Red spots for allergies: how to treat?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Red spots for allergies are one of the main symptoms that occur during a person's illness with this ailment. In addition to spots, the allergy is manifested by itching, lacrimation, runny nose or rhinitis, sneezing, nasal congestion, etc.
Allergic erythematous specks can be in the form of very small pimples and pustules, large red or pale pink spots, etc. Red spots with allergies can appear on various parts of the body - this in most cases depends on what kind of allergen entered the body and began to progress. For example, food allergies are often accompanied by erythematous rashes in the abdomen, allergy to cosmetics spreads over the face, hands, neck, allergy to animal hair can appear as red spots on the hands, face, body of a person.
How to treat red spots for allergies?
Red spots with allergies have a very unpleasant property - they constantly itch, causing a lot of inconvenience and anxiety. If you know the source of the allergy, then you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. In the event that the spots are allergic to the allergy and the nearby medical facility is very far away, you can try to fight with rashes with the help of fermented milk products.
To do this, wipe the skin soaked in kefir, sour milk or liquid sour cream with a cotton swab, and then rinse the skin with clean water. Do not use soap, gels and other cleansers. After that, it is necessary to dry the skin with a napkin, and then wipe with gauze soaked in a weak solution of boric acid. Simultaneously with rubbing, you should drink an antihistamine.
Also, during the appearance of spots with allergies, you can use, for example, baby cream "Baby", which has anti-allergic properties.
If the rash on the skin appeared due to taking any medications, then in this situation the most correct decision will be to see a doctor. If allergic spots are a reaction to a cosmetic product, then cosmetics in this case is required as soon as possible to wash off the skin with plenty of clean water, take an antihistamine and lubricate the skin with baby cream or special ointment. By the way, antiallergic agents can be prescribed only by an allergist.
It is not necessary to buy self-antihistamines, because they are able to cause allergy to any component of its composition.
Red spots with allergies can manifest themselves in large quantities, covering the vast territory of the skin, and may be almost invisible. It depends on the amount of allergen used and its concentration.
During the treatment of allergies, it is recommended that the patient should breathe fresh air as much as possible, make long walks on foot, sleep well, eat the right food and have a positive attitude. Also, doctors do not recommend to visit hot baths or saunas during the medical period, take very hot baths, abuse alcohol, even if it is not among the contraindications of the medicine, to be supercooled.
During walks it is desirable to protect the face, arms, legs, neck from the scorching sun, frost, wind, rain.
Red spots for allergies can be eliminated using such corticosteroid drugs as prednisolone and hydrocortisone. They have a high therapeutic effect and are recommended by many physicians to combat the symptoms of allergies.
Allergy is a rather insidious and, at first glance, harmless disease, but this impression is deceptive. The ailment can cause serious enough consequences, up to a lethal outcome. Therefore, as soon as the body has red spots with allergies, you should immediately contact an allergist to find out the source of the disease.