Pinworms in children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pinworms in children are a parasitic disease. Let's look at the causes of the disease, the methods of diagnosis, the symptoms of defeat, the methods of treatment and prevention.
These are parasitic worms (such as nematodes, roundworms) that cause a disease called enterobiosis. They are like pieces of white thin thread, and they can be found in feces. The main symptoms of the disease, which determine the pinworm in a child - it is itching in the area of the anus, manifested at night. Infected with worms the baby sleeps restlessly, on the buttocks and the area of the perianal folds there may be small combings. There may be pain in the intestines and provoke allergic reactions.
Enterobiosis can go unnoticed, that is, without any special symptoms. It depends on the state of the immune system and its protective functions. If the baby has a strong body, then the immune system will not allow the worms to progress, and cause painful symptoms. These worms are dangerous, especially if the baby has a predisposition to parasitic diseases and a weakened immune system.
Causes of pinworms in children
The causes of the disease depend on the path of infection. The main routes of infection are: household, oral and contact. Let's take a closer look at each of the types of infection by parasites.
Household contamination
Ignoring the rules of hygiene, dirty hands, dirty vegetables and fruits, dirty toys are the main causes of infection with worms. With this kind of infection, the baby becomes a carrier of parasites, infecting the people around him.
Oral infection
With this type of infection, parasites enter the body through the mouth. The child scratches the itchy place, the eggs of the pinworms fall on the hands and under the fingernails. And with the hands of parasites fall on food and into the mouth. To avoid this type of infection, you should thoroughly wash your hands and follow the rules of personal hygiene.
Contact Infection
Pinworms come from contact with infected people or animals. The wool of animals can be worms, so when you contact with seals and dogs it is necessary to wash your hands. With this type of infection, they enter the intestines and after a couple of weeks begin to lay eggs, provoking further development of the parasitic disease.
Symptoms of pinworms in children
Symptoms manifest in the form of itching and discomfort, painful sensations in the anus. At the beginning of infection, itching is insignificant, but in the absence of dehelminthization, unpleasant sensations only increase. With a significant invasion, the baby suffers not only from itching and burning in the anus, but also from problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Regular combing of the affected surface leads to the formation of small wounds, which can become inflamed. In the future, on the ground combs may occur secondary infections, dermatitis, inflammation of the sphincter tissue, vulvovaginate and others. In some children, infection provokes allergic reactions to the skin. With prolonged infection with parasites and in the absence of treatment, the symptoms of the disease are manifested in the form of loss of appetite, digestion disorders, refusal of food and poisoning with the products of the vital activity of worms.
Pinworms in infants
This is not uncommon, many parents face such a serious problem. The reason for the parasitic disease in infants is that when the baby begins to crawl and actively learn the world around, parents release the baby outside the boundaries of the arena or crib. At this point, there is a danger of infection. At such an early age, enterobiasis is a very serious disease.
The danger of pinworms in infants is that parasites eat all the nutrients and components that have accumulated in the body. The newborn does not receive adequate nutrition, but the parasites are actively growing and saturated. They can be seen in the area of the anus. The parasite is similar to a thin cotton thread of white color. Let's look at the main symptoms of infection in infants.
- Itching of the perineum and anus, which intensifies in the morning and night.
- Lack of nutrition, weakened immunity, weight loss.
- Pain in the gastrointestinal tract. (In medical practice, cases are recorded where the nematodes are so actively multiplying that they form a ball in the abdomen of the baby, because of this, the baby feels pain and ripple).
In order to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to pass laboratory tests. The baby takes an analysis of feces, and if necessary, conduct an ultrasound (to determine the location of parasites in the abdominal cavity and their visualization).
As for dehelminthization and prevention, a recommendation in this regard is given by a doctor. The pediatrician selects safe, but effective medicines (syrups or tablets), dosage and duration of therapy. In addition to medical treatment, parents should ensure that the baby ate only clean food and drank only purified water. Also, it is very important to wash the apartment with disinfectants, to wash the bed linen, clothes and towels and observe the rules of personal hygiene.
