Rapid treatment of dry cough by alternative means
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Many painful conditions begin with such a sign as a dry cough. Therefore, when starting treatment, most people first of all try to get rid of a cough - that is, from the most bothersome symptom. In addition to pharmacy medicines, there are alternative means of dry cough - in their effect they are not inferior, and sometimes exceed the usual pharmaceutical preparations.
How to cure dry cough alternatives quickly?
Before you start the alternative means, you must necessarily determine the root cause of dry cough. Episodes of dry cough will never arise on their own: it is usually an internal signal from the body that everything is not all right.
In no situation can you try to suppress dry cough. If you want to quickly cope with the problem, then your task is to eliminate the cause of the cough, to facilitate the allocation and excretion of phlegm - that is, to "translate" the cough from the dry state into a moist, or productive cough.
To perform the first point of the task, namely, to determine the root cause of dry cough, you need to know what causes it can be. So, a dry cough can appear:
- in diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, asthma, whooping cough);
- when taking certain medications (for example, a side effect on some antihypertensive drugs);
- in smokers, including passive smokers (with the stimulation of the respiratory system with tobacco smoke);
- at an allergy on aromas, a dust or pollen, foodstuff or medicines;
- at strong stresses, rough emotions (as feature of a nervous warehouse of the person);
- with the dehydration of the body (for example, with prolonged fever, with strict "dry" diets, etc.).
Only after the cause has been determined, it is possible to proceed with the selection of alternative remedies for dry cough.
Among other things, regardless of the root cause of cough, you need to ensure the following conditions, when compliance with which the dry cough will subside faster.
- It must be ensured that the air in the room is always fresh and moist. To do this, it is often necessary to open the ventilation pans and also to humidify the air (for example, using a special moisturizing device) so that the moisture content is between 50 and 70%.
- It is necessary to drink more liquid - for example, a warm infusion or simply water with a lemon. This method will not only help to eliminate dehydration, but also prevent thickening of sputum in the lumen of the bronchi.
- It is advisable to keep bed rest when dry cough - if it's cold outside, the inhalation of cool air will only aggravate the situation with dry cough, and all alternative treatment will go wrong.
- To improve the excretion of phlegm with a dry cough, massage is useful: you can ask your relatives to have a couple of sessions percussion chest massage. This will greatly accelerate recovery.
If the cause of dry cough is allergies or medications, then you need to stop contact with potentially allergenic substances or stop using drugs that caused coughing. If this step is ignored, then further treatment will be impractical.
Read also: Inhalations from a dry cough to a child and an adult: whether it is possible to do what, recipes
Alternative means for dry coughing adults
The healing folk propose a variety of different means from dry cough, which will suit both children and even the elderly. However, there are a number of recipes suitable only for adults. For example, such recipes include funds on an alcohol basis, or based on a ginger root or radish.
- Take 200 g of powdered sugar and 1 tsp. Powdered ginger root. Mass pour a small amount of water (that the powder is not burnt) and sent to a small fire. The mass is boiled to a state of thick caramel, which is used for ½ tsp. Thrice a day between food stubborne.
- Take black radish, peel and cut with thin plates, which are then poured with powdered sugar or poured with honey. The mass is left overnight, so that the root crop "let the juice". This very juice is drunk at 1 tbsp. L. Every 1-1.5 hours. To use this remedy for a similar cure for dry cough in children, you should use an ordinary radish instead of black radish. Dose for children - 1 tbsp. L. Three times a day.
- Clean the radish from the peel, cut with a small cube, pour liquid honey and the same volume of cognac. Withstands no less than two hours. Next, the juice is drained and used for 1 tbsp. L. Up to seven times a day, after eating.
Black radish, honey and ginger root are considered the most popular alternative remedies for colds, inflammation in the bronchial tree and dry cough. And if the listed products are combined together, then you can get a quick and stable medical effect.
Alternative means for dry cough in children
To cure a dry cough in a baby for one day is unlikely to work out. However, the connection of alternative drugs will definitely help to accelerate recovery - especially if alternative drugs are taken against the background of medical treatment prescribed by a pediatrician.
- To speed up the isolation and output of phlegm with a dry cough, Borjomi water (or other alkaline water) and homemade milk are used. Take two parts of warmed milk and one part of water, as well as half a teaspoon of butter. Give the product to the child, 2 tbsp. L. Every hour. Mineral water can be replaced with this solution: mix 200 ml of milk, ¼ tsp. Baking soda and 1 tsp. Honey. A child should drink this solution 1/3 cup up to 8 times a day.
- Useful for a dry cough to drink a compote of cherries, grapes and currants with honey. If possible, compote can be replaced with fresh berry juice. Juice gives the baby 1 tbsp. L., diluted in 100 ml of warm water, at least once every two hours.
