Juices in Pregnancy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Juices during pregnancy are nourishing and tasty drinks, which every future mother should use. Consider the use of freshly squeezed juices and the most useful natural drinks.
Juices from fruits and vegetables are an indispensable component of the ration of every woman in the period of gestation. They quench thirst, saturate the body with useful vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Value of natural drinks in their rich composition and useful properties. Some of them are used to treat and prevent various diseases and improve the protective properties of the immune system.
Juices from fruit and vegetables are recommended to cook by yourself. On the packaging of purchased juice, you can find an inscription - 100% natural product, but it is worth remembering that such drinks are made from a canned product. That is, there is no value in such a product, only sugar remained.
You can drink juice if women do not have contraindications and allergic reactions, in other cases, consultation with the doctor is recommended.
What juice to drink during pregnancy?
Actual question for every future mother. And this is not surprising, since every woman tries to lead a healthy lifestyle in the period of expectation of the baby and use only useful, vitamin-rich foods and drinks. Freshly squeezed juices should be properly selected, before using them, it is recommended to consult a doctor in order to exclude possible allergic reactions and contraindications.
Juices during pregnancy are very important, as they quench thirst and enrich the body with microelements, vitamins and minerals useful for the mother and fetus. They are made from different fruits, vegetables and even plants. Natural drinks allow you to diversify the diet and bring the body maximum benefit. During pregnancy it is recommended to drink: apple, carrot, beet, citrus and other juices.
Useful juices during pregnancy
Useful are natural and freshly squeezed, both vegetable and fruit. On the shelves of shops you can find a ready-made product - juices from vegetables and fruits. But from such drinks there is not much use, since they contain sugar and preservatives. Some manufacturers produce juices adapted for pregnant and lactating mothers. In spite of this, only juices of own production are needed. Experts argue that the drink should be drunk in the first 20 minutes after preparation, because after 20 minutes it loses 60% of its macro and microelements.
Juices are contraindicated to use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or allergic reactions to any fruit or vegetable. Consider the most useful juices during pregnancy:
- Useful properties and a pleasant sweet-sour taste is possessed by pomegranate juice. It releases the body from harmful cholesterol and free radicals, helps increase hemoglobin. It can be used to prevent anemia, which often occurs during pregnancy. Fruit normalizes the work of the digestive system, has a diuretic and antiseptic effect.
- No less useful juice during pregnancy is carrot. The composition of the drink includes only useful components, which are indispensable both during pregnancy and in the postpartum period (improves the lactation process). It is recommended to drink juices with pulp, as they contain fiber.
- Beet juice is of high nutritional value. The drink reduces pressure, prevents constipation, which is very important during pregnancy and cleanses the blood. In contrast to others, which must be drunk immediately, the beetroot should be drunk a few hours after cooking. It must be diluted with water, pomegranate juice can be used for dilution.
- Pumpkin juice is also useful in pregnancy. Pumpkin reduces swelling, eliminates constipation, improves the functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart. Regular use of pumpkin juice facilitates the symptoms of toxicosis, improves sleep and repairs nerves.
- The juice from tomatoes prevents weight gain of the pregnant woman and is considered to be the most low-calorie drink. It cleanses the body and prevents the formation of cancer cells.
All of the above juices are useful in pregnancy. Natural drinks will give energy, refresh, improve both the internal and external state.
Freshly squeezed juices during pregnancy
It is not only delicious, but also useful drinks, which allow diversifying the diet and improving the functioning of the body. Freshly squeezed juice is considered to be a nutritious drink that provides the body with pregnant vitamins and minerals necessary for the child's full development. If the pregnant woman has low hemoglobin, it is recommended to drink beet, carrot or beetroot-carrot juice. Freshly squeezed drinks can be consumed only if the woman does not have allergies to fruits and vegetables.
Drinking juice is better right after cooking, because at this point the drink is saturated with useful trace elements. After 20 minutes he loses his advantage. Please note that canned and frozen juices do not have the same properties as freshly squeezed juices. Juices and fresh from vegetables, fruits, stems and plant sprouts give energy, improve mood, help to cope with diseases and normalize the general condition of the body. Freshly squeezed juices help to ease pregnancy, remove toxins and toxins from the body, and ease the symptoms of toxicosis.