Pinworms in children under one year old
Pinworms in children up to one year require dehelminthization, since parents' attempts to cope with parasitic disease on their own do not lead to anything good. In addition, it is the doctor with the help of laboratory tests that can confirm infection, and not any other kind of worms. To do this, take an analysis of feces, scrapes from the folds of the anus and conduct ultrasound examination of the intestine.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor makes a therapy regimen. To date, there are many effective drugs on the pharmaceutical market that help to cure the disease. As a rule, the treatment is simple and a couple of drug preparations are enough to completely get rid of enterobiasis.
Most often use Wormil, Vermox or Helmitox. In addition to medical treatment, parents should monitor the hygiene of the baby, regularly wash and change underwear. Note that if the baby has found round worms, then it is recommended that the course of de-worming be passed to all family members, even if there are no symptoms of the disease.
Pinworms in a child of 2 years
This is not uncommon, but most likely a pattern. Since at this age, the kid is very active exploring everything around and pulling into his mouth. The kid plays in the sandbox and on the playgrounds, where there are many different parasites. Imperfect barriers of the gastrointestinal tract at this age are very susceptible, so they can not cope with parasites (for example, in the body of an adult, egg pinworm can die from gastric juice).
The disease must be treated, since neglected forms of parasitic disease lead to the development of various forms of acquired immunodeficiency. In order to get a proper set of medical measures, they take laboratory tests, which, as a result, constitute a treatment plan.
Remedy for pinworms in children
Anti-warts drugs have a certain toxicity. Therefore, de-worming is carried out only according to the doctor's prescription. As a rule, the same medicines are used to treat this invasion in children and adults. Exceptions are newborns and pregnant women. Drug therapy is carried out only after the permission of the doctor. The doctor selects the remedy according to the individual characteristics of the organism. The most popular medicinal agents of anthelminthic action:
The drug is used to treat helminthic invasion and enterobiosis. The drug is effective in fighting trichocephaliasis, non-coronary disease and other parasitic lesions. The main contraindications to use: increased sensitivity to the active substance, eye damage, as well as pregnancy and lactation. With special care appoint for liver failure and circulatory disorders.
If the dosage is not complied with and the duration of de-worming is exceeded, the drug causes abdominal pain, headaches, impaired renal function, allergic reactions. It is taken orally, during or after a meal, the dosage is selected individually. Up to two years, appoint 200 mg once. After 2-3 weeks, the reception is repeated. When therapy enterobiosis over two years, take 400 mg once.
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Anthelmintic preparation of a wide spectrum of action, having high efficiency in treatment of enterobiosis. When used at the age of 2 to 10 years, appoint 25-50 mg once. When re-invasion, it is necessary to repeat the administration of the drug in the same dosage, but after 3-4 weeks. It is contraindicated to take at the age of up to two years. If the conditions for using the drug are violated, nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain, hematuria, allergic reactions may occur.
The drug is released in the form of tablets and a solution. The main indications for use are enterobiosis, ascaridosis. The drug is absolutely safe, so it is allowed to use it for therapy in pregnant women. Up to 1 year, appoint 0.2-0.5 g, at the age of 2-3 years for 0.3-0.6 grams, in 4-8 years for 0.5-1.5 g. The anthelmintic is used for five days a couple of hours before meals. Deworming suggests three courses of admission with a weekly break. Piperazine is contraindicated in cases of renal insufficiency and lesions of the central nervous system.
Anthelminthic drug with a wide spectrum of action, has a high effectiveness in the treatment of enterobiosis. The drug depletes glycogen stores and destroys these nematodes. The main indications for use Vermox: enterobiosis, trichocephalus, ascariasis, teniosis, mixed helminthiases. At the age of 2 to 10 years, appoint once for 25-50 mg, at the age of over 10 years - for 100 mg. To prevent re-invasion, repeat the course of therapy after 3-4 weeks at the same dosage. If the rules of application are not observed, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headaches, reversible liver function disorders may occur.
