Itching all over the body and other symptoms: pimples, redness, fever
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Currently, one of the common pathologies is itching all over the body, which bothers people of different age categories, social strata, gender. It is often quite difficult to determine the cause of pathology. A full comprehensive diagnosis is required. The fact is that itching in most cases is not considered as an independent disease, it is also absent in the ICD. Itching can be considered as one of the symptoms of the disease.
The main symptoms are increasing discomfort, itching, burning in certain areas or all over the body at once. A person is always scratching the affected area, but the itching does not subside, and as a rule, covers more and more areas, spreading throughout the body. With pronounced and prolonged itching, a person can not sleep, becomes anxious, restless, nervous, sometimes even aggressive, tired, sleepless. There is a headache, irritability, decreased efficiency, increased fatigue, drowsiness.
The first signs are discomfort, burning, itching sensations, which first covers certain places and then quickly spreads throughout the body. It may seem that a person is bitten by an insect, or something is constantly pricking and irritating the skin, causing discomfort. Gradually, the symptomatology increases.
Skin itching all over the body without rashes
There can be many reasons - from banal allergies, and ending with the development of persistent hormonal disorders, decreased immunity, intoxication, or the development of acute or chronic diseases of internal organs.
The causes can be diverse, and quite unexpected. For example, such a picture is observed with alcohol abuse, with poisoning with low-quality alcohol, with overeating, with neurosis, with stress, with exposure to smoke, bonfire during a fire or picnic, and so on. Often itching appears during pregnancy, menstruation, during lactation, in the so-called "crisis periods" of mother and child, in the post-menopause and senile period. Itching may well be psychological in nature, for example, may be caused by old memories, painful sensations, psychological trauma, stress, post-traumatic syndrome, and other feelings projected onto bodily sensations. In such a case, the help of a psychologist, psychotherapist may be required. Gestalt therapy, body-oriented therapy, dance therapy, and other types of work with the mind, body, and psyche can give good results.
Such skin itching without rashes, but spreading throughout the body, may indicate liver damage, which reduces the anti-intoxication immunity, anti-intoxication properties of the liver. This leads to the development of poisoning, signs of intoxication of varying degrees of severity. Itching may indicate the development of endogenous intoxication, which develops, for example, due to the fact that the liver does not cope with the neutralization of toxins, metabolites, as well as due to the fact that the accumulation of bacterial metabolites from both normal and pathogenic microflora. In addition, banal poisoning by chemicals, gases, poor-quality products, and even the accumulation of slag in the body, can entail intoxication. In the case of poisoning, the pathogenesis is based on the development of intoxication, damage to blood cells, liver, destruction of red blood cells, the development of inflammation.
Quite intensely such itching is manifested all over the body in the event that there was mechanical, thermal or chemical damage to the skin. For example, sunburn, chemical burn, and even the usual use of cosmetic masks, pilling, scrubs, can lead to the development of itching. Often the cause of itching is a tanning bed. Many have itching and after natural sun exposure, because at the micro level, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can lead to the development of photo burn, photosensitization, or destruction of tissue and intercellular space at the tissue level, which manifests itself in the form of severe itching (and other symptoms).
Itchy skin all over the body for no reason
As we know, itching cannot occur without a reason, especially not all over the body. Even if at first glance it may seem that there is no cause, it still exists. The cause may be hidden, the pathology may be latent. It is worth noting that often the cause of itching is in the damage at the cellular tissue level, so it gives the deceptive impression that itching developed spontaneously and without reason. A characteristic feature is that, in fact, the causes of itching are quite a lot, and often those pathologies that develop in the body are not associated with the occurrence of itching.
In most cases, itching occurs against the background of a general change in biochemical indicators, the state of immunity, with hypersensitivity, hyperresponsiveness, excessive sensitization of the body. Itching can develop due to improper nutrition, lack of vitamins in the body, or, conversely, as a result of hypervitaminosis, with a lack or excess of certain nutrients, amino acids.
Itching and rashes all over the body
One of the most common complaints a dermatologist has to deal with is itching and rashes spreading all over the body. It should be noted that they can appear against the background of any diseases of the skin, internal organs, against infectious, invasive diseases, and spontaneously, without any apparent causes and predisposing factors. It is also worth noting that itching and rashes often appear against the background of the impact on the skin of various exogenous factors, whether it is mechanical damage, chemicals, various types of radiation, drugs or cosmetics.
