Itching all over the body: causes and risk factors
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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A very unpleasant symptom that can bother patients is itching all over the body. At first glance, it may seem that this is a mere trifle that does not require attention. However, this is far from the truth. Itching can be a symptom of a dangerous disease, can indicate that something is wrong in the body. Therefore, if there is a long, systematic itching, which causes discomfort, and significantly reduces the quality of life of a person, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. There is no such a doctor who deals directly with the treatment of itching. However, you can always turn to the district therapist, who will refer to the right specialist, and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Causes of the itching all over
The first step in any diagnosis is to determine the cause. You need to know what is causing the itching all over your body. There can be many causes - from a common irritation, allergic reaction to severe hormonal and immune disorders, of which itching is a symptom.
There are even known cases when severe itching was one of the symptoms of the development of a tumor, malignant neoplasm in the body. Having addressed about itching, in the course of diagnostics a cancerous tumor was diagnosed. The presence of a link between malignant neoplasm and the development of itching is proved by numerous studies. Thus, itching causes numerous changes in various parts of the immune system, in the nonspecific defense of the body, in the hormonal background. All this entails changes in sensitivity and reactivity of the body, increased susceptibility of various receptors to the action of stimuli.
Often itching accompanies radiation sickness, radiation damage to the skin and soft tissues, respectively, develops against the background of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, after prolonged exposure to hormonal factors, some drugs, including antibiotics. Many infectious diseases, qualitative and quantitative changes in the microflora, can entail severe itching. After various cosmetic, plastic and surgical measures, itching often develops. In the postoperative, recovery period, during wound healing, itching is a common phenomenon, as it occurs in connection with the development of reparative processes of the body. Renewal of the skin under the influence of various drugs, peeling, other cosmetic procedures, is one of the main causes of itching. Itching also appears after sensitization, is a standard photoreaction of the body to the effects of ultraviolet light, other types of radiation, is a consequence of edema, sun, chemical or thermal burns, sloughing of dry skin, its renewal.
Dry, sensitive skin is often subject to itching. Under the influence of frost, wind, sudden changes in temperature, the skin can become weathered, cracked, peeling, and this process is often accompanied by severe itching.
Allergies are one of the main reasons for the development of severe itching all over the body. This is due to the numerous changes that occur in the body against the background of an allergic reaction.
Most often itching develops against the background of a delayed-type allergic reaction, when allergy symptoms increase slowly, gradually. The duration of such a reaction can vary from 2 to 14 days. Even if the substance causing the allergic reaction entered the body 2-3 weeks ago, the body may develop a reaction to this substance, which will manifest itself in the form of many symptoms, including itching all over the body.
In response to the introduction of an antigen into the body, an allergic reaction develops - the immune system is activated and the sensitivity of various types of receptors increases. The first line of the body's defense reaction is a rapid response from the immune system - lymphocytes, leukocytes, basophils, neutrophils start to arrive at the place of antigen introduction. All these cellular components provide a reliable defense of the body, and maintain its homeostasis. It is also worth noting that basophils release histamine and other inflammatory factors (mediators) into the focus of inflammatory reaction, which support the inflammatory process.
From the point of view of the body's defense system, the inflammatory process acts as the main factor that provides reliable protection of the organism from the impact of foreign factors, from disruption of the stability and constancy of the internal environment. At the level of the body, the release of histamine, and other mediators, is seen as a reaction that is accompanied by severe itching, swelling, redness (hyperemia), irritation on the surface of the affected area. There may be other symptoms as well.
The more dangerous variant is considered to be an immediate allergic reaction, better known as anaphylaxis. Such a reaction is characterized by immediacy and rapidity of manifestations, and, as a rule, manifests itself about a few minutes, and sometimes even seconds after the antigen enters the body. The reaction is severe, the person's blood pressure drops sharply to a critical level, pupils constrict. A panic attack develops, suffocation, a person often loses consciousness. Sharp slowing of the pulse. Such a condition as anaphylactic shock develops, in which the function of respiratory centers is significantly depressed, the main reflexes are inhibited, the activity of the cerebral cortex is disturbed, the human body is weakly subject to volitional control by consciousness. Often such a state ends in coma. Or fatal outcome (especially if a person is not given timely emergency care). After the attack of anaphylaxis ends, the person is accompanied for quite a long time by a feeling of strong itching all over the body.