Before taking the remedy for pinworms, the baby is recommended to prepare. The day before deworming, the baby should be given only liquid and semi-liquid food. In the morning, take a medicine, and in the evening a laxative. The next day u need to make an enema. In addition to drug treatment, it is very important to follow the rules of personal hygiene and maintain cleanliness in everything. All members of the family must undergo de-worming.
In addition to drug therapy, pinworms in children can be treated with alternative means. Let's look at some of them.
- The use of garlic for three weeks with a second course a week can get rid of this invasion. But such deworming is suitable only for children of primary school age and older.
- Decoction of wormwood is recommended to drink half a glass three times a day, for 3-4 days. With worms will help cope with the decoction of tansy flowers, but only take it is recommended on an empty stomach for 5-7 days.
- Anti-helminthic properties have a decoction of pumpkin seeds and an infusion of thyme or thyme. Use vegetable decoctions before the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.
Unlike drug treatment, alternative medicine does not always give the desired result, because it depends on the individual characteristics of the body.
Treatment with pyrantel
Treatment with Pirantel allows you to effectively get rid of enterobiasis. Pyrantel is released in the form of a suspension, the product has a pleasant taste and is easily swallowed by the baby. The drug acts locally, destroys nematodes due to the fact that the active substance paralyzes the neuromuscular apparatus of parasites. Worms become completely immobilized and are excreted from the body with calves in a natural way. Pirantel is taken without prior preparation, there is also no need to use enema.
The drug is used only for the doctor's prescription. Pirantel is taken once, re-taking is needed 3-4 weeks later. Let's consider the main dosage of anthelmintic.
- Up to 6 months, 125 mg once a day are prescribed;
- Up to 6 years, 250 mg are used;
- From 6 years, 500 mg of the drug are used.
The main contraindications to admission are hypersensitivity to the active substance. With special care, the suspension is prescribed for the first year of life and for violations of the liver. If the dosage is not followed and the duration of de-worming is exceeded, the drug causes side reactions. The main side effects of Pyrantel: problems with the gastrointestinal tract, anorexia, drowsiness or vice versa, sleep disorders, allergic reactions. With the above symptoms, you need to seek medical help and interrupt treatment.
Treatment with Decarisom
This is a method of effective and safe disposal of parasites. Decaris is an anthelmintic preparation with immunomodulatory properties. It is released in the form of tablets, a light orange color with an apricot smell. Take the drug is one-time and this is enough to completely destroy the worm.
The main indications for use: enterobiasis, ascariasis, toxoplasmosis, non-carotidosis and others. Decaris is contraindicated to take up to three years, with increased sensitivity to the drug and with agranulocytosis. With special care, the agent is prescribed for hepatic and renal insufficiency. If the rules of application are not observed, Decaris causes side effects (digestive system disorders, allergic reactions).
Dosage in the treatment of enterobiasis depends on age. At the age of 3 to 6 years, appoint 25-50 mg, up to 14 years from 50 to 100 mg. Sometimes the dosage is selected according to the weight. But you can take Decaris only as directed by a doctor.
What are dangerous pinworms in children?
Pinworms, as a rule, do not pose a serious threat to the body, both children and adults.
- Their danger is that without proper therapy, parasites can move from the intestine to the liver, bile ducts and other organs, provoking inflammatory diseases and other lesions.
- Females can penetrate even into the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing girls to have severe itching and discharge from the genitals.
- In medical practice, recorded cases where pinworms in children were found in the eyes, nasal sinuses and even lungs. The danger of nematodes in such lesions is that surgery is required to perform an operation.
Worms are localized in the large intestine, so they provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In the morning and in the evening, they go down to the anus and lay eggs. If the baby scratches the place that itches, then the eggs of the pinworms fall on the hands and under the fingernails, and from there to toys, clothes, food and everything the kid touches. Therefore, the task of parents carefully monitor the hygiene of their child.
If you suspect a pinworm in a child, parents should consult a doctor and take tests. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a cure for the parasites. Timely deworming and prevention will help prevent the disease and protect the body from the dangerous effects of parasites.
