Pulsating pain in the back of the head
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pulsating pain in the nape may be a sign of fatigue and fatigue, and the first symptom of serious diseases. In such cases, you should not limit yourself to taking pain medications only - you need medical help.
Causes of throbbing pain in the back of the head
The most common causes of pulsating pain in the nape are fatigue, physical reloads, constant nervous tension and external factors (eg, constant exposure in a noisy place, bright light).
Nevertheless, there are more serious reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations, this is:
- Accumulation of blood, as a consequence of metabolic disorders.
- Tumors.
- Neuralgia of the occipital nerve.
- Hypertension.
- Vegeto-vascular dystonia.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Cervical migraine.
- Injuries and dislocations of the cervical spine.
- Catarrhal processes.
Symptoms of throbbing pain in the back of the head
It is worthwhile if the throbbing pain in the nape is permanent. It is simply necessary to consult a doctor if she:
- It increases with exercise, does not subside within a few hours, and painful feelings last for several more days.
- "Shoots" in the morning, even if you do not move.
Concomitant symptoms:
- He makes a noise in his head, pins his ears and darkens in his eyes.
- Pulsating pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
- My legs and hands are gone.
- Poor coordination of movements and concentration.
The nature of pulsating pain and disease
Depending on the nature of pain and concomitant syndromes, it is possible to determine what is the cause of the tormenting pulsating sensations in the occiput.
- Constant pulsating pains are typical for such a disease as vegetative-vascular dystonia. Often they are accompanied by dizziness, nausea and sometimes vomiting. Pulsating pain on the right or left, which gives in the whiskey, also speaks about the VSD.
- If the pain increases during movement and spreads around the back of the head, this indicates a pathology of the cervical spine, to which insufficient physical activity leads.
- When the pain in the nape is strong with minimal contractions, giving back to the lower jaw and ear, it can speak and neurological diseases. As a rule, this disease is a side effect of diseases (for example, cold or osteoporosis) or the result of hypothermia.
- Sharp attacks of severe pain on one side of the nape, accompanied by bifurcation and flashes of light - signs of cervical migraine.
- Pulsating pain, which knocks in the temples, and the general condition can be described as "broken" indicates a pinched, dilated or spasm of blood vessels.
- Pulsating pain in the morning, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, drowsiness and severe fatigue - signs of intracranial tumors and hematomas.
- If the pain is severe and accompanied by loss of coordination, noise in the ears and darkening in the eyes, then you are dealing with neglected osteochondrosis.
Diagnosis of pulsating pain in the occiput
If you suffer from pulsating pain in the back of your head, then first of all you need to see a doctor - a neurologist and a therapist (family doctor).
The specialist will conduct an anamnesis (determine the characteristics of the pain), measure the pressure and send you to an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to examine the cervical spine, REG (rheoencephalography) if there is a suspicion of a disease of the brain and blood vessels, CT (computer tomography) in case of suspected tumor.
Diagnosis of pulsating pain in the nape is a painless procedure that will take no more than half an hour.
Treatment of throbbing pain in the back of the head
In order to cope with the throbbing pain in the nape, it is necessary to establish its root cause. Only a doctor can do this.
As a rule, in case of pulsating pain, surgical intervention is not shown - enough medical treatment (if it's not about tumors).
To reduce unpleasant pain, take pain medication:
- Nurofen (0.2-0.8 grams 3-4 times a day).
- Has (no more than 2.5 tablets per day, you can divide it in half).
- Panadol (500-1000 mg 3-4 times a day).
Electrophoresis and warming are also shown.
Effective in the treatment of pulsating pain are alternative methods:
- Compress on the forehead with a decoction of nettle, mint, oregano, burdock and currant leaves, lilacs (moisten the bandage in a warm broth and attach to the forehead).
- Attach a crumpled leaf of fresh cabbage to the back of the head.
- If the cause of pulsating pain is a nerve disease, the reception of honey with fresh viburnum juice (one tablespoon before meals four times a day for a month) is indicated.
- Favorably affect the hot foot baths with the decoction of any herb.
Preventing pulsating pain in the back of the head
After you have found out the reason of occurrence of a pulsing pain in a nape and have addressed for medical aid, you know how to be saved from unpleasant sensations. In addition to drug treatment, follow the simple rules that will help you less often to take medication in the future:
- Avoid overcooling and drafts.
- Accurately treat sports activities: both physical overstrain and passive lifestyle are dangerous. Yoga classes are shown.
- Observe the mode of sleep and rest: sleep at least 8 hours a day, as little as possible nervous and avoid stressful situations.
- Sleep on a hard bed with a hard pillow.
- Do not try to stifle the pain with medication and immediately consult a doctor.
- Do not neglect the massage.
- Limit the consumption of fatty and fried foods, coffee and alcohol.
The modern rhythm of life often leaves us no time to focus on our illnesses. Nevertheless, one should realize that running throbbing pain in the nape can lead to serious problems, so treat yourself carefully and be healthy!