Otomycosis (fungal infection of the ear, fungal otitis)
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Otomycosis (fungal infection of the ear, fungal otitis) is a fungal disease in which on the skin of the auricle, the walls of the ear canal, the eardrum, the tympanic cavity and the postoperative cavity the ear develops mold yeast-like fungi.
ICD-10 code
- H62.2 Otitis externa for mycosis.
- H74.8 Other specified diseases of the middle ear and mastoid.
- B48.8 Other specified mycoses.
Causes of Fungal Otitis
According to numerous studies in our climatic zone, the main causative agents of otomycosis are considered to be mold fungi of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. At the same time, Aslergillel is diagnosed in 65% of cases, penicilliosis - in 10%, candidiasis - in 24%. In some cases, fungal ear infections are caused by the fungi of the genera Mucor, Altemaria, Geotrichum, Kladosporium, etc. In 15% of cases, a combined infection by the fungi of the genera Aspergillus and Candida is detected.
Otomycosis - Causes and pathogenesis
Symptoms of otomycosis
Complaints and clinical manifestations in otomycosis are a consequence of the growing season of certain fungi in the ear and are largely due to the localization of the process.
The main complaints of otomycosis of the external ear: the appearance of liquid discharge (with candidiasis), the formation of crusts, traffic jams in the external auditory canal (with aspergillosis), itching, pain, ear congestion. Individual patients in the acute stage may have complaints of headache,, increased body temperature, increased sensitivity of the auricle, ear and ear canal. In all forms of otomycosis of the external ear, hearing loss is not detected at all or it is insignificant in type of damage to the sound-conducting apparatus.
Where does it hurt?
In case of mold mycoses, it is necessary to have an otomicroscopy. Examine native and colored preparations of smears and / or skin scrapings. external auditory canal.
Diagnosis of otomycosis
During the survey, it is necessary to pay attention to the time of onset of the disease and the particular course. It should be clarified from the patient whether he had previously otitis media of mycosis of another location, frequency, duration and nature of the exacerbation.
Take into account the previous treatment (local or general), its effectiveness, whether there was a deterioration of the condition. It is imperative to find out whether the patient was treated with antibiotics, glucocorticoids, cytotoxic drugs (duration and intensity of treatment), features of production and living conditions, previous diseases, allergic history. In patients with otomycosis, an increase in the frequency of exacerbations, the absence or negative effect of standard treatment methods is noted.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Otomycosis treatment
It is difficult to treat mycotic lesions of the ear. In this case, treatment is not always sufficiently effective, despite the use of various antifungal drugs. This is primarily due to the specifics of the infectious process, since the conditionally pathogenic fungi of the genera Aspergillus, Candida and Penicillium cause disease only under certain predisposing conditions. When treating patients with otomycosis, it is necessary to take into account all possible factors in each specific case in order to eliminate them. If necessary, cancel antibiotics, conduct a comprehensive restorative treatment, vitamin therapy. Concomitant diseases such as diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, immunodeficiency states, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and others should be identified and referred patients for treatment.