Nuts with diabetes mellitus
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diabetes is an endocrine disease, the mechanism of which is the lack of synthesis of the pancreas hormone insulin, which processes the body's carbohydrate - glucose. This leads to its accumulation and associated violations of all types of metabolism: fat, carbohydrate, water-salt, mineral, protein. Compensation of carbohydrate occurs in several ways: regulation of carbohydrate intake by means of thoughtful nutrition, hypoglycemic preparations and injections of insulin. What is the role of nuts in the scheme of proper diabetic nutrition and can one eat nuts in diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2?
Diabetes is an endocrine disease, the mechanism of which is the lack of synthesis of the pancreas hormone insulin, which processes the body's carbohydrate - glucose. This leads to its accumulation and associated violations of all types of metabolism: fat, carbohydrate, water-salt, mineral, protein. Compensation of carbohydrate occurs in several ways: regulation of carbohydrate intake by means of thoughtful nutrition, hypoglycemic preparations and injections of insulin. What is the role of nuts in the scheme of proper diabetic nutrition and can one eat nuts in diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2?
Many edible nuts have medicinal properties due to their composition: essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic), arginine - an amino acid that supports the elasticity of blood vessels, vitamins E, D and B2, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, selenium, copper. The presence of such components indicates the benefits of nuts for all people, and a low glycemic index makes them such and sick with diabetes. Studies show that people in whose diet this product is constantly present live for several years longer than those who do not use them. Nuts in nature are many and each of them distinguish their useful features.
Walnuts in Diabetes
Walnuts are pleasant to the taste and very nutritious. They can be eaten just like that, but can be used in various dishes: salads, baked goods, recipes for cooking meat. They contain a lot of vitamins: A, K, E, C, PP, group B; minerals: manganese, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, aluminum, sulfur; tannins, essential oil (over 70%), protein (21%), fiber, unsaturated fatty acids (10%), carbohydrates (only 7%). Their glycemic index is 15, and the level of magnesium and zinc is sufficient to lower the sugar in the body. All this makes walnuts a very attractive product for diabetes of any type. According to the protein content, they go along with products of animal origin, but are better perceived by the digestive tract. The recommended daily allowance is 7 kernels of a nut.
Walnut leaves
Walnut - a unique tree, because the medicinal properties are not only fruits, but also leaves. They are famous for their antiseptic action against many microorganisms due to the high concentration of Yuglon - a substance with wound-healing effect. In addition, they have a lot of tannins, essential oils, polysaccharides, mineral salts. Leaves are applied in the form of broths, tinctures, ointments and extracts. All these products from walnut leaves are especially effective in type 2 diabetes, when the supply of glucose to cells is impaired. Prepare the drink easily: dry the leaves to grind and grind. A tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water and insist for a while. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day. With ointments it is good to heal cracks and other damages of the skin, and from the water extract you can make compresses, adding a decoction, taking baths.
Walnut Partitions
Walnut is a truly non-waste material for potions, even its septums have healing properties, including a positive effect on the balance of glucose in the blood. They have all the same useful components as in nuclei, but iodine is of great value, from the lack of which there are many different pathologies associated with the thyroid gland, nervous system, and immunity. There are different recipes for preparing such potions, here are some of them:
- tincture of the walnut partitions - 50g of the partitions are filled with a liter of vodka, tightly closed and infused in a dark place for two weeks. After this period, drip on water for 6 drops, take daily on an empty stomach, the course of treatment from 3 weeks to 3 months;
- a decoction from the partitions - raw materials from 40 nuts are lowered into a glass of boiling water and kept for another hour on a small fire. Cooled broth to drink before eating a teaspoon twice a day.
Symptoms that testify to the health effects of these drugs will be a decrease in irritability, normalization of sleep, increased tone, a feeling of dry mouth, an appetite, a thirst to drink will decrease. People with type 1 diabetes may even decrease the dose of insulin.
Green walnut
Studies have shown that the most useful are the unripe nuts, i.e. Young green fruits. They contain the maximum concentration of cobalt, tannins, iodine, iron, fatty oils. A green fruit, infused with vodka, has hypoglycemic, antimicrobial, antiatherosclerotic, antioxidant properties, stimulates the synthesis of insulin. To prepare this tincture, you need 100 grams of chopped green nuts, a pound of sugar and a liter of vodka. All this must be combined in a glass jar and insisted 10-14 days in the dark. Spoon a small spoonful of the tincture into 100 ml of water and drink before the main meals.
Oil of a walnut
The oil is made from walnut kernels by cold pressing, is very nutritious, has a soft and pleasant nutty aroma, honey color. This is a delicacy, which will be enjoyed by both healthy and sick people. It has unique healing and dietary properties: numerous vitamins, fats, macro- and microelements, biologically active substances. Its beneficial effect on diabetes is due to the large content of vitamin E, the desired ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 acids, not produced by the body. Its bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antitumor, immunostimulating effect provides a positive effect in diseases of the alimentary tract, cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, urinary, respiratory systems. It improves vision, is successfully used in the treatment of skin diseases, which is important in case of complications of diabetes. Take it for half an hour before meals: a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, without washing down, you can add to the porridge and salads. Children do exactly this, dripping 5-10 drops in food.