Often itching all over the body, spots appear against the background of allergic reactions, inflammatory and infectious skin diseases, in adolescence. Similarly, urticaria, rubella, chicken pox can be manifested, so you need to clearly understand the characteristics of the spots, and be able to differentiate one type of spots from others. This is often the basis of differential diagnosis.
Red spots
It is impossible to unambiguously answer why red spots appear on the body. It is necessary to know exactly for what reason they developed, which is the basis of pathogenesis. Red spots can appear on the background of chicken pox, rubella, mumps. They can accompany many infectious diseases, including venereal diseases. Red spots often appear in children, in adolescence due to peculiarities of immunity, lack of formation of microflora. In addition, red spots can be a sign of various diseases, for example, may indicate the development of some pathologies of the liver, on violations of the functional state of the kidneys. These may be spots of allergic genesis, or spots caused by a vascular reaction (microcirculatory disorders, mild thrombosis, phlebological disorders). In any case, if you are worried about itching all over the body, before you start any treatment, you need to consult a specialist, because without knowing the cause, it is impossible to cure any pathology.
Pimples often occur in childhood and adolescence. They may be due to a number of reasons: disruption of the hormonal background, restructuring (adaptation) of the body, increased physical, mental and mental stress on the body. Pimples can be dry and wet, single and multiple. Some pimples can itch a lot. But their danger is that pimples can not scratch, because you can break the integrity of the skin, infection will get in, and then in place of the pimple will develop inflammation, pus accumulate, which is often difficult to cure, stop.
It is also worth noting that many pimples spread rather quickly all over the body, so they should never be scratched. The cause of pimples in most cases is a bacterial or viral infection, as well as reduced immunity. All this contributes to a violation of the function of the skin layer, follicle, as a result of which an inflammatory process develops. When treating pimples, it is recommended to use medicines, but not cosmetics, since the latter only mask the pathology, but do not eliminate it. The exception is a special therapeutic cosmetics.
Often redness appears on the skin, without visible rashes or pimples. Such redness can be very itchy, but may not bother a person in any way. There may be many reasons for such a rash. It can be an allergic reaction, inflammatory process, contamination of the skin with its subsequent infection and the development of an infectious process. Redness can appear as a result of mechanical irritation of the skin, heat or chemical burns, as a result of an allergic reaction, intoxication. Redness, skin rashes, irritation, itching, often develop in the human body against the background of dysbacteriosis, bacterial, fungal infection. Another cause of redness may be a decrease in immunity, disruption of the hormonal background, microcirculation, colonization resistance of the skin. The cause may be a viral infection, which is activated against the background of reduced immunity.
Intermittent itching all over the body
If you are bothered by periodic itching all over the body, it is recommended to undergo a diagnosis and determine the exact cause, the exact circumstances under which this itching occurs. It is important to determine under what conditions the itching increases and under what conditions itching decreases. It is best to start with a consultation with a dermatologist. He will conduct a basic examination, and will say what caused the development of pathology. If necessary, the appropriate treatment will be prescribed. The basis of diagnosis is differentiation in the first place, the determination of the etiological (causative factor).
Bacteriologic examination and virologic diagnostics are mandatory. First, this is due to the fact that in the vast majority of cases, the etiologic factor is a bacterial or viral infection. Secondly, if there is a persistent infection in the body, especially in the skin, it is an aggravating factor that complicates treatment, aggravates the anamnesis, delays recovery, negatively affects the outcome of the disease. Often from itching, which periodically occurs over the body, it is impossible to completely get rid of, since the chronic course of this pathology is supported by a persistent viral or bacterial load. In this regard, antibiotic therapy, antiviral therapy is often prescribed.
Additional methods may include microscopic examination and scraping. Microscopy will help to identify the virus itself, or allow you to study the cytologic features of the skin from the area that is pruritic. Often examined for skin mites (demodex).
Severe itching all over the body
If you are concerned about itching all over your body, there may be many reasons. It is impossible to say exactly what caused the itching, because in each case the causes are strictly individual. It can be not only skin diseases, but also allergic reactions, inflammation, intoxication, chemical and mechanical damage. Usually treatment is prescribed after the cause is determined. The most effective treatment is considered etiologic, that is, the treatment that is aimed at eliminating the pathological process and the very cause that caused it. It is worth starting with a visit to a dermatologist, he will tell the plan of further actions.