Diagnostics of pinworm in children
Diagnosis begins with the delivery of laboratory tests. To confirm enterobiasis, scraping is taken from the perianal area to study for the presence of pinworm eggs. Also, for analysis, feces are taken for the study. Parents can diagnose the disease on their own, just look at the baby's pot.
Very often worms settle on clothing, especially underwear. Therefore, parents should monitor the regular change of the underwear of the baby. Nematode can be seen on the body, especially in the evening and in the morning. Parasites creep out from the anus and lay eggs, because of this the baby feels a strong itch and even a burning sensation. When diagnosing an infestation, special attention is paid to the symptoms of the disease and the investigation of the causes of infection.
How to identify pinworms in a child?
It is worth knowing, detecting the presence of worms with feces or visually seeing parasites on the anus is not always possible. For an accurate determination, it is necessary to give a scraping. In the laboratory for analysis, take a special adhesive tape and pass it along the anus, this allows you to collect the eggs of nematodes that remained on the surface. But, in some cases, scraping can give a false negative result. In this case, the task of parents to pay attention to the presence of such symptoms as:
- Itching in the anus, causing anxiety and fidgeting during night and daytime sleep.
- Nausea, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, a sharp decrease in appetite and weight.
- Stool disorder, dysbiosis, diarrhea, constipation.
- Salivation, increased appetite, pain in the navel.
- The baby quickly becomes tired, becomes capricious, the baby starts to suffer headaches, there is a pallor of the face.
When infected, girls may experience enuresis, that is, urinary incontinence. As a rule, this is due to irritation of the urethra. If worms affect the genitals, then there are abundant secretions. With prolonged invasion, parasites become the cause of allergic reactions, a decreased level of hemoglobin and elevated eosinophils.
Eggs of pinworms in a child
The child can pick up parasites in the kindergarten, when contacting other children, while playing in the sandbox, on the playground or in contact with pets. Worms develop both in the human body and in the intestines of animals (cats, dogs).
Some people who are infected with nematodes do not have symptoms of the disease. That is why, in many institutions (swimming pool, kindergarten) they require a certificate with a negative result for analysis on pinworm eggs. When infecting with eggs, there are characteristic symptoms - itching and burning in the anus at night and in the morning, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, problems with appetite, weight loss and others. When eggs are found, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician for treatment.
Pinworms in the feces of a child
Pinworms in the feces of a child are very common and, as a rule, do not carry a mortal danger. It looks like a piece of white thread, up to one centimeter. Parasites have a toxic, mechanical and allergic effect on the body. They affect the intestines, cause inflammation in the genital area, urethra and anus. Parasites can crawl even into the appendix and provoke attacks of appendicitis.
In feces, only adult nematodes can be seen, but the females do not lay eggs in feces. That is why it is not always possible to diagnose a disease only by analyzing feces. To accurately determine enterobiosis, scraping is performed from the perianal folds. Nematodes in feces require de-worming and prevention, since without proper medical care, parasites can provoke serious problems with the immune system.
What do pinworms look like in children?
Eggs of pinworms can be seen only under a microscope, but adult individuals resemble snippets of white cotton thread. The adult can reach 15 mm in length, but the male parasite is up to 5 mm in length.
Worms have only white color, that is, a light color. Many patients have a question, can there be pinworms of black color or with black patches? We will answer immediately, these nematodes are only of a light color. If you have found in the stool of parasites of dark color, then this is not Enterobius vermicularis and most likely not even worms. In any case, parasites in the feces require diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
What if the child has pinworms?
The first thing that parents need to do is seek medical help. The pediatrician will give a referral for the delivery of tests for enterobiosis and already according to the results of the analyzes will make a scheme of treatment. The invasion is treated with syrups and tablets. The most popular antiparasitic drugs: Vormil, Pirantel and others. All members of the family should undergo de-worming, even if there are no symptoms of the disease, since mandatory prevention is required.