A leaf of the Manchurian nut
The Manchurian nut originated from the northeast of China, grows naturally in the Far East, the Korean peninsula, and its cultural plantations are found in many parts of our planet. It has large leaves, rich in tannins, essential oils, vitamin C, alkaloids, phytoncides, carotene. It is leaves that are most used in folk medicine. Decoctions, infusions, tinctures from this raw material are used in the treatment of diabetes. It is noticed that using them, the glucose level decreases, blood pressure stabilizes, the patients with thyroid pathologies, coronary heart disease, psoriasis, other skin diseases and even oncological diagnoses improve. You can use 70% tincture of the plant. A teaspoon is added to a glass of water, drank on an empty stomach twice during the day.
Brazilian nut
Brazilian walnut or Bartolonia - a mighty tree native to South America, whose height can reach up to fifty meters, and age - thousands of years. The nuts themselves are small, but are in a large sphere, suspended on the stems to the trunk, whose weight is about 2 kg. They have everything necessary in their composition to strengthen the protective properties of the body, the vascular system, to lower cholesterol, to prevent the development of cataracts, and also the Brazil nut is effective in diabetes, because lowers the level of glucose in the blood. Its important component - selenium increases activity, gives vivacity and energy. Every day it is recommended to eat adult nutlets 2, children 1, and maybe even some of it, you need to consult a dietician about the dose. It is also used in foods and various dishes.
Almond with diabetes
In the East, this nut was called "royal". Its greatest value lies in the fact that it does not contain cholesterol. This property makes it a dietary product. Almond with diabetes is important from the point of view that it contains a large amount of magnesium, calcium, is copper, many vitamins (groups B, E in particular) and it increases the sensitivity of the body to insulin. This nut needs to be used not only for diabetics, but also for people with impaired glucose tolerance, i.e. Potential patients. Their risk of switching to type 2 diabetes is significantly reduced with a balanced diet that includes almonds. Taking into account the fact that nuts are quite caloric, endocrinologists recommend eating no more than 100g or 10 pieces a day. When heat treatment, their properties do not change, so you can safely add to baking and other products that are prepared at high temperatures.
Hazelnut is a cultivated variety of hazel, in which there are many nutrients, including those that promote sugar reduction and the development of various complications of diabetes. It has few carbohydrates and a lot of vegetable fats, it is saturated with proteins, vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, calcium. This wonderful tool not only reduce sugar, strengthen immunity, cardiovascular system, but also prevent the development of many diseases. It is used to prevent oncological diseases, pathologies of the heart and bloodstream, to cleanse the liver of toxins, strengthen bones. A sufficient daily dose of hazelnut is 50 g. In the evening it is desirable not to eat it, because it is heavy enough for digestion. Nut is a good means for snacks, but it is also successfully used in various dishes.
Pine nuts
Cedar - a unique tree, various components of which have long been used in medicines. But the most valuable for our body is contained in its nuts. These are various vitamins, microelements, amino acids, the most valuable of which is arginine, which supports important functions of human life. Pine nuts in diabetes are desirable because of the low level of carbohydrates, and thiamin (vitamin B1) helps them to digest. Preventive role in the disease is provided by zinc, chromium, polyunsaturated acids. A few dozen grains a day (30-40pcs.) Will become an obstacle to the progression of the disease.
Cashew for many is a delicious treat. Although it grows in the tropics, but in our outlets it is abundant. The value for his health is that in 100 g of product is 85% of the total daily requirement of phosphorus and 73% of magnesium. In addition to containing many other useful ingredients, its worth is a small amount of cholesterol, which is very important for people with diabetes. It promotes the activation of muscle cells, due to which there is a more intensive absorption of glucose and, as a consequence, a decrease in sugar in the body. This nut is also known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, tonic properties. It improves vision, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, helps to eliminate dermatological problems.
Nuts for gestational diabetes
Gestational is called diabetes, which occurs during pregnancy. In 2-5% of women bearing the fetus, an increased level of glucose in the blood is detected. Often after the birth, such symptoms disappear, sometimes remain. Doctors believe that even if the sugar is normal, a woman is at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Doctors recommend in this case dietotherapy. What is the place of nuts in it? Since a woman needs to feed two people without consuming carbohydrates, baked goods, sweets, bananas, persimmons, limiting consumption of fats, and focusing on low-calorie fresh vegetables, herbs, low-fat milk products, the nuts are precisely the product that will saturate, support the body in norm, will give the necessary "building material" for a new life.
Nuts are referred to as hyper-allergenic foods, and the largest are walnuts and almonds. Therefore, in the first place, they are contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity and their intolerance. Oil of a walnut is not recommended at a high temperature, a nausea, vomiting, an exacerbation of an erosive gastritis, a peptic ulcer. Manchurian walnuts can not be eaten during childbearing and breastfeeding, in no case for cirrhosis, other diagnoses of the digestive tract. The latter applies to hazelnuts. Brazil nut contains radium, i.e. It is radioactive, although only large portions of it are dangerous. Cashew can harm in the last trimester of pregnancy, with gastritis, urolithiasis.
Possible complications lie in the high calorie content of nuts and, if you do not follow the recommendations for the amount of consumption, you can gain weight. Depending on the individual reaction of the body to a particular kind of nuts, sugar in the blood can rise. Allergic reaction is manifested by rashes on the skin, its itching. The vasodilator effect of nuts can cause a headache.
Among the reviews a lot of positive from people who are interested in their recovery and improvement. They share that they combine therapeutic measures, moderate physical activity, in particular walking 2-3 km daily, with the use of nuts, and also watch their food. All these measures together give a tangible result. Who staked only on nuts, pessimistic about their role in reducing sugar.