Nervous allergy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Nervous allergies become the topic of medical conferences. Along with this little-known phenomenon appeared the term "pseudoallergia", when from fear of the possibility of the appearance of the disease or only at the sight of the source that causes it, the patient has allergic manifestations.
The nervous system plays an important role at every stage of the allergic reaction. Nerve tissues themselves can become an allergen source when exposed to destructive agents with the course of the antigen plus antibody reaction.
It was found that the development of anaphylaxis occurs against the background of changes in the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex. The mechanism of development of allergy is also influenced by the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system.
What is an allergy to nervousness?
World medicine treats allergies within the current stressful state. And this is an important circumstance that allows us to take a broader look at the existing problem, to choose a complex effect that shows persistent results after treatment.
An allergic nervous disease is the number one enemy in modern society. Chronic fatigue, overwork, stress, life troubles - all this can "knock the most calm person out of the rut". Loss of self control, hysterics, fits, deep depression, constant depression lead to rashes on the skin (more often on the hands, stomach, neck, decollete zone), accompanied by itching. Such diseases as eczema, psoriasis can also become the consequences of nervous allergy.
An allergy to nervousness is manifested in the form of nausea, vomiting, headache, loss of consciousness, less often - bronchial asthma. Some experts claim that the nervous allergy is inherited from parents to children. Therefore, it is important to be patient, calm when raising a child, thereby helping to form a healthy psyche and to establish the emotional balance of the baby.
Causes of Nervous Allergy
Allergic symptoms on nervous soil - a phenomenon prevailing among the fair sex. Excessive emotionality, receptivity, mental instability is also characteristic of small children and the elderly. Strong experiences, constant stressful situations are able to trigger allergic processes in any weakened organism.
Emotional background of the patient, allergy sufferers pay much attention, because the causes of nervous allergies are hidden in it. Emotionally excitable women, for example, in moments of strong experiences easily covered with spots, begin to itch. Allergic to pollen of plants, seeing from afar potentially dangerous blossoming tree, nervous experiences triggers an allergic mechanism without the involvement of the allergen itself. There are examples when the attack of suffocation began only because of the contemplation of a cat or a dog. There are a lot of such cases in medical practice.
Psychological tests of such patients reveal an overestimated level of experience, a strong anxiety, a propensity to suggestibility. Along with this, there are bouts of irritability and rapid fatigue, accompanied by physiological disorders (pressure jumps, changes in heart rate, intestinal dysfunction, etc.).
So, the causes of the onset of nervous allergies directly depend on the patient's mental, emotional equilibrium.
Symptoms of a nervous allergy
Allergic manifestations are quite diverse and involve various body systems, but the most common symptoms of a nervous allergy are:
- a shortage of air, a feeling of suffocation;
- red or sardonic spots on the skin;
- increased heart rate;
- strong pallor, the appearance on the skin of the blisters;
- a feeling of nausea;
- loss of consciousness;
- disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- trembling limbs;
- uncontrolled lacrimation;
- changes in sweating.
"Allergic vegetative storm" - the concept appeared in medical lexicon when describing allergic manifestations with localization in the nervous system. The primary symptoms of nervous allergies arise, are present, fade and renew for many years in the form of:
- periodic fatigue;
- depressive conditions;
- a feeling of drowsiness;
- apathy and lack of will;
- "Vagueness" of thinking, imagination;
- muscular and neuralgic algia;
- headaches, dizziness;
- problems with eyesight (fogging).
Periods of such disorders are replaced by excellent mood and stable physical balance. However, the symptomatology is repeated, can arise along with food, drug intolerance, external irritating factors.
Allergists have determined that such manifestations of neurovegetative, psychic, neurofunctional allergy are more susceptible to people of mental labor.
Nervous allergy treatment
The complexity of the ongoing processes with neural allergy causes the use of complex effects. Complex treatment of allergies on nervous soil includes:
- acupuncture;
- reflex-manual therapy;
- massage of biologically active points;
- work with a psychologist;
- the principles of homeopathy;
- application of hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming;
- taking sedatives;
- direct exposure to the identified allergen.
Wellness effects on the patient are relaxing yoga, meditation practices. Sometimes it is necessary to eliminate the very cause of constant stress - to change the worker, the training team, etc.
In patients with a pronounced subconscious expectation of a painful reaction (pseudoallergeny) or psycho-reflex devices, improvements are observed only after exposure to psychotherapeutic techniques (hypnosis, suggestion, etc.).
Treatment of allergy on the nervous field with homeopathy has no contraindications, it is applicable even for newborns and pregnant women. When taking homeopathic medicines, you should stop using coffee, chemicals, including shampoos and gels on an unnatural basis.
Prevention of neural allergy
This is, first of all, the exclusion of the most annoying factor. Often you have to change your place of work, to part with your close people. For example, a family quarrel can develop into a hysterical and nervous allergy in a woman, and living in stressful conditions can be dangerous to health. Allergic symptoms are observed in some children when visiting a kindergarten or school.
Prevention of neural allergy includes:
- reception of herbal teas, soothing infusions;
- control your emotions;
- stay in a good mood;
- the ability to relax in a critical situation;
- the opportunity to create around him a favorable atmosphere at home, at work;
- regular exercise;
- walks in the fresh air, trips to nature.
The harmonious way of one's own life is able to relieve the manifestations of nervous allergy. It is important to monitor:
- the usefulness of the daily diet (the abundance of vitamins and minerals);
- maintaining the health of the immune system;
- the correct construction of the regime of work and rest.
The ability to switch from problem to positive thinking is not given to everyone, so you need to turn to a specialist in time. It is necessary to give the nervous system a full rest, which is possible when observing the regime of the day and a sufficient amount of sleep.
Nervous allergy is a disease that is difficult to diagnose, so be sure to tell the allergist doctor about the recent shock, prolonged stress, dissatisfaction with life. Consultation of a neurologist and psychiatrist with such problems will also be necessary.