In addition to drug therapy, hygiene and preventive measures must be taken to control nematodes. This will avoid the re-infection of parasites. Parents should monitor personal hygiene, regularly change clothes, monitor the cleanliness of toys and clothes. For treatment in infants use tampons with vaseline ointment. It helps to cure enterobiasis and eliminate itching.
Treatment of pinworms in children
Treatment begins with the delivery of tests. Laboratory tests confirm the presence of parasites. Since the lifespan of these nematodes is a couple of weeks, the main set of therapeutic measures is control over the proper observance of personal hygiene. But, this method is effective for adult patients, for children this is a mandatory preventive measure.
Therapy is carried out with the use of medicines. The most effective of them: Piperazin, Mebandazol, Dekaris, Kombatrig. Drugs are selected according to the age of the baby and the individual characteristics of the body. To prevent infection of parasites of primary school age and preschool age, the child every year take an analysis-smear on pinworms. Deworming is not long, as a rule, not more than a week, but sometimes repeated medication is required.
Than to treat pinworms in a child?
Before embarking on the treatment process, it must be remembered that this helminthic invasion occurs due to contact with infected surfaces (shoes, floor, sandbox, toys, common areas, animals). Sometimes, parasites are transmitted from child to child through unwashed hands. All this suggests that it is very easy to get infected with worms, therefore it is necessary to take preventive measures in order to protect the baby in the future.
Before treating the invasion, you need to confirm the presence of the disease. For this, there is a certain symptomatology (itching in the anus and perineum, problems with appetite, with a stool, abdominal pain) and laboratory tests. Dealing with deworming is dangerous, because only a doctor can make an effective and safe treatment based on the results of the tests. To medical therapy resorted only in the event that the results of analyzes confirmed the presence of parasites. Before you start taking medication, it's worth knowing that all antihelminthic drugs are toxic.
- Treat the invasion with Pirantel, Vermox or Mebendazole.
- When taking antihelminthic drugs, you should follow the instructions of the medicine, observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor and the duration of treatment.
- After the main course, the baby should undergo a second course of admission (two weeks later). The task is to prevent the disease in the future, that is, prevention of helminthic invasion.
- After deworming with medicines, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. To do this, use drugs containing bacteria, for example, Linex or Bifidumbacterin.
A couple of months after therapy, it is recommended to conduct a follow-up examination of the baby for enterobiasis. This is especially true for severe infections with worms, and in the case when enterobiosis occurs with complications.
More information of the treatment
Prophylaxis of pinworms in children
Prevention is used to protect the baby from re-infection with parasites. Infection with nematodes is much easier to prevent than cure. Let's look at the basic preventive measures.
- Make sure that your child regularly thoroughly washed his hands. This rule applies to all family members, since the pinworm eggs can be under the fingernails and on the hands. Hands should be washed before and after eating, after toilet, after contact with pets and after walking on the street.
- Particular attention should be paid to intimate hygiene, to change underwear and as often as possible to wash. This will help keep the perianal area clean and prevent itching when infected with worms.
- Vegetables and fruits must be washed with boiling water and thoroughly washed. It is forbidden to drink raw water from the tap, as this can also lead to infection.
- It is not recommended to eat raw fish, poorly fried and undercooked meat.
- In the summer, it is necessary to protect the baby from bathing in unknown reservoirs and purchase funds repelling insects, that is, repellents. Since insects (bloodsucking) are carriers of parasites.
- If you have pets, conduct them prophylaxis of helminth diseases and watch their purity.
- Do not forget to wet your house regularly, as helminth eggs can remain in a state of rest for a long period of time in the home dust. Disinfect the toilet after using the toilet.
- When changing underwear, do not forget to iron hot panties, T-shirts and T-shirts.
- Make sure that the child has short cuts of nails, since under the nails can accumulate egg nematodes.
Pinworms in children - this is an unpleasant disease, which is caused by infection by parasitic worms. Enterobiosis has an unpleasant and even painful symptomatology. To date, there are many methods of de-worming and prevention. Treatment is carried out after examination at the doctor and delivery of tests. Independently give the baby antihelminthic drugs is prohibited.
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