Sharp itching all over the body
As the basic first line of defense, there is a certain set of medications that can be used for temporary relief. But it should be understood that it is impossible to use these means for a long time. Therefore, at the first opportunity, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, undergo an examination, and already choose the treatment that will be required in each specific situation. Let's consider the main drugs used to treat sharp sharp itching all over the body:
- anaferon, cycloferon, acyclovir (antiviral agents) - a tablet 1-3 times a day, at least 7-10 days.
- amoxiclav, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, azitrox (antibiotics) - one tablet (500 mg), for 3 days.
- Suprastin, diazolin, loratodine, loran, agistam, diclofenac, tavegil - antihistamines, anti-allergic agents, reduce sensitization, allergenization of the body (according to the instruction) - up to 7 days.
- enterosgel, smecta, polysorb, multisorb (sorbents, eliminates intoxication of the body) - according to the instructions, at least 28 days.
- levomycetin ointment, curiosin, cinquefoil, chondroxide, livestock, zinc ointment, salicylic ointment - local remedies, rubbed directly into the site of itching. Up to 14 days.
Night itching all over the body
Often there is a situation in which itching all over the body manifests itself mainly in the evening. This is due to many reasons, including the peculiarities of perception. As a rule, by evening, the body is tired, relaxed, and begins to more acutely perceive those factors that in the daytime may seem to him unimportant. Even the weakest itching, barely perceptible during the day, at night can be perceived as a strong, irritating factor. Night itching all over the body, as a rule, gives people a lot of discomfort. First of all, a person can not sleep, anxiety, irritability increases, as a result of which a person becomes nervous, overexcited, sleepless. Prolonged night itching significantly limits the ability to work and endurance of the body, knocking a person out of balance, can become the cause of neurosis, psychosis.
Taking an evening relaxing bath, an aromatherapy session before bedtime, will help to relax and reduce itching. Water itself will usually significantly reduce any inflammation and irritation.
Itching and tingling all over the body.
If you are concerned about itching and tingling all over the body, it is better not to waste time, and go to the nearest medical and preventive institution to provide qualified medical care. It is worth undergoing a comprehensive diagnosis, which will show the cause of pathology, and will allow you to select the appropriate treatment. It is very problematic to say exactly what exactly will be included in the diagnosis, what tests will be needed, since often the diagnosis of such conditions is very diverse.
During diagnosis, it is important to determine the cause of the pathology, because further treatment depends on it. It is also important in the course of diagnosis to determine in which organ system the pathology is observed, what is the severity of the pathology, how long ago it occurred. For this purpose, various methods are used.
These can be standard clinical methods of investigation, such as clinical analysis of blood, urine. It is prescribed according to a standard protocol for almost all pathologies, by right we can call this method universal. They are very informative and can have an important diagnostic significance, allow you to clearly define the boundaries and directions of further research. This allows you to avoid unnecessary tests, and prescribe an accurate diagnosis. Often used scrapings from the skin, mucous membranes. Usually after taking the material, taking a scraping for examination, its microscopic and cytologic (histologic) examination is carried out.
Biochemical blood analysis can be very informative in assessing the state of the body as a whole, in assessing the function of major organs and systems. Any pathology is first of all reflected in the blood biochemistry. With inflammation, neoplasm, other processes, markers of this process appear in the blood quite quickly and they can be detected during the analysis. Immunologic analysis (immunogram), can show the state of the immune system. If allergic reactions are suspected, allergy tests are used. If a bacterial infection is suspected, a bacteriologic test is performed.
In the course of instrumental diagnosis, such methods as rheography, ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI, and other methods are used. Differential diagnostics is also important, the essence of which is to differentiate the signs of one disease from the signs of another, similar disease.
Itching all over the body and fever
Such itching can indicate various pathologies. Most often, the temperature is a sign of the development of inflammatory processes. Temperature can rise with the development of bacterial infection, as well as with parasitic infestation. In addition, itching and fever may be accompanied by rehabilitation, recovery processes, especially those associated with fractures, burns, violation of the integrity of the skin. In this case, it is advisable not to wait, and as soon as possible to see a doctor, because the temperature indicates serious transformations in the body.
