

Juices in diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2: the benefits and harm

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Healthy nutrition, regular physical activity and often pharmacotherapy are key components of diabetes. The position of the American Diabetic Association (ADA) is that for people with diabetes there is no universal diet. ADA also recognizes the integral role of diet therapy in the general treatment of diabetes and historically recommends that each patient with diabetes actively participate in independent management, training and planning for treatment with his doctor, which includes joint development an individual nutrition plan. [1], [2], [3]

Everyone knows that diabetes mellitus occurs against the background of insufficiency or the absence of insulin production by the pancreas, which is necessary for the absorption of glucose. It plays an important role in human metabolism, is the main source of energy. Overcoming problems with carbohydrate metabolism is carried out by supplying cells with insulin and regulating the uniform intake of carbohydrates, which directly depends on the nutrition. Dietotherapy is the main part of the treatment, so the question arises: is juices in diabetes mellitus?

What juices can be drunk with type 1 and 2 diabetes?

The juices are positioned by us as a useful drink, saturated with many necessary nutrients for the full functioning of the body. And this is true, because in them all the components inherent in the fruits, of which they are made are concentrated in them.

At the same time, they are doubled and easily digestible carbohydrates (sucrose, fructose), strongly lifting the level of glucose in the blood. [4] what to do in this case?

On the shelves of stores, there are a lot of juices packaging from various manufacturers, but the technology for their preparation is such that diabetics should not drink them at all. At first, water is evaporated from them and concentrate is prepared, then their restoration, pasteurization and cooling occur. In the final product that comes to the consumer, there is little useful and a lot of sugar.

Freshly squeezed juices are allowed provided that their volume is obtained from the amount of raw materials recommended by diabetics with a low glycemic index (GI), for example, two apples, one orange, etc. [5 moreover, a recent study showed that the steaming of green leafy vegetables and fruits was associated with the lower danger of the development of diabetes, while the consumption of fruit juices could be associated with an increased risk of diabetes among women. [6]

Tomato juice

Tomatoes are a vegetable of low calorie content, it has a lot of water and few sugars. Tomatoes are very useful for this disease, because they concentrate useful minerals: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, chrome; B vitamins, ascorbic acid; Carotins, antioxidants.

There is more and more evidence that tomato consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases due to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hypotensive effects. [7]

The juice of them, which has not undergone heat treatment, has a beneficial effect on health at the expense of the composition:

  • A bright pigpine pigment is opposed to diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Fitoncides are opposed by inflammation and bacteria;
  • Serotonin regulates the functions of the nervous system;
  • Vitamins B1, B2, with improve metabolism;
  • Calcium makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic, helps to reduce pressure.

In addition, tomato juice cleans the liver, reduces cholesterol, and saturates well. The recommended daily norm of tomato for patients is 300g, it is from such an amount that the drink should be made.

Pomegranate juice

Natural pomegranate juice of ripe berry seeds rich in polyphenols with high antioxidant ability, thanks to which its antidiabetic properties are manifested - it regulates the glycemic indicator. Observing the patients, they established that drinking food with high gi with a drink, blood sugar falls by a third. In limited studies on human and mouse models, it was shown that pomegranate juice has a significant anti-atherogenic, antioxidant, antihypertensive and anti-inflammatory effect. [8]

In addition, there are many other substances that can support the body of a diabetic in a grenade to prevent complications. It has 15 types of amino acids, its tannins are an excellent disinfectant, it fights anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. [9]

They drink it through a tube so as not to damage the tooth enamel. It can harm people with hyperacid gastritis, an ulcer of the stomach. It is important to listen to yourself and try in small portions not on an empty stomach.

Carrot juice

Everyone knows from childhood about the role of carrots for visual acuity. Due to its low energy value, a small carbohydrate content, carrot juice will fit the best in the menu of patients with diabetes.

Such a drink has a beneficial effect on the immune, nervous system, slows down glucose absorption, improves the digestive tract, and helps to purify the body of toxins. The fetus presents a large group of vitamins B, A, K, PP, alpha and beta-carotene, significant mineral composition. The use of carrot juice can protect the cardiovascular system by increasing the general antioxidant status and reducing lipid peroxidation, regardless of any markers of cardiovascular risk. [10]

Nevertheless, diabetics need to know the measure, but it should not exceed 200-250 ml of juice per day.

Apple juice

In nature, there are many different varieties of apples. They are divided by the time of ripening, the degree of sweetness, hardness, juiciness and many other parameters. To obtain juice, useful to diabetics, acidic juicy and ripe fruits are suitable, and there is no need to remove the peel from them, because it contains a lot of useful nutrients.

Freshly prepared apple juice will ensure the need for vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, folic acid, as well as iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. The condition of the skin, hair, nails improves from the drink, the heart muscle, blood vessels are strengthened, the body's protective forces are activated, the intestinal function is regulated, harmful substances are excreted, and hemoglobin increases.