The explanation for this phenomenon is quite simple: it is a consequence of all the stress reactions and transformations that the body underwent during the allergic reaction. First of all, it is a sudden release of a large number of hormonal factors and inflammatory mediators. They are released sharply and in large quantities, respectively, homeostasis is disturbed, the normal course of basic physiological processes in the body is disturbed. It is also worth noting that often a person experiences a sharp lack of oxygen and excess carbon dioxide, which leads to the development of hypoxia and hypercapnia. Accordingly, there is destruction of many cells, the development of oxidative stress, significantly impaired repair properties of the body. Both destructive and restorative processes occurring in the body are accompanied by severe itching throughout the body or in some parts of it. [1]
Urticaria is a variant of an allergic skin reaction. It implies the development of a delayed-type allergy. It manifests itself as a local reaction, one of the symptoms of which is severe itching, affecting the whole body or small areas subject to damage. It is worth noting that urticaria is accompanied by a whole complex of immune disorders, implies initial sensitization of the body. That is, increased sensitivity and reactivity of the body, which increases in response to the introduction of antigen (foreign factor) into the body. In addition, urticaria is characterized by a certain level of autoimmune pathology, in which the human immune system can show an excessive level of activity (excessive aggression). As a result, the body's own cells and structures are perceived as genetically foreign, attacked and destroyed by the corresponding cells of the immune system. Often this entails a violation of the basic biochemical cycle, disruption of metabolic processes in the cell, violation of reparative abilities. All this is accompanied by itching.
Urticaria requires mandatory follow-up with an immunologist and allergist, as it is impossible to cure this disease on one's own, and treating individual symptoms, including itching, is ineffective. Adequate correction of the immune status may be required, depending on the immunity indicators, immune status and the current state of the patient. In addition, antihistimine drugs, histamine and other pro-inflammatory receptor blockers that keep the inflammatory process active and stimulate the allergic response are often prescribed. Local symptomatic agents may also be required, aimed directly at relieving the inflammatory response, eliminating itching. [2]
Itching after showering all over your body
The reasons for this can be many. As practice shows, in most cases, itching after showering all over the body occurs for several reasons. Today, water has low indicators, characterized by low quality. It contains a large number of various impurities (chemical components, antibiotics, other antibacterial, purifying agents). All these substances have a negative effect on the skin, especially if the skin is hypersensitive, dry. In addition, water passes through pipes, the quality and performance characteristics of which throughout the CIS leave much to be desired.
Today there is such a phenomenon as water allergy, which is diagnosed more and more often. Especially often this phenomenon is characteristic of young children, newborn period. Today, experts do not recommend bathing newborn babies in water. It is recommended to use special wet baby wipes, at least until the child reaches the age of 1 year. Similarly, people with hypersensitivity, skin irritability, with pronounced dryness, tendency to allergic and skin reactions of various types, it is not recommended to have frequent and prolonged contact with water. After showering, it is recommended to rinse the body with clean filtered water, or a special herbal decoction, and it is also recommended not to wipe the body dry, not to rub, but only lightly blot.
After showering, it is necessary to lubricate the body with special emollient, moisturizing, or even anti-itching products. If the itching is moderate, special cosmetics designed for use after showering are sufficient. If the itching is severe. And does not pass after the use of these means, requires special treatment. Then it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment. Special anti-itching, anti-inflammatory ointments, balms against itching are well suited. May require not only topical agents, but also systemic therapy, including taking medicines orally.
You should also make sure that the itching is not caused by an allergic reaction that occurs in response to cosmetics, shower gels that are used when showering. There are even known cases of allergic reactions to washcloths, towels, and other shower accessories.
Nervous itching all over the body.
On nervous grounds, severe itching all over the body can occur. This phenomenon is far from new, repeatedly described in pediatric, therapeutic, gerontological and psychiatric (neurological) practice. It arises due to the fact that during a nervous reaction, stress, significantly increases sensitivity, reactivity of the body, there is a tendency to develop allergic reactions and inflammatory processes. Appears at almost any age, and can be associated with both situational anxiety of a high level, in which a person is nervous, for example, before an important upcoming event. Also itching all over the body may occur in connection with stable nervous tension, chronic stress, fatigue, overworked oragnismom, increased neuropsychic overstrain, excessive physical, mental and emotional stress. Often such a reaction occurs in connection with character traits, in which a person is prone to excessive worry, anxiety, exaggeration of the importance of problems. Often itching all over the body occurs against the background of psychiatric and neurological diseases, post-traumatic syndrome, depression, emotional burnout syndrome.
