

List Diagnostics – U

Ultrasound of the hip joints may be an additional method for clinical or X-ray examinations. It should be noted that ultrasound is superior in informative MRI in detecting small effusions in the hip joint, even less than 1 ml.
It is impossible to study the bone structure using an ultrasound method. However, the ultrasound method can be used to assess the surface of the bone and cortical layer. Sighting of the bone surface is performed with rheumatoid arthritis, trauma, various infections. Edge erosion and synovial ulceration are best revealed by ultrasound examination.
Ultrasound is one of the most accessible diagnostic methods in medicine. In urology, ultrasound is used to detect structural and functional changes in the urogenital organs.
Ultrasound echoencephalography (EchoEG) is based on the principle of echolocation. The goal of EchoEG is to identify gross morphological disorders in the structure of the brain (subdural hematomas, cerebral edema, hydrocephalus, large tumors, displacement of median structures), as well as intracranial hypertension.
Ultrasonic diagnosis in obstetrics has been in use for about 30 years. Although it is believed that ultrasound is almost harmless, nevertheless, studies are still being conducted to confirm this situation.
Since the elbow joint is relatively small and superficially located, it is very convenient for examination by ultrasound (ultrasound). It can even be said that ultrasound is the method of choice in the study of this joint due to its simplicity of implementation, informative and economical.
The emergence of new high-frequency matrix and wide-band sensors, new technologies for processing the ultrasound signal (tissue harmonics, compound scanning) provided ultrasound priority in the study of peripheral nerves. It is customary to correlate the nerve path with its projection on the skin.
Indications for ultrasound of the kidneys and ureters: pain in the kidneys or in the course of the ureters, suspected renal tumor (large kidney), dysfunctional, according to urography, kidney
The possibilities of the ultrasound method in the diagnosis of obstructive diseases of the lower urinary tract (NFM) have significantly expanded with the introduction of the practice of ultrasonic microciliary cystourethroscopy (RMTC).
The great importance of stenosing and occlusive lesions of the main arteries of the head in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular diseases is well known. In this case, not only the initial, but also severe stenosis of the carotid and vertebral arteries can proceed little. In the development of angioedema pathology is important and the contribution of venous dyskirkulyatsii, also sometimes taking place subclinically.
Ultrasonic dopplerography of the vessels of the prostate gland is an effective tool for non-invasive evaluation of blood flow in the prostate. To assess blood flow in the prostate gland, as a rule, color speed and energy Doppler.
Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth is both a hygienic and aesthetic procedure: after cleaning, the tooth enamel is noticeably brightened, the breath becomes fresh and clean, and many patients note a feeling of pleasant freedom and the absence of something superfluous in the oral cavity.


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