Although apple juice usually contains less phenols than whole apples, it is still a widely consumed source of food antioxidants.

The main class of phytochemicals, usually found in fruits and vegetables, are flavonoids. Apples are a very important source of flavonoids in the diet of people in the USA and in Europe. They are also a good source of antioxidants. Several studies definitely associate the consumption of apples with a reduced risk of cancer, especially lung cancer, [11] He reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, [12] reduce the development of asthma, and also positively affect the general health of the lungs. [13] the high content of quercetin, the main component of the apple peel, reduces the risk of type II diabetes. [14] proven that the use of apples and pears contributes to weight loss in middle-aged women. [15] Part of the protective effect of the apple from cardiovascular diseases can be associated with its potential to reduce cholesterol. [16]

Apples, and especially the apple peel, have strong antioxidant activity and can significantly inhibit the growth of liver cancer and colon cancer. The antioxidant activity of 100 g of apples (about one portion of the apple) is equivalent to approximately 1,500 mg of vitamin C [17] In several studies, it was shown that apples have strong anti-caulifier activity. [18]

Different varieties of apples in different ways affect the proliferation of cancer cells of the liver. At a dose of 50 mg/ml, Fuji apple extracts inhibited the proliferation of HEP G2 cells by 39%, and Red Delicious extracts suppressed cell proliferation by 57%. Apples without peel were much less effective in suppressing the proliferation of the HEP G2 cells compared to apples with the peel, which suggests that the apple peel has significant antiproroliferative activity. [19]

Recently it was found that unpeeled extracts of immature apples actually inhibit the enzymatic activity of cholera toxin depending on the dose. [20]

You should refrain from it in sharp phases of gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer.

Pumpkin juice

It contains several phytocomponents belonging to the categories of alkaloids, flavonoids and palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids. It provides antidiabetic, antioxidant, anticandine, anti-inflammatory and other properties. [21]

The pumpkin tastes sweet and has a high glycemic index. It would seem that this circumstance puts on its consumption, but it turns out that the orange fruit stimulates the production of beta cells involved in the production of its own insulin.

Pumpkin juice has a general recreational effect on the body as a whole, and in particular, it burns fats and helps to lose weight, thanks to pectins, activates intestinal motility and accelerates cleansing of life decay products, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, stimulates the functions of the pancreas, and removes fluid from the body, and is a prophylaxist of the body. Cardiovascular pathologies.

Beetroot juice

The percentage of carbohydrates in beets is second after dietary fibers (6.9% and 12.5%, respectively). This is undesirable, but on the other hand, there is a lot of silicon, chromium, manganese, cobalt, there are potassium, vitamins C, group B, and other useful components in small quantities.

It is recommended for low hemoglobin, to normalize the stool, reduction in pressure. And fresh beetroot juice also has anti-cancer properties, so diabetics do not need to completely abandon it, but only observe the measure (50ml at a time).

Beets are also considered as a promising therapeutic agent for the treatment of a number of clinical pathologies associated with oxidative stress and inflammation. Its components, first of all, betalain pigments, show strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and chemopophylactic activity. The use of beets gives beneficial physiological effects that can lead to an improvement in clinical results in some pathologies, such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes and dementia. [22]

Beetroot juice increases the nitrogen oxide level (No), which performs many functions associated with increased blood flow, gas exchange, mitochondrial biogenesis and efficiency, as well as increased muscle contraction. These improvements regarding biomarkers indicate that the addition of beets can have an ergogenic effect on cardiorespirators. [23]

Immediately after receiving the drink, they do not drink it, but let them stand in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, because it contains volatile substances that cause nausea and vomiting.

Potato juice

Boiled potatoes are also considered food with a high glycemic index due to the high content of rapidly digestible starch, the prolonged consumption of which will increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. [24] White potatoes are also a concentrated source of vitamin C and potassium. [25] Although the potato in prepared form is not included in the list of recommended dishes for diabetes due to the high content of starch, but juice from raw tubers is a healing agent from many diseases.

In folk recipes, it is prescribed to patients with gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, helps with constipation, flatulence, heals pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Its effect on the body of the diabetic is healing, anti-inflammatory, with the exception of severe forms and low acidity of the stomach.

Take it in the morning on an empty stomach in the volume of a quarter of a glass for 2 weeks.

Jerk Jerkin

Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear is a fertile product with this endocrine disease that practically does not require restriction in consumption, they can replace potatoes in the diet. And all thanks to Ilovna in him. The use of inulin does not affect blood sugar and stimulation of insulin secretion, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, obesity and other health conditions associated with high sugar. [26] Inulin is considered a prebiotic who can affect both the composition and / or the activity of microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. [27]

The systematic use of Jerusalem artichoke juice reduces the load on the pancreas, increases protective forces, accelerates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and gradually reduces glycemic indicators.

