red spot on the leg does not pass for a long time, you should seek medical help. The dermatologist will collect anamnesis and will carry out a complex of diagnostic measures that will help to establish the cause of the disorder and begin its treatment.
Such symptoms are strongly discouraged, especially if they are accompanied by additional impairments from other organs and systems. Since in some cases, the growth of neoplasms on the skin indicates their malignant origin or metastasis from other organs.
In order to minimize the risk of red spots and other rashes on your legs, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to simple recommendations. Prevention consists of:
- Eliminate the food-allergens from the diet and minimize contact with irritants.
- With caution use new cosmetics and medicines, conduct a preliminary check for allergies (apply to the elbow bend).
- Observe personal hygiene.
- Regularly carry out vaccination.
- Avoid contact with infected people.
- Maintain caution when visiting public places (bath, shower, swimming pool, etc.).
- Wear comfortable shoes and clothes made of breathable natural materials.
- Protect the skin with sunscreen during long rest under the ultraviolet rays.
- Wear closed light clothing when relaxing in nature.
- In time, treat any disease, preventing the risk of their transition to a chronic stage.
- Regularly undergo routine preventive examinations at the doctor.
The abovementioned preventive measures allow minimizing the risk of skin diseases. Also, do not forget that when any pathological symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help.
Red spots on the legs, like any disease, must be properly diagnosed and treated. The prognosis of such rashes depends entirely on the cause of their appearance, the stage at which they were detected and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. As a rule, with timely medical care, even dangerous viral or malignant disorders can be cured with minimal complications for the body.