Natural juices during pregnancy
These are healthy drinks, which contain fruit and vegetable fruits. It can be prepared at home or ordered at a cafe. The peculiarity of natural juices is that they retain all the useful substances that are so indispensable during pregnancy. It improves the protective properties of the immune system, protects against vitamin deficiency and improves the functioning of all organs and systems.
Natural juices need to be taken regularly, regardless of health status. In addition to juice, a pregnant woman should consume fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. This will provide the body with a full set of nutrients. Natural juice contains a large amount of pectin, which favorably affects the work of the stomach and intestines, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol. Pregnant should drink fruit, vegetables, concentrated drinks, as well as nectars (juice diluted with water).
To use juice is best in the morning, it will allow to charge an organism with energy for the whole day.
To improve the mood, natural juice from apples, celery and banana is suitable. The drink tones well and improves the protective properties of the immune system of the pregnant woman. But they can not be abused, especially during pregnancy, since juices can cause gastritis. This is because the fruits contain a large amount of acid. If the future mother has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to dilute natural juices with water.
Orange juice
This is the most popular citrus drink. Using an orange juice, a pregnant woman saturates the body with vitamins K, B6, B2, B1, E, as well as folic acid, amino acids, magnesium and zinc. A large number of it can cause allergic reactions, the withdrawal of calcium from the body and increased acidity. Orange juice contains pectic substances that improve bowel function and digestion. It strengthens the capillaries, supports the normal functioning of the lungs and the heart, is an excellent prevention of colds.
- Drink it is recommended to drink to women with poor eyesight, as it saturates the body with calcium, potassium and vitamin C. It helps fight fatigue, stress, anemia. Useful for pain in the joints and liver diseases. Citrus strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
- If a pregnant gastritis or bowel disease, then the juice is best diluted with water. The drink contains a lot of sugar, which can lead to diabetes. Pregnant women are recommended to drink orange fresh for 20-30 minutes before meals, this will avoid bloating and flatulence.
Apple juice
It is a delicious and healthy drink. It protects the woman's body from dehydration and protects against toxemia. A glass of apple juice contains carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, choline and other nutrients. Its only drawback is that an unpasteurized drink can contain harmful microorganisms and bacteria, and during pregnancy it is fraught with poisoning. Excessive consumption of apple juice can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract, lead to exacerbations of peptic ulcer or gastritis.
Apple juice is perfectly combined with other fruits and vegetables. Fresh drink from apples perfectly energizes and tones for the whole day. The composition of natural juice includes vitamins: B, C, A, E, as well as pectin, calcium, manganese and potassium, which help fight anemia (occurs in many women in the period of expectation of the baby).
Potato juice
Used as a means of alternative medicine, which has healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Its external application is effective for non-healing wounds, boils, pimples and burns. This is very effective, since during pregnancy it is not recommended to use medicamentous medicines.
- If it is taken orally, it acts on the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus, relieves unpleasant sensations in heartburn, accelerates the healing of ulcers and improves the condition with gastritis and increased acidity.
- Potato juice has cleansing properties. In this purification occurs naturally, due to intestinal stimulation and diuretic effect. Potato juice discharges the liver and relieves puffiness, which very often appears during pregnancy.
- On late pregnancy, potato juice fights with signs of toxicosis and relieves heartburn. It can be used for cosmetic purposes, as a mask for smoothing the complexion.
- Potato juice is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus and reduced acidity. Excessive use of it adversely affects the pancreas, so before taking the drink is recommended to consult with your doctor.
Grape juice
Grape juice during pregnancy can lead to swelling, constipation and flatulence, so use it best after consulting a doctor. Natural grape juice has a minimum of prohibitions, the maximum daily norm of the drink is one glass. In late pregnancy it is better not to use it. Drink it is not recommended to mix with fatty foods, other fruits, milk and carbonated drinks. This combination leads to gravity in the stomach and fermentation in the intestine.
Grape juice has a high calorie content and the content of fructose and glucose. Therefore, excessive use of it during pregnancy leads to a rapid set of weight, both by mom and baby. A large fetus can lead to serious complications in the generic process. Passage of a large fetus through birth canal is a risk for a woman. Therefore, in the last months of pregnancy, grape juice is best not to eat.