Before preparing the drink, the fetus is cleaned, grinded with a meat grinder or rubbed on the grater, then squeezed through gauze. You can immediately prepare a glass that is enough for the whole day, and store in a cold place. 15 minutes before eating, a third of the volume is drunk. The treatment course lasts at least a month.

Grape juice

Recently, considerable interest has been focused on biologically active phenolic compounds in grapes, since they have many biological properties, such as antioxidant, cardi-protective, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging and antimicrobial. Studies show that the consumption of products rich in polyphenols improves the health of blood vessels, thereby significantly reducing the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. [28]

Grapes are a sweet berry that does not meet the task of reducing sugar-containing products. His GI, depending on the variety, ranges from 40 to 60 units, which is quite a lot for such patients. Despite all his usefulness to healthy people, diabetics are best abandoned by this drink.

The exception is red grapes, but it is recommended to eat no more than 12 berries per day. It is proved that dark grape juice suppresses the activity of platelets, has anti-agent and antioxidant properties and improves the functions of the vascular endothelium, [29] improves immunity in healthy people of middle age. [30] Flavonoids contained in dark grapes, in particular, concord, are powerful antioxidants that can protect against oxidative stress and reduce the risk of damage to free radicals and chronic diseases. [31]

Cabbage juice

Cabbage juice is a well-known healer of gastrointestinal tract pathologies. And he owes such a reputation as a set of nutrients necessary for the body, including a rare vitamin U, which is a source of the amino acid of methionine - an excellent defender from toxins and free radicals. Vitamin U prevents the development of peptic ulcers caused by histamine. [32]

Red cabbage, among different vegetables, is one of the main sources of anthocyans, is known for its protective role against oxidative stress of the heart and liver, has hypocholesterol, neuroprotective, nephrotrotective and hepatomatic protection. [33], [34] reduces oxidative stress and increases the expression of endothelial No-syntase in blood vessels, providing blood vessels homeostasis. [35]

In addition, without this vitamin, B4 (choline) is not synthesized - a hepatoprotector, a substance that improves the brain activity, from the lack of which the liver occurs, the “poor” cholesterol increases, hypertension occurs, fatigue accumulates, irritability is manifested. The chemopophylactic activity of cabbage against breast cancer has been proven. [36]

In diabetes, cabbage juice is also useful in that it reduces blood sugar, has a diuretic effect, fights constipation, and promotes wound healing.

They drink freshly prepared juice before meals in 20-30 minutes, three times a day, 200 ml in one reception. It is not suitable for suffering colitis, spasms of biliary tract and intestines. Fermented cabbage juice can serve as a useful drink for vegetarians and consumers suffering from lactose allergies. [37]

Burdock juice

Burdock (burdock) is a common weed in our area, so it is not difficult to improve with the help of juice of giant leaves in the summer season. It is more familiar to use it in cosmetology, women use roots to strengthen and beauty of hair.

Pharmacologically found that burdock has hepatoprotective, depagonal, antibacterial, gastrotrotective, antihypoglycemic, antihalipidemic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects. Relieves fatigue, controls body weight, is used as an aphrodisiac. [38]

In the root of the burdock, antidiabetic compounds, active ingredients, antioxidants, which contribute to the improvement of blood circulation to the skin surface, improving the skin condition and healing skin diseases, such as eczema, were found. In the seeds of the burdock, active compounds were found that have anti-inflammatory effects and a strong antiperoliferative effect. In the extract of the leaves, active compounds are highlighted, which can inhibit the growth of microorganisms in the oral cavity. [39] The use of tea from the root of the burdock can affect markers of inflammation and indicators of oxidative stress. [40]

Its positive role in diabetes is very high, especially II type, because it has the ability to reduce blood glucose. Inulin improves the functioning of the pancreas, accelerates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, fatty acids and oils contribute to skin regeneration, phytosterols reduce cholesterol, tannins have antimicrobial and astringent effects, vitamin P favorably affects the peripheral circulatory system, carotene minimizes the threat of eye lesion.

The juice is prepared both from leaves and roots, or you can combine them. Drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach 3 times a day. You can not use pregnant women, during breastfeeding, combined with diuretics.

The most healthy juice for diabetes mellitus

From all of the above, it follows that the most useful juices in diabetes are homemade, freshly squeezed. Many diabetics share their experience and recommend making combined compositions, including greens: cilantro, dill, parsley, basil, celery, etc.

The so-called green cocktails have a reduced sugar level, provide vitamins, fiber, micro- and macroelements.

Another option, suitable for diabetics, the combination of fruit and vegetable juices, as raw materials for the latter, you can use cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, and they should prevail.

It is necessary to experiment with different products, determining suitable taste, while not forgetting to control glucose.

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