- In order to facilitate the transformation of dry cough to wet, it is advised to use the juice of cranberries in conjunction with honey. The resulting mixture of the child can be used for 1 tbsp. L. 5 times a day. It is also recommended to drink strawberry tea during the day.
Many children like this recipe: boil 200 ml of milk and add to it three pieces of dried figs or dates. Boil on low heat for fifteen minutes, then remove from heat and give the child in a warm form 2-3 times a day for 100-200 ml after meals and at night, as well as with episodic dry cough.
Effective alternatives to cough dry
Successful alternatives to dry cough often consist of a mixture of herbs: it can be teas and decoctions, or complex herbal mixtures. If dry cough is worried in earnest, then you can try to heal with the following recipes.
- Take 2-3 tbsp. L. Such plants as spores, elderberry and mother-and-stepmother. The dry grass is brewed in 500 ml of boiling water and insists for 20-40 minutes. The resulting product is drunk with a dry cough of 50-100 ml four times a day before meals.
- Brewed 1 tbsp. L. Ground rhizome of licorice in 250 ml of boiling water, insist at least 2 hours. The infusion is filtered and drunk warm 50 ml to 5 times a day, before eating.
- Brewed in a half-liter thermos 2 tbsp. L. Tri-colored violet, insist during the night. In the morning the medicine is filtered and consumed with dry cough 4-5 times a day between meals of 100 ml.
- A collection is prepared from equilibrium parts of plants such as ayr, marshmallow, licorice, mullein, mother-and-stepmother, thermopsis and aniseed grains. Insist 1 tbsp. L. Collection in 500 ml of boiling water, then use 100 ml every 2-4 hours.
An excellent antitussive and expectorant effect is obtained after eating a plantain infusion - this infusion can also be used for children with a dry cough. It is not without reason that the plantain syrup is recommended for the treatment of dry cough in children: this plant has a strong expectorant and enveloping effect on the respiratory system.
See also: Dry cough syrups: instructions for use
Alternative remedies for severe dry cough
With a strong dry cough alternative healers recommend using compresses with a warming effect. Thermal procedures are most useful if the cough is "deep", tearing.
Heat with a dry cough is applied to the front surface of the chest or to the back, without affecting the zone of the projection of the heart. It is also useful to warm your feet, namely feet.
Compress is recommended to hold at least 2 hours, or until it cools. After removing the compress, the skin needs to be wiped with a warm towel and wrap the patient well.
We offer the following thermal alternatives for dry cough:
- Heat with a water bath equal parts of vegetable oil, honey and alcohol. Wet the fabric tissue in the resulting mixture and apply under a compress.
- Boil the potatoes in a peel, knead it with a crib. On the chest lay a piece of cloth, which is laid boiled potatoes. Top cover with another cloth and cellophane, cover with a towel or a warm shawl.
- Mix the liquid honey, mustard powder and a stack of cognac. In the mixture, the cloth is wetted and applied to the chest.
- The powder of mustard is covered in cotton socks, put on, and on top of them woolen socks are additionally used - so they sleep until morning. The next morning, rinse your feet with warm water.
Alternative means for dry cough without temperature
As we said above, dry cough is not always a sign of cold or respiratory disease. Often the cause is allergic reactions - for example, to dust or household chemicals. Such a dry cough is usually not accompanied by fever or other signs that usually accompany ARI or bronchitis.
If the dry cough is persistent, painful, and there is no sputum at all, or it is viscous and practically does not clears throat, then alternative means can come to the rescue:
- Grind 1 medium onion, boil in 200 ml of milk, cool and drink twice (for example, in the morning and at night).
- Five bulbs are ground, poured 4 glasses of water, bring to a boil. Cool to a warm state, add 5 tbsp. L. Lime honey. Take a drug for 1 tbsp. L. Up to 4 times a day.
- Every day, drink warm fresh celery juice, 1-2 tbsp. L. Several times a day.
- Prepare an equivalent mixture of dessert red wine (use well Cahors), liquid honey and juice from the lower leaves of aloe. The mixture is kept in a cool place. Consume 1 tbsp. L. 5-6 times a day.
In addition, when dry cough is advised to drink more - it does not matter whether it is ordinary warm water, or herbal tea, or mors. Saturation of the body with moisture will have a persistent effect: this will allow the sputum to be produced more quickly and easier to remove.
Healers, advising one or another alternative remedy for dry cough, call for not forgetting about the general strengthening of immunity. The disease will recede faster if carrots, beets, vegetable greens, citruses are present in the patient's diet - they need to be consumed every day to saturate the body with the necessary vitamins.