Allergy to apples
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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It is difficult to underestimate the benefits of apples, rich in vitamins, minerals, fruit acids, sugar and fiber. The vitamin C contained in them helps to strengthen the immune system, and potassium ensures the normal functioning of the endocrine glands, kidneys, brain, nerve tissues, blood vessels and capillaries. Thanks to sodium apples stabilize blood pressure. Fruit does not belong to the most common allergens, the allergy to apples is most often the result of other allergic reactions, for example, pollen.
Present in apples, phosphorus performs an indispensable function of calcium assimilation. Fruit improves digestion, increases the acidity of gastric juice, which stimulates appetite.
Whether there is an allergy on apples?
In addition to the cross-reaction, there is an individual sensitivity to the coloring pigment - beta-carotene. It is available both in the skin and in the pulp of the product.
Whether there is an allergy on apples? On the question there is an unequivocal answer - allergic reactions occur on any food product, including apples. It's one thing if the fruits of the fruit you took with your own, untreated chemicals apple. This product is unlikely to have any allergic symptoms, which can not be said about an apple bought in the market or in a supermarket. And if this "overseas" fruit, which for the long-term storage was exposed to special substances, covered with paraffin, etc.?
People prone to allergic manifestations, before eating an apple, it is recommended to wash it well with a brush, wipe dry, sometimes it is appropriate to remove the peel. First you should try a small piece of fruit and, if no manifestations within an hour is found, you can safely enjoy the juicy pulp.
Causes of allergy to apples
Apple allergy sometimes affects whole families, which indicates a hereditary predisposition. It is not the disease itself that passes, but the possibility of its manifestation. If one of the parents is allergic, the risk of the child's morbidity is 50%. When both parents are allergic - the risk increases to 80%.
In addition to genetic, the following causes of allergy to apples:
- reaction to the pigment present in the apple;
- as a consequence of allergy to pollen in the flowering period (especially birch pollen);
- reaction to toxic substances that help preserve the presentation of fruit (violation of storage rules);
- treatment with chemicals in the development of fruit (sprinkling of the crown, the apples themselves);
- the use of quince, pear;
- individual intolerance to the product.
Symptoms of an allergy to apples
Symptoms of allergy to apples are divided into:
- primary;
- dermal;
- respiratory;
- digestive.
Light manifestations of an allergic reaction, as a rule, signal the onset of the development of the disease. It can be a tingling sensation, various eruptions in the area of the lips, throat or mouth, accompanied by itching.
Symptoms of allergy to apples from the skin are revealed one hour after eating fruit. Characteristic signs are: peeling, redness, spots, scars, bumps on the skin. There may be soreness, swelling of individual parts of the body.
More serious symptoms are breathing disorders associated with mucosal tissue inflammation. They manifest themselves with stuffy nose, discharge from the nasal passages, difficulty breathing.
Digestive problems in the form of diarrhea, pain, vomiting are attributed to the severe effects of food allergies. Respiratory and digestive symptoms can lead to anaphylactic shock, so if weakness, dizziness, or unconsciousness is detected, seek immediate help.
Allergies to green and red apples
It is proved that green varieties of apples contain less sugar and more vitamins. A green apple has always been considered a dietary product that could even eat allergies.
Nowadays, there is an allergy to green apples. Studies of more than one hundred varieties of apple trees, conducted by Swiss scientists, found:
- allergic potential depends directly on the type of apples;
- proteins-allergens are present in greater quantities in the skin than in the flesh of the fetus;
- collection time and ways of storing the crop affect the strength of the allergen;
- the allergy to green apples is less common than the allergy to red apples because of the lower allergen content.
In any case, a predisposition to allergy is associated with the individual characteristics of a particular organism, possible cross reactions.
Allergy to apples in children
To understand whether there is an allergy to apples in children can only use the allergen. Symptoms appear within an hour - hives, itching, redness in the form of spots. Reaction from the digestive system comes later, when the product has passed through the digestive tract. The child's organism responds to the allergen with diarrhea, pain syndrome, nausea, vomiting.
Some children have an individual intolerance to apples because of a lack of enzymes for their complete digestion. The solution to the problem is two: to wait for the child's organism to outgrow, or to give special bifidocomplexes that help digestion.
Green varieties of apples are considered to be hypoallergenic compared to the red ones. If your baby is prone to allergic reactions, you can give him steamed or baked instead of fresh fruit. Preference should be given to local apples.
Allergies to apples from infants
Babies under the age of one suffer from various allergic reactions. The allergy to apples in the baby is marked by skin manifestations, such as exudative diathesis, seborrhea of the parietal region and the scalp, reddening of the cheeks. There are reactions of the digestive system in the form of swelling, dysbiosis, various disorders (diarrhea or constipation), pain of the digestive system.
Modern medicine pays much attention to the ration of the nursing mother and the beginning of the first feeding of the baby. What was considered a norm a few years ago is now unacceptable. Specialists strongly recommend feeding only mother's milk to the baby until four months, excluding impurities and additives. The time of the beginning of the complementary meal should be 4-6 months if the baby looks hungry after breastfeeding or has problems in gaining weight. Preference is given to vegetable juices and mashed potatoes, fruits occupy the second place.
As for apples, nursing mothers are allowed only green varieties - "Antonovka", "Ranet", "Simirenko", "white pouring". For the beginning of fruit complementary foods, the same species are recommended. Acquaintance with apples should start with a few drops of juice, a part of a teaspoon of mashed potatoes. Do not forget that every new product is introduced once a week. It is very important to observe the reaction of the baby's body. At the first symptoms of an allergy to apples in the baby, you should consult an allergist.
Treatment of allergies to apples
Treatment of allergies to apples is based on the exclusion from the diet of this fruit, as well as pears, quinces and products from them. When heat treated, allergenicity is reduced, which often allows you to eat the product. Replacing raw apples in baked, steamed or in the form of compote, you can get from them a lot of valuable vitamins. A fresh apple is recommended to be thoroughly washed with a brush in warm water or peeled, which contains more allergens and toxins due to improper storage.
The use of the method of specific immune therapy (SIT) is to handle increasing doses of the allergen in the patient's body in order to develop a stable immunity. The treatment course is designed for three to four years with a mandatory annual impact.
With the manifestations of allergic symptoms help to cope with antihistamines, hormones. Homeopathic remedies have proven themselves well. Therapy is accompanied by cleansing of the digestive tract, nasopharynx, oral cavity, as well as compliance with the diet. All recommendations for treatment should be discussed with the attending physician and selected individually.
Medications used to treat acute manifestations of an allergic reaction:
- injection of epinephrine - is characterized by rapidity of action, stopping the production of histamine, has a relaxing effect on muscles and facilitates breathing;
- antihistamines - lead to the blocking of histamines, relieve the state of itching and sneezing;
- corticosteroids - to relieve inflammation;
- bronchodilator - relieves asthmatic symptoms, relaxing acts on the respiratory tract, making breathing easier.
Preventing allergies to apples
Like any type of food allergy, the prevention of allergies to apples in toddlers is to maximize the long-term nutrition of mother's milk (up to a year or longer). Breastmothers should not eat nuts, cow's milk, eggs, red apples.
Preventive measures include:
- timely access to an allergist;
- compliance with a hypoallergenic diet with a diary;
- timely treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder, prevention of chronic diseases;
- the use of immunomodulators to increase the protective forces of the body;
- avoid excessive alcohol and smoking;
- Do not eat foods containing chemical additives, dyes.
To confirm the diagnosis of an allergy to apples, blood tests are performed, on the basis of which individual treatment is selected. The subsequent results of analyzes allow to estimate efficiency of medical influence.