Plaque on teeth: causes and how to get rid of?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The fascination of a smile is impossible without healthy and perfectly white teeth, so a lot of time is given to such a problem as plaque on the teeth. Incorrectly organized oral hygiene leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor and a slimy yellowish coating on the teeth, gums and tongue.
Plaque on the teeth is a mass of food remnants, particles of the oral mucosa, as well as useful (helping the process of digestion) bacteria and pathogens. If the first signs of plaque are not eliminated in a timely manner, then after a while, it becomes densified and hardened, and the result will be tartar, removed with the help of modern dental methods.
Plaque is found in soft and hard type, and, depending on the coloration, it is distinguished by shades of white, yellow, brown, black and green. Regardless of the color, the film on the teeth consists of 80-85% of water with an admixture of fluorides, calcium and phosphates of inorganic nature.
Causes of plaque on teeth
It is interesting that the plaque on the teeth is formed not only in adulthood, increasing in direct proportion to the number of bad habits, but also is not less common in the childhood, adolescent period and occurs even in infants.
Dentists identify the following causes of plaque on the teeth:
- incorrect, insufficient care of the oral cavity or its absence is the main reason for the occurrence of plaque. Teeth should be cleaned at least twice a day, paying special attention to the inner surface of the teeth and hard-to-reach places. The key to success is a properly selected brush and paste;
- ingestion of food particles between teeth and pridevnevuyu zone - the use of dental floss will help to avoid rotting food debris (as a result, caries) and protect against plaque in the interdental space;
- the use of soft food - contributes to the formation of a plaque in children, solid food itself is involved in the self-cleaning of teeth;
- the involvement of only one side of the jaw in the chewing process does not provide a natural cleansing of the "lazy" side;
- incorrect bite, dental diseases and gums - factors that increase the risk of plaque formation;
- Smoking - a harmful habit causes the emergence of an indelible resin film on teeth, gums and mucous membrane, on which all food remains and pathogenic flora cling;
- problems of digestive nature and endocrine disorders - entail imbalance of the oral cavity;
- allergic manifestations and metabolic failures - for example, when the water-salt, pH-balance of saliva changes, its disinfecting ability is disrupted;
- hormonal changes - the consequence is the problem of green plaque, occurring more often in the adolescent period.
Why there is a raid on the teeth?
The specificity of the modern way of life, the presence of various attachments in many ways explain why there is a raid on the teeth. The use of food and beverages with dyes, the abuse of smoking and alcohol, an endless love for invigorating coffee and strong tea - all this deprives our teeth of natural whiteness and attractiveness. Colorants are attached to the accumulation of plaque, hardening and forming tartar. The lack of solid food in the form of fruits and vegetables, rich in fiber, prevents the natural cleaning of teeth.
Naturally negative habits and nutritional preferences are not the only reasons for the formation of dental plaque. Diseases of internal organs and systems, the intake of antibiotics, work in harmful production (metallurgical enterprises) also provoke plaque on the teeth. For example, the presence of intestinal dysbacteriosis is fraught with the appearance of a dark raid even in childhood. To get rid of a fungal infection in the oral cavity is possible only by normalizing the intestinal microflora.
Factors affecting the formation and distribution of the deposit:
- qualitative characteristics of food;
- anatomy and morphology of the tooth surface;
- properties of saliva;
- number of fermentable carbohydrates consumed;
- the condition of the gums and the presence of inflammatory processes;
- features of motor activity of the tongue, lips, jaws during chewing and conversation.
Plaque between the teeth
Avoid caries, inflammation of the gums, periodontal disease, it is possible to regularly cleanse the space between the teeth. The maximum accumulation of sticky, white deposits, called in the dentistry of alba (bacteria and proteins from saliva), occurs precisely in the interdental space.
Remove the plaque between the teeth on its own allowing floss or dental floss. Daily use of a simple device, especially in the case of close application of teeth to each other, will save you from a lot of problems with oral health. Of course, the brush and rinsers are very important, but only the dental floss is able to effectively clean the area below the gum line. And the variety of flosses makes the procedure comfortable and fast. If the teeth are very tight, it is better to use a flat dental floss. With a variable interdental lumen, the ideal "superfloss" yarn that stretches, adjusting to a narrow gap, and blooms where the teeth are placed wider. An alternative to dental floss, eliminating the plaque between the teeth, is a special water syringe.