It is worth noting that fever can accompany many severe infectious, inflammatory, allergic, and even oncologic processes. Therefore, it is better not to wait, and immediately undergo diagnosis to determine the cause, and undergo appropriate treatment. Of course, you can always drink painkillers and antipyretics, but you need to realize that this is not the way out. It will not solve the problem, but only disguises it. In addition, there is a risk of transition of the acute form of pathology into a chronic one.
Blisters all over the body and itching.
Blisters may indicate the development of purulent process, accumulation of exudate in the blister, inflammatory infiltrate. A blister can be a sign of many infectious diseases, such as chickenpox, rubella, measles, mumps. It can be a secondary sign of allergic disorders. Blisters can also occur in autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus.
In any case, you should not delay in seeing a doctor. It is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. And undergo a comprehensive examination, which will show the cause. Diagnosis of blisters is usually based on the clinical picture, pathogenesis of pathology. Less often you may need swabs, instrumental methods of research. Any blister is quite easily noticeable with the usual visualization of the skin by a dermatologist, even without the use of auxiliary tools. You can examine its features in detail with the help of a magnifying glass.
A blister is often a cavity with liquid contents (pus). Pus accumulates in the cavity and cannot get out. In this case, the inflammatory process progresses, the infection spreads, itching occurs, and blisters spread all over the body.
A ruptured blister is also quite easy to diagnose based on the clinical picture, visual inspection. The pathogenesis is based on the violation of the integrity of the blister, tissue damage, rupture of the cavity itself, from which pus flows out, sometimes bloody discharge. Dried blood. Also, the pathological process is accompanied by increased sensitivity, itching. There may be an increase in body temperature.
Often blisters are accompanied by concomitant swelling of soft tissues, inflammation, which significantly increases pain sensations. The pathological process often involves the nearest lymph nodes and surrounding tissues.
If the examination is not enough, the doctor will prescribe appropriate auxiliary methods of examination, or consultations with other specialists.
Swelling and itching all over the body
In most cases, edema indicates impaired kidney function, and the urinary system as a whole. Swelling can also be a sign of poor circulation, microcirculation, stagnation of blood and lymph. And the third, no less common cause of edema - allergic reaction. Other reasons for the development of swelling and itching all over the body are not excluded. Therefore, the best option is to visit a doctor to undergo a diagnostic test and determine the cause of itching. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will be able to choose a treatment.
In general, the methods of treatment are very diverse, and are determined primarily by the cause of itching. Of drug therapy is used mainly antiviral and antibacterial therapy to exclude viral and bacterial infection, which, even if not a direct cause of itching. In most cases, it is a contributing factor. Appoint a broad-spectrum antibiotics that are active against a wide range of microorganisms, including protozoa. Quite well established themselves various ointments for topical application, as well as lotions, balms for application to the skin. They enhance systemic therapy, having a local effect.
Dry skin and itching all over the body
Dry skin is usually associated with a lack of moisture in the body, as well as a deficiency of vitamins A and E. If you have increased dryness of the skin, itching all over the body usually becomes a concomitant pathology. It is important to approach the problem comprehensively. It is worth seeing a doctor, and determine the cause of itching and dryness, and take measures to eliminate these causes. There can be many causes - from ordinary irritation, allergic reaction to severe hormonal and immune disorders.
Many infectious diseases, changes in microflora, can cause severe itching. Itching often develops after various cosmetic, procedures and cosmetic products. Itching is often observed in smokers, both active and passive. Dry skin and itching are aggravated by frost, wind, sudden changes in temperature.
Wandering unexplained itching all over the body
If you are faced with such an incomprehensible phenomenon as wandering itching all over the body, you need to listen to your sensations, and try to determine when, at what time of day the itching appears and subsides. When it intensifies, when it subsides, what factors contribute to this. This can be an important diagnostic criterion. Often such itching is observed against the background of stress, neuropsychic overstrain, fear, anxiety, worry. The best remedy is to relax the body.
A bath with aromatic oils, herbal decoctions, essential oils, salts and bath foams will help you relax. After a long day of work, they will allow you to fully relax, let go of feelings, give free rein to emotions, feel your body, enjoy it and allow yourself some time to be alone with yourself, finding harmony between your own body, business and thoughts. Only being in harmony, a person stops perceiving unnecessary disturbing factors, and directs all his energy to the discovery of his inner potential and to a full-fledged rest, preparing for the next day of work. In the conditions of modern society with its tension and rapidity, itching all over the body often occurs precisely on the nervous ground, due to lack of rest, physical and mental rehabilitation. We simply exhaust our body, forgetting to restore it. Itching in this case is often a sign of exhaustion of the nervous system, as a result of which it becomes hypersensitive and susceptible.