- Grape juice, which consists of peel of berries, positively affects the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and removes toxins from the body of a woman. But it leads to increased gas formation due to fermentation in the intestine. In the last trimester, this can lead to premature termination of pregnancy, as the intestine begins to press on the uterus.
- The drink from grapes contains many minerals and vitamins, the most useful of them: vitamins B, PP and C. It is rich in selenium, iron, magnesium. Grapes contain organic acids that neutralize bacteria in the mouth.
- The use of grape nectar during pregnancy protects against cardiovascular diseases and prevents the development of hypertension. It improves blood circulation in the brain and reduces the effect of harmful cholesterol.
Noni juice
Noni juice during pregnancy can be taken only after permission of the doctor. This is justified by the fact that it is contraindicated for many women, and especially during lactation. Some women who have not taken it before pregnancy, have allergic reactions, skin rash, indigestion and other side effects. Noni are the fruits of the morinda citrus-salt, an evergreen shrub that fructifies year-round and yields fruits of varying degrees of maturity. Noni fruit juice is used to normalize the menstrual cycle and treat diseases of the genitourinary system.
Noni fruit has a specific taste and smell, so it is recommended to dilute it with an extract of blueberries and grapes. As a rule, it includes 89% of morinda fruit, 11% of grapes and blueberries. It can include agave nectar, apple, tartaric or citric acid. The drink is rich in vitamins of group B, A, C, E. Thanks to this composition, the body resists infectious diseases, increases efficiency. Noni is loved by athletes, as it enhances the tone of the body and energizes.
Noni juice can be consumed if the woman took the drink prior to conception. It strengthens the protective properties of the immune system, eliminates inflammatory processes and infections. The drink is considered an anthelmintic. Before using noni, consult a doctor.
Juicy Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe juice during pregnancy is used to treat slowly healing skin defects, burns, nipple cracks in nursing mothers, inflammation of the oral mucosa, inflammation of the gums. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, cleans wounds from dead tissue and speeds up the regeneration process.
The dots moisten the Kalanchoe with a syringe or apply a moist bandage, richly moistened with juice. The course of treatment takes 2-3 weeks. If Kalanchoe is used to treat lesions of the mucous membranes, then the drink is used in the form of applications. To treat nipple cracks, Kalanchoe must be applied to the affected skin several times a day.
As a rule, Kalanchoe does not cause side effects and has no contraindications. You can prepare it yourself or buy at a pharmacy. Kalanchoe is recommended to dilute 1-2% solution of novocaine, it will relieve the burning sensation in the wound and itching.
Cranberry juice
It is a delicious and healthy sweet and sour drink that perfectly quenches hunger and thirst, saturates the body with useful micro and macro elements. A glass of cranberry juice, this is a real vitamin cocktail, it includes: vitamins B, H, PP, C. And also mineral salts: iron, phosphorus and magnesium. During pregnancy, it is especially useful, because it acts as an excellent preventative for many diseases and replaces certain medications.
- It has a diuretic effect and promotes recovery in pathological diseases that worsen during pregnancy. Cranberry has antipyretic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.
- The drink is effective in the treatment of headaches, caries, periodontitis, toxicosis, constipation, colds, rheumatism. Cranberry improves the elasticity of capillaries and stimulates brain efficiency.
- Regular application of cranberry juice increases the immune system, enriches the body with vitamins, eliminates nausea and swelling. It helps reduce body heat without side effects for the baby's body.
Cranberry juice can be used as a preventative or tonic for improving the general condition of the body. Many obstetricians and gynecologists strongly recommend every day to drink 1-1.5 liters of cranberry juice. But the abuse of cranberries is also not recommended. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. In early pregnancy, large amounts of ascorbic acid are dangerous for women. But with the right dosage, it supports the uterus in a tone and prevents the threat of miscarriage.
Grapefruit juice
Grapefruit juice during pregnancy is very useful and contains vitamins B, C, K, PP, beta-carotene, pectins, mineral salts and citric acid. In its composition and taste, grapefruit juice is like lemon juice. The fruit has soothing properties, eliminates arrhythmia, reduces heat, quenches thirst and improves appetite. The bitter taste is due to the presence of the glycoside of naringin, which protects the body from the hepatitis C virus.
