Kidney cleansing
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024
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Kidneys are an organ without which the body can not exist, because they are designed to remove the products of vital activity: excessive water, salts, toxins, other harmful substances. The organ is a kind of filter, on which the sand (fine powder) settles. With normal metabolic processes kidneys themselves perfectly cope with their cleaning, but if this is not the case, stones (concretions) can form, they grow and cause a person suffering, and sometimes even threaten life. To prevent such phenomena turn to kidney cleaning.
Indications for the procedure
How to realize that it is time to clean the kidneys? Indications for the procedure include the following external signs:
- infrequent urges to urinate and a small volume of urine;
- it's cloudy, flaky, bloody;
- aching pain in the lower abdomen, lower back;
- puffiness under my eyes in the morning after bedtime;
- frequent bladder emptying;
- sudden deterioration of vision and pain in the eyeballs;
- weakness, cold sweats.
The presence of these signs is a reason to first consult a doctor, as self-treatment can cause irreparable harm to health. Only a doctor, as a result of an examination, can give a conclusion whether there are no contraindications and whether it is possible to resort to cleaning the kidneys from sand and stones.
The procedure is preceded by serious preparation, which includes a number of rules:
- liver cleanse and colon cleanse;
- transition to a diet with a predominance of cereals, vegetables and fruits;
- Limit protein intake of any origin;
- abundant drinking of plain water, natural juices, green tea without sugar, herbal concoctions;
- The presence of spices in food (ginger, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, hot pepper) in dishes;
- daily warm baths with the addition of decoctions of herbs or bath with birch broom, especially with its use in the kidney area;
- Increasing motor activity (sports, walking, dancing).
Technique of the kidney cleansing
When is the best time to cleanse? Any time is suitable, but it is most appropriate to do it before Easter during Lent and in mid-autumn. There are many different techniques and methods, both with the help of kidney cleansing preparations and folk methods.
Kidney cleansing pills
Many drugs that stimulate kidney function (diuretics) can be used only under the supervision of a doctor. Along with the removal of fluid from the body, and with it sand, stones, they wash out useful substances - minerals: sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and also have an irritating effect.
There are drugs used to dissolve concretions. They alkalize the urine, dissolving the stones and preventing their reoccurrence. Such remedies include blemarin, biliurin, peniciplamin, but they can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor, who will take into account other existing diseases.
The best way to cleanse the liver is to use pills with a natural composition. Here are some of them: gortex, cysto transit, uro lax. They belong to dietary supplements, produced on the basis of medicinal herbs, some use vitamins and minerals.
In addition to cleaning have antibacterial, mild diuretic, preventive action.
Kidney cleansing at home
In addition to the listed phytopreparations purification at home can be done and folk remedies. Many recipes are known, among which are:
- Purification of kidneys with millet - for the preparation of the potion you will need twenty-four hours. A glass of grain is washed, placed in a three-liter jar, pour warm water. This liquid is drunk for 1-2 weeks. Who does not like such a drink, you can simply cook porridge on water from sprouted grains and eat it every day;
- Herbs for kidney cleansing - nature has given us many plants that can be used for this purpose. The most popular and effective: cowberry leaves, nettle, peppermint, corn stigmas, ergot, dill seeds, flax seeds, birch buds, field horsetail, stalnick root, chicory, pol-pol. It is best to use a combination of several herbs for decoctions to enhance their action;
- cleansing the kidneys with water - the usual daily norm of water (2-2.5 liters) should be doubled. Start the morning with a glass of liquid, repeat every hour or two, repeat before going to bed. This method "works" with urate deposits - salts of uric acid. Clean kidneys and mineral water. Truskavetska "Naftusya" is a popular urological water, its dosage and method of intake is determined by the doctor of the water treatment center;
- cleaning the kidneys with lemon - occurs due to the organic acids in the fruit. The drink is prepared as follows: from a third of an average lemon squeezed juice in a glass, poured to the top of the water and drunk for three receptions for 10 days (2 times before meals, in the evening 2 hours before bedtime). In the next 10 days, a more concentrated juice of half a citrus is taken. In parallel, twice a week take a composition of lemon juice and olive oil in equal parts of 30g each;
- Teas to cleanse the kidneys - in pharmacies you can buy ready-made collections or choose your own composition of herbs that have this property. It should include at least three components. It is more convenient to brew them in a thermos for 1 day (3 spoons of mixture for 0.5 liters of water). The first glass is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, the second 3 hours before bedtime. You can also add a spoonful of honey to the warm drink. A three-week course is sufficient to achieve results.
As one possible option is a vitamin tea that uses rosehip fruit.
Neumyvakin's Liver Cleanse
This is the method that Professor Neumyvakin proposes to use to cleanse the kidneys. Rose hips are crushed (it is convenient to do this in a coffee grinder), brewed in a thermos overnight to drink the next day (5 tablespoons of 3 cups of hot water).
The day before the procedure, he recommends taking a laxative in the morning and evening (a bag of magnesia dissolved in 250g of water, divided into 2 portions). In the infusion of rose hips add a little sorbitol. A glass of the drink should be drunk in the morning and lie for half an hour on a heating pad, after an hour repeat and again. Thus not only the kidneys are cleansed, but also the liver. Apply purification of organs rosehip Neumyvakin suggests once a month.
Zabolotny kidney cleanse
According to Konstantin Zabolotny, a doctor and nutritionist who has become disillusioned with official medicine and found his own way of treating diseases, the kidneys need to be washed and toxins removed from them. Water is the most suitable for this purpose, as it is a universal solvent. Its daily norm is an average of 1.5-2 liters per day. In addition, to stimulate the kidneys to drink lingonberry infusion, green tea, renal herbal collections.
Contraindications to the procedure
Not all cases can be treated with kidney cleansing. Contraindications are:
- stones larger than 3mm;
- in men adenoma and other prostate pathologies;
- pregnancy, lactation;
- inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
- kidney cyst;
- conditions after heart attacks, strokes, surgeries.
Consequences after the procedure
Carrying out kidney cleaning after examination and exclusion of contraindications minimizes any consequences and complications. In other cases, it may exacerbate existing diseases. Especially dangerous is the presence of concrements, as they can block the ureter and lead not only to the loss of an organ, but also to life.
Care after the procedure
Exit from the procedure does not imply special rules, except for a properly organized diet. It is not worth loading the organ with proteins of animal origin, it is best to give preference to vegetarian food: vegetable soups, borsch, fresh herbs, vegetables.
It is not necessary to use rich broths, from meat dishes are suitable steamed meatballs and cutlets of lean varieties of meat, you can eat porridge, dairy products.
The key to good kidney health is a sufficient drinking regimen, assuming at least 2 liters per day.
Many people share that they clean their kidneys twice a year: in the spring with birch juice and in the fall with watermelons. They claim that swelling goes away, pain disappears and they even manage to lose weight.
Others do not miss and winter time for this purpose. It helps in this rose hips, herbal teas from raw materials prepared from the summer or bought in a pharmacy.