Unpleasant constant, unremitting itching all over the body
If you are quite tired of unpleasant, constant, incessant itching, which spreads throughout the body, it is worth consulting not only a dermatologist, but also a psychologist. The fact is that itching is a powerful irritant factor that forces a person to be in constant tension, does not give him the opportunity to relax and rest. This exhausts the nervous system, and subsequently may develop neurosis, psychosis, and even psychosomatic disease. In addition to the main treatment, which will prescribe a doctor-dermatologist, do not do without meditation, special relaxation practices. May require special exercises aimed at distraction, concentration of attention. Quite effective breathing exercises, sessions of relaxing massage, aromatherapy, music therapy.
Itching all over the body in winter
Itching all over the body is most often reported by people with hypersensitive skin. And also people with dry skin. Such people are prone to an increased reaction to tactile sensations, their skin is thin and sensitive. As a rule, the superficial vessels of the skin are located close to the skin surface, are characterized by high sensitivity and reactivity. The skin reacts to changes in temperature and pressure, to cold, wind, snow, frost. When going outdoors (about 30 minutes before going out), it is recommended to apply a thin layer of special frost protection cream to the skin. In windy weather, it is recommended to apply a cream that protects against wind. At home, it is recommended to apply a day cream in the morning and a night cream in the evening. It is also recommended to use nourishing masks, gammage. Scrubs and alcohol-containing lotions are not recommended.
Itching all over the baby's body
If the child has itching all over the body, it is advisable to drink an antihistamine, for example, suprastin, even if you do not know what is the cause of the pathology. It is recommended to drink 1 tablet. If within half an hour the itching has not completely passed, you need to drink another tablet. Suprastin belongs to antihistamines, and its mechanism of action is that it blocks the production of histamine by mast cells, thereby preventing swelling and inflammation.
Any itching is always accompanied by the development of a focus of inflammation, and as the first mediator that supports this inflammatory process is histamine. Thus, this drug competes with histamine for active receptors. If an antihistamine, which is histamine, is added to the histamine receptors instead of histamine, the opposite effect will occur. The action of histamine will begin to be blocked, as a result of which the inflammation will quickly subside.
Suprastin will quickly relieve itching, inflammation, and then you can deal with it, find out the cause of the pathology. It is recommended to undergo diagnostics, and determine the cause, because without this treatment can be prolonged, and not always effective.
Itching all over the body in pregnancy
The main reason for the development of itching all over the body during pregnancy, is intoxication of the body, as well as a sharp release of histamine. In the body of a pregnant woman there are various restructuring, the body rebuilds its structure and functions, the hormonal background changes dramatically. In addition, immunity decreases and the normal microflora changes. The skin is subjected to stretching, especially on the abdomen. In addition, there is an increase in sensitivity and reactivity, sensitization of the body. The nervous system also experiences increased reactivity. All this entails itching.
Postpartum itching all over my body
Many women, especially first-time mothers, notice that some time after childbirth, there is itching all over the body. The exact causes of this phenomenon have not been fully elucidated, nor are the exact mechanisms of this phenomenon known. In the literature there is information that indicates that the postpartum period is accompanied by recovery and renewal of the body, as a result of which the itching develops. In addition, the body undergoes complex biochemical processes, significantly increases sensitization and sensitivity of the body. Itching occurs. In addition, there is evidence that lactic acid, which is part of milk, can also cause itching.
Read also
- Itching all over the body: causes and risk factors
- Itching all over the body: diagnosis, treatment
- Pills to relieve itching: body skin, intimate areas, allergies
Consequences and complications
Consequences and complications can accompany even such an innocuous phenomenon as itching all over the body. It turns out that, under certain circumstances, itching can cause the development of serious pathology. For example, it can be a sign of intoxication, infection, oncological, inflammatory process. If you do not pay attention to this condition in time, the consequences can be serious, up to lethal outcome. No less dangerous are the consequences of hormonal disorders, immunity, microflora, internal intoxication of the body.