- It cleanses the body and strengthens the immune system, which is very useful for a future mother, since it can not be hurt. Regular use of the drink removes toxins and excess fluid from the body, eliminates swelling.
- Grapefruit lowers the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, contains natural antioxidants. If a pregnant woman suffers from hypertension, then he quickly and safely lowers it, helps fight depression and insomnia.
- The drink helps to cure the increased sensitivity of the gums, which often occurs during the period of gestation. Fruit juice relieves heartburn and early signs of toxicosis, helps with constipation.
- Grapefruit juice is the least allergenic citrus drink. It is contraindicated to use in women with stomach diseases, chronic kidney disease, with cystitis and liver damage.
- It is contraindicated to drink with the use of medicines, since grapefruit can neutralize their effect. Grapefruit increases the acidity of the stomach, so it can not be drunk on an empty stomach. Drink is a natural antidepressant, which is indispensable for pregnant women.
Pineapple juice
Pineapple juice during pregnancy is a vitamin exotic drink. Pineapple contains vitamins B, C, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The fruit has a positive effect on the immune and nervous systems of the pregnant woman, protects cells and prevents their destruction. Pineapple is an excellent diuretic that removes excess fluid from the body and eliminates swelling.
- Pineapple juice improves mood, strengthens attention, increases efficiency. The drink is useful for thrombophlebitis and effectively dilutes blood. Its regular application preserves skin youth and neutralizes harmful bacteria in the intestines, which can be dangerous for the future mother's organism.
- Pineapple juice is contraindicated to drink with allergic reactions to citrus fruits. Drink is not recommended in the last months of pregnancy, as this can cause allergic reactions in the unborn child.
- Gynecologists do not recommend drinking pineapple juice in the first trimester of pregnancy, since fruit can increase the tone of the uterus. The ideal period for its use is the second and the beginning of the third trimester. Because of excessive consumption of the drink, heartburn may occur and digestion may worsen.
- If the pregnant woman prepares it on their own, then for this it is necessary to take only the ripe fruits of pineapple. The immature fruit has abortive properties. It is not recommended to eat canned pineapple and canned juice.
Celery juice
Celery juice during pregnancy is used both for medicinal purposes and for strengthening the body. For its preparation, you can use both roots and stems, which contain nutritional and biologically active substances. Celery contains many vitamins and minerals: beta-carotene, vitamins B, C, E, PP, K, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, selenium, as well as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and amino acids. In alternative medicine, celery juice is used as a medicinal and preventive agent against cancer. The drink has medicinal properties and helps to get rid of many health problems.
- When pregnant, freshly squeezed celery juice improves appetite and digestion. Nutritious drink has a diuretic and laxative effect, helps to fight with constipation.
- Celery is effective for neuroses and sleep disorders. A glass of juice helps to calm the nervous system, relieve tension, improve health, performance and physical activity. Celery is rich in essential oils and nourishing fibers, which act better than any sedative.
- To future mothers, it is also necessary to strengthen the capillaries. Amino acids contained in a toning drink, purify blood, rejuvenate tissues, normalize metabolism.
- Celery juice is considered the most effective restorative means. When used, you can dilute it with boiled water or carrot juice. This will improve the taste characteristics.
The special benefit of celery during pregnancy is that it includes organic sodium, which dissolves and removes toxins from the body. Sodium improves the flexibility of the joints and normalizes the physiological processes of the body: prevents thrombosis, thickening of the lymph and normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
Blackberry juice
It has the most necessary nutrients. Berry contains more than 20% of the recommended dose of useful fibers, which improve the digestive process and eliminate constipation. Blackberry contains 10% of the daily dose of folate, which is very important when carrying a child. The substance prevents the development of pathologies and defects in the fetus, reduces the risk of miscarriages. Blackberry juice is rich in vitamin C, K and potassium. Drink improves well-being, tones up, gives energy and vivacity.
- Drinking a glass of blackberry juice daily, the expectant mother promotes a better development of the fetal brain. Blackberry has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduces excitability, improves sleep quality.
- If the use of blackberry juice there are signs of individual intolerance, it is recommended to abandon the drink. In other cases, blackberry juice in the diet favorably affects not only the state of health of the pregnant woman, but her child.
