Juices with psoriasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Juices in psoriasis play such an important role that even there is a term: sokoterapiya with psoriasis. Fresh vegetable and fruit juices are a source of vitamins, microelements, organic acids; they also saturate the body with organic water, vital for every living being. Fresh juices, without exaggeration, are called the guarantee of health and longevity.
Carrot juice in psoriasis
Carrot juice, in particular,
- increases appetite and improves digestion,
- strengthens the immune system and the nervous system,
- cleanses the intestines and liver,
- removes harmful substances.
Some diseases provoke the development of a deficit of certain substances that are contained in fresh juice from an orange vegetable. And, conversely, with its regular use, you can cure many diseases, and ideally - in general, prevent them. This also applies to skin diseases, including psoriasis.
Carrot juice in psoriasis is an important element of a healthy diet. It contains the components necessary for the whole organism, therefore it is a universal way to increase the protective forces and the general resistance to many unfavorable factors.
Fresh from carrots is useful to take on an empty stomach, a glass every morning, for three months. Drink is digested better than carrots, and the nutrients in the juice are contained in a concentrated form. Therefore, during this period, the skin cells have time to heal, and the psoriatic elements gradually disappear.
There is this opinion: people suffering from psoriasis, one day of the week is useful to eat exclusively fresh fruits, vegetables and juices from them. Carrot juice combines well with apple or beetroot. It is not recommended to add salt to the juice, condiments, but very sour can be sweetened, and too sweet - diluted with water.
The maximum benefit of fresh is not for long, so they should be drunk immediately after cooking.
Sour cabbage juice with psoriasis
In the treatment of psoriasis, a very important place is given to the ratio of so-called alkali-forming and acid-forming products. It is generally accepted that it should be about 70:30 per cent, with a significant prevalence of the former. Violation of balance causes skin rashes and relapse of the disease.
Diet with a predominance of vegetables, fruits and fresh juices in psoriasis cleanses the body and promotes rapid recovery. A special diet for such patients was developed by the method of Pegano. According to the tables, cabbage, in the number of almost 80% of other vegetables, belongs to alkali-forming. What is useful for cabbage in psoriasis?
- A popular vegetable contains whole groups of vitamins that control metabolic processes.
- Compresses from cabbage whiten the skin, brighten pigment and red spots.
- Moisturizing ingredients soften the skin and slough off dead cells.
Cabbage juice is a very useful drink. Sokoterapiya lasts up to three weeks. Leaves of cabbage with psoriasis are applied externally, for compresses that are changed two to three times a day.
The juice of sauerkraut is also used in psoriasis, but not inward, but as an external remedy. Alternative medicine recommends wetting the affected areas with cabbage brine, without wiping it. The procedure is useful to do at night, several days in a row.
At the same time, take sauerkraut: 50 to 70 g each time before eating. And so for a month. It is important to know that such treatment has contraindications - it is the pathology of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract.
Pumpkin juice with psoriasis
Pumpkin juice in psoriasis is so effective that it is recommended to patients not only by alternative healers, but also by professionals. A natural drink is taken on an empty stomach, in the form of a mix with lemon juice or lime. However, the results are not immediate: to achieve the goal, a glass of juice with psoriasis should be drunk every morning for at least five months.
Alternative medicine offers another recipe using pumpkin, more precisely, its tails: they need to be kept in the oven until ash is formed, which, when rastered into powder, you need to lubricate the affected areas. When using alternative methods, you should be patient, because the treatment can be long, and also require a large consumption of fresh ingredients.
Aloe juice with psoriasis
In the treatment of skin diseases, leaves and aloe juice are used. A popular house plant is a real storehouse of medicinal components: it contains many enzymes, vitamins, microelements, glycosides, resins, mucus, biostimulating substances. Such a composition makes aloe an interesting one for pharmacists. The industry produces liniment, extract, syrup with iron based on aloe, used for prevention and therapy, including skin diseases.
Aloe juice with psoriasis can be done by yourself. It is also effective in infections, purulent wounds, burns, ulcers, eczema and so on. From psoriasis effective mixture of aloe juice with celandine, root of ara, linseed oil, vinegar, juice netreba. The mixture is poured with boiling water, insisted for several hours and used for compresses.
Aloe juice for such a mixture is obtained from the leaves of a 3 to 5-year-old plant, a length of 15 cm. It is advisable not to water the aloe two or three weeks beforehand. Another two weeks the cut leaves should lie in the refrigerator, in the tubes of dark paper, placed in a box. This is done for the production of biostimulators, which are activated in conditions unfavorable for the plant (lack of moisture, cold).
It is believed that biostimulants contribute to skin regeneration in affected areas. Aged in the cold raw materials are ground with a non-metallic knife, poured with cooled boiled water (three times the volume of aloe vera), and after an hour and a half they are squeezed. After filtration, biostimulated juice is obtained, with psoriasis very useful in a mixture with other medicinal ingredients.
Alternative means in the fight against psoriasis have been known for a long time and, according to many, are quite effective. But most believe that they only alleviate the symptoms and visible skin defects. Juices in psoriasis are certainly useful, but it is hardly possible to completely eliminate the problem without the help of dermatologists, nutritionists and other qualified specialists.