Often observed in children and adolescents. For example, a child often has an imbalance of neuropsychic processes associated with the processes of personality formation, personal immaturity, anxiety and neuropsychic tension. There are many concomitant causes underlying it. Nervous reactions that entail itching are caused by imbalance of the autonomic and central nervous system, which in turn is caused by accelerated growth and development of the body, in which the processes of skeletal growth are accelerated, while the circulatory and nervous system does not keep up with the growth of bones.
Accordingly, there is an imbalance, a violation of metabolic processes, which are associated with the emergence of various types of hormonal, immune skin reactions. It is also worth noting that often the reason for the development of itching all over the body is nervous stress, overstrain, psychosis, neurosis, which is quite often observed in childhood. A special category - children's fears. Often itching is observed against the background of worries, stress, excessive emotions, both positive and negative. Often itching all over the body occurs during the period when the child is in the stage of adaptation: when changing the team, the transition from kindergarten to school, when entering kindergarten or school. Quite often it is observed in older children and adolescents in the period of self-development and self-determination, before prom night, before graduation and entrance exams, Olympiads, performances, competitions, contests. With increased mental and physical strain can develop itching all over the body. Often itching develops in first-grade children, as well as in graduates (9th and 11th grade), before important events, activities.
In adolescents, itching is often associated with disorders of nervous and hormonal regulation, which in turn is associated with the transition period, when there is a restructuring and adaptation of the body. During this period, there are various kinds of nervous, mental, physical neoplasms and changes, the hormonal background changes significantly, metabolic processes are disturbed.
Adolescents may experience anxiety and stress, which can also cause severe itching. Especially often these worries appear in girls, and are manifested about their appearance, about interpersonal relationships, relationships with the opposite sex, about first love. In addition, intense mental and physical activity, fatigue, lack of sleep, early rising, can lead to the fact that the teenager has a strong itching all over the body. Often the situation is aggravated by conflicts with peers, misunderstanding in the family, estrangement from parents and adults. [3]
Scabies is a contagious, highly contagious disease, the etiologic factor of which is the scabies mite. It colonizes the surface of the skin, its upper layers. It is transmitted by contact, that is, directly by contact with a sick person or a carrier, as well as through contaminated personal linen, household items. The mite is visualized on the skin with the help of a magnifying glass (magnifying glass), and sometimes visible simply with the naked eye. The main way to confirm the diagnosis is the direct detection of the mite in a scraping from the affected area of the skin. It is also worth noting that an experienced doctor can make a diagnosis only on the basis of the clinical picture. But confirmation of the diagnosis by laboratory methods is necessary due to the fact that a similar clinical picture may have other mites, and in order to select the correct and effective treatment, it is important to correctly differentiate the disease, and determine the causative agent with maximum accuracy.
The main complaint of patients with scabies is a severe intolerable itching, which is often not controlled by drugs and is not amenable to treatment. Especially itching intensifies in the evening and at night, slightly subsides in the morning. Because of this, a person is tormented by constant insomnia. As the disease progresses, nodular rashes gradually appear on the skin, which gradually transform into pronounced blisters, often filled with a specific liquid.
Localized in specific places. Each person may have an individualized location. That is, they are often crowded together in one place. Gradually, as some vesicles descend and new ones appear, traces of scabies mite reproduction become visible on the body: numerous fistulous passages drilled beneath the surface of the skin. The end of this passage. As a rule, ends with a transparent bubble, through which the body of the mite itself (in the form of a small white dot).
It should be understood that scabies is a serious enough disease, which is never self-healing. It is necessary to consult a doctor, and carry out serious treatment, which will not just remove the symptoms, but completely get rid of the mite, prevent the risk of relapses and complications. In addition, it is necessary to completely destroy the eggs of the mite. Treatment is mainly local, but depending on the severity of the pathological process, sometimes a complex, systemic treatment may also be required. Local preparations are various ointments, which include derivatives of balsamic agents, sulfur, as well as various preparations based on sulfur and its derivatives. The third group includes insecticidal and antiparasitic agents, including gels, soaps, creams, ointments. Many folk remedies are also used, which include quite harsh methods and means, such as gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, oil, and other components.
Before application, the patient needs pretreatment for mechanical removal of the mite and its larvae. Bathing, thorough washing, special medicines, preparations are used. As a rule, antiparasitic drugs are rubbed into the skin, or use such a method as lubrication of the affected areas. [4]
Liver diseases
Itching can be caused by various liver diseases. This is due to the fact that the liver performs a very important, detoxification role in the body. Any violation of liver function entails a violation of its detoxification abilities, that is, toxins and poisons that inevitably enter the body, by-products of their own metabolism are not neutralized by the liver, and are not eliminated outside, as it should be normal, but linger in the body, and cause a corresponding reaction.
As a rule, intoxication develops, in which the body is poisoned to a greater or lesser extent by toxins that have not been eliminated and neutralized. Manifestations of intoxication can be quite a lot. One such manifestation is itching, which is explained by increased sensitization of the body, altered reactivity, concomitant hypersensitivity. [5]
Risk factors
The risk group includes people suffering from chronic infectious, parasitic diseases, fungal infestations. A risk factor is considered to be dysbacteriosis (even if it is dysthachteriosis of a mild degree of severity), lesion with skin mites. The risk group includes not only people with disorders of skin microbiocenosis, but also patients with dysbacteriosis and violations of normal microbiocenosis in any biotopes. This is due to the fact that the body is not a set of organs and systems, each of which performs a limited set of functions, but a single integrated system that functions as a whole. Any, even a minimal change in one system, may entail a violation in other systems and subsystems. A separate risk group is people who have returned from hot countries, where there is a risk of parasitic, bacterial invasion.
In the risk group should include all people with acute and chronic kidney disease, liver disease, cancer patients. Especially strong itching is manifested in patients with a marked violation of the functional state of the liver, because in this case sharply impaired anti-intoxication immunity, signs of intoxication develop. The risk group includes all persons with a history of infectious liver lesions, high markers of hepatitis viruses, other hepatotropic viruses. Itching all over the body can appear with cirrhosis of the liver, with stomatitis, erosions and ulcers, bleeding, functional failure.
The risk group also includes patients who have recently undergone surgery, anesthesia, anesthesia, invasive diagnostic measures, and any other procedures that violate the integrity of the skin, superficial layers of the epidermis. This also includes cosmetic procedures and manipulations, plastic surgeries, which are accompanied by work with the skin.
Any structural and functional disorders of internal organs, reduction of immunity, protective and reparative properties of the body, chronic diseases, especially pathologies in decompensation, subcompensation stages. The risk group includes patients who are not vaccinated against the main infections and nosological forms endemic to the area, seriously ill patients, people with poisoning and chronic intoxication, immunodeficiencies and autoimmune aggression, hypersensitivity and sensitization of the body. Itching can be caused by prolonged hormonal therapy, taking hormonal contraceptives.
Also at risk are those who work with substances that can cause irritation and skin itching, or become a cause of intoxication, allergic reaction. Recently, in the structure of morbidity and mortality sharply increased the number of cancer pathology, in connection with which patients receive chemotherapy, radiotherapy. One of the consequences of this antitumor treatment is radiation damage to the skin, which is accompanied by severe itching. Radiation epitheliitis, dermatitis, ulcers and inflammation are accompanied by severe, persistent itching. In the risk group fall not only cancer patients, but also doctors, employees of radiological departments, radiation diagnostic centers, which in the process of work also receive a certain dose of radiation. It is known that radiation has the ability to cumulatively accumulate in the body, and then when a certain threshold of tolerance is reached, signs of radiation damage develop. The initial symptom is usually severe itching.
The risk group also includes persons at risk of liver damage, intoxication, infectious diseases, parasitic infestations. These are employees working with microorganisms, viruses, doctors and medical personnel in contact with infectious patients. The risk group includes employees working with chemicals, reagents, concentrates. This can also include persons in contact with poisons, toxins, organic and inorganic substances, fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, construction and repair materials, glues, paints.
The pathogenesis is based on different processes, depending on what caused the person to develop pruritus, as well as for what reason it has spread throughout the body. The pathogenesis is most often based on a disturbance in the sensitivity and susceptibility of receptors, which entails increased reactivity of the body, increased immune response and excessive excitability of the nervous system. The pathogenesis may vary considerably depending on the cause, and there is also a varying degree of severity of the pathological reaction, which is determined by many factors.
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