- When pregnancy is necessary to use not only it, but also fresh berries of blackberries. If there is no possibility to eat fresh, then frozen ones, which can be purchased in any supermarket, are also suitable. Such berries retain most of the nutrients that are indispensable for a future mother.
Sea-buckthorn juice
It is a remedy that is effective in treating a variety of diseases and health problems. Seabuckthorn is rich in vitamins, minerals, valuable plant and organic acids and other active ingredients. The berries of sea-buckthorn have a tart acidic taste. Since the berry contains a bone, a glass of juice allows you to maximally enjoy the taste and aroma of sea-buckthorn.
- Sea-buckthorn juice is considered to be a multivitamin drink, the regular use of which supplies the woman with all the necessary components. Seabuckthorn contains many fats and valuable unsaturated fatty acids.
- The drink contains vitamins B, E, C, PP, P, F. It is rich in carotene, catechins, iron, zinc, boron, sterols and other trace elements. 100 ml contains 52 kcal.
- It contains ursulic acid, which acts as an adrenal hormone. The substance has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. It contains rare succinic acid, which reduces the harmful effects of drugs. The substance is used to treat atherosclerotic vascular disorders and liver diseases.
- Sea-buckthorn juice normalizes the digestive system and metabolism. It replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and can be used for external use in skin diseases.
Cherry juice
Cherry juice during pregnancy contains active substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent the risk of hemorrhages. The drink contains antioxidants that neutralize the effect of free radicals. Cherry is rich in coumarin, which has diuretic, soothing and antispasmodic properties. Its regular application normalizes blood coagulability and prevents thrombosis.
A future mother should use cherry juice with caution, since some have allergic reactions to berries. Natural drink is contraindicated to drink with gastritis, lung diseases, with increased acidity and peptic ulcer. Cherry fresh is effective for the prevention of diabetes, but it can not be used by diabetics.
- Regular use of cherry juice increases the protective properties of the immune system. Anthocyanin, which is found in ripe cherry fruit, soothes pain in the joints, fights inflammatory processes and tumors during pregnancy.
- A cherry drink maintains a normal level of glucose in the blood and protects against the development of gestational diabetes. The disease can develop in pregnant women during gestation, and in 4% of women, it appears after childbirth.
- Juice from ripe cherries contains a lot of water, so it perfectly quenches thirst, eliminates fatigue and gives energy to future mothers. Since it is saturated with potassium, it helps to regulate the water-salt balance and blood pressure. Cherry contains melatonin, which fights insomnia during pregnancy.
- Cherry contains vitamin C, which strengthens the blood vessels, which experience a double load during pregnancy, as they deliver the mother's blood to the fetus. Antioxidants contained in it, protect the nerve cells of the unborn child and positively affect the development of all organs and systems.
Rosehip juice
This vegetable decoction, which can replace most drugs. Berry berries contain 50 times more vitamin C than lemon. Rosehip ripens at a time when the body is exposed to colds, that is, late autumn. Since the immunity of a pregnant woman is weakened, the dog rose juice is an excellent prevention of colds. The drink strengthens the woman's immune system, lowers cholesterol in the blood, improves the liver and endocrine system. It removes harmful toxins from the body and protects against allergens.
- It has a sour taste that allows you to cope with the symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy. Berries contain many useful substances, so it is recommended to grind them and add them to the drink.
- But boil the dogrose is impossible, as high temperatures kill most of the vitamins and nutrients of the berry. For its preparation it is best to use boiling water, pour the berries and insist 6-7 hours. The resulting broth must be filtered from the mustache of the berry, since they can provoke the itching in the throat.
- In addition to juice of dogrose during pregnancy is useful oil from berries of the plant. Both juice and oil have tonic, regenerating, balancing and metabolic properties. This helps to tolerate pregnancy without side effects. Since it has a diuretic effect, it is not recommended to drink it to women with urinary system problems.
- Drinking dog rose is contraindicated to use in kidney diseases, blood flow disorders, lesions of the stomach and liver. Low and high blood pressure is another contraindication to the use of rose hip juice.
Before using a vegetable drink, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. This is due to the fact that in many women, vitaminized plant juices cause allergic reactions and worsen well-being.
