


Pain under the right breast

The pain under the right breast is a rather unpleasant problem, which can be associated not only with some discomfort and temporary deterioration of health, but also with serious diseases and even death.

Pain under the right shoulder blade

The pain under the right shoulder blade is one of the varieties of radiating pains, which tend to be located away from the true source of pathology. A person can feel such reflected pain in any area of the body where nerve roots are located, which are connected with the main inflamed area.

Pain in the rib area

Pain in the rib area can be a signal of many diseases. The term "pain in the region" of the ribs or "pain in the ribs" denotes discomfort sensations directly in the tissue of paired arcuate bones, that is, in the walls of the chest.

Pain in the chest

Pain in the chest area is a symptom that can indicate infectious pathologies, diseases of the spine, mammary glands.

Pain in the mammary gland

Pain in the mammary gland is just the case when you need to plan for a doctor as soon as possible. In a healthy state, the body of a woman, if she should feel pain, then only from love torments or spiritual disappointments, all other pains are the result of the development of a disease, to which one should pay close attention and take emergency measures.

Pain in the esophagus

The food of the person is spread between the stomach and the stomach, has the form of the tube, and is responsible for the rapid loss of food in the stomach. Necessarily providing rapid loss of food in the stomach is the main function of the food. The pain in the food can be conditioned by symptoms and caused by various causes.

Pain in the lungs with deep inspiration

Pain in the lungs with deep inhalation, sneezing or coughing may appear not only as a result of pathology of the respiratory organs or disorders in the pericardial zone, but also as a result of diseases and injuries of the spine, rib cage, and neuralgia. Pain sensations in this case are mainly localized from the right or left side of the chest, can manifest with varying frequency, be blunt or acute.

Pain in the lungs after pneumonia

Pain in the lungs after pneumonia - what could be the reason? And the reason often lies in the inadequate attention to one's health. Often, we do not even think about the consequences of pneumonia, not treated or transferred on foot, and the ignored rules of rehabilitation after pneumonia.

Pain in the right lung

Pain in the right lung speaks about the existing problem of the body. And this is not always a disease of the respiratory system. Pain can be caused by neurological diseases (neuralgia), pathology of the digestive system, problems with bones (osteochondrosis).

Pain in the lungs when running

Pain in the lungs when running or cycling should force the athlete to stop exercising and make every effort to determine the cause of this pain without panicking. Intense loads often reveal serious diseases, which the person previously had no idea. Knowingly in clinics (on an exercise bike or a treadmill) stress tests are conducted, allowing the doctor to reveal the hidden cardiological problems of the patient.


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