Dark plaque on teeth
The dark film on the enamel acquires its color from the pigment, which comes along with nicotine resin from smokers, "coloring" food and drinks. Dark plaque on the teeth is a consequence of metabolic disorders, problems with the metabolism of phosphorus, vitamin D and calcium. Saliva performs a protective, purifying, disinfecting function. Insufficient salivation serves as an impetus for the propagation of pathogenic microflora, which in turn provokes plaque formation.
A common phenomenon in children - a dark plaque on the teeth of gray shades often indicates a hypoplasia of the teeth or dysbiosis. Cope with the problem at home will not work (active cleaning contributes to the aggravation of the process), requires specialist help and specific therapy. Adult patients can be recommended denture veneers (plastics from ceramics), which close the defects from the facade of the front teeth.
Black plaque on the teeth
Detection of black plaque in children indicates a violation of digestive function or dysbiosis, damage to worms or the presence of fungal microflora in the mouth.
A black plaque on teeth in adulthood speaks of the addiction to cigarettes, the abuse of coffee, alcohol. In addition to bad habits, the dyeing of teeth with a black film is facilitated by:
- long-term use of antibiotics (eg, use of "tetracycline" for two or more weeks);
- severe course of diseases - liver damage, dysfunction of the spleen, viral infections, abscesses, dyskinesia of bile ducts, etc .;
- change in acid-base balance in the oral cavity;
- harmful working conditions (metal processing shops, assembly sites of metal structures, etc.);
- addiction;
- presence of copper products in the mouth;
- irregular stool and signs of body intoxication;
- metabolic and endocrine system diseases (thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus);
- allergic manifestations;
- parasitic diseases (giardiasis / toxoplasmosis);
- chemotherapy;
- a rare visit to the dentist.
It should be noted that it is possible to remove the black pigment on the teeth by establishing the root cause of the aesthetic defect and the corresponding treatment of the revealed pathology. Black plaque on the teeth does not lend itself to cleaning pastes with whitening effect, so it's better not to waste time and money, but immediately resort to the help of a professional.
Yellow coating on teeth
The teeth of each person have their own natural pigment, so the natural color of your teeth can be shades of yellow. The yellow enamel indicates a glut of minerals (for example, people who use only mineral water or live in a region where tap water is rich in mineral salts and iron). In this case, the distinguishing feature of enamel is its hardness, so it is not possible to whiten it without causing damage to the teeth. A yellow plaque on the teeth can be a hereditary factor. If the teeth of the parents have a yellow color, then the children will also have a similar shade.
A kind of soft plaque is a yellow plaque on the teeth, often formed at the roots of the teeth for the following reasons:
- bad habits (cigarettes, drinks with caffeine, etc.) - the initial stage of staining the enamel, which is easily subject to bleaching. It is interesting that the hue from fans of hookah appears even faster, and the cigarette filter still takes a part of the resin;
- excessive craze for sugar and sugar-containing products - sweet tooth should be more careful and regularly visit the dentist;
- frequent change of diets - the first teeth react to the change of taste preferences and the lack of a balanced diet, which leads to the appearance of a plaque;
- trauma - yellowing of the tooth as a result of a stroke, for example, indicates a damage to the pulpar region;
- not compliance with hygiene rules;
- age changes;
- wearing braces without proper care (the clogged food is constantly in contact with the enamel, the bracket system itself is made of poor-quality materials).
White plaque on teeth
The most common is white plaque on the teeth. Soft deposits appear in all people, accumulating in a day or forming during the night. It is a mixture of the remains of food, particles of the oral mucosa and bacteria, the plaque does not cause harm to health and is easily removed during tooth cleaning.
In cases of insufficient or incorrect hygienic care, such a plaque on the teeth passes into the solidification stage, forming a tartar. A large number of pathogens lead to the development of caries and the appearance of bad breath.
The reasons for white deposits on the enamel can be:
- lack of vitamins;
- lack of a balanced diet;
- consumption of mostly soft food (especially in childhood);
- incorrect sanitation of the oral cavity.
If you can not cope with the white on your teeth, it's best to consult a dentist who will recommend effective care for your specific case.
Brown plaque on the teeth
A companion of smokers, coffee lovers and strong tea - a brown plaque on the teeth. The coloring components of beverages and nicotinic resin form a kind of film that is difficult to clean by ordinary hygiene. Remove brown plaque possible only when visiting a dental office.
Failures of an exchange nature, causing iron production in saliva, where, in turn, the production of brown salt from food takes place, also leads to the appearance of brown deposits.
Brown enamel is formed when:
- mouth rinsing with manganese solution;
- long-term exposure to chlorinated water and iodine solution;
- mercury / lead vapor exposure;
- inhalation of nickel / manganese / iron vapor;
- the detection of acid necrosis;
- the occurrence of rhesus-conflict in the pregnant (the enamel of the baby can also have a brown tint due to the destruction of red blood cells).