Viburnum juice
It is a unique drink with healing properties. Kalina effectively eliminates puffiness, gastritis, constipation, peptic ulcer, tumors, bronchial asthma and other diseases. Berries are used to treat gynecological diseases: ovarian cysts, breast cancer, fibroids and others. Many experts claim that the juice of viburnum during pregnancy is contraindicated. The berries increase the contractile activity of the uterus, which is not very good during the period of gestation. But in the period of childbirth, a glass of soda juice softens painful contractions and relaxes muscles, since the berry has antispasmodic properties.
Contraindications are not dosed, excessive consumption of guarana juice. A diluted drink is not only allowed, but also necessary. A glass of fresh water once a couple of days, strengthen the immune system, restore the deficiency of hemoglobin, relieve the anemia and help with toxicosis. Kalinovy drink during pregnancy is used as a safe anti-inflammatory and vitamin remedy. Kalina relieves of hoarseness and restores vocal cords after the transferred angina. You can consume a drink only after consultation with your doctor.
Lemon juice
This citrus fruit has unique properties that have a contraceptive effect and accelerate metabolism. The composition of the lemon destroys not only the sperm, but also the human immunodeficiency virus. High acidity of lemon nectar effectively destroys spermatozoa and prevents unwanted pregnancy. A teaspoon of lemon juice for one minute completely changes the properties of the ejaculate, makes the spermatozoa inactive and immobile. Lemon juice from pregnancy is considered an alternative method. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to use syringing. But do not forget that it can damage the mucous membrane of the vagina.
In addition to abortive properties, lemon is a natural natural remedy for many diseases. The fruit helps to cope with tooth decay and heartburn during pregnancy. It reduces the increased acidity, relieves constipation, eliminates nausea and symptoms of toxicosis. Citrus is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since it can provoke the aggravation of many diseases, including gastritis. Therefore, before using lemon juice, consult your doctor.
- Lemon juice contains a lot of vitamin C, which in the early stages of pregnancy protects against colds. Since during pregnancy, women are not recommended to use medicinal drugs, lemon acts as an excellent preventive agent.
- Drink from fresh lemons is contraindicated to use with allergies to citrus fruits and with individual intolerance to the fruit. Since in pregnant women the position of the stomach is constantly changing because of the increasing uterus, lemon juice can not only eliminate, but also cause heartburn.
- During pregnancy, women are particularly vulnerable to tooth enamel, so after drinking lemon juice, it is recommended to rinse the mouth or brush your teeth. In some cases with more in the throat, lemon juice increases pain and irritation.
Cowberry juice
A delicious drink that improves the well-being of a future mother. It has diuretic properties and effectively eliminates puffiness, which is very important in the period of gestation. Cowberry drink strengthens the immune system, replenishes the lack of vitamins and microelements in the body. Lingonberry contains carotene and vitamin C, is an excellent antioxidant and removes toxins from the body.
- During pregnancy, cranberry juice helps to cope with iron deficiency anemia and hypertension. The drink is effective with reduced hemoglobin, has a soothing and restorative effect. Cowberry helps in the treatment of cough and colds. It can be used as a means for rinsing the throat and for enhancing the protective properties of the body.
- Cowberry has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antimicrobial action. It relieves of constipation, perfectly soothes and favorably affects the nervous system.
- Cowberry berries do not cause allergic reactions and help cope with skin irritations. But using it, you need to remember the dosage. Due to excessive consumption of the drink, the uterine tone may be increased, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Abuse of cranberries causes diarrhea and loads the kidneys.
Apple-carrot juice
It is a double vitamin cocktail that has a unique taste and composition. It increases appetite, improves the function of the digestive system, is easily absorbed by the body. Such a drink can be drunk during the entire pregnancy, of course, in the absence of contraindications and allergic reactions. Apple-carrot juice tones well, gives a charge of vivacity and energy. The drink saturates the body of the future mother with vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which allows you to maintain good health and mood throughout pregnancy.
Juices during pregnancy amaze with their assortment. A delicious, healthy and nutritious drink can be made from any vegetables, fruits and plants. The main advantage of juices is that they contain only natural ingredients, which is very important for the future mother and her baby. Freshly squeezed fresh juice helps to quench thirst, tones well and acts as a safe preventative for many diseases that are undesirable to treat with medicines. A glass of juice - gives a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day, and this is the most important thing for a pregnant woman and her unborn child.