Melon in Diabetes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Most diabetics are forced to restrict their diet - and, first of all, it concerns carbohydrate food, including sweet fruits and berries. But how to stay in the season, when in the shops and markets everywhere are offered sweet and fragrant fruits - melon. Many patients immediately have a logical question: a melon with diabetes is allowed? Can I eat a few slices without further adverse effects on health and well-being?
Is it possible to eat melon in diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2?
Proper nutrition is given the leading place in the treatment scheme for diabetics. In this case, you have to change both the frequency of food intake, and its energy value, and composition.
The diet of a person with diabetes should include up to 20% of proteins, up to 30% of lipids and about 50% of carbohydrates. For diabetics, it is extremely important to pay attention to the glycemic index of products, because the amount of carbohydrates consumed, and their characteristics, are of particular importance for diabetics. Simultaneously, the diet should not be monotonous and gloomy - diversity is extremely necessary.
If we talk about the fruit and berry menu - in particular, about the melon in diabetes, then the main stumbling block are sucrose and fructose - natural sweets, which are always present in fruits. Undoubtedly, they are present in melon pulp, along with other sugars:
- sucrose 6%;
- fructose 2.5%;
- glucose 1,2%.
In order not to cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels, and the use of melon for diabetes has only been beneficial, you need to consider several tips from specialists:
- Melon is relatively low in calories (up to 40 kcal per 100 g), but the glycemic index of diabetics is not encouraging, being in the 65-69 limit. It turns out that melon in diabetes leads to a rapid, but a short increase in the sugar content in the bloodstream. If a person is healthy, then after consuming melon, insulin is released into his blood causing a decrease in the glucose level. As a result, a hypoglycemic condition is observed with the subsequent appearance of a sensation of hunger. But in diabetics, this scheme is broken, so melon with diabetes is allowed to eat dosed, little by little - for example, making several approaches to 200 g, while limiting the consumption of other dishes with carbohydrates.
- Before the start of the melon season (when the patient plans to use it), doctors advise for some time to control the glucose content in the bloodstream. This will reveal the dynamics of jumps in sugar concentration. The same control should be carried out after the end of the melon season.
- Add a melon in the diet should be a little, starting, for example, with 200 grams per day. Thus doctors advise at a diabetes to choose melons dense, not too sweet, with the lowered maintenance of sugars.
- Melon is rich in fiber, so do not mix the pulp with other foods. It is better to use several pieces about half an hour before the main meal.
It is equally important to choose a quality melon, without the content of nitrates and heavy metals. Otherwise, instead of enjoying the taste and aroma of a melon, a person can only get hurt.
Is it possible to have a melon with gestational diabetes?
Gestational diabetes can be observed during the period of gestation - but not in all pregnant women, but only in 4% of them. This kind of diabetes eliminates itself after some time after childbirth.
The reason for this problem is a decrease in the susceptibility of insulin cells. As a rule, initially it is explained by hormonal changes in the female body. Shortly after the birth of a child, the state of hormones and glucose is normalized. However, a woman needs to take precautions so that the gestational form of diabetes does not translate into true diabetes. For this purpose the doctor appoints special food.
Women with diagnosed gestational diabetes are allowed to eat melons, but the amount of this product should be minimal and not exceed 300-400 g per day. In no case should we forget about the quality of the melon, using only those specimens that will not pose a danger to the health of the future mother and her baby.
Melon with diabetes of pregnant women will be beneficial if you include it in the diet gradually and observe moderation in use.
Bitter Melon Momordica with Diabetes
Melon can be represented by different grades. There is also a specific sort of melon, which has a curative property specifically for diabetics. This is a "bitter" melon - Momordica, the useful qualities of which have been evaluated by many patients suffering from diabetes. Nevertheless, there is no scientific evidence for these facts.
In the circles of people with diabetes, the leaves and pulp of melon are most often used. Flesh cut into small pieces, salt and fry in a pan with chopped onions. Served as a supplement to dishes from vegetables and meat. In addition, from such a melon you can prepare salads, pickle and bake.
Why is this specific bitter melon useful in diabetes? Momordica melon contains lectins - analogues of protein CIC3, and proinsulin. These proteins help proinsulin transform into normal insulin, and also have the ability to bind sugars. With the systematic use of bitter melon, the number of β-cells increases, thereby increasing the possibility of producing your own insulin by the pancreas. Such melon in diabetes normalizes the amount of glucose in the bloodstream, strengthens the immune system.
Benefits and harm of melon in diabetes
Melon in diabetes can bring both harm and benefit. What does it depend on?
Melon pulp contains up to 90% moisture. A hundred grammes of melon can contain 0.5-0.7 g of proteins, less than 0.1 g of fat and more than 7 g of carbohydrates, while the caloric content is relatively small - about 35-39 kcal.
The biological and chemical composition of the edible melon pulp is varied:
- vitamins A and C, tocopherol, folic acid, vitamins of group B;
- iron, manganese, iodine, zinc, silicon;
- sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc .;
- amino acids, carotenoids.
In melon there is also a specific substance called inositol, which prevents the accumulation of fats in the liver. Also, the melon is famous for its mild laxative and urinary effects.
- Melon in diabetics relieves fatigue, improves sleep, soothes.
- Melon improves metabolism, cleanses blood, fights anemia.
- Melon improves the flow of processes in the brain.
- Melon stabilizes the hormonal balance, strengthens the immune system.
Melon in diabetes can become harmful if it is eaten excessively, in large quantities, or in conjunction with other foods, which can lead to a violation of normal digestive processes.
The most dangerous are melons of dubious origin, since the nitrates and other harmful compounds contained in them can seriously worsen human health.
In general, a melon with diabetes is useful. But there is its need with caution - little by little, separately from other foods. If you follow all the medical recommendations, you will get a lot of benefit from this product.