Brown plaque on the teeth is difficult to remove by yourself. In addition to cosmetic cleansing, it is important to establish and eliminate the true cause of the external defect.
Plaque after tooth extraction
Dental extraction is a rather traumatic manipulation. The healing process of the formed well proceeds with the formation of a blood clot, which protects the wound surface from infection. White plaque after tooth extraction of a fibrous character indicates that the gingival tissue was damaged and necrosis developed. Such a plaque is an absolutely natural reaction of the organism, underneath it there is a healing process and the production of new cells.
Caution should not a white patina on the teeth, but the appearance of a pain syndrome and the first signs of suppuration. Such a symptomatology may indicate an alveolitis (inflammation of the dental hole). At the consultation, the dentist will carry out disinfection by means of special solutions that remove purulent deposits. If necessary, the doctor will recommend medication for the speedy restoration of the body's defenses and a sparing diet that excludes the intake of hot, spicy and rough food.
Scurf on the teeth from smoking
One of the negative results of smoking is dental plaque with a specific pigmentation of enamel. The smell of a smoker is characterized by dark brown or black hues, it can not be removed by a normal brushing with a toothbrush.
A dark plaque on the teeth from smoking is formed when tobacco is misused, as a result of the settling of nicotine resin, ammonia and phenolic components, and also tar on the enamel. Tobacco smoke with harmful compounds forms a sticky film on which "particles" of food, bacteria, dead cells of the oral mucosa stick. Accumulating, the soft mass hardens and transforms into tartar. Initially, affected the neck of the teeth and the zone, not taking part in the process of chewing food. In the absence of adequate hygiene, the plaque becomes more pronounced and a dirty shade.
Symptomatic smell of the smoker is revealed visually:
- periodontal tissue without signs of inflammation;
- the pigment of dark brown color is located in the cervical region;
- there is a putrefactive smell;
- gingiva pale pink and moderately moisturized.
Scurf on the teeth from smoking requires mandatory professional cleaning, as it can cause diseases of the gums and teeth, as well as an unpleasant odor from the mouth.
Orange plaque on teeth
Green and orange plaque on the teeth, caused by fungi, appears mainly in childhood and adolescence. Fungal infection produces a coloring pigment, in the case of a green bloom - chlorophyll, and with an orange color - chromogenic bacteria. Treatment of such pathology is performed by a dentist and pediatrician.
A patch of reddish hue indicates a hereditary disease - porphyria, associated with a violation of the pigmentation of soft tissues. A frequent complication of the disease is the coloring of the enamel in red. A similar pattern is observed with a trauma of the tooth with a hemorrhage and rupture of the pulpary sac.
Orange plaque on the teeth is a thin line, located in the cervical part of the dental crowns most often on the incisors. The shade ranges from yellowish to brick red. Pigment appears as a result of external factors:
- food with dyes (red varieties of wine, coffee, tea, etc.);
- taking medicines;
- oral rinsing with solutions - ethacridine, potassium permanganate and chlorhexidine.
Plaque on teeth from coffee
For the opportunity to cheer up strong coffee you have to pay teeth whiteness. The appearance of yellow, brown and black plaque is associated with the presence of the pigment in the favorite morning drink. If cigarette smoke is added to the number of coffee mugs, the negative result will manifest itself quickly in the form of a stable dark film on the tooth enamel.
Completely remove plaque on teeth from coffee is possible in the dental office. In order to prevent the formation of an aesthetic defect, it is recommended:
- reduce the amount of coffee consumed;
- there are more products containing fiber (vegetables, fruits);
- visit the dentist regularly;
- use professional whitening pastes (for example, saline);
- apply dental floss and mouthwashes.
Adverse effects of the plaque from coffee in case of insufficient hygiene are unpleasant odor, hardening of the film and formation of tartar. In this case, you can not do without special cleaning methods.
Dental calculus and plaque are dangerous bacteria. Living microorganisms produce acid, which weakens the enamel of the tooth, which in turn contributes to the appearance of caries.
Plaque on the child's teeth
White plaque on the teeth of a child is considered the most common. Soft deposits of consistency are formed during the sleep period and consist of food, bacteria and epithelial particles. To maintain oral hygiene in this case, it is enough to clean the toothbrush with usual cleaning.
The color of yellow and brown plaque indicates the possibility of tooth decay, the cause of which is associated with sucking on the nipples and drinking sweet drinks at night. Parents need to review the feeding regimen and pay attention to the care of the oral cavity.
Plaque on the baby's teeth green, yellow, brown hues can be fungal nature. Green film is typical for children under three years of age, it has destructive effect on the pellicle (the protective shell of the tooth), so you can not do without consulting a dentist. Dark or black plaque is formed as a result of dysbacteriosis. The pediatrician treats this pathology.
Preventive measures:
- make sure that the air in the nursery is not dry;
- accustom a 3-year-old baby to properly brush your teeth with paste;
- the child must receive a sufficient amount of water;
- During the day, it is useful for the baby to chew on hard vegetables or fruits;
- Nasal passages should be provided with normal breathing;
- Do not drink the baby at night with milk or juice;
- in time, wean from the nipple and bottles - the main causes of "bottle caries" (has a brown tint and develops on 4-6 teeth in front, characterized by rapid tooth decay).
Plaque on the milk teeth
The problem of plaque of the baby teeth arises from the peculiarities of the composition of the children's saliva, which has a negative effect on the enamel. Plaque on the milk teeth sometimes appears due to the defeat of the teeth rudiments during intrauterine development. The presence of colored deposits on the enamel can indicate various diseases of the body, and also be a hereditary factor. Occurrence of a touch serves as an occasion for the reference to the children's stomatologist.
Complications of infant teeth are common in clinical practice:
- pulpitis - pathogenic microorganisms affect the tooth pulp (veins, nerves, arteries). In the case of milk teeth (the pulp of babies is not so sensitive), the pathology can be asymptomatic, but microorganisms can penetrate deep into the dental root, cause rotting and gangrene;
- caries - softening of enamel tissues. To treat caries of milk teeth is necessary, as bacteria cause a decrease in the body's defenses, promotes the development of ENT diseases;
- periodontitis - inflammation of the bone, accompanied by severe pain, fever, swelling of the cheek.
The plaque on the teeth in toddlers serves as a haven of microorganisms, which lead to the formation of caries and its serious consequences. Caries of milk teeth should be treated, and not to remove the damaged tooth. Early removal of the tooth causes problems with an incorrect bite.
In addition to sealing milk teeth, dentists use silvering techniques that are relevant in cases of "bottle caries", often leading to a blackening of the tooth enamel. With superficial caries remineralizing treatment with solutions of mineral components is used.
What should I do if I have a plaque on my teeth?
Plaque on the teeth is an excuse to get rid of bad habits. However, not many of us are able to stop smoking, drinking alcohol (red wine), reviewing the daily diet or giving up coffee.
What should I do if I have a plaque on my teeth? First, go for a consultation with a dentist. After all, everything is individual, but only a specialist will help to deal with the cosmetic defect correctly. Secondly, regularly eat fiber-rich vegetables and fruits. Even if natural cleaning does not help to cope with the plaque, harm to the body will not bring it, on the contrary - only a mass of vitamins. Thirdly, do not drink sweet soda and rinse your mouth (even just with water) after each meal. To activate salivation, use a chewing gum that does not contain sugar. Fourth, clean your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride-containing pastes. Learn to carefully care for the interdental space, using a suitable dental floss. Do not forget to remove the plaque from the tongue, or all efforts to maintain hygiene will be in vain.
How to get rid of the plaque on the teeth?
Dentists around the world caution against home whitening of tooth enamel, which can be unsafe for your teeth. Partly eliminate the aesthetic defect will help bleaching pastes. The effectiveness of cleaning will depend on the shade of the plaque, the state of the enamel and gums, the individual characteristics of the body and the habitual way of eating. The choice of toothpaste is often conducted by trial and error.
How to get rid of the plaque on the teeth in the home? The development of Russian scientists - bleaching paste "mexidol dent" (based on calcium citrate and mexidol) with the following advantages will come to the aid:
- carefully and carefully removes plaque on the teeth due to the plant component papain;
- restoration of color occurs without damage to the enamel;
- paste prevents re-accumulation of plaque;
- stabilizes the acid-base balance;
- does not contain fluorine;
- without chlorhexidine, which kills the pathogenic and healthy microflora of the oral cavity, thereby providing a reduction in immunity.
The plaque can also be eliminated by means of hardware dental techniques, for example, using ultrasound.
Cleaning teeth from plaque
In order to thoroughly clean the teeth of various deposits, the following recommendations of dentists should be followed:
- pay special attention to the inner surface of the front teeth, place the brush vertically and move it from top to bottom;
- The correct position of the toothbrush in relation to the gumline is the angle of 45 degrees. When cleaning the upper teeth, the brush movement should be from the bottom up, and the bottom - from the top down;
- cover not more than two teeth;
- Do not apply excessive force to avoid gum injuries;
- when working with an external, internal and chewing surface, make sure that the movements up and down are short (approximately half the tooth).
Cleaning teeth from plaque involves the use of pastes with fluoride, dental floss and cleansing of the tongue. The size of the toothbrush should allow you to reach the wisdom teeth, and its bristles should be soft with rounded ends. Change brushes every three months, regardless of their wear and tear. To remove plaque from the tongue, you can buy a special brush, a scraper or use an ordinary spoon. Ideally to clean the surface between the teeth and above the gum line allows a dental floss. Choose for yourself a flat (with a dense application of teeth), round (with widely set teeth) or "superfloss" (adapts to different interdental space). Prefer a thread with or without wax - decide for yourself. If your fingers do not obey due to arthritis, use coils or thread holders, which are universally sold in pharmacies.
Removal of plaque from the teeth by ultrasound
Cleansing of teeth with ultrasound is a painless professional procedure, returning enamel white color. Apparatus for bleaching received the name scalers. The principle of their operation is based on the work of a motor generator that generates and transmits ultrasonic vibrations to a special tip with a frequency of approximately 100 million. Movements / minute. Vibration wave destroys hard dental deposits.
Removal of the plaque from the teeth by ultrasound is accompanied by a continuous supply of water (sometimes antiseptic) through the tip to cool the device and the tooth surface, flush the plaque and prevent it from entering the periodontal pockets. The procedure ends with polishing in order to eliminate microscopic roughness. This is done with special pastes and a brush.
The parameters of ultrasonic cleaning (frequency and amplitude) are selected individually depending on the degree of contamination. It is recommended to conduct therapy at least 1-2 times a year. The disadvantages of ultrasound cleaning include soreness in patients with a low threshold of sensitivity and in the treatment of subgingival deposits. If desired, local anesthesia can be used.
Ultrasonic cleaning plaque on the teeth is not exposed:
- in childhood;
- with frequent colds;
- existing problems of cardiovascular nature and the presence of a pacemaker;
- in pregnant and lactating mothers;
- with dental implants;
- In the case of diseases transmitted by contact and blood transfusion.
Removing the plaque from the teeth at home
Increase the effectiveness of the control of deposits on the teeth by using an electric toothbrush, removing plaque due to vibration.
If you notice a high dryness in your mouth, it is better to take preventive measures: take sugar-free chewing gum, special candy to actively salivate, drink water in small sips more often. Being a natural disinfectant, saliva helps to cope with pathogenic microflora, preventing the formation of dental deposits. The lack of salivation may be due to medications (antidepressants, antihistamines, etc.), the result of recent therapy (cancer irradiation) and other diseases.
Removing the plaque from the teeth at home:
- means for rinsing - "perideks" (it is dispensed according to the prescription, based on 0.12% chlorhexidine solution) and "listerin" (it is sold freely, it is an alcoholic composition of menthol, eucalyptus and thyme oils);
- composition for polishing teeth - mix a teaspoon of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide until a paste-like consistency is formed. This means to treat the teeth with a cotton swab. Do not use frequently to avoid damaging the enamel;
- tincture from the root of burdock and bean peel - 1 tbsp. Crushed raw material pour a glass of boiling water and stand half a day. Drink three times a day, pre-heated;
- plaque on the teeth is eliminated by eggplant ash, which is cleaned at least twice a day with a finger. Be careful, the product is able to corrode the gum.
The price of plaque removal from teeth
The cost of bleaching varies depending on the method used, equipment and condition of the plaque. Modern technology and the cost of removing plaque from the teeth:
- removal of plaque and tartar by means of a laser - 30-120grn / tooth;
- ultrasound cleaning - 15-40grn / tooth (the average price for processing the entire oral cavity - 400grn);
- the bleaching procedure on the Air-Flow device is 600 grn for both jaws.
Swiss equipment Air-Flow not only qualitatively removes plaque, but also allows to remove pigmentation, polish enamel, highlight fillings and crowns even in the most inaccessible places. The technique combines an air and water jet with sodium bicarbonate, which simultaneously cleans and polishes the tooth enamel.
Professional cleaning qualitatively removes the plaque on the teeth, eliminates the unpleasant odor and bleeding gums, serves as the prevention of periodontitis, caries, allows you to achieve a certain clarification of the enamel. Hygienic cleaning of teeth in the dental office does not harm